4th USENIX OSDI Symposium   
[Technical Program]
Performance-Driven Processor AllocationJulita Corbalán, Xavier Martorell, Jesús LabartaUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) {juli,xavim,jesus}@ac.upc.es
AbstractThis work is focused on processor
allocation in shared-memory multiprocessor systems, where no knowledge
of the application is available when applications are submitted. We perform
the processor allocation taking into account the characteristics of the
application measured at run-time. We want to demonstrate the importance
of an accurate performance analysis and the criteria used to distribute
the processors. With this aim, we present the SelfAnalyzer, an approach
to dynamically analyzing the performance of applications (speedup, efficiency
and execution time), and the Performance-Driven Processor Allocation (PDPA),
a new scheduling policy that distributes processors considering both the
global conditions of the system and the particular characteristics of running
applications. This work also defends the importance of the interaction
between the medium-term and the long-term scheduler to control the multiprogramming
level in the case of the clairvoyant scheduling policies1.
We have implemented our proposal in an SGI Origin2000 with 64 processors
and we have compared its performance with that of some scheduling policies
proposed so far and with the native IRIX scheduling policy. Results show
that the combination of the SelfAnalyzer+PDPA with the medium/long-term
scheduling interaction outperforms the rest of the scheduling policies
evaluated. The evaluation shows that in workloads where a simple equipartition
performs well, the PDPA also performs well, and in extreme workloads where
all the applications have a bad performance, our proposal can achieve a
speedup of 3.9 with respect to an equipartition and 11.8 with respect to
the native IRIX scheduling policy.
IntroductionThe performance of current
shared-memory multiprocessors systems heavily depends on the allocation
of processors to parallel applications. This is especially important in
NUMA systems, such as the SGI Origin2000 [SGI98]. This work attacks the
problem of the processor allocation in an execution environment where no
knowledge of the application is available when applications are submitted.
Many researchers have considered the use of application characteristics in processor scheduling [Brecht96] [Chiang94][Marsh91][Nguyen96][NguyenZV96][Parsons96]. In these works, parallel applications are characterized by different parameters such as the maximum speedup, the average parallelism, or the size of the working set. Performing the processor allocation without taking into account these characteristics can result in a bad utilization of the machine. For instance, allocating a high number of processors to a parallel application with small speedup will result in a loss of processor performance. Traditionally, characteristics of parallel applications were calculated in two different ways. The first approach is that the user or system administrator performs several executions under different scenarios, such as the input data or the number of processors, and collects several measurements. A second approach, used in research environments [Brecht96] [Chiang94] [Helmbold90] [Leutenegger90] [Madhukar95] [Parsons96] [Sevcik94], defines a job model, characterizing the applications by a set of parameters, such as the average of parallelism or the speedup. This information is provided to the OS as an a priori input, to be taken into account in subsequent executions. This approach has several
drawbacks. First of all, these tests can be very time-consuming, even,
they can be prohibitive due to the number of combinations. Furthermore,
many times the performance of the application depends on the particular
input data (data size, number of iterations). Second, the behavior of the
applications is influenced by issues such as the characteristics of the
processors assigned to them, or the run-time mapping of processes to processors,
or the memory placement. These issues determine the performance of the
applications and are only available at run-time. Finally, the different
analytic models proposed so far are not able to represent the behavior
of the application at run-time. Moreover, analytic models try to characterize
the application when it is individually executed, not in a shared environment.
Most of the previous approaches are based on analytic models.
On the other hand, the typical
way to execute a parallel application in production systems is through
a long-term scheduler, i.e. a queueing system [Feitelson95]. The queueing
system manages the number of applications that are executed simultaneously,
usually known as the multiprogramming level2.
In this execution environment, jobs are queued until the queueing system
decides to execute it. This work is based on execution environments where
the applications arrival is controlled by a long-term scheduler.
This work relies on the utilization
of the characteristics of the applications calculated at run-time and on
using this information for processor scheduling. In particular, we propose
to use the speedup and the execution time with P processors. This work
is focused on demonstrating the importance of: the accuracy of the measurements
of the application characteristics, the criteria used to perform the processor
scheduling, and the coordination with the queueing system, in the performance
that may be achieved by parallel applications. With this aim, we present:
(1) a new approach to measure the speedup and the execution time of the
parallel applications, the SelfAnalyzer, (2) a new scheduling policy that
uses the speedup and the execution time to distribute processors, the Performance-Driven
Processor Allocation (PDPA) policy, (3) and a new approach to coordinating
the (medium-term) scheduler with the queueing system (long-term scheduler).
Our approach has been implemented
in an Origin2000 with 64 processors. Applications from the SPECFp95 benchmark
suite and from the NAS benchmarks have been used to evaluate the performance
of our proposal. All the benchmarks used in the evaluation are parallelized
with OpenMP [OpenMP2000] directives. Finally, in the current implementation
we assume that applications are malleable [Feitelson97], applications that
can adjust to changing allocations at runtime.
Results show that the combination
of the SelfAnalyzer+PDPA with the medium/long-term scheduling interaction
outperforms the rest of the scheduling policies evaluated. The evaluation
shows that, in workloads where a simple equipartition performs well, the
PDPA also performs well, and in extreme workloads where all the applications
have a bad performance, our proposal can achieve a speedup of 3.9 with
respect to an equipartition and 11.8 with respect to the native IRIX scheduling.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the related work. Section 3 presents the execution environment in which we have developed this work. Section 4 presents the PDPA scheduling policy. Section 5 presents the evaluation of the PDPA compared to some scheduling policies proposed so far and the IRIX scheduling policy. Finally, section 6 presents the conclusions of this work. Related WorkMany researchers have studied
the use of characteristics of the applications calculated at run time to
perform processor scheduling. Majumdar et al [Majumdar91], Parsons et al
[Parsons96], Sevcik [Sevcik94][Sevcik89], Chiang et al [Chiang94] and Leutenegger
et al [Leutenegger90] have studied the usefulness of using application
characteristics in processor scheduling. They have demonstrated that parallel
applications have very different characteristics such as the speedup or
the average of parallelism that must be taken into account by the scheduler.
All these works have been carried out using simulations, not through the
execution of real applications, and assuming a priori information.
Some researchers propose that applications should monitor themselves and tune their parallelism, based on their performance. Voss et al [Voss99] propose to dynamically detect parallel loops dominated by overheads and to serialize them. Nguyen et al [Nguyen96] [NguyenZV96] propose SelfTuning, to dynamically measure the efficiency achieved in iterative parallel regions and select the best number of processors to execute them considering the efficiency. These works have demonstrated the effectiveness of using run-time information. Other authors propose to communicate these application characteristics to the scheduler and let it to perform the processor allocation using this information. Hamidzadeh [Hamidzadeh94] proposes to dynamically optimize the processor allocation by dedicating a processor to search the optimal allocation. This proposal does not consider characteristics of the applications, only the system performance. Nguyen et al [Nguyen96][NguyenZV96] also use the efficiency of the applications, calculated at run-time, to achieve an equal-efficiency in all the processors. Brecht et al [Brecht96] use parallel program characteristics in dynamic processor allocations policies, (assuming a priori information). McCann et al [McCann93] propose a scheduler that dynamically adjust the number of processors allocated to the parallel applications to improve the processor utilization. Their approach considers the application-provided idleness to allocate the processors, resulting in a large number of re-allocations. To obtain application characteristics,
previous systems have taken approaches such as the use of the hardware
counters provided by the architecture, or monitoring the execution time
of the different phases of the applications. Weissman [Weissman98] uses
the performance counters provided by modern architectures to improve the
thread locality. McCann et al [McCann93] monitor the idle time consumed
by the processors. Nguyen et al [Nguyen96][NguyenZV96] combined both, the
use of hardware counters and the measurement of the idle periods of the
The most studied characteristic of parallel applications has been the speedup. Several theoretical studies have analyzed the relation between the speedup and other characteristics such as the efficiency. Eager, Zahorjan and Lazowska define in [Eager89] the speedup and the efficiency. Speedup is defined for each number of processors P as the ratio between the execution time with one processor and with P processors. Efficiency is defined as the average utilization of the P allocated processors. The relationship between efficiency and speedup is shown in Figure 1.
Helmbold et al analyze in
[Helmbold90] the causes of loss of speedup and demonstrate that the super-linear
speedup exists basically due to memory cache effects.
Our work has several characteristics that differ from the previously mentioned proposals. First of all, with respect the parameters used by the scheduling policy, our proposal considers two characteristics of the applications: the speedup and the execution time. We also propose to consider the variation in these characteristics proportionally to the variation in the number of allocated processors. Second, we differ in the way the application characteristics are acquired. We believe that parameters such as the speedup can only be accurately calculated as the relation between two measurements, as opposed to [Nguyen96]. Furthermore, since the execution time of the applications is used by the scheduler, we propose a new approach to estimate the execution time of the whole application. Our measurements are based on the time, not on the hardware performance counters. In this way our method is independent from the architecture. Third, we have implemented and evaluated our proposal using real applications and a real architecture, the Origin2000. Simulations do not consider important issues of the architecture such as the data locality. And finally, we consider the benefit provided by the interaction of the (medium-term) scheduler with the long-term scheduler (queueing system). Performance-Driven Processor AllocationThis section presents the
three components of this work. Figure 2 shows the general overview of our
execution environment. (1) Parallel applications calculate their performance
through the SelfAnalyzer which informs the scheduler about the achieved
speedup with the current number of processors, the estimation of the execution
time of the whole application, and the requested number of processors.
(2) Periodically (at each quantum3
expiration) the scheduler wakes up and applies the scheduling policy, the
PDPA. The PDPA distributes the processors among the parallel applications
considering their characteristics, global system status, such as the number
of processors allocated in the previous quantum, and the requested number
of processors of each application. Once the processor allocation has been
decided, the scheduler enforces it by suspending or resuming the application's
processes. The scheduler informs the applications about the number of processors
assigned to each one and applications are in charge of adapting their parallelism
to their current allocation. In our work, the scheduler is a user-level
application, and it must enforce the processor allocation through the native
operating system calls such as suspend, or resume. Finally, the scheduler
interacts with the queueing system to dynamically modify the multiprogramming
level (3). The result is a multiprogramming level adapted to the particular
characteristics of the running applications.
Dynamic Performance Analysis: SelfAnalyzer
The SelfAnalyzer [Corbalan99]
is a run-time library that dynamically calculates the speedup achieved
by the parallel regions, and estimates the execution time of the whole
application. The SelfAnalyzer exploits the iterative structure of a significant
number of scientific applications. The main time-consuming code of these
applications is composed of a set of parallel loops inside a sequential
loop. Iterations of the sequential loop have a similar behavior among them.
Then, measurements for a particular iteration can be considered to predict
the behavior of the next iterations, also exploited in [Nguyen96].
We believe that the speedup should be calculated as the relationship between two measurements: the sequential or reference execution time and the parallel execution time. In [Corbalan99] we demonstrated that the speedup calculated as a function of only one measurement can not detect significant issues such as the super-linear speedups. Figure 3 shows the formulation used by the SelfAnalyzer to calculate the speedup and to estimate the execution time. To calculate the speedup, the SelfAnalyzer measures the execution time of each outer sequential iteration and also monitors the sequential and parallel regions inside the outer loop. It executes some initial iterations of the sequential loop with a predefined number of processors, (baseline), to be used as reference for the speedup computation. Once T(baseline) is computed, (1) in Figure 3, the application goes on measuring the execution time but with the number of processors allocated by the scheduler. If baseline is one processor, the calculated speedup will correspond with the traditional speedup measurement. Since the execution of some initial iterations with one processor could consume a lot of time, we propose to set the baseline greater than one processor. In [Corbalan99] we demonstrate that setting baseline to four processors is a good trade-off between the information provided by the measurement and the amount of overhead introduced because of executing the first iterations with a small number of processors. However, this approach has the drawback that it does not allow us to directly compare speedups among applications. Setting baseline to four processors, the speedup with four processors of an application that scales well will be one and the speedup with four processors of an application that scales poorly will be also one. We use Amdahl's law [Amdahl67]
to normalize the speedups inside an application. Amdahl's law bounds the
speedup that an application can achieve with P processors based on the
fraction of sequential code.
We call this function the Amdahl's Factor (AF), see (2) in Figure 3 In this way, we calculate the AF of the baseline and use this value to normalize the speedups calculated by the SelfAnalyzer. Considering the characteristics of these parallel applications, and taking into account their iterative structure, we are able to estimate the complete execution time of the application by using the calculated speedup and the number of iterations that the application executes, (3) in Figure 3 This estimation is calculated by adding the consumed execution time until the moment with the estimation of the remaining execution time. The remaining execution time is calculated as a function of the number of iterations not yet executed and the speedup that the application is achieving on each iteration. To calculate the speedup and the execution time, the SelfAnalyzer needs to detect the following instrumentation points in the code: the starting of the application, the iterative structure, and the start and end of each parallel loop. In the current implementation, the invocation of the SelfAnalyzer at these points can be done in two different ways: (1) if the source code is available, the application can be re-compiled and the SelfAnalyzer calls can be inserted by the compiler. (2) If the source code is not available, both the iterative structure and the parallel loops are dynamically detected. When the source code is not available, we detect the instrumentation points using dynamic interposition [Serra2000]. Calls to parallel loops are identified by the address of the function that encapsulates the loop. This sequence of values (addresses) is passed to another mechanism that dynamically detects periodic patterns. It receives as input a dynamic sequence of values and it is able to determine whether they follow a periodic pattern. Once we detect the iterative parallel region, the performance analysis is started. In this case the number of
times that the iterative structure executes is not available. In that case,
the SelfAnalyzer is not able to estimate the execution time of the application
and it assumes that the most useful characteristic to the scheduler is
the execution time of one outer iteration.
As far as the status of the
performance calculation is concerned, applications can be internally in
two different states: either Performance Not yet Calculated (PNC), or Performance
Calculated (PC). The application is in the PNC state when the speedup with
the current number of assigned processors has not been yet calculated,
and in the PC when the speedup has been calculated. At the start of the
application and each time the processor allocation is changed, the application
is in the PNC state. If the processor allocation is modified when the application
is in the PNC state, the current calculations (speedup and execution time)
are discarded, and a new calculation with the current number of processors
is started.
The Performance-Driven Processor Allocation: PDPAThe PDPA allocates processors
among the applications considering issues such as the number of processors
used in the system, the speedup achieved by each application, and the estimation
of the execution time of the whole application. The goal of the PDPA is
to minimize the response time, while guaranteeing that the allocated processors
are achieving a good efficiency.
The PDPA considers each application to be in one of the states shown in Figure 4. These states correspond with trends of the performance of the application. These states and the transitions among them are determined both by the performance achieved by the application and by some policy parameters. The PDPA parameters are the target efficiency (high_eff), the minimum efficiency considered acceptable (low_eff), and the number of processors that will increment/decrement the application allocation (step). In "PDPA parameters." we will present the solution adopted in the current approach to define these parameters. ![]() Application state diagramThe PDPA can assign four
different states to applications: NO_REF(initial state), DEC, INC, and
STABLE (Figure 4). Each quantum the PDPA processes the performance information
provided by the applications, compared with the performance achieved in
the previous quantum, and with the policy parameters, and decides the application
state for next quantum. The state transitions determine the processor allocation
for this application in the next quantum, even if the next state is the
All the applications start in the NO_REF state. This state means that the PDPA has no performance knowledge about this application (at the starting point). The processor allocation associated with the starting of a new application is the same as an equipartition (approximately total_processors_machine/total_applications), if there are enough free processors, otherwise it assigns the available free processors. Once the PDPA is informed about the achieved speedup with the previous allocation, it compares the efficiency4 with high_eff and low_eff. If the efficiency is greater than high_eff, the PDPA considers that the application performs well and sets the next state as INC. If it is lower than low_eff, the PDPA considers that the application performs poorly and sets the next state as DEC. Finally, the PDPA may consider that the application has an acceptable performance that does not justify a change and the PDPA sets the next state as STABLE. If the next state is INC, the application will receive in the next quantum the current number of allocated processor plus step. If the next state is DEC the application will receive in the next quantum the current number of allocated processor minus step. If the next state is STABLE the processor allocation will be maintained. ![]() The INC state means that the application has performed well until the current quantum. In this state the PDPA uses both the speedup and the estimation of the execution time to decide the next state. The MoreProcessors() algorithm presented in Figure 5 is executed to determine the next state. MoreProcessors() returning TRUE means that the additional processors associated to the transition to this state has provided a "real benefit" to this application. In that case the next state is set to INC. MoreProcessors() returning FALSE means that the additional processors were not useful to the applications. In that case the next state is set to STABLE. If the next state is INC, the application will receive step additional processors in the next quantum. If the next state is STABLE, the application will loose the step additional processors received in the last transition. The DEC state means that the application has performed badly until the current quantum. The LessProcessors() algorithm presented in Figure 5 is executed to determine the next state. LessProcessors() returning TRUE means that the application has not yet achieved an acceptable performance. In that case the next state will be DEC. LessProcessors() returning FALSE means that the performance is currently acceptable and the next state must be STABLE. If the next state is DEC, the application will loose step more processors in the next quantum. If the next state is STABLE the application will retain the current allocation. The STABLE state means that the application has the maximum number of processors that the PDPA considers acceptable. Typically, once an application becomes STABLE it remains STABLE until it finishes. The allocation in this state is maintained. Only if the policy parameters are defined dynamically might the PDPA change the state of an application from STABLE to either INC or DEC. If low_eff has been increased and the efficiency achieved with the current allocation is not acceptable, the next state will be DEC and the application will loose step processors. In a symmetric way, if high_eff has been decreased the next state will be INC and the application will receive step additional processors. PDPA parametersAs we have commented before,
there are three parameters which determine the "aggressiveness" of the
PDPA. These parameters can be either statically or dynamically defined.
Statically defined, for instance by the system administrator, or dynamically
defined, for instance as a function of the number of running applications.
In the current PDPA implementation high_eff and low_eff are dynamically defined and step is statically defined. The PDPA calculates the values of high_eff and low_eff at the start of each quantum, before processing the applications. The value of high_eff is calculated as a function of the ratio between the total number of processors allocated in the last quantum and the number of processors in the system. We have adopted this solution because this ratio is a good hint about the level of scalability that the PDPA must require of parallel applications to allocate them more processors. The higher this ratio is, the higher the high_eff value will be. Experimentally, the high_eff values ranges from 1.0 (ratio>0.9) to 0.7 (ratio<0.75). The value of low_eff is defined as a function of high_eff. In the current implementation it has been set to the value of high_eff minus 0.2. Step is a parameter that
sets the increments or decrements in the allocation of an application.
This parameter is used to limit the number of re-allocations that are suffered
by the applications. Setting step to a small value we achieve more accuracy
in the number of allocated processors but the overhead introduced by the
re-allocations can be significant. In the current implementation, this
parameter has been tuned empirically and set to four processors.
Implementation issuesThe PDPA checks the internal
status of the applications and maintains the processor allocation to those
applications that are in the PNC state. Transitions in the state diagram
are only allowed either when all the applications are in the PC state or
if there are unallocated processors. The aim of this decision is to maintain
the allocation of those applications that are calculating their speedup.
If we modify the speedup of an application in PNC state as a consequence
of the processing of another application, it could result in inaccurate
To those applications that are in PC state, the PDPA allocates a minimum of one processor. This decision has been taken considering that the efficiency of an application with one processor is 1.0. This assumption is also done in scheduling policies such as the equipartition and the equal_eff. Moreover, it simplifies the SelfAnalyzer and the PDPA implementation. Applications in PC state are sorted by speedup. This arrangement is done to give a certain priority to those applications that perform better, and assuring that these applications will receive processors. Finally, the PDPA maintains the history of the applications states, and does not allow that applications change from STABLE to either DEC or INC more than three times. The number of transitions is limited to avoid an excessive number of reallocations that will generate a loss of performance. It has been tuned empirically considering the particular characteristics of the workloads used. Further research with different workloads and applications will allow us to tune this parameter. InterfaceTable 1 shows the main primitives
of the interface between the parallel library and the scheduler, and between
the SelfAnalyzer and the scheduler. The first four rows are used by the
parallel library to interact with the scheduler: requesting for cpus, checking
the number of allocated cpus, checking whether there are preempted threads
and recovering them. These are the main functions to implement the dynamic
processor allocation mechanism. The last two primitives are used by the
selfAnalyzer to inform the scheduler about the calculated speedup and the
estimation of the execution time of the application.
Queueing system coordination: Dynamic multiprogramming levelAs we have commented before,
the multiprogramming level defines the number of applications running concurrently
in the system. Non-clairvoyant scheduling policies typically allocate as
many processors as possible to the running applications, since they are
not able to determine how they will perform. They assign the minimum between
the total requested number of processors and the number of processors of
the machine.
But, even when the total requested number
of processors is greater than the total number of processors in the machine,
the PDPA may decide to leave some processors unallocated. In that case,
the logical approach is to allow the queueing system to start a queued
application. We propose to check after each re-allocation the scenario
conditions and to decide whether a new application can be started. The
conditions that must be met are the following:
These conditions are checked
in the NewAppl() function call implemented by the scheduler and consulted
by the queueing system.
Execution environment and implementationThe work done in this paper
has been developed using the NANOS execution environment: The NanosCompiler,
NthLib, and the CpuManager (the medium-term scheduler).
Applications are parallelized through OpenMP directives. They are compiled with the NanosCompiler [NANOS99], which generates code to NthLib [Martorell95][Martorell96]. NthLib constructs the structure of parallelism specified in the OpenMP directives and it is able to adapt the structure of the application to the number of available processors. Moreover, it interacts with the CpuManager through a kernel interface in the following way: NthLib informs the scheduler about the number of requested processors and the scheduler informs NthLib about the number of processors available to this application. The CpuManager [CorbalanML99] is a user-level processor scheduler. It implements the PDPA scheduling policy. It follows the approach proposed in [Tucker89], that assumes that applications perform better when the number of running threads is the same as the number of processors. For the following experiments,
the CpuManager implements the queueing system. Then, in this particular
implementation it communicates with the PDPA by calling it directly. The
queueing system launches a new application each time a running application
finishes, and every quantum it asks to the PDPA whether a new application
can be started.
EvaluationIn order to evaluate the practicality
and the benefits of the PDPA we have executed several parallel workloads
under different scenarios:
Equip: Applications are compiled with the NanosCompiler and linked with NthLib. The CpuManager is executed and it applies the equipartition policy proposed in [McCann93]. Equipartition is a space sharing policy that, to the extent possible, maintains an equal allocation of processors to all jobs. The initial allocation is set to zero. Then, the allocation number of each job is increased by one in turn, and any job whose allocation has reached the number of requested5 processors drops out. This process continues until either there are no remaining jobs or until all P processors have been allocated. The only information provided by the application is its current processor requirements. PDPA: Applications are compiled with the NanosCompiler and linked with NthLib. The CpuManager applies the PDPA scheduling policy. Three different variations have been executed to demonstrate the usefulness of the different components of our approach. (1) PDPA, as proposed in Section 3. (2) PDPA(S), the PDPA only considers the speedup. The benefit in the execution time provided by the extra processor allocation is not considered. (3) PDPA(idleness), the speedup is calculated as a function of efficiency. In this case, we have tried to implement the approach proposed in [NguyenZV96], which calculates the efficiency measuring the sources of overhead: idleness, processor stall time, and system overhead. In our applications, we found the system overhead to be negligible, and in current architectures, like the Origin2000, the hardware does not provide the performance counters to calculate the processor stall time. Due to the difficulties of implementing their complete approach, we have implemented a similar approach only considering the idleness as source of overhead. Equal_eff: Applications are
compiled with the NanosCompiler and linked with the NthLib. The CpuManager
applies the equal_eff proposed in [NguyenZV96]. The goal of the equal_eff
is to maximize the system efficiency. It uses the dynamically calculated
efficiency of the applications, obtained through the SelfAnalyzer, to extrapolate
[Dowdy88] the complete efficiency curve. Once extrapolated, the equal_eff
works in the following way: it initially assigns a single processor to
each application, and then it assigns the remaining processors one by one
to the application with the currently highest (extrapolated) efficiency.
SGI-MP: Applications are compiled with the MIPSpro F77 compiler and linked with the MP-library. The commercial IRIX scheduling policy has been used. In this case, the NANOS execution environment is not involved at all. The queueing system has been used to control the multiprogramming level. In this scenario, the environment variables that define the application adaptability have been set to the following values6: MP_BLOCKTIME=200000 and OMP_DYNAMIC=TRUE. Architecture, applications and workloadsAll the workloads have been
executed in an Origin2000 [Laudon97][SGI98] with 64 processors. Each processor
is a MIPS R10000 [Yeager96] at 250 MHZ, with two separated instruction
and data L1 cache (32 Kbytes), and a secondary unified instruction/data
cache (4 Mbytes).
To evaluate our proposal we have selected four different applications: swim, hydro2d, apsi, and BT (class=A). The swim, hydro2d and apsi are applications from the SPECFp95, the BT is from the NASPB [Jin99]. Each one of them has different behavior considering the speedup. Table 2 presents the characteristics of these applications, from higher to lower speedup. Swim achieves a super-linear speedup, BT has a moderate-high speedup, hydro2d has low speedup and apsi has very bad speedup. In all the applications, except in apsi, the maximum speedup is achieved with 32 processors. The complete performance analysis of these applications and their speedup curves can be found in [Corbalan99]. Compilation of benchmarks from
the SPECFp has been done using the following command line options for the
native MIPSpro f77 compiler: -64 -mips4 -r10000 -Ofast=ip27 -LNO:prefetch_ahead=1.
Compilation of the BT has been done using the Makefile provided with the
NASPB distribution.
Table 3 describes the four
different workloads designed to evaluate the performance of the PDPA. The
column instances is the number of times that the application is executed
and the request column is the number of requested processors.
Workload 1 is designed to evaluate
the performance of the PDPA when applications perform well, and the allocation
of the equipartition policy directly achieves a good performance. Workload
2 has been designed to evaluate the PDPA performance when some of the applications
perform well and some perform badly. Workload 3 evaluates the performance
when applications have a medium and bad speedup and, finally, workload
4 evaluates the PDPA when all the applications have very bad performance.
Since we are not assuming a priori knowledge of the applications, we have
set the requested number of processors to 32 in all the applications.
The multiprogramming level
has been set to four in all the executions. The queueing system applies
a First Come First Served policy, and we assume that all the applications
have been queued at the same time7.
The dynamic page migration mechanism of IRIX has been activated and we have checked that results are slightly better than without this mechanism. ResultsFigure 6. presents the average
execution time per application in the different scenarios for the four
workloads. We also show the total execution time of the workloads under
the different scheduling policies. Results from workload 1 show that the
PDPA-based scheduling policies (PDPA and PDPA(S)) perform well, compared
with equipartition. The PDPA(idleness) does not perform well, demonstrating
the importance of an accurate estimation of the performance. In this workload,
the equal_eff performs well since the applications can efficiently use
a large number of processors. We can also appreciate the importance of
considering the benefit provided by the additional processors to the applications.
If we observe the average execution time of swim, we see how the PDPA outperforms
the PDPA(S). The reason is that the PDPA(S) allocates more processors to
some instances of swim, allocating less processors to the rest of running
applications. With the PDPA(S) the standard deviation in the execution
time of the different instances is greater than in PDPA. The execution
time range is (6.5,14.6) in PDPA(S) and (6.5,8.5) in PDPA. The importance
of considering the benefit provided by the additional processors is more
significant when the load of the system is high. In that case, without
considering this parameter the processor allocation can become unfair.
In the rest of workloads the difference between PDPA and PDPA(S) is less
significant, since the load of the system is low.
In the workload 2, the PDPA-based
scheduling policies outperform the rest of scheduling policies. In this
case, the workload execution time has been significantly reduced because
of the communication with the long-medium term scheduler. The speedup with
respect to both the PDPA(idleness) and the SGI-MP is 3.2.
Workload 3 does not show large differences in the individual performance, although the number of processors allocated to applications by the PDPA-based scheduling policies is very small, allowing the long-term scheduler to start a new application, resulting in a better system utilization. This better utilization can be observed in the execution time of the workload. The PDPA-based scheduling policies achieve speedups from 2 (with respect to the equip.) to 6.2 (with respect to the SGI-MP). Finally, in workload 4, the PDPA-based scheduling policies outperform the rest, mainly in the execution time of the workload, and also in the individual performance. Allocating a small, but sufficient, number of processors to the apsi avoids undesirable memory interferences. Considering the workload execution time, the PDPA-based scheduling policies achieve speedups from 2.0 with respect to the equip. to 6.76 with respect to the SGI-MP. We want to comment on the
performance achieved in the case of the SGI-MP environment. The problem
is the large number of unnecessary context-switches. These context-switches
generate a loss of performance because they imply the reload of the data
cache, remote memory accesses, and increase the system time consumed by
the application. For instance, consider one apsi execution in the workload
4 in the PDPA and in the SGI-MP environments. In the PDPA the apsi has
consumed a 0.1% of the execution time in system mode (0.23sec. in system-mode
and 204sec. in user-mode). In the SGI-MP case, the apsi has spent a 27%
in system mode (152sec. in system mode and 562.7sec. in user-mode).
Figure 7 shows the processor allocation made by the different scheduling policies when executing the parallel workloads. Each column shows the average of processors allocated to each different application. In these graphs, we can observe how the scheduling policies that take into account the application characteristics distribute the processors accordingly with the application performance. Since there are a minimum of two instances of each application running concurrently the highest of the columns should normally not exceed thirty-two processors (in the case of workload 4 sixteen).
We can observe how PDPA and
PDPA(S) distribute the processors proportionally to the application performance.
PDPA(S) is less restrictive and it assigns more processors. On the other
hand, equal_eff does not have a rule to stop the processor allocation to
the applications. This is the reason why the equal_eff allocates a higher
number of processors to applications that perform badly, like apsi. PDPA(idleness)
is not able to detect the good or bad behavior of the applications. The
idleness is shown as a bad hint of the real efficiency achieved by the
parallel applications. We can also observe in the case of the SGI-MP, how
applications have adapted their parallelism to the available processors,
in a similar way to the equip.
ConclusionsIn this work, we have presented
Performance-Driven Processor Allocation, a new scheduling policy that uses
both global system information and the application characteristics provided
by the SelfAnalyzer, a dynamic performance analyzer. PDPA allocates processors
to applications that will take advantage of them, avoiding unfair allocations,
allocating processors to applications that do not benefit from them, or
even prejudicial allocations, resulting in an increase in the execution
This work has been implemented and evaluated on an SGI Origin2000. We have demonstrated that it is important for the scheduler to receive accurate information about the application characteristics. Our evaluation shows that PDPA outperforms the considered scheduling policies. Finally, in this work we have considered the usefulness of the interaction between the medium and the long-term scheduler. Our experience has shown that it is convenient to allow this kind of communication to improve the performance of the global system. This conclusion is valid for PDPA and also to any scheduling policy that allocates processors to applications based upon their performance. AcknowledgmentsThis work has been supported
by the Spanish Ministry of Education under grant CYCIT TIC98-0511, the
ESPRIT Project NANOS (21907) and the Direcció General de Recerca
of the Generalitat de Catalunya under grant 1999FI 00554 UPC APTIND. The
research described in this work has been developed using the resources
of the European Center for Parallelism of Barcelona (CEPBA).
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This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the 4th USENIX OSDI Symposium,
October 23-25, 2000, San Diego, California, USA.
Last changed: 16 Jan. 2002 ml |