Check out the new USENIX Web site.
LISA'97 Free Exhibit Admission
	open:  Wednesday, October 29, 12 noon - 7 pm
	       Thursday, October 30, 10 am - 4 pm
	       Mission Ballroom, Town & Country Hotel
	       500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA

USE THIS PASS ONLY if do not register for LISA Tutorials nor Technical 
Sessions. Please copy and share with your colleagues.

Please complete. Information is confidential. Mail to:

USENIX Conference Office		Phone: 714.588.8649
22672 Lambert St., Suite 613		Fax: 714.588.9706
Lake Forest, CA USA 92630


         (first)                                 	(last)
COMPANY OR INSTITUTION______________________________________________
WORK ADDRESS________________________________________________________
                                                (mail stop)
TELEPHONE NO:____________________________FAX NO._________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS______________________________________________________


Please help us serve you better. By answering the following questions, you 
help us plan our activities to meet your needs. All information is confidential.

[ ]  I do not want my address made available except for USENIX mailings.
[ ]  I do not want USENIX to email me notices of Association activities.

What is your affiliation (check one):
( ) academic   ( ) commercial   ( ) gov't   ( ) research and development

What is your role in the purchase decision (check one):
1.( ) final	2.( ) specify	3.( ) recommend	4.( ) influence	5.( ) no role

What is your primary job function (check one):
1.( ) system/network administrator	    2.( ) consultant
3.( ) academic/research	     4.( ) developer/programmer/architect 
5.( ) system engineer	     6.( ) technical manager	  7.( ) student
8.( ) security	             9.( ) webmaster

How did you first hear about this meeting (check one):
1.( ) USENIX brochure	2.( ) newsgroup/bulletin board	3.( ) ;login:
4.( ) World Wide Web	5.( ) from a colleague	        6.( ) magazine
7.( ) SunWorld email	8.( ) NetscapeWorld email	9.( ) JavaWorld email
