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We described a new approach to certificate revocation. Rather than revoking the user's certificate our approach revokes the user's ability to perform cryptographic operations such as signature generation and decryption. This approach has several advantages over traditional certificate revocation techniques: (1) revocation is instantaneous - the instant the user's certificate is revoked the user can no longer decrypt or sign messages, (2) when using binding signature semantics there is no need to validate the signer's certificate during signature verification, and (3) using mRSA this revocation technique is transparent to the peer - the system generates standard RSA signatures and decrypts standards RSA encrypted messages.

We implemented the SEM architecture for experimentation purposes. Our measurements of the implementation show that signature and decryption times are essentially unchanged from the user's perspective. Therefore, we believe this architecture is appropriate for a medium-size organization where tight control of security capabilities is desired. The SEM architecture is not designed for the global Internet.

Gene Tsudik