7th Tcl/Tk Conference, 2000   
[Technical Program]
Roberto Canonico, Maurizio D'Arienzo, Simon Pietro Romano, and Giorgio Ventre Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Università
di Napoli "Federico II", Napoli, Italy
Abstract A number of distributed applications require communication services with Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. Among the actions undertaken by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) with regard to the end-to-end QoS provisioning issue in the Internet, the definition of the Integrated Services (IntServ) framework plays a major role. According to this model, applications need to interact with network routers by means of a signalling protocol, RSVP. Even though special-purpose APIs have been defined to let applications negotiate QoS parameters across RSVP-capable networks, the integration of QoS negotiation mechanisms in the applications still remains an open issue. In modern programming, the Tcl scripting language plays a significant role, as it enables fast system prototyping by gluing basic components to build complex applications. In this paper we present QTcl, an extension of Tcl-DP which provides programmers with a new set of primitives, fully compliant with the SCRAPI programming interface for RSVP. We also present how QTcl has been used in an advanced VoD application to setup reservations in an IntServ network. 1. Introduction Building global-scale distributed systems with predictable properties is one of the great challenges for computer systems engineering in the new century. Quality of Service (QoS) requirements will be critical for a large number of these systems, in particular for distributed applications whose performance depends mainly on the characteristics of the communication service provided by the networking infrastructure [1]. The global network par excellence is the Internet, with millions of users spread world-wide. Communication on the Internet is based on the connectionless IP protocol, which offers only a best-effort service. Hence, a great effort has been made in the past years to provide advanced communication services with QoS guarantees in IP-based networks. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has defined an Integrated Services (IntServ) [2] framework to provide a service model that includes best-effort service, real-time service and controlled link sharing. According to this model, applications can, with the help of an appropriate signalling protocol like RSVP (Resource reSerVation Protocol) [3], request communication services with bounds on communication throughput or end-to-end latency. To do so, network routers need to implement special resource management policies and packet scheduling algorithms. However, to build distributed systems which benefit from the advantages of new networking services, we need to design QoS-aware applications, i.e. applications that know exactly their communication requirements and are able to interact with the network to negotiate the quality of the communication service. Hence, the need of defining ad-hoc APIs, which let applications issue per-stream resource reservations. A large number of applications, in particular multimedia applications, consist of a set of pre-existing components (building blocks) glued together by a common GUI. To develop applications of this kind, scripting languages have proved to be better suited than system programming languages [4]. It is then reasonable to provide support for QoS into modern scripting languages. In this paper we present QTcl, an extension of Cornell's Tcl-DP. QTcl extends the Tcl-DP interpreter by providing a set of new commands, according to the SCRAPI application programming interface, defined by the IETF [5]. This API conforms to a simplified model, in order to reduce the complexity of the development of new QoS-aware applications. The rest of the paper is organised as follows. In section 2 we briefly describe the IntServ model and the SCRAPI programming interface. In section 3 we present QTcl and the set of new commands. We show the use of QTcl commands in a simple application in section 4. In section 5 we illustrate how we have implemented QTcl, as an extension to Cornell's Tcl-DP. Finally, in section 6 we present a distributed VoD application, which uses QTcl to protect its data flows in a QoS-enabled internetwork. 2. QoS in the Internet IP has been playing for several years the most important role in global internetworking. Its connectionless nature has proved to be one of the keys of its success. Based on this assumption, the IETF Integrated Services working group has specified a control QoS framework [2] in order to provide new applications with the appropriate support. Such a framework proposes an extension to the Internet architecture and protocols which aims at making broadly available integrated services across the Internet. The key assumption on which the reference model for integrated services is built is that network resources (first of all its bandwidth) must be explicitly managed in order to meet application requirements. The overall goal in a real-time service, in fact, is that of satisfying a given set of application-specific requirements, and it seems clear that guarantees are hardly achieved without reservations. Thus, resource reservation and admission control will be playing an extremely important role in the global framework. The new element that arises in this context, with respect to the old (non-real-time) Internet model, is the need to maintain flow-specific state in the routers, which must now be capable to take an active part in the reservation process. Based on these considerations, the components included in the reference framework are a packet scheduler, an admission control module, a packet classifier and an appropriate reservation setup protocol. The first three modules together form the traffic control interface of the router. The reservation setup protocol is needed to create and manage state information along the whole path that a specific flow crosses between two network end-points. One of the features required to such a protocol is that of carrying the so-called FLOWSPEC object, that is a list of parameters specifying the desired QoS needed by an application. At each intermediate network element along a specified path, this object is passed to admission control to test for acceptability and, in the case that the request may be satisfied, used to appropriately parameterize the packet scheduler [6]. RSVP [3] is the resource reservation protocol recommended by IntServ. Data treated by RSVP are of three natures, according to the entity that supplies them (sender and receiver) or modifies them (intermediate network elements). The information supplied by each sender, and conveyed in the SENDER_TSPEC object, concerns the type of traffic that it is going to generate. Receivers provide FLOWSPEC objects, which are built of two parts, RECEIVER_TSPEC and RECEIVER_RSPEC (both contained into a message called RESV). The former contains the traffic description the resource reservation should apply to, while the latter carries the service class to be used and the corresponding quality of service parameters. Intermediate network elements, in turn, provide additional information such as available services, delay and bandwidth estimates, and additional service specific parameters. This information is contained in ADSPEC objects, and is used by the receivers to choose a service and determine the reservation parameters. ADSPEC and SENDER_TSPEC objects are both contained into a PATH message. Figure 1 shows the use of the defined messages during the resource reservation phase. IntServ service classes define a framework for specifying services provided by network elements and available to applications, in an internetwork capable of offering multiple, dynamically selectable qualities of service. So far, two different service classes have been defined: Guaranteed Service (GS) [7] and Controlled Load (CL) [8]. In both cases, it is required that the sender provides, in TSPEC objects, a description of the traffic it is going to generate. Since traffic patterns are complex to describe, a worst case characterisation is provided (traffic envelope), according to a token bucket model [9]. Relevant parameters are the following:
A (t) = min (b + r t, M + p t), t ³ 0 Controlled Load (CL) service, on the other hand, may be thought of as a "controlled best-effort" service, i.e. a service with the same characteristics of a best-effort delivery over a not overloaded network. To avoid QoS degradation when the network load increases, CL relies upon admission control algorithms. CL is best suited to applications that have been developed taking into account the limitations of today's Internet, but are highly susceptible to overloaded conditions. A typical example is given by adaptive real-time applications, which have proved to work well when there is little or no load on the network. 2.1. QoS programming interfaces In the framework we just depicted, the IETF has defined RAPI [10], an API compliant with the RSVP Functional Specification [3]. It is a user-level library written in C, which can be used by applications aiming at exploiting the QoS functionalities made available by a network reservation protocol like RSVP. RAPI calls let an application interact with a local RSVP daemon process, in order to establish a communication with QoS guarantees. The RAPI interface is a first step towards the integration of communication services with QoS guarantees into applications; yet, its use is somewhat complex, since the application programmer must be aware of a number of parameters concerning the reservation. To cope with such problems, the IETF has proposed a simpler programming interface, layered on top of the RAPI and called SCRAPI [5]. SCRAPI provides only three functions:
SCRAPI differs from RAPI especially in the error-handling model. While RAPI requires the application programmer to implement a set of upcall routines, to handle asynchronous events and errors, this is not required anymore when using SCRAPI. Upcalls are replaced by a simplified "three colours" error model, which makes use of three different values (red, yellow, green), whose combinations let the application know the state of a reservation at a given instant in time. A reservation is said to be in the RED status if the transmission of PATH messages from the sender has not started yet, or PATH messages have not arrived at the respective receiver yet, or the system is currently in an error state. A YELLOW state indicates that a valid PATH message flow is present, but reservations have not been made by receivers. The transition to the GREEN state happens when the reservation is accepted. This strategy leads to a "light-weight" model, even if it imposes a number of constraints on the QoS negotiation process. The service model used by the simplified interface builds the required RSVP objects in a way that is transparent to the end user. In particular, the object SENDER_TSPEC T: [ token_bucket_rate token_bucket_depth min_policed_unit max_datagram_size ] is created based on the following assumptions:
3. QTcl API The SCRAPI programming interface has already been implemented as a C library, and used in modified Mbone tools. A support for QoS communication in Tcl applications, instead, was not available. Since we wanted to implement in Tcl a QoS-aware application for the distribution of multimedia documents, we have developed QTcl, an extension of the Tcl scripting language which implements the SCRAPI interface. QTcl provides the Tcl programmer with a set of new commands to create reservations in an RSVP-enabled internetwork. The new commands are shown below:
The bandwidth parameter must be expressed in Bytes/sec. The service parameter can be one of the following two values: cl indicating Controlled Load or gs indicating Guaranteed Service. Finally, the protocol parameter can be either tcp or udp. dp_scrapiSender opens an RSVP session and starts PATH message transmission from source host to destination host. PATH messages are refreshed every 30 seconds. dp_scrapiReceiver is invoked by a receiver in order to make a reservation request. The receiver specifies the desired QoS and class of service (Guaranteed Service or Controlled Load) according to the information contained into the PATH message. This request is forwarded to the sender across the network via a RESV message. After sending a RESV, the receiver waits for a confirmation of successful reservation from the sender for at most 10 seconds, as set by a specific timer; however, even in case of timer expiration the reservation process will go on. dp_scrapiStatus allows to verify the current status of a session, according to the simplified error model available in the SCRAPI interface, i.e. it returns a RED, YELLOW or GREEN value according to the status of the RSVP session. dp_scrapiClose is the function called to tear down an RSVP session, both in reception and in transmission. 4. A simple QTcl application Figure 4 shows
a simple application made of a sender process and a receiver process. The
two processes should be executed on different hosts connected by an RSVP-enabled
internetwork. The sender process invokes the dp_scrapiSender
command, to start the transmission of PATH messages and then waits
in a loop until the reservation is completed. The receiver process, instead,
issues the dp_scrapiReceiver
command to start the transmission of RESV messages and waits for
the reservation to be completed. As soon as the reservation is completed,
the sender starts transmitting UDP messages, 1480 bytes in length. The
receiver, in turn, measures the time needed to receive a number N of such
messages and estimates the received throughput. This simple application
can be tested in order to verify that the achieved throughput is independent
from the network conditions, as long as the routers implement an IntServ
Guaranteed Service.
5. QTcl implementation QTcl has been conceived as a tool for supporting the development of distributed applications with simple QoS requirements. As we did not want to reinvent the wheel, we felt that some useful features were already available in the Tcl-DP extension, developed at Cornell University [11]. In particular, we found the dp_RPC mechanism particularly suitable to support the receiver-initiated reservation mechanism of RSVP. Hence, QTcl has been developed starting from the original Tcl-DP source distribution. We then extended the Tcl interpreter by creating a set of C functions that implement the SCRAPI primitives. Notice that SCRAPI is only a programming interface to access the RSVP service, which must be implemented by a proper operating system module. In UNIX-like systems, this is usually a daemon process, which runs with root privileges in the end systems. Our current implementation of QTcl is available for the SUN Solaris, FreeBSD and Linux operating systems. For these systems, an RSVP implementation is provided by ISI [12]. As for the Microsoft Windows operating systems, the implementation of QTcl is not straightforward, due to the different semantic of the Microsoft RSVP-API implemented as part of their Winsock2 API. However, we are currently investigating the possibility of undertaking the port of QTcl for this platform. Figure 5 shows the global picture of a UNIX host running a QTcl application and interacting with an RSVP-enabled router. Our latest version of QTcl has been
developed from the release 4.0 of Tcl-DP. Tcl-DP communication services
rely on different transport mechanisms: serial links, TCP, UDP, IP-multicast,
and e-mail. Tcl-DP 4.0 is implemented as a loadable module, i.e. Tcl-DP
commands are made available to the Tcl interpreter by means of the package
The RSVP protocol uses
a receiver initiated approach. The practical consequences of this approach
are different whether the application is based on a multicast or unicast
communication. In a unicast based application (e.g. a Video on Demand system),
a sender does not know in advance the address of the receiver. Hence, it
can start sending PATH messages only after the receiver has declared explicitly
its will of starting a session with resource reservations. To write such
an application, the RPC mechanism provided by the Tcl-DP extension is extremely
useful. Figure 6 provides an example of a unicast-based
client application which uses a combination of the dp_RPC and dp_scrapiSender
primitives to setup a reservation. The dp_RPC primitive invokes on a remote
host a Tcl procedure, ScrapiSndRsv, which, among other things, in turn
invokes the dp_scrapiSender primitive.
6. A QoS-aware distributed multimedia application based on QTcl To show the effectiveness of RSVP bandwidth management in a real application, we added the ability of making network resource reservations to DiVA, a distributed multimedia application developed by our research group. DiVA is capable of playing and controlling remote audio/video documents in streaming mode. Figure 7 shows the relevant data streams produced by the DiVA application among a streaming server host and a client host. In particular, the UDP audio and video streams are transmitted downstream from the server on the right to the client on the left, while two TCP bi-directional streams are used to exchange control (console) and synchronization (LTS) information. We tested the application in a testbed
formed by two different Local Area Networks, connected by means of a WFQ
router implemented in FreeBSD [6]. The router was connected to the first
LAN through a 100 Mb/s Fast Ethernet card and to the second LAN through
a 10 Mb/s Ethernet card. A host in the 10 Mb/s LAN acted as a client, while
another host in the 100Mb/s LAN ran the DiVA video server. Hence, multimedia
traffic flowed through the WFQ router.
In a first experiment, we did not make any reservation for the video/audio streams. In this case, multimedia traffic was not protected from the cross traffic and it had to share packet losses with it. Even though DiVA is capable of adapting the traffic generated to the available bandwidth, it was impossible to obtain a Quality of Service adequate for intelligible video and audio rendering in this case. In a second experiment, we used RSVP
to make a reservation for the flows generated by the video server, while
cross traffic was still served as best effort.
In our prototype, the bandwidth values used to setup reservations for the video and audio streams were determined empirically for each archived document, by observing the traffic produced by the application while streaming it. In a real-world application, these values should be retrieved by the client application in the form of metadata associated to the document. 7. Conclusions An increasing number of distributed applications can benefit from the availability of improved communication services in RSVP-enabled IP internetworks, by acting in a proactive way, instead of passively adapting to the available QoS offered by current best-effort services. We believe that this support is helpful for a wide range of modern distributed applications. In this paper we have presented QTcl, a QoS control API which is compliant with the IETF SCRAPI interface, and has been designed as an extension of the Tcl scripting language. An implementation of QTcl for UNIX-derived operating systems is available on the web at: https://www.grid.unina.it/qtcl. References
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the Special Workshop on Intelligence at the Network Edge,
March 20, 2000, San Francisco, California, USA
Last changed: 11 Feb 2002 ml |