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- 1
Martín Abadi, Michael Burrows, C. Kaufman, and Butler Lampson.
Authentication and Delegation With Smart-cards.
Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software, pages 326-345,
september 1991.
- 2
Department of Defense.
DoD 5200.28-STD: Department of Defense (DoD) Trusted Computer
System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC), 1985.
- 3
Li Gong.
A Security Risk of Depending on Synchronized Clocks.
ACM Operating Systems Review, 26(1), January 1992.
- 4
Arne Helme.
A System for Secure User-controlled Eletronic Transactions.
PhD thesis, Informatica, University of Twente, Enschede, the
Netherlands, August 1997.
- 5
Arne Helme.
SDSIlib API: Tutorial and Programmer's Reference Manual.
In preparation, October 1998.
- 6
Arne Helme and Tage Stabell-Kulų.
Off-Line delegation in a File Repository.
In 1996 DIMACS WorkShop on Trust Management in Networks,
Rutgers University, September 1996.
Work presented at workshop.
- 7
Arne Helme and Tage Stabell-Kulų.
Security Functions for a File Repository.
ACM Operating Systems Review, 31(2):3-8, April 1997.
- 8
Standards Specifications for Public Key Cryptography (P1363, Draft
Version 7).
IEEE Standards Draft, 1997.
- 9
Butler Lampson, Martín Abadi, Michael Burrows, and Edward Wobber.
Authentication in Distributed Systems: Theory and Practice.
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 10(4):265-310, November
- 10
Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, and Scott A. Vanstone.
Handbook of Applied Cryptography.
CRC Series on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications. ACM Press,
October 1996.
- 11
K. Nyberg and R. Rueppel.
A New Signature Scheme Based on the DSA Giving Message Recovery.
In First ACM Conference on Computer and Communications
Security, pages 58-61. ACM Press, 1993.
- 12
Ronald L. Rivest and Butler Lampson.
SDSI--A Simple Distributed Security Infrastructure.
(Version 1.0).
- 13
Tage Stabell-Kulų.
File Repository Transfer Protocol (FRTP).
Technical Report CS-TR 95-21, Department of Computer Science,
University of Tromsų, Norway, 1995.
- 14
Tage Stabell-Kulų and Terje Fallmyr.
User controlled sharing in a variable connected distributed system.
In Proceedings of the seventh IEEE International Workshop on
Enabeling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises
(WETICE'98), pages 250-255, Stanford, California, USA, June 17-19 1998.
IEEE Computer Society.
- 15
J. G. Steiner, B. G. Neumann, and J. I. Schiller.
Kerberos: An Authentication System for Open Network Systems.
In Proceedings of the Winter 1988 Usenix Conference, pages
191-201, February 1988.
- 16
Paul Syverson.
Knowledge, Belief and Semantics in the Analysis of Cryptographic
Journal of Computer Security, 1(3):317-334, 1992.
IOS Press.
- 17
Erik De Win, Antoon Bosselaers, Servaas Vandenberghe, Peter De Gersem, and Joos
A Fast Software Implementation for Arithmetic Operations in
In Kwangjo Kim and Tsutomu Matsumoto, editors, Advances in
Cryptology - ASIACRYPT'91, volume 1163 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 65-76. Springer-Verlag, November 1996.
Tage Stabell-Kulo