In this paper we present a highly robust and efficient mobility
architecture. ROAM uses an indirection infrastructure () that
gives end-hosts the ability to control placement of
indirection points in the infrastructure. ROAM uses this ability to
achieve efficient routing, fast handoff, and preserve location
privacy. ROAM is as robust as the underlying IP network, and allows
simultaneous mobility while not requiring any changes to the TCP/IP
protocol stack.
Simulation results show that ROAM has a low latency stretch
and it is highly robust compared to Mobile IP. We evaluate a
prototype of ROAM in a small testbed, and preliminary experimental results
demonstrate that ROAM provides good support for
soft-handoff and frequent mobility. We plan to deploy ROAM on a larger
scale with end hosts and servers spanning the continental US. In
addition, we plan to explore using ROAM to compose
services [6] such as transcoding and transport protocol
optimization for wireless links (e.g., TCP Snoop [36]) that
complement mobile routing.