USENIX Technical Program - Paper - Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation   
[Technical Program]
Tapeworm: High-Level Abstractions of Shared Accesses Peter J. Keleher keleher@cs.umd.edu Department of Computer Science University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742
Note: Clearly this version is a mess. Please access the PDF version at http://www.cs.umd.edu/~keleher/papers.html. We describe the design and use of the tape mechanism, a new high-level abstraction of accesses to shared data for software DSMs. Tapes can be used to "record" shared accesses. These recordings can be used to predict future accesses. Tapes can be used to tailor data movement to application semantics. These data movement policies are layered on top of existing shared memory protocols. We have used tapes to create the Tapeworm prefetching library. Tapeworm implements sophisticated record/replay mechanisms across barriers, augments locks with data movement semantics, and allows the use of producer-consumer segments, which move entire modified segments when any portion of the segment is accessed. We show that Tapeworm eliminates 85% of remote misses, reduces message traffic by 63%, and improves performance by an average of 29% for our application suite.
This paper introduces the notion of tapes: a new high-level abstraction that allows applications to achieve better performance on distributed shared memory (DSM) protocols. DSM protocols support the abstraction of shared memory to parallel applications running on networks of workstations. The DSM abstraction provides an intuitive programming model and allows applications to become portable across a broad range of environments. However, this level of abstraction prevents the application from improving performance by explicitly directing data movement. While it is relatively easy to get parallel applications working on current DSMs, it can be very difficult to achieve high performance. Tapes make this task easier by allowing the data movement to be directed by the application at a high level of abstraction. A tape is essentially an object that encapsulates an arbitrary number of updates to shared data. Tapes are created through recording of updates to shared data made by the local process. Once created, a tape provides a convenient way to manipulate the updates. The data referenced by a tape can be sent to another process. Tapes can be reshaped by changing the set of data to which they refer. Tapes can also be added and subtracted, allowing a single tape to describe any arbitrary set of updates. ![]() As a quick example, Figure 1 shows a simple use of the tape mechanism. We defer detailed description of this example until the next section. Essentially, however, the example shows process P1 modifying three shared pages while holding lock L1, followed by P2 acquiring the same lock and reading the same three pages. In a traditional invalidate protocol, P1’s modifications would cause all three pages to be invalidated at P2. The subsequent reads by P2 would each cause remote page faults. Each fault is satisfied by retrieving a current copy of the faulting page from a remote processor, and hence implies at least one network RPC. After the data is returned and copied to the correct location, page protections are changed to allow the page to be accessed normally. By including the code in italics, however, P1 can record the accesses automatically, append the modified data to the lock grant message, and update, rather than invalidate, P2‘s copy of the page. For each page fault thereby avoided, the system eliminates both local fault-handling overhead and network RPC’s. The key points of this example are the following. First, tapes allow sharing behavior to be captured at runtime. The system needs neither compiler cooperation nor extensive user interaction in order to determine exactly which pieces of shared data are accessed by P1. This is important because we do not assume any explicit associations between synchronization and shared data, just as no such associations are assumed in a typical multi-threaded environment such as PTHREADS. Second, moving the data with the lock is only a performance optimization, it can not cause correctness to be violated. No damage is done if P2 does not access either x, y, or z. Any additional pages accessed by P2 will be demand-paged across the network when the pages are accessed. While tapes could be used directly by applications, they are probably more useful when folded into specialized synchronization libraries. Such libraries can reduce the total application involvement to just the replacement of calls to generic synchronization primitives with calls to the corresponding routines in the new libraries. This indirection allows the synchronization implementation to be quite simple, without losing any generality. The primary claimed advantage of DSM systems over message-passing programming models is ease of use. By abstracting away any need to specify data locations, DSM systems allow parallel and distributed applications to be more simply created. Requiring applications to contain additional annotations would seem to run counter to this goal. However, synchronization libraries can hide the mechanism from programmer view. The only change needed to use tape mechanisms in these cases is linking with a different library. Moreover, tape mechanisms can be added to applications incrementally. Applications can be developed and tested without tapes. Since tape mechanisms do not affect correctness, adding tape calls can not break any application that has already been debugged. We used tapes to implement Tapeworm, a new synchronization library that is layered on top of existing consistency and synchronization protocols in CVM , a software distributed shared memory system. The use of tapes allowed us to write Tapeworm in fewer than 400 lines of C++ code. At the same time, Tapeworm is able to track and use very sophisticated data movement patterns. Specifically, Tapeworm augments ordinary locks to include data movement semantics as well as synchronization. Tapeworm also supports producer-consumer regions and record/replay barriers. Record/replay barriers use recordings of data accesses from one iteration of an application to anticipate accesses during future iterations. Overall, Tapeworm eliminates an average of 85% of data misses on our suite of applications. The reduction in misses translates into a reduction in message traffic of 63%, and an average improvement in overall performance of approximately 29%. The rest of the paper is as follows. Section 2 discusses the high-level semantics of tapes in a protocol-independent fashion. Section 3 describes Tapeworm, a high-performance synchronization library built using tapes. Section 4 describes the requirements Tapeworm makes on the underlying consistency protocols. Section 5 describes Tapeworm’s performance, Section 6 describes related work, and Section 7 concludes. Tapes are implemented as a software layer that logically resides on top of existing consistency and synchronization protocols. Conceptually, at least, the tape mechanism is independent of both the underlying protocol implementation, and of the precise application access orderings that are being captured. In practice, tapes are particularly well suited for the relaxed consistency models discussed below. The primary way in which we expect tapes to be used is in augmenting invalidate protocols in software DSMs. Such systems consist of a single thread or process per machine, a shared segment that can be transparently accessed by any of the processes, and at least a rudimentary set of synchronization mechanisms. Synchronization is usually implemented in addition to, rather than on top of, the consistency mechanism. The best page-based consistency mechanisms are based on some form of release consistency (RC) or lazy release consistency (LRC) . Both allow consistency actions to be delayed until subsequent synchronizations. These protocols are ideal for the use of tapes in that they allow considerable freedom as to when data actually moves. Tapes could be used with more strict protocols, but more work would be required to provide the necessary hooks. CVM’s implementation of tapes is made efficient by grouping logically related shared accesses into a single access. Each process’s execution is divided into distinct intervals, each of which is labeled with a system-unique interval id. The exact method by which intervals are defined is not important, although most protocols will probably delimit intervals by synchronization events. For example, each of the processes in Figure 1 has two intervals, delimited by synchronization accesses to lock L1. Second, all modifications made to a single page during an interval are combined into a single modification. We can then express tapes in terms of lists of modified pages and intervals, instead of addresses and cycle counts. More specifically, a tape consists of a set of events, each of which is a tuple (x,y), where x is an interval id and y is a set of page id’s. Hence, tape1 in Figure 1 consists of the three events {(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)}. Note that the event (and the tape) consists only of the tuple, it does not contain the actual modifications. The actual modifications are tracked by the underlying protocol. The approach shown in this example has several advantages over other approaches described in the literature. Simple update protocols push modified data to existing replicas to update them, rather than invalidating them. The advantage of such protocols is that subsequent page faults are avoided, but the lack of any selectivity usually causes update protocols to move far more data than invalidate protocols. Several researchers have described more selective update protocol variants that might also suffice in this example. However, these protocols effectively encode expected sharing behavior into the underlying protocol. By making such expectations part of the programmable protocol interface, the tape mechanism has far more flexibility. Clearly, this is not the whole picture. First, P2 might be missing other modifications to the three pages. However, this could only occur if modifications to other portions of the page (false sharing) are proceeding concurrently. Otherwise, P1 would have retrieved copies before accessing the pages itself. Second, application programmers are unlikely to want to reason with tapes. However, all tape references could be encapsulated into modified synchronization routines. The sole application-visible change would be in calling a different version of the lock routines. This example does not show the full generality of the tape mechanism. Since the tape consists internally of events, the accesses need not be to contiguous pages, have occurred at similar times, or have been performed by the same process. Since tapes consist only of abstract descriptions of shared modifications rather than the modifications themselves, they are relatively lightweight and can be stored, transmitted, and otherwise manipulated. Tapes can be created in several different ways, but the primary method is that shown in Figure 1, e.g. recording accesses over a period of time. This method of creating tapes enables synchronization protocols to capture dynamic access patterns at runtime, rather than relying on the programmer or compiler to derive complete information statically. A second method of creating tapes is for them to be generated by hooks into the underlying consistency protocol. While we defer full discussion of the interface to the underlying protocol until Section 4, missing_data_tape(Extent *) is fundamental to some of the interfaces discussed in the next section. Its function is to create and return a tape that describes all updates needed to validate the region of memory described by an extent. A shared page is validated by applying all updates necessary to bring the page up to date.Extent is short for "data extent." An extent is an object that names a set of pages. For example, a tape can be flattened into an extent that contains the set of pages accessed by the tape’s events. Assume that an extent ‘ext’ names a large data structure that resides on a set of invalid shared pages. Pages are usually invalid because they have been modified by remote processes, and the remote modifications have yet to be applied locally. A local missing_data_tape(ext) call returns a tape that lists every such remote update that is needed to re-validate the invalid pages. This tape can be used to request all of the updates at once, possibly before the data is actually needed. The result is greater latency tolerance, and the potential for greater overlap of communication and computation.Once a tape has been created, it can be transmitted to remote sites, flattened into an extent, pruned to contain only notices that pertain to a given extent, or added to another tape. While our discussion of tapes has concentrated on write accesses so far, analogous abstractions can be defined for read accesses, and data requests from other processes. The following subsections describe three types of Tapeworm-based synchronization interfaces that we found useful for our application suite: record-replay barriers, update locks, and producer-consumer regions. These mechanisms were carefully constructed in order to accommodate weak memory consistencies. We assume lazy release consistency (LRC) in this work, but the same interface will handle almost any other memory model. The key point about LRC is that consistency information (invalidations) only moves with synchronization. The invalidate signal corresponding to a modification of a shared page only arrives at a process when that process synchronizes with respect to the process that performed the modification. Thus, new invalidations can be expected to arrive with synchronization. In all cases, we rely on the underlying protocol layer to ensure correctness, regardless of when data arrives. Section 4 describes the demands that this requirement places on the underlying protocol. Record-Replay BarriersThe most simple way in which we expect tapes to be used is in recording data movement in the first iteration of an iterative scientific application and replaying it in future iterations. Much of the remote latency can be hidden by sending the data before it is needed. Figure 2 shows pseudo-code for a simple grid application. Each process iteratively computes new values for all of the elements that it owns, using barriers and a temporary array to synchronize the read and write accesses to the shared array. The only difference between this code and code written for a non-Tapeworm system are that the barrier calls are to specialized versions, rather than to the generic cvm_barrier().Pseudo-code for each process’s barrier routine is shown in Figure 3. The purpose is to selectively send updates to remote processes before they are requested. Each process identifies data to be flushed to other processes by crossing the set of locally-created modifications with the set of data requested by other processes, and assuming that sharing patterns are static. Each process records locally-created modifications, as well as data requests from other processes. This allows a process to directly track the data that will be needed by other processes during the next iteration. Tracking writes allows a process to identify new local modifications. Crossing such requests with the tape of local modifications allows us to create descriptions of the data that needs to be sent to other processes. ![]() In more detail, each process uses writeTape to record local writes and reqTape to record requests during any single iteration. The reqExtents[] array is used to hold the set of all pages that each process has ever requested. The barrier procedure starts by flattening the remote request tape to sets of pages requested by each remote process. Each such set is unioned with the set of all previous pages requested by that process. The tape of local writes is then crossed with each such set to create a new tape naming the set of modifications that needs to be flushed to the corresponding process. C++’s operator overloading allows addition of a tape and an extent to be interpreted as "create a copy of the input tape, such that only pages described in the extent are included." For each such tape that is non-empty, a message is created, populated with the tape, and sent to the corresponding process.This code assumes static access behavior. Applications with dynamic sharing patterns will only benefit to the extent that there is overlap between the sets of data accessed by consecutive iterations. Record/replay barriers for dynamic sharing patterns would only maintain extent information about recent iterations, rather than about all as in the static case. Update locks are modifications of the globally exclusive locks common to many parallel programming environments. Update locks use tapes and extents to combine data movement with synchronization transfers. Rather than using separate protocol transactions for synchronization and for data, update locks attempt to piggyback the data movement on top of existing synchronization messages. Tapes and extents are used to identify and communicate the updates that are needed to validate shared data. Auto-locks attempt to exploit static access patterns by using past behavior to predict and eliminate memory faults during later lock synchronizations. The assumption is that the set of pages accessed during the n+1th acquire of any lock is similar or identical to the set of pages accessed during the nth acquire of the same lock. Hence, we can avoid remote faults by ensuring that the pages accessed during the last lock acquisition (of the same lock) are valid when the lock acquisition is accomplished. There are two sets of updates that need to be retrieved in order to prevent these remote faults. Let S be the set of pages that the requestor will access while holding the lock. This is the set of pages that the auto-lock mechanism will attempt to validate. The necessary updates can be divided into Consider the example in Figure 4. For the sake of simplicity, assume that x is a single page. Prior to performing its second lock acquisition, P1’s copy of page x is invalid because the preceding barrier disseminated an invalidation resulting from P2’s update. P1’s miss(S) therefore consists of upd2(x).The new(S) set comes about because weakly-consistent protocol implementations often append consistency information to existing synchronization communication. In Figure 4, the lock grant at P1’s second lock acquisition returns knowledge of a third update, upd3(x). Hence, this latter update constitutes new(s) at the lock grant. All of the updates in either set are needed in order to validate the pages in S.Figure 5 shows the code used to implement auto-locks in Tapeworm, lacking only comments and error-checking code. Each of the five routines is an upcall from the underlying implementation into the protocol code. The first four execute on the requestor’s side, the last is executed by the previous holder of the lock. Tapeworm is implemented as part of a tapes protocol that specializes the default multi-writer LRC protocol. Therefore, all upcalls from CVM first call the Tapeworm routines, and then fall through to the corresponding LRC routines that maintain memory consistency. The data structures consists of writes, a tape used to record local modifications to shared memory, and lockExtent, an extent used to remember the set of pages accessed the last time the lock was held. The code starts recording modifications in lock_entry(), and stops in lock_release(). The add_to_lock_request() routine is called just before the lock request messages are sent. The auto lock routine adds an extent and a tape to this message. The extent is derived from the writes tape created during the previous lock access. The tape, created by missing_data_tape(), names all updates needed in order to validate the region covered by the extent. In other words, if page x of the extent’s region is currently invalid, the tape specifies all updates that need to be applied to x in order to re-validate it.The routine add_to_lock_grant() is called by the lock granter. This routine first retrieves miss(S) from the message and then creates new(S) by get_new_tape() to the extent sent in the request. These two tapes are added together, potentially resulting in a tape that includes modifications from several different processes. Finally, add_data()is used to load the tape data into the reply.Finally, the requesting process uses read_data() to read and apply all updates from a message. If all has gone well, read_data() will also re-validate the entire shared region named by lockExtent.The second type of update locks, user locks, replace the implicit arguments of auto-locks with explicit buffer and length arguments. User locks are useful when the shared data accessed while a specific lock is held will change in some well-known manner. The interface to user locks include a simple buffer pointer and length. These parameters allow the program to specify a single contiguous section of shared memory that is likely to be accessed while the lock is held. Inside the lock operator, the region is converted to an extent, which provides an efficient and portable representation of the set of pages covered by the region. This extent is used to create miss(S) as above. It is also appended to the lock request in order to identify new(S). These quantities are handled similarly to the corresponding quantities in auto-locks. User locks might be less accurate in anticipating data accesses than auto-locks. Programmers are often inaccurate, and locks may guard accesses to non-contiguous regions of shared data. Auto-locks can also accommodate slowly changing access patterns by using only recent data to inform subsequent lock requests. Many applications exhibit producer-consumer interactions. In these applications, one process produces a region of memory that is consumed by another process at an arbitrary later time. These types of communication are difficult to anticipate because the producer-consumer connections are often dynamic and can have low locality. If such regions are multiple pages, the consumer usually must fetch updates to each page separately, as the pages are accessed. Tapes and extents can be used to aggregate these transfers by recording writes at the producer end, flattening the resulting tape to an extent, and storing it with the region pointer. When a process subsequently consumes the data by removing the pointer from the central repository, it also retrieves the corresponding extent. Figure 6 shows the implementation of producer-consumer regions in Tapeworm. The application registers the region by bracketing its writes with start_produce() and end_produce() calls. In addition to stopping the recording, the latter enters the resulting tape into an ordinary queue. CVM first vectors page fault requests to the tape protocol, providing an opportunity to search the queue for a tape that contains the requested page. If the page is found, the entire region’s data is appended to the reply message. While the total data transferred is the same as if the pages were transferred one at a time, the benefits of aggregating multiple requests into one can be significant.Our tapes implementation is layered on top of CVM , a software DSM that supports multiple protocols and consistency models. CVM is written entirely as a user-level library and runs on most UNIX-like systems. CVM was created specifically as a platform for protocol experimentation. New CVM consistency protocols are created by deriving classes from the base Page and Protocol classes. Only those methods that differ from the base class's methods need to be defined in the derived class. The underlying system calls protocol hooks before and after page faults, synchronization, and I/O events. Since many of the methods are inlined, the resulting system is able to perform within a few percent of a severely optimized commercial system running a similar protocol. Although CVM was designed to take advantage of generalized synchronization interfaces, as well as to use multi-threading for latency toleration, we use neither of these techniques in this study.
While tapes are conceptually independent of both the programming model and the particular protocol implementation, the underlying consistency protocol and system architecture must provide some basic support. Table 1 summarizes the required interfaces to the consistency mechanism and to the messaging subsystem. Those rows marked with a ‘c’ are requirements specific to the consistency protocol itself. Those marked with an ‘m’ are other hooks for creating and handling communication, or message, events. Tapeworm is layered on top of a consistency protocol, it is not a consistency protocol itself. In CVM’s implementation, Tapeworm is a subclass of LmwProtocol, which is derived from the base Protocol class. LmwProtocol is the base multi-writer LRC protocol used by both CVM and TreadMarks . All protocol calls other than those listed in the last two rows of Table 1 are passed directly through to LmwProtocol. Those in the last two rows are handled first by Tapeworm, and then passed down to the lower level. Porting Tapeworm to another protocol would require changing the base class, and re-implementing the functions in the first two rows of Table 1. Missing_data_tape() and get_new_tape() are functions provided by the underlying protocol to Tapeworm, and were discussed in Section 3. The primary requirement that they impose on the underlying protocol is a versioning capability. This is the ability to generate update summaries, to apply them at remote sites, and to ensure that consistency is not violated throughout. In LRC, shared updates are summarized as diffs , and can easily be added to messages and applied at remote sites. Consistency correctness is preserved because diffs carry enough consistency information to determine when and where they should be applied.This requirement can be problematic in the case of single-writer protocols like sequentially consistent page-based protocols . Such protocols provide no way to determine whether a given copy of an object is current or not. However, single-writer protocols with support for object versions, i.e. the single-writer LRC protocol , provide the necessary basic mechanisms. The next set of routines start and stop recording of various types of accesses to shared memory. The implementation of these routines is dependent on the underlying protocol. In the case of CVM’s multi-writer protocol, request accesses are recorded by maintaining a log of data requests during the recorded interval. Read accesses are recorded by read faults during the recorded interval. Note that this approach does not necessarily capture every page that is accessed because faults do not occur for valid pages. Additionally, this information is maintained with page granularity. Write accesses are recorded by maintaining a record of newly created diffs. A diff is a data structure used by the underlying system to summarize modifications to a specific page. Tape::flatten() returns an extent that lists the pages named by the accesses in the corresponding tape. Tape::add_data() and Tape::read_data() are functions provided by the underlying protocol to Tapeworm. They allow Tapeworm to copy the data named by a tape into or out of network messages.Protocol::fault() and Protocol::page_request() are upcalls from the DSM to a protocol, in this case Tapeworm. Tapeworm specializes these calls to track accesses to shared pages. Protocol::fault() is called at local accesses to pages with the wrong permissions, i.e. reading an invalid page or writing a page without permission. Tapeworm uses this call to track reads and writes to shared pages. The Protocol::page_request() function is called when a remote site requests local data. This is used both for tracking requests (as with record/replay barriers), and for identifying and handling accesses by a consumer to producer/consumer regions.Independent of the consistency protocol, Tapeworm must also have access to the messaging layer in order to add and retrieve data to existing messages, as well as to create Tapeworm-specific messages. The calls msg->add() and msg->retrieve() allow arbitrary data to be added and retrieved from CVM Msg objects. While Msg objects are specific to CVM, the same functionality could be made available without reference to specific message objects. However, this method would be less clear, so we have left the interface unchanged.The last row of Table 1 shows upcalls from the DSM system to the consistency protocol. These are intercepted by CVM to provide hooks into existing messages. By adding data to these messages, Tapeworm can often avoid creating messages itself.
This section describes the performance of several applications, both with and without the use of Tapeworm’s new synchronization primitives. Section 5.1 describes our experimental environment and Section 5.2 gives an overview of our application suite. The rest of the subsections describe the impact of Tapeworm on performance. Since each application was chosen to provide a different challenge to the synchronization library, we describe our results one application at a time rather than all at once. Experimental environmentWe ran our experiments over CVM’s lazy multi-writer protocol on an eight-processor IBM SP-2. Each node is a 66.7 MHz POWER2 processor. The processors are connected by a 40 MByte/sec switch. The operating system is AIX 4.1.4. CVM runs on UDP/IP over the switch. Lock acquires are implemented by sending a request message to the lock manager, which forwards the request on to the last requestor of the same lock. This takes either two or three messages, depending on whether the manager is also the last owner of the lock. Two-hop lock acquires take 779 msecs, while three-hop lock acquires take 1185 msecs. Simple page faults across the network require 1576 msecs. Page fault times are highly dependent on the cost of mprotect calls (15 msecs) and the cost of handling signals at the user level (120 msecs). Minimal 8-processor barriers cost 1176 msecs.Our application suite consists of one branch-and-bound lock application, TSP, one producer-consumer divide-and-conquer application, QS, two applications that combine both locks and barriers, Water (Water-Nsquared from SPLASH-2 ) and Spatial (Water-Spatial from SPLASH-2), one tree-structured barrier application, Barnes (also from SPLASH-2), and gauss (gaussian elimination with partial pivoting). While these applications are meant to be in some sense "representative," their more important common attribute was that each had characteristics that illustrate one or more facets of tape behavior. Note that there certainly exist applications for which tapes do not improve performance. Performance can even degrade if the access patterns assumed by the tape mechanisms called by an application do not match the actual sharing patterns in the application. Table 2 summarizes the maximum performance improvements on each of our applications. Details of the algorithms are deferred until the discussion of each application’s performance. Overall, the best combination of options for each application eliminated an average of 85% of all remote page misses, 63% of all messages, and an average increase in speedup of 29%. For iterative programs, e.g. Barnes, Spatial, and Water, only the second and subsequent iterations were measured, in order to eliminate effects caused by the initial data distribution.
The first application is Water, an iterative molecular simulation. Water alternates phases in which locks are used and phases in which barriers are the only synchronization.
Table 3 shows the performance of Water with no tape optimizations, with record/replay barriers, with user locks, with automatic locks, and with both types of locks plus record/replay barriers. "Speedup" is relative to the single-processor time without CVM overhead. "Remote Misses" is the number of remote page faults incurred. "Lock Pages" is the number of pages that are re-validated by data moved as a result of one of the tape mechanisms. The "Updates Used" column shows the percentage of updates moved by the tape mechanism that are used at the destination. This column is omitted in some of the other application tables because it is near one hundred percent. "Comm KBytes" shows the total amount of data communicated during the measured portion of the application. Again, this column is omitted in some later tables because it is essentially unchanged across different runs. Finally, the last five columns show lock, barrier, flush, data (data request), and total messages. Several trends are clear. First, auto-locks perform better than user locks. The reason is that user locks are difficult to specify statically. In at least one place, the region actually passed to the lock is only a guess at the data that will end up being modified. Second, the sets of misses addressed by the lock and barrier mechanisms are disjoint: the number of misses eliminated with both mechanisms is almost exactly the sum of the misses eliminated by the mechanisms individually. Simple update protocols would perform similarly to the record-replay barriers, but be less effective at eliminating misses that are addressed by the update locks. TSP is a branch-and-bound implementation of the traveling salesman problem. The central data structure is a global queue that contains partially completed tours. Processes alternately retrieve tours from the queue, split them into sub-tours, and put them back into the queue. As shown in Table 4, TSP is almost exclusively lock-based. Locks are used to guard access to the central queue and to current minimum tour values. Barriers are used only during initialization and cleanup. We investigated both user locks and auto-locks. The results are shown in Table 4. The first row shows the default TSP application. The second row shows performance with user locks. User locks are used to avoid misses when updating the "best" tour variable and when accessing the work queue. However, user locks can not specify the data that will be returned by a request for new work to perform, because the specific work has yet to be identified. The auto-locks perform better because they retain a history of the last data that was accessed when the lock was held. This history is not an accurate predictor of future accesses (witness the low "updates used" value), but is relatively complete. Spatial solves the same problem as Water, differing primarily in that the molecules are organized into three-dimensional "boxes." The sizes of the boxes are set so that molecules in one box interact only with molecules in neighboring boxes. The box structure allows synchronization and sharing to be done at the level of boxes rather than individual molecules, effectively aggregating much of the synchronization. This gain is partially offset by the overhead of maintaining the box structure. Table 5 shows the performance of Spatial. The "Updates Created" column describes the number of separate per-page updates that are constructed by the underlying LRC system. The number of updates doubles with record-replay barriers because the default version is able to lazily create updates only at every other barrier. Other than the overhead of creating and applying updates, this problem ends up having little impact on Spatial’s performance. The multiple updates usually do not overlap, and therefore do not consume any more space or bandwidth than single updates. Second, few additional flush messages are sent because there are usually other updates destined for the same site. The messages would need to be sent even if the excess updates were not produced. The flush versions actually send less data than the non-flush versions because the large flush messages have less system overhead than individual update requests. Auto-locks have little effect on Spatial’s performance. The reason is that locks are used mainly to arbitrate access to the linked lists that tie molecules to boxes. The auto tape mechanism only prefetches the pages containing these pointers, not the pages containing the molecules themselves.
Nonetheless, the overall impact of the flush mechanism is to improve performance by over 41%.
QS is a parallel implementation of QuickSort. Again, the central data structure is a global queue that contains partially computed values, which are iteratively removed, refined, split, and inserted back into the queue until all are complete. QS differs from TSP in that the chunks of data that are taken out of the queue are merely pointers to the actual data. Hence, we use the producer-consumer regions that were discussed in Section 3.3. Table 6 shows three versions of the QS program, with statistics as for TSP. The only new statistic is the "tape" message type. The first row shows the default implementation. The second row shows the results of a run in which all accesses to the central queue are through user locks. The regions passed to the user locks are the entire centralized queue structure. As this structure is updated frequently, the user locks eliminate all misses on the pointer data structures, about one fourth of all remote misses. The row labeled "User+PC" contains statistics reflecting the producer-consumer tape functions discussed in Section 3.3. The number of remote misses is reduced six-fold over the version with just user locks. The total number of messages is reduced by 53%, and speedup is increases by 49%. Barnes is the n-body galactic simulation from SPLASH-2, modified by Ram to contain only barrier synchronization. Because of this modification, fine-grained tasks such as make-tree are now performed sequentially. This modification effectively increases the synchronization granularity. Table 7 shows that Barnes differs from the other applications in that use of the tape mechanism is only able to eliminate about half of the remote misses. This is primarily because of a lack of locality across iterations. Processes access new pages during each iteration, and the system is therefore unable to anticipate all accesses. Nonetheless, 87% of updates flushed at barriers are eventually used, and total messages sent drops by a factor of four. Gauss is an implementation of Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting. Essentially, it consists of a 2-D grid, with rows assigned to processes in chunks. During each iteration, a new row is chosen as the "pivot". Each process updates all rows after the pivot row. The pivot row and column index need to be propagated to all other processes. This method of updating plays havoc with standard update protocols. The problem is that each pivot is only flushed once, meaning that historical information can not be used to determine that the data needs to be broadcast. Application input is essential. We used tapes to build two new routines called "cvm_start_flush()" and "cvm_stop_flush()". These routines use a tape to record all shared modifications, and to broadcast them to all other processes. Gauss’s performance is shown in Table 8. All remote misses are eliminated. However, overall speedup is still mediocre because the last iterations have too little computation to make parallelism worthwhile. The tape mechanism’s advantages are performance and simplicity. In evaluating performance, we distinguish between the performance of the tape layer itself, the performance of Tapeworm, the specific synchronization library discussed in this paper, and the potential performance improvements of other synchronization libraries that could be built using tapes. The tape layer itself adds very little overhead. Recording page reads and writes adds only a few instructions to the page fault handlers. The runtime cost of manipulating tapes and extents is also small. Extents are implemented as bitmaps in our current prototype. They are therefore fast, but reasonably expensive in terms of memory consumption. Since the constituent elements of extents are pages, the size of an extent is proportional to the number of shared pages. Currently, the largest applications we run share approximately thirty-two megabytes. Assuming 8k pages, this results in a bitmap of 512 bytes. On the other hand, water uses less than 500k of data, resulting in bitmaps of only eight bytes. If the current representation becomes unacceptable, extents could be implemented as sets of bitmaps, and would have size proportional to the working set of pages. Tapes are currently implemented as sequential records of events, and are therefore of size proportional to the number of recorded events. Similar to extents, more sophisticated representations for tapes are possible in the event that their size or runtime cost grows too large. As far as the effectiveness of the specific synchronization library discussed in this section, Table 2 shows that Tapeworm eliminates an average of 85% of all remote access misses. The percentage of access misses eliminated can be termed the coverage of the protocol. The accuracy of the protocol can be characterized by the number of updates sent but not used. These updates are pure overhead, but do not affect correctness. This quantity is given by the "Updates Used" column in Table 3 through Table 7. Tapeworm’s average accuracy is 91%. Assuming a uniform distribution of diff sizes, this implies that the average bandwidth overhead is only nine percent. However, the number of extra messages is likely to be a much smaller percentage. Most of these extra updates are sent in messages that would have to exist for other updates or synchronization, even if the useless updates were not sent. One last aspect of this effectiveness is whether Tapeworm results in a significant number of extra updates being created and applied. This occurs only in Spatial. However, it does not result in either extra messages or data, so we conclude that the effect on Spatial’s performance is negligible. This effect could be significant in other applications. We expect that specializing barriers, as described in Section 3.1, would minimize this effect. Mechanisms such as auto-locks and record/replay barriers also incur overhead in that they need to be trained before being used. Faults incurred during the initial use of these mechanisms can be termed cold misses. Faults avoided during subsequent synchronizations are always conflict misses for our implementation because CVM relies on the underlying virtual memory system to handle capacity problems. All results presented in this paper represent the steady state execution of applications after the cold misses are complete. Assuming static sharing behavior, however, the percentage of potential faults that are cold misses can never be higher than 1/n, where ‘n’ is the number of iterations timed. Hence, cold misses are unlikely to be important for realistic runs. The second claimed advantage of tapes, simplicity, has two parts: simplicity of use and simplicity of support. Our claim of simplicity for support is based on the amount of code needed to build the tape mechanism. The total size of the CVM system is about 15,000 lines of commented code, including debugging statements. The tapes support layer consists of less than 500 lines of C++ code, and the Tapeworm synchronization library is an additional 400 lines. Finally, one possible critique of this work is that it is too closely tied to the multi-writer LRC protocol used to generate the above results. Actually, this protocol is not an ideal substrate. The reason is that the tape protocol relies on noticing all shared modifications that occur when recording. However, multi-writer LRC uses lazy diffing, meaning that once a process has started writing a page, the page remains writable until any of the modifications are requested elsewhere. Hence, a tape that starts recording writes after a page has already been made writable will not necessarily notice additional writes to the same page. This problem could be avoided by removing write permission from all pages when any recording of writes is started. This will result in more complete information (and possibly fewer residual remote misses), but incur higher overheads for the actual recording. Record/replay barriers were first implemented by the Wind Tunnel project . This work focused on providing support for irregular applications by coding application-specific protocols, one of which implemented a record/replay barrier. Later work in the same project resulted in a protocol-implementation language called Teapot . This work is similar to ours in that both are trying to expose protocol handles to application or library builders. However, the Teapot language is more complex. More lines of Teapot code are required to implement a sequentially consistent invalidate protocol than the corresponding protocol written in C++ on CVM. Also, Teapot protocols perform both data movement and maintenance of correctness, whereas consistency can not be violated in any synchronization library built on top of tapes. One major advantage of Teapot is that it leverages existing cache protocol verifiers to automatically verify Teapot programs. Our work has similarities to work performed at Rice University on compiler-DSM interfaces . The missing_data_type() routine is essentially the information-gathering phase of the TreadMarks validate(). Some of the update work we describe is similar in spirit to the TreadMarks push() command. However, our work not only provides ways to manipulate data, as with TreadMarks, but it also provides ways to gather this information dynamically through tapes. While the TreadMarks work assumes all information is provided by the compiler, our work provides a way for the user or synchronization library to gather this information at runtime. For instance, our tapes allow us to dynamically determine the extent of the data being accessed, while this information is assumed to be known by the compiler in TreadMarks. Our work also allows the user to manipulate discover and manipulate shared modifications at a high level. Recent work at Rice has investigated automatic determination of extent-like objects in shared memory applications .Tapes are not a consistency mechanism, but they can be used to tune the interface of a CVM-like system so that it behaves as if a dissimilar underlying protocol were used. For example, our work could be used to build a synchronization interface that would closely approximate the data communication characteristics of Midway’s or CRL’s update protocol. While both systems differ from CVM in many ways, one of the key differences is that both Midway and CRL use update protocols. Unnecessary updates are avoided by limiting the updates to shared regions that are explicitly associated with synchronization. The auto-locks described in Section 3.2 would approximate these data movement patterns, modulo excess invalidations caused by false sharing. Similarly, a tape is not a scope, but they can be used to build a synchronization interface that superficially mimics scope consistency (ScC) . The two would differ in that ScC is a consistency model, whereas any interface built using tapes is merely a data movement mechanism that exists on top of the underlying consistency model. Hence, whatever claims are made as to the relative benefits of ScC and LRC as a consistency model still apply. However, tapes can be used to greatly reduce communication traffic in either case. Since the existing ScC implementation is home-based, all updates are constrained to move through the home node. Therefore, data communication between processes P1 and P2 must involve the home nodes of any data communicated. The tapes-based approach can move less data, and certainly use fewer messages, than the home-based approach for all cases where the home nodes are not one of the communication endpoints. We plan to investigate the performance of a tapes layer on top of ScC in the future. This paper has discussed the use of tapes to improve performance of software DSM systems, but it may also be relevant in the context of hardware shared memory systems. For instance, the prefetch and poststore primitives of the KSR-2 implement user-initiated data movement on top of the underlying consistency protocols. Other work generalized these primitives to allow the destination of pushes to be specified either by runtime copyset management or by specific calls initiated by application programs. By augmenting these primitives with the ability to read and store copyset information for future iterations, tapes could be supported on top of this type of system with only a minimal runtime layer. Even with an efficient implementation, however, such a system would probably only be useful with large cache lines, i.e. 128 or more bytes. Shared memory systems with dedicated protocol processors might turn out to provide the best possible platform for tapes implementations. Tape code executing on the protocol processors could track data and synchronization accesses without ever involving the application processor. This paper has described the tape mechanism, and its use in tailoring data movement to application semantics. Tape-based synchronization libraries are layered on top of existing consistency protocols and synchronization interfaces, meaning that incorrect choices (whether by heuristics or programmers) affect only performance, not correctness. The tape mechanism is ideally suited to direct data movement because it allows shared accesses to be recorded, grouped, and manipulated at a very high level. These tapes can be used to predict future data accesses and to eliminate subsequent misses by moving data before it is needed. We used the tape mechanism to build Tapeworm, a new synchronization library that uses information gathered at runtime to reduce access misses. Tapeworm’s interface consists of auto-locks, producer-consumer regions, and record/reply barriers. Auto-locks pre-validate data that is accessed while locks are held. Producer-consumer regions use the first access to a region as a hint to request the rest of the region before it is needed. Record/replay barriers allow accesses to be recorded during one iteration and then played back during future iterations. The combination of these mechanisms allows Tapeworm to eliminate an average of 85% of remote misses for our applications, 63% of all messages, and to improve overall performance by an average of 29%. Tapes have at least two major advantages over optimizations of specific protocols. First, tapes provide a high-level abstraction of shared accesses, and are protocol-independent. Tapes make few requirements on the underlying protocol, providing a terse, powerful approach to managing data movement. Second, tape mechanisms can be implemented and used incrementally. Applications can be completely debugged before any tape mechanisms are added. One by one, tape mechanisms can be used to improve data movement at inefficient points in application executions. This work is complementary to recent work in parallelizing compilers . Tapes improve performance by exploiting repetitive access patterns. Identifying such patterns with high degree of probability in the compiler is much easier than generating explicit message-passing code for the data movement. We conclude that the tape mechanism is a promising approach to creating high-performance synchronization libraries. Future work will investigate more sophisticated automatic interfaces, and the use of tapes in creating debugging libraries . |
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, February 22-25, 1999, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Last changed: 26 Mar 2002 ml |