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Many services based on Remote Procedure Call (RPC; defined in [Sr95a]) do not listen for requests on a ``well-known'' port, but rather pick an arbitrary port when initialized. They then register this port with a Portmapper service running on the same machine. Only the Portmapper needs to run on a well-known port; when clients want access to the service, they first contact the Portmapper, and it tells them which port they should then contact in order to reach the service. This second port may be for TCP or UDP access (depending on which the client requests from the Portmapper).

Thus, by monitoring Portmapper traffic, we can detect any attempted access to a number of sensitive RPC services, such as NFS and YP, except in cases where the attacker learns the port for those services some other way (e.g., port-scanning).

The Portmapper service is itself built on top of RPC, which in turn uses the XDR External Data Representation Standard [Sr95b]. Furthermore, one can use RPC on top of either TCP or UDP, and typically the Portmapper listens on both a well-known TCP port and a well-known UDP port (both are port 111). Consequently, adding Portmapper analysis to Bro required adding a generic RPC analyzer, TCP- and UDP-specific analyzers to unwrap the different ways in which RPCs are embedded in TCP and UDP packets, an XDR analyzer, and a Portmapper-specific analyzer.

This last generates six pairs of events, one for each request and reply for the six actions the Portmapper supports: a null call; add a binding between a service and a port; remove a binding; look up a binding; dump the entire table of bindings; and both look up a service and call it directly without requiring a second connection. (This last is a monitoring headache because it means any RPC service can potentially be accessed directly through a Portmapper connection.)

Our policy script for Portmapper traffic again is fairly large, more than 200 lines. Most of this concerns what Portmapper requests we allow between which pairs of hosts, particularly for NFS access.

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Vern Paxson
Sat Dec 6 01:53:24 PST 1997