4th USENIX OSDI Symposium   
[Technical Program]
Towards Higher Disk Head Utilization: Extracting Free Bandwidth From Busy Disk DrivesCarnegie Mellon University Hewlett-Packard Labs Contents
AbstractFreeblock scheduling is a new approach to utilizing more of a disk's potential media bandwidth. By filling rotational latency periods with useful media transfers, 20-50% of a never-idle disk's bandwidth can often be provided to background applications with no effect on foreground response times. This paper describes freeblock scheduling and demonstrates its value with simulation studies of two concrete applications: segment cleaning and data mining. Free segment cleaning often allows an LFS file system to maintain its ideal write performance when cleaning overheads would otherwise reduce performance by up to a factor of three. Free data mining can achieve over 47 full disk scans per day on an active transaction processing system, with no effect on its disk performance. 1 IntroductionDisk drives increasingly limit performance in many computer systems, creating complexity and restricting functionality. However, in recent years, the rate of improvement in media bandwidth (40+% per year) has stayed close to that of computer system attributes that are driven by Moore's Law. It is only the mechanical positioning aspects (i.e., seek times and rotation speeds) that fail to keep pace. If 100% utilization of the potential media bandwidth could be realized, disk performance would scale roughly in proportion to the rest of the system over time. Unfortunately, utilizations of 2-15% are more commonly observed in practice. This paper describes and analyzes a new approach, called freeblock scheduling, to increasing media bandwidth utilization. By interleaving low priority disk activity with the normal workload (here referred to as background and foreground, respectively), one can replace many foreground rotational latency delays with useful background media transfers. With appropriate freeblock scheduling, background tasks can receive 20-50% of a disk's potential media bandwidth without any increase in foreground request service times. Thus, this background disk activity is completed for free during the mechanical positioning for foreground requests. There are many disk-intensive background tasks that are designed to occur during otherwise idle time. Examples include disk reorganization, file system cleaning, backup, prefetching, write-back, integrity checking, RAID scrubbing, virus detection, tamper detection, report generation, and index reorganization. When idle time does not present itself, these tasks either compete with foreground tasks or are simply not completed. Further, when they do compete with other tasks, these background tasks do not take full advantage of their relatively loose time constraints and paucity of sequencing requirements. As a result, these "idle time" tasks often cause performance or functionality problems in busy systems. With freeblock scheduling, background tasks can operate continuously and efficiently, even when they do not have the system to themselves. This paper quantifies the effects of disk, workload, and disk scheduling algorithms on potential free bandwidth. Algorithms are developed for increasing the available free bandwidth and for efficient freeblock scheduling. For example, with less than a 6% increase in average foreground access time, a Shortest-Positioning-Time-First scheduling algorithm that favors reduction of seek time over reduction of rotational latency can provide an additional 66% of free bandwidth. Experiments also show that freeblock scheduling decisions can be made efficiently enough to be effective in highly loaded systems. This paper uses simulation to explore freeblock scheduling, demonstrating its value with concrete examples of its use for storage system management and disk-intensive applications. The first example shows that cleaning in a log-structured file system can be done for free even when there is no truly idle time, resulting in up to a 300% speedup. The second example explores the use of free bandwidth for data mining on an active on-line transaction processing (OLTP) system, showing that over 47 full scans per day of a 9GB disk can be made with no impact on OLTP performance. In a recent paper [45], we proposed a scheme for performing data mining "for free" on a busy OLTP system. The scheme combines Active Disks [46] with use of idle time and aggressive interleaving of data mining requests with OLTP requests. This paper generalizes and extends the latter, developing an understanding of free bandwidth availability and exploring its use. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes free bandwidth and discusses its use in systems. Section 3 quantifies the availability of potential free bandwidth and how it varies with disk characteristics, foreground workloads, and foreground disk scheduling algorithms. Section 4 describes our freeblock scheduling algorithm. Section 5 evaluates the use of free bandwidth for cleaning of LFS log segments. Section 6 evaluates the use of free bandwidth for data mining of active OLTP systems. Section 7 discusses related work. Section 8 summarizes the paper's contributions. 2 Free BandwidthAt a high-level, the time required for a disk media access, Taccess, can be computed as Taccess = Tseek + Trotate + Ttransfer Of Taccess, only the Ttransfer component represents useful utilization of the disk head. Unfortunately, the other two components generally dominate. Many data placement and scheduling algorithms have been devised to increase disk head utilization by increasing transfer sizes and reducing positioning overheads. Freeblock scheduling complements these techniques by transferring additional data during the Trotate component of Taccess. Fundamentally, the only time the disk head cannot be transferring data sectors to or from the media is during a seek. In fact, in most modern disk drives, the firmware will transfer a large request's data to or from the media "out of order" to minimize wasted time; this feature is sometimes referred to as zero-latency or immediate access. While seeks are unavoidable costs associated with accessing desired data locations, rotational latency is an artifact of not doing something more useful with the disk head. Since disk platters rotate constantly, a given sector will rotate past the disk head at a given time, independent of what the disk head is doing up until that time. So, there is an opportunity to do something more useful than just waiting for desired sectors to arrive at the disk head. Freeblock scheduling consists of predicting how much rotational latency will occur before the next foreground media transfer, squeezing some additional media transfers into that time, and still getting to the destination track in time for the foreground transfer. The additional media transfers may be on the current or destination tracks, on another track near the two, or anywhere between them, as illustrated in Figure 1. In the two latter cases, additional seek overheads are incurred, reducing the actual time available for the additional media transfers, but not completely eliminating it. Accurately predicting future rotational latencies requires detailed knowledge of many disk performance attributes, including layout algorithms and timedependent mechanical positioning overheads. These predictions can utilize the same basic algorithms and information that most modern disks employ for their internal scheduling decisions, which are based on overall positioning overheads (seek time plus rotational latency) [51, 30]. However, this may require that freeblock scheduling decisions be made by disk firmware. Fortunately, the increasing processing capabilities of disk drives [1, 22, 32, 46] make advanced on-drive storage management feasible [22, 57]. 2.1 Using Free BandwidthPotential free bandwidth exists in the time gaps that would otherwise be rotational latency delays for foreground requests. Therefore, freeblock scheduling must opportunistically match these potential free bandwidth sources to real bandwidth needs that can be met within the given time gaps. The tasks that will utilize the largest fraction of potential free bandwidth are those that provide the freeblock scheduler with the most flexibility. Tasks that best fit the freeblock scheduling model have low priority, large sets of desired blocks, no particular order of access, and small working memory footprints. Low priority. Free bandwidth is inherently in the background, and freeblock requests will only be serviced when opportunities arise. Therefore, response times may be extremely long for such requests, making them most appropriate for background activities. Further, freeblock scheduling is not appropriate for a set of equally important requests; splitting such a set between a foreground queue and a freeblock queue reduces the options of both schedulers. All such requests should be considered by a single scheduler. Large sets of desired blocks. Since freeblock schedulers work with restricted free bandwidth opportunities, their effectiveness tends to increase when they have more options. That is, the larger the set of disk locations that are desired, the higher the probability that a free bandwidth opportunity can be matched to a need. Therefore, tasks that involve larger fractions of the disk's capacity generally utilize larger fractions of the potential free bandwidth. No particular order of access. Ordering requirements restrict the set of requests that can be considered by the scheduler at any point in time. Since the effectiveness of freeblock scheduling is directly related to the number of outstanding requests, workloads with little or no ordering requirements tend to utilize more of the potential free bandwidth. Small working memory footprints. Signifi- cant need to buffer multiple blocks before processing them creates artificial ordering requirements due to memory limitations. Workloads that can immediately process and discard data from freeblock requests tend to be able to request more of their needed data at once. To clarify the types of tasks that fit the freeblock scheduling model, Table 1 presents a sample interface for a freeblock scheduling subsystem, ignoring component and protection boundary issues. This interface is meant to be illustrative only; a comprehensive API would need to address memory allocation, protection, and other issues.
This sample freeblock API has four important characteristics. First, no call into the freeblock scheduling subsystem waits for a disk access. Instead, calls to register requests return immediately, and subsequent callbacks report request completions. This allows applications to register large sets of freeblock requests. Second, block sizes are provided with each freeblock request, allowing applications to ensure that useful units are provided to them. Third, freeblock read requests do not specify memory locations for read data. Completion callbacks provide pointers to buffers owned by the freeblock scheduling subsystem and indicate which requested data blocks are in them. This allows tasks to register many more freeblock reads than their memory resources would otherwise allow, giving greater flexibility to the freeblock scheduling subsystem. For example, the data mining example in Section 6 starts by registering freeblock reads for all blocks on the disk. Fourth, freeblock requests can be aborted or promoted to foreground requests at any time. The former allows tasks to register for more data than are absolutely required (e.g., a search that only needs one match). The latter allows tasks to increase the priority of freeblock requests that may soon impact foreground task performance (e.g., a space compression task that has not made sufficient progress). 2.2 ApplicationsFreeblock scheduling is a new tool, and we expect that system designers will find many unanticipated uses for it. This section describes some of the applications we see for its use. Scanning applications. In many systems, there are a variety of support tasks that scan large portions of disk contents. Such activities are of direct benefit to users, although they may not be the highest priority of the system. Examples of such tasks include report generation, RAID scrubbing, virus detection, tamper detection [33], and backup. Section 6 explores data mining of an active transaction processing system as a concrete example of such use of free bandwidth. These disk-scanning application tasks are ideal candidates for free bandwidth utilization. Appropriately structured, they can exhibit all four of the desirable characteristics discussed above. For example, report generation tasks (and data mining in general) often consist of collecting statistics about large sets of small, independent records. These tasks may be of lower priority than foreground transactions, access a large set of blocks, involve no ordering requirements, and process records immediately. Similarly, virus detectors examine large sets of files for known patterns. The files can be examined in any order, though internal statistics for partially-checked files may have significant memory requirements when pieces of files are read in no particular order. Backup applications can be based on physical format, allowing flexible block ordering with appropriate indices, though single-file restoration is often less efficient [28, 14]. Least flexible of these examples would be tamper detection that compares current versions of data to "safe" versions. While the comparisons can be performed in any order, both versions of a particular datum must be available in memory to complete a comparison. Memory limitations are unlikely to allow arbitrary flexibility in this case. Internal storage optimization. Another promising use for free bandwidth is internal storage system optimization. Many techniques have been developed for reorganizing stored data to improve performance of future accesses. Examples include placing related data contiguously for sequential disk access [37, 57], placing hot data near the center of the disk [56, 48, 3], and replicating data on disk to provide quicker-to-access options for subsequent reads [42, 61]. Other examples include index reorganization [29, 23] and compression of cold data [11]. Section 5 explores segment cleaning in log-structured file systems as a concrete example of such use of free bandwidth. Although internal storage optimization activities exhibit the first two qualities listed in Section 2.1, they can impose some ordering and memory restrictions on media accesses. For example, reorganization generally requires clearing (i.e., reading or moving) destination regions before different data can be written. Also, after opportunistically reading data for reorganization, the task must write this data to their new locations. Eventually, progress will be limited by the rate at which these writes can be completed, since available memory resources for buffering such data are finite. Prefetching and Prewriting. Another use of free bandwidth is for anticipatory disk activities such as prefetching and prewriting. Prefetching is wellunderstood to offer significant performance enhancements [44, 9, 25, 36, 54]. Free bandwidth prefetching should increase performance further by avoiding interference with foreground requests and by minimizing the opportunity cost of aggressive predictions. As one example, the sequence shown in Figure 1(b) shows one way that the prefetching common in disk firmware could be extended with free bandwidth. Still, the amount of prefetched data is necessarily limited by the amount of memory available for caching, restricting the number of freeblock requests that can be issued. Prewriting is the same concept in reverse. That is, prewriting is early writing out of dirty blocks under the assumption that they will not be overwritten or deleted before write-back is actually necessary. As with prefetching, the value of prewriting and its relationship with non-volatile memory are well-known [4, 10, 6, 23]. Free bandwidth prewriting has the same basic benefits and limitations as free prefetching. 3 Availability of Free BandwidthThis section quantifies the availability of potential free bandwidth, which is equal to a disk's total potential bandwidth multiplied by the fraction of time it spends on rotational latency delays. The amount of rotational latency depends on a number of disk, workload, and scheduling algorithm characteristics. The experimental data in this section was generated with the DiskSim simulator [21], which has been shown to accurately model several modern disk drives [17], including those explored here. By default, the experiments use a Quantum Atlas 10K disk drive and a synthetic workload referred to as random. This random workload consists of 10,000 foreground requests issued one at a time with no idle time between requests (closed system arrival model with no think time). Other default parameters for the random workload are request size of 4KB, uniform distribution of starting locations across the disk capacity, and 2:1 ratio of reads to writes. Most of the bar graphs presented in this section have a common structure. Each bar breaks down disk head usage into several regions that add up to 100%, with each region representing the percentage of the total attributed to the corresponding activity. All such bars include regions for foreground seek times, rotational latencies, and media transfers. The rotational latency region represents the potential free bandwidth (as a percentage of the disk's total bandwidth) available for the disk-workload combination.
3.1 Impact of disk characteristicsFigure 2 shows breakdowns of disk head usage for five modern disk drives whose basic characteristics are given in Table 2. Overall, for the random workload, about one third (27-36%) of each disk's head usage can be attributed to rotational latency. Thus, about one third of the media bandwidth is available for freeblock scheduling, even with no interrequest locality. At a more detailed level, the effect of key disk characteristics can be seen in the breakdowns. For example, the faster seeks of the Cheetah 9LP, relative to the Cheetah 4LP, can be seen in the smaller seek component.
3.2 Impact of workload characteristicsFigure 3 shows how the breakdown of disk head usage changes as the request size of the random workload increases. As expected, larger request sizes yield larger media transfer components, reducing the seek and latency components by amortizing larger transfers over each positioning step. Still, even for large random requests (e.g., 256KB), disk head utilization is less than 55% and potential free bandwidth is 15%. Figure 4 shows how the breakdown of disk head usage changes as the degree of access locality increases. Because access locality tends to reduce seek distances without directly affecting the other components, this graph shows that both the transfer and latency components increase. For example, when 70% of the requests are within the same "cylinder group" [38] as the last request, almost 60% of the disk head's time is spent in rotational latency andis thus available as free bandwidth. Since disk access locality is a common attribute of many environments, one can generally expect more potential free bandwidth than the 33% predicted for the random workload.
Figure 4 does not show the downside (for freeblock scheduling) of high degrees of locality -- starvation of distant freeblock requests. That is, if foreground requests keep the disk head in one part of the disk, it becomes difficult for a freeblock scheduler to successfully make progress on freeblock requests in distant parts of the disk. This effect is taken into account in the experiments of Sections 5 and 6. 3.3 Impact of scheduling algorithmFigure 5 shows how the breakdown of disk head usage changes for different scheduling algorithms applied to foreground requests. Specifically, four scheduling algorithms are shown: First-ComeFirst-Served (FCFS), Circular-LOOK (C-LOOK), Shortest-Seek-Time-First (SSTF), and ShortestPositioning-Time-First (SPTF). FCFS serves requests in arrival order. C-LOOK [49] selects the next request in ascending starting address order; if none exists, it selects the request with the lowest starting address. SSTF [16] selects the request that will incur the shortest seek. SPTF [30, 51, 60] selects the request that will incur the smallest overall positioning delay (seek time plus rotational latency). On average, C-LOOK and SSTF reduce seek times without affecting transfer times and rotational latencies. Therefore, we expect (and observe) the seek component to decrease and the other two to increase. In fact, for this workload, the rotational latency component increases to 50% of the disk head usage. On the other hand, SPTF tends to decrease both overhead components, and Figure 5 shows that the rotational latency component decreases significantly (to 22%) relative to the other scheduling algorithms. SPTF requires the same basic time predictions as freeblock scheduling. Therefore, its superior performance will make it a common foreground scheduling algorithm in systems that can support freeblock scheduling, making its effect on potential free bandwidth a concern. To counter this effect, we propose a modified SPTF algorithm that is weighted to select requests with both small total positioning delays and large rotational latency components. The algorithm, here referred to as SPTF-SWn%, selects the request with the smallest seek time component among the pending requests whose positioning times are within n% of the shortest positioning time. So, logically, this algorithm first uses the standard SPTF algorithm to identify the next most efficient request, denoted A, to be scheduled. Then, it makes a second pass to find the pending request, denoted B, that has the smallest seek time while still having a total positioning time within n% of A's. Request B is then selected and scheduled. The actual implementation makes a single pass, and its measured computational overhead is only 2-5% higher than that of SPTF. This algorithm creates a continuum between SPTF (when n = 0) and SSTF (when n = 1), and we expect the disk head usage breakdown to reflect this. Figure 6 shows the breakdown of disk head usage and the average foreground request access time when SPTF-SWn% is used for foreground request scheduling. As expected, different values of n result in a range of options between SPTF and SSTF. As n increases, seek reduction becomes a priority, and the rotational latency component of disk head usage increases. At the same time, average access times increase as total positioning time plays a less dominant role in the decision process. Fortunately, the benefits increase rapidly before experiencing diminishing returns, and the penalties increase slowly before ramping up. So, using SPTF-SW40% as an example, we see that a 6% increase in average access time can provide 66% more potential free bandwidth (i.e., 36% rotational latency for SPTF-SW40% compared to SPTF's 22%). This represents half of the free bandwidth difference between SPTF and SSTF at much less than the 25% foreground access time difference. Figure 6: Disk head usage and average access time with SPTF-SWn% for foreground scheduling. The default workload was modified to always have 20 requests outstanding. 4 Freeblock Scheduling DecisionsFreeblock scheduling is the process of identifying free bandwidth opportunities and matching them to pending freeblock requests. This section describes and evaluates the computational overhead of the freeblock scheduling algorithm used in our experiments. Our freeblock scheduler works independently of the foreground scheduler and maintains separate data structures. After the foreground scheduler chooses the next request, B, the freeblock scheduler is invoked. It begins by computing the rotational latency that would be incurred in servicing B; this is the free bandwidth opportunity. This computation requires accurate estimates of disk geometry, current head position, seek times, and rotation speed. The freeblock scheduler then searches its list of pending freeblock requests for the most complete use of this opportunity; that is, our freeblock scheduler greedily schedules freeblock requests within free bandwidth opportunities based on the number of blocks that can be accessed. Our current freeblock scheduler assumes that the most complete use of a free bandwidth opportunity is the maximal answer to the question, "for each track on the disk, how many desired blocks could be accessed in this opportunity?". For each track, t, answering this question requires computing the extra seek time involved with seeking to t and then seeking to B's track, as compared to seeking directly to B's track. Answering this question also requires determining which disk blocks will pass under the head during the remaining rotational latency time and counting how many of them correspond to pending freeblock requests. Note that no extra seek is required for the source track or for B's track. Obviously, such an exhaustive search can be extremely time consuming. We prune the search space in several ways. First, the freeblock scheduler skips all tracks for which the number of desired blocks is less than the best value found so far. Second, the freeblock scheduler only considers tracks for which the remaining free bandwidth (after extra seek overheads) is greater than the best value found so far. Third, the freeblock scheduler starts by searching the source and destination cylinders (from the previous and current foreground requests), which yield the best choices whenever they are fully populated, and then searching in ascending order of extra seek time. Combined with the first two pruning steps, this ordered search frequently terminates quickly. The algorithm described above performs well when there is a large number of pending freeblock requests. For example, when 20-100% of the disk is desired, freeblock scheduling decisions are made in 0-2.5ms on a 550MHz Intel Pentium III, which is much less than average disk access times. For such cases, it should be possible to schedule the next freeblock request in real-time before the current foreground request completes, even with a less-powerful CPU. With greater fragmentation of freeblock requests, the time required for the freeblock scheduler to make a decision rises significantly. The worstcase computation time of this algorithm occurs when there are large numbers of small requests evenly distributed across all cylinders. In this case, the algorithm searches a large percentage of the available disk space in the hopes of finding a larger section of blocks than it has already found. To address this problem, one can simply halt searches after some amount of time (e.g., the time available before the previous foreground request completes). In most cases, this has a negligible effect on the achieved free bandwidth. For all experiments in this paper, the freeblock scheduling algorithm was only allowed to search for the next freeblock request in the time that the current foreground request was being serviced. The base algorithm described here enables signifi- cant use of free bandwidth, as shown in subsequent sections. Nonetheless, development of more efficient and more effective freeblock scheduling algorithms is an important area for further work. This will include using both free bandwidth and idle time for background tasks; the algorithm above and all experiments in this paper use only free bandwidth. 5 Free cleaning of LFS segmentsThe log-structured file system [47] (LFS) was designed to reduce the cost of disk writes. Towards this end, it remaps all new versions of data into large, contiguous regions called segments. Each segment is written to disk with a single I/O operation, amortizing the cost of a single seek and rotational delay over a write of a large number of blocks. A significant challenge for LFS is ensuring that empty segments are always available for new data. LFS answers this challenge with an internal defragmentation operation called cleaning. Ideally, all necessary cleaning would be completed during idle time, but this is not always possible in a busy system. The potential and actual penalties associated with cleaning have been the subject of heated debate [50] and several research efforts [52, 37, 7, 39, 59]. With freeblock scheduling, the cost of segment cleaning can be close to zero for many workloads. 5.1 DesignCleaning of a previously written segment involves identifying the subset of live blocks, reading them into memory, and writing them into the next segment. Live blocks are those that have not been overwritten or deleted by later operations; they can be identified by examining the on-disk segment summary structure to determine the original identity of each block (e.g., block 4 of file 3) and then examining the auxiliary structure for the block's original owner (e.g., file 3's i-node). Segment summaries, auxiliary structures, and live blocks can be read via freeblock requests. There are ordering requirements among these, but live blocks can be read in any order and moved into their new locations immediately. Like other background LFS cleaners, our freeblock segment cleaner is invoked when the number of empty segments drops below a certain threshold. When invoked, the freeblock cleaner selects several non-empty segments and uses freeblock requests to clean them in parallel with other foreground requests. Cleaning several segments in parallel provides more requests and greater flexibility to the freeblock scheduler. If the freeblock cleaner is not effective enough, the foreground cleaner will be activated when the minimum threshold of free segments is reached. As live blocks in targeted segments are fetched, they are copied into the in-memory segment that is currently being constructed by LFS writes. Because the live blocks are written into the same segment as data of foreground LFS requests, this method of cleaning is not entirely for free. The auxiliary data structure (e.g., i-node) that marks the location of the block is updated to point to the block's new location in the new segment. When all live blocks are cleaned from a segment on the disk, that segment becomes available for subsequent use. 5.2 Experimental SetupTo experiment with freeblock cleaning, we have modified a log-structured logical disk, called LLD [15]. LLD uses segments consisting of 128 4KB blocks, of which 127 blocks are used for data and one block is used for segment summary. The default implementation of LLD invokes its cleaner only when the number of free segments drops below a threshold (set to two segments). It does not implement background cleaning. Thus, all segment cleaning activity interferes with the foreground disk I/O. We replaced LLD's default segment selection algorithm for cleaning with Sprite LFS's cost-benefit algorithm[47], yielding better performance for all of the cleaners. Our experiments were run under Linux 2.2.14 with a combination of real processing times and simulated I/O times provided by DiskSim. To accomplish this, we merged LLD with DiskSim. Computation times between disk I/Os are measured with gettimeofday, which uses the Pentium cycle counter. These computation times are used to advance simulation time in DiskSim. DiskSim callbacks report request completions, which are forwarded into the LLD code as interrupts. The contents of the simulated disk are stored in a regular file, and the time required to access this file is excluded from the reported results. All experiments were run on a 550 MHz Intel Pentium III machine with 256MB of memory. DiskSim was configured to model a modified Quantum Atlas 10K disk. Specifically, since the maximal size of an LLD disk is 400MB, we modified the Atlas 10K specifications to have only one data surface, resulting in a capacity of 1.5GB. Thus, the LLD "partition" occupies about 1/4 of the disk. To assess the effectiveness of the freeblock cleaner, we used the Postmark v. 1.11 benchmark, which simulates the small-file activity predominant on busy Internet servers [31]. Postmark initially creates a pool of files, then performs a series of transactions, and finally deletes all files created during the benchmark run. A single transaction is one access to an existing file (i.e., read or append) and one file manipulation (i.e., file creation or deletion). We used the following parameter values: 5-10KB file size (default Postmark value), 25000 transactions, and 100 subdirectories. The ratios of read-to-write and create-todelete were kept at their default values of 1:1. The number of files in the initial pool was varied to provide a range of file system capacity utilizations. To age the file system, we run the transaction phase twice and report measurements for only the second iteration. The rationale for running the set of transactions the first time is to spread the blocks of the file system among the segments in order to more closely resemble steady-state operation. Recall that Postmark first creates all files before doing transactions which results in all segments being either completely full or completely empty -- a situation very unlikely in normal operation. 5.3 ResultsFigure 7 shows Postmark's performance for three different cleaner configurations: ORIGINAL is the default LLD cleaner with the Sprite LFS segment selection algorithm. FREEBLOCK is the freeblock cleaner, in which cleaning reads are freeblock requests and cleaning writes are foreground requests. IDEAL subtracts all cleaning costs from ORIGINAL and computes the corresponding throughput, which is unrealistic because infinitely fast foreground cleaning is not possible. Figure 7 shows the transactions per second for different file system space utilizations, corresponding to different numbers of files initially created by Postmark. The high throughput for low utilizations (less than 8% of capacity) is due to the LLD buffer cache, which absorbs all of the disk activity. IDEAL's performance decreases as capacity utilization increases, because the larger set of files results in fewer cache hits for Postmark's random file accesses. As disk utilization increases, ORIGINAL's throughput decreases consistently due to cleaning overheads, halving performance at 60% capacity and quartering it at 85%. FREEBLOCK maintains performance close to IDEAL (up to 93% utilization). After 93%, there is insufficient time for freeblock cleaning to keep up with the heavy foreground workload, and the performance of FREEBLOCK degrades as the foreground cleaner increasingly dominates performance. FREEBLOCK's slow divergence from IDEAL between 40% and 93% occurs because FREEBLOCK is being charged for the write cost of cleaned segments while IDEAL is not. 6 Free data mining on OLTP systemsThe use of data mining to identify patterns in large databases is becoming increasingly popular over a wide range of application domains and datasets [19, 12, 58]. One of the major obstacles to starting a data mining project within an organization is the high initial cost of purchasing the necessary hardware. Specifically, the most common strategy for data mining on a set of transaction data is to purchase a second database system, copy the transaction records from the OLTP system to the second system each evening, and perform mining tasks only on the second system. This strategy can double capital and operating expenses. It also requires that a company gamble a sizable up-front investment to test suspicions that there may be interesting "nuggets" to be mined from their OLTP databases. With freeblock scheduling, significant mining bandwidth can be extracted from the original system without affecting the original transaction processing activity [45]. 6.1 DesignData mining involves examining large sets of records for statistical features and correlations. Many data mining operations, including nearest neighbor search, association rules [2], ratio and singular value decomposition [34], and clustering [62, 26], eventually translate into a few scans of the entire dataset. Further, individual records can be processed immediately and in any order, matching three of the criteria of appropriate free bandwidth uses. Our freeblock mining example issues a single freeblock read request for each scan. This freeblock request asks for the entire contents of the database in page-sized chunks. The freeblock scheduler ensures that only blocks of the specified size are provided and that all the blocks requested are read exactly once. However, the order in which the blocks are read will be an artifact of the pattern of foreground OLTP requests. Interestingly, this same design is appropriate for some other storage activities. For example, RAID scrubbing consists of verifying that each disk sector can be read successfully (i.e., that no sector has fallen victim to media corruption). Also, a physical backup consists of reading all disk sectors so that they can be written to another device. The free bandwidth achieved for such scanning activities would match that shown for freeblock data mining in this section. 6.2 Experimental SetupThe experiments in Section 6.3 were conducted using the DiskSim simulator configured to model the Quantum Atlas 10K and a synthetic foreground workload based on approximations of observed OLTP workload characteristics. The synthetic workload models a closed system with pertask disk requests separated by think times of 30 milliseconds. We vary the multiprogramming level (MPL), or number of tasks, of the OLTP workload to create increasing foreground load on the system. For example, a multiprogramming level of ten means that there are ten requests active in the system at any given point, either queued at the disk or waiting in think time. The OLTP requests are uniformly-distributed across the disk's capacity with a read to write ratio of 2:1 and a request size that is a multiple of 4 kilobytes chosen from an exponential distribution with a mean of 8 kilobytes. Validation experiments (in [45]) show that this workload is sufficiently similar to disk traces of Microsoft's SQL server running TPC-C for the overall freeblock-related insights to apply to more realistic OLTP environments. The background data mining workload uses free bandwidth to make full scans of the disk's contents in 4 KB blocks, completing one scan before starting the next. All simulations run for the time required for the background data mining workload to complete ten full disk scans, and the results presented are averages across these ten scans. The experiments ignore bus bandwidth and record processing overheads, assuming that media scan times dominate; this assumption might be appropriate if the mining data is delivered over distinct buses to dedicated processors either on a small mining system or in Active Disks. 6.3 ResultsFigure 8 shows the disk head usage for the foreground OLTP workload at a range of MPLs and the free bandwidth achieved by the data mining task. Low OLTP loads result in low data mining throughput, because little potential free bandwidth exists when there are few foreground requests. Instead, there is a significant amount of idle disk head time that could be used for freeblock requests, albeit not without some effect on foreground response times. Our study here focuses strictly on use of free bandwidth. As the foreground load increases, opportunities to service freeblock requests are more plentiful, increasing data mining throughput to about 4.9 MB/s (21% of the Atlas 10K's 23MB/s full potential bandwidth). This represents a 7\Theta increase in useful disk head utilization, from 3% to 24%, and it allows the data mining application to complete over 47 full "scans per day" [24] of this 9GB disk with no effect on foreground OLTP performance. However, as shown in Figure 8b, freeblock scheduling realizes only half of the potential free bandwidth for this environment. As shown in Figure 8c, 18% of the remaining potential is lost to extra seek time, which occurs when pending freeblock requests only exist on a third track (other than the previous and current foreground request). The remaining 28% continues to be rotational latency, either as part of freeblock requests or because no freeblock request could be serviced within the available slot. Figure 9 helps to explain why only half of the potential free bandwidth is realized for data mining. Specifically, it shows data mining progress and perOLTP-request breakdown as functions of the time spent on a given disk scan. The main insight here is that the efficiency of freeblock scheduling (i.e., achieved free bandwidth divided by potential free bandwidth) drops steadily as the set of still-desired background blocks shrinks. As the freeblock scheduler has more difficulty finding conveniently-located freeblock requests, it must look further and further from the previous and current foreground requests. As shown in Figure 9c, this causes extra seek times to increase. Unused rotational latency also increases as freeblock requests begin to incur some latency and as increasing numbers of foreground rotational latencies are found to be too small to allow any pending freeblock request to be serviced. As a result, servicing the last few freeblock requests of a full scan takes a long time; for example, the last 5% of the freeblock requests take 30% of the total time for a scan. One solution to this problem would be to increase the priority of the last few freeblock requests, with a corresponding impact on foreground requests. The challenge would be to find an appropriate tradeoff between impact on the foreground and improved background performance. Figure 8: Average freeblock-based data mining performance. (a) shows the disk head usage breakdown for the foreground OLTP workload at various MPLs. (b) shows the overall free bandwidth delivered to the data mining application for the same points. (c) shows the disk head usage breakdown with both the foreground OLTP workload and the background data mining application. Figure 9: Freeblock-based data mining progress for MPL 7. (a) shows the potential and achieved scan progress. (b) shows the corresponding instantaneous free bandwidth. (c) shows the usage of potential free bandwidth (i.e., original OLTP rotational latency), partitioning it into free transfer time, extra seek time, and unused latency. As expected, the shape of the Free Transfer line in (c) matches that of the achieved instantaneous mining bandwidth in (b). Both exceed the potential free bandwidth early in the scan because many foreground OLTP transfers can also be used by the freeblock scheduler for mining requests when most blocks are still needed. An alternate solution would be to take advantage of the statistical nature of many data mining queries. Statistical sampling has been shown to provide accurate results for many queries and internal database operations after accessing only a (randomly-selected) subset of the total dataset [43, 13]. Figure 10 shows the impact of such statistical data mining as a function of the percentage of the dataset needed; that is, the freeblock request is aborted when enough of the dataset has been mined. Assuming that freeblock scheduling within the foreground OLTP workload results in sufficiently random data selection or that the sampling algorithm is adaptive to sampling biases [13], sampling can significantly increase freeblock scheduler efficiency. When any 95% of the dataset is sufficient, efficiency is 40% higher than for full disk scans. For 80% of the dataset, efficiency is at 90% and data mining queries can complete over 90 samples of the dataset per day. Figure 10: Freeblock-based data mining performance for statistical queries. Here, it is assumed that any X% of the disk's data satisfy the needs of a query scan. Below 60%, achieved free bandwidth exceeds potential free bandwidth because of the ability to satisfy freeblock requests from foreground transfers 7 Related WorkSystem designers have long struggled with disk performance, developing many approaches to reduce mechanical positioning overheads and to amortize these overheads over large media transfers. When effective, all of these approaches increase disk head utilization for foreground workloads and thereby reduce the need for and benefits of freeblock scheduling; none have yet eliminated disk performance as a problem. The remainder of this section discusses work specifically related to extraction and use of free bandwidth. The characteristics of background workloads that can most easily utilize free bandwidth are much like those that can be expressed well with dynamic set [55] and disk-directed I/O [35] interfaces. Specifically, these interfaces were devised to allow application writers to expose order-independent access patterns to storage systems. Application-hinted prefetching interfaces [9, 44] share some of these same qualities. Such interfaces may also be appropriate for specifying background activities to freeblock schedulers. Use of idle time to handle background activities is a long-standing practice in computer systems. A subset of the many examples, together with a taxonomy of idle time detection algorithms, can be found in [23]. Freeblock scheduling complements exploitation of idle time. It also enjoys two superior qualities: (1) ability to make forward progress during busy periods and (2) ability to make progress with no impact on foreground disk access times. Starting a disk request during idle time can increase the response time of subsequent foreground requests, by making them wait or by moving the disk head. In their exploration of write caching policies, Biswas, et al., evaluate a free prewriting mechanism called piggybacking[6]. Although piggybacking only considers blocks on the destination track or cylinder, they found that most write-backs could be completed for free across a range of workloads and cache sizes. Relative to their work, our work generalizes both the freeblock scheduling algorithm and the uses for free bandwidth. Freeblock scheduling relies heavily on the ability to accurately predict mechanical positioning delays (both seek times and rotational latencies). The firmware of most high-end disk drives now supports Shortest-Positioning-Time-First (SPTF) scheduling algorithms, which require similar predictions. Based on this fact, we are confident that freeblock scheduling is feasible. However, it remains to be seen whether freeblock scheduling can be effective outside of disk drive firmware, where complete knowledge of current state and internal algorithms is available. Freeblock scheduling resembles advanced disk schedulers for environments with a mixed workload of real-time and non-real-time activities. While early real-time disk schedulers gave strict priority to realtime requests, more recent schedulers try to use slack in deadlines to service non-real-time requests without causing the deadlines to be missed [53, 41, 5, 8]. Freeblock scheduling relates to conventional priority-based disk scheduling (e.g., [10, 20]) roughly as modern real-time schedulers relate to their predecessors. However, since non-real-time requests have no notion of deadline slack, freeblock scheduling must be able to service background requests without extending the access latencies of foreground requests at all. Previous disk scheduler architectures would not do this well for non-periodic foreground workloads, such as those explored in this paper. While freeblock scheduling can provide free media bandwidth, use of such bandwidth also requires some CPU, memory, and bus resources. One approach to addressing these needs is to augment disk drives with extra resources and extend disk firmware with application-specific functionality [1, 32, 46]. Potentially, such resources could turn free bandwidth into free functionality; Riedel, et al., [45] argue exactly this case for the data mining example of Section 6. Another interesting use of accurate access time predictions and layout information is eager writing, or remapping new versions of disk blocks to free locations very near the disk head [27, 18, 40, 57]. We believe that eager writing and freeblock scheduling are strongly complementary concepts. Although eager writing decreases available free bandwidth during writes by eliminating many seek and rotational delays, it does not do so for reads. Further, eager writing could be combined with freeblock scheduling when using a write-back cache. Finally, as with the LFS cleaning example in Section 5, free bandwidth represents an excellent resource for cleaning and reorganization enhancements to the base eager writing approach [57]. 8 ConclusionsThis paper describes freeblock scheduling, quantifies its potential under various conditions, and demonstrates its value for two specific application environments. By servicing background requests in the context of mechanical positioning for normal foreground requests, 20-50% of a disk's potential media bandwidth can be obtained with no impact on the original requests. Using simulation, this paper shows that this free bandwidth can be used to clean LFS segments on busy file servers and to mine data on active transaction processing systems. These results indicate significant promise, but additional experience is needed to refine and realize freeblock scheduling in practice. For example, it remains to be seen whether freeblock scheduling can be implemented outside of modern disk drives, given their high-level interfaces and complex firmware algorithms. Even inside disk firmware, freeblock scheduling will need to conservatively deal with seek and settle time variability, which may reduce its effectiveness. More advanced freeblock scheduling algorithms will also be needed to deal with request fragmentation, starvation, and priority mixes. AcknowledgmentsWe thank Peter Druschel, Garth Gibson, Andy Klosterman, David Petrou, Jay Wylie, Ted Wong and the anonymous reviewers for helping us to refine this paper. We thank the members and companies of the Parallel Data Consortium (including CLARiiON, EMC, HP, Hitachi, Infineon, Intel, LSI Logic, MTI, Novell, PANASAS, Procom, Quantum, Seagate, Sun, Veritas, and 3Com) for their interest, insights, and support. We also thank IBM Corporation for supporting our research efforts. This work was also partially funded by the National Science Foundation via CMU's Data Storage Systems Center. References[1] Anurag Acharya, Mustafa Uysal, and Joel Saltz. Active disks: programming model, algorithms and evaluation. Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (San Jose, California), pages 81{91. ACM, 3-7 October 1998. [2] R. Agrawal and J. Schafer. Parallel Mining of Association Rules. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 8(6), December 1996. 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This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the 4th USENIX OSDI Symposium,
October 23-25, 2000, San Diego, California, USA.
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