Call for Papers
Conference Overview
Important Dates
Conference Organizers
Conference Topics
Technical Track and Symposia
Tutorials, Invited Talks, Workshops, WIPs, and BOFs
Paper Submissions
Call for Papers in PDF Format
The Program Committee invites you to join the contributors to the LISA XV
conference. Submissions of refereed papers or other presentations which address
any and all aspects of system administration are acceptable. Here is a partial
list of timely paper topics for potential authors:
Evaluations of innovative system administration tools and techniques (rehashes
of old tools are not acceptable unless they clearly bring something new to the
Distributed or automated system
High availability and disaster recovery
Designing, selecting, scaling, integrating and managing "enterprise" computing
Security (all aspects)
Applications of tools, techniques, and methods from other disciplines
Integration of new networking technologies, protocols, and applications
Integration of emerging technologies
Performance analysis and monitoring
University teaching programmes
Effective training techniques for system administration
Theory and Practice of System
Methodology, paradigms, and models for system administration
Analysis of "best practices" in systems administration
Analysis and comparison of alternative
systems for systems administration tasks
Case studies
Application of scientific methods to systems administration
Metrics for systems administration
Performance analysis and monitoring
Budgeting, cost analyses, and project planning/management techniques for systems
User-System Interaction
System administration management issues
User health and safety
User psychology
Support strategies
The system administrator's role in the
Computer Immunology in System Administration
Host regulation
Convergent automation in distributed
Security and stability
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