Next: Coin Purchase
Up: VarietyCash: a Multi-purpose Electronic
Previous: General requirements and principles
We first enumerate the basic
processes taking place in
VarietyCash, and the parties involved
in them. Later we describe in detail the requirements and protocols that
realize them for the two more relevant processes: Coin Purchase and
- Registration - A party chooses an identity, and has his/her public
key registered at the issuer.
- Enrollment (
) - An already
registered participant enrolls for a role such as coin purchaser or
- Coin Purchase (
) - The
withdrawer specifies what kinds of coins s/he wants, and a
corresponding set of coins is then issued and sent to the
withdrawer. The coins are paid for by funds of value equal to the
total dollar value of the issued coins, which the withdrawer authorizes the
issuer to get from his/her bank account.
- Payment (
) - The payer pays to the payee
a requested sum, using one or more coins totalling to the requested value. The
payee immediately (i.e., on-line) validates the coins with the issuer, and may
either obtain new coins in return, redeem the coins, or aggregate them
for later redemption.
- Change (
) - The coin-holder gives the issuer
a set of coins, and also specifies what kinds of coins he wants in
change, the total dollar value of the requested coins being the
same as that of the provided coins. Coins corresponding to
the request are then issued to the coin-holder.
- Redeem (
) - The redeemer gives some
set of coins to the issuer, and the latter turns them into real
money in the redeemer's bank account.
- Refresh (
) - The refresher turns in old
(expired) coins for an equivalent value in new coins.
- Refund - A non-anonymous coin holder can request the issuer to resend
him his coins in case of a failure (e.g., disk crash).
Again, we note the distinction between the Registration and Enrollment
processes. Intuitively, Registration is a simpler, on-line process
that will let a user participate in the transactions. It basically
consists of chooshing and ID (possibly a pseudonym)
and a secret/public key pair, and making sure that requirements such
as availability and security (e.g., minimizing spoiler attacks) are
met. On the other hand, Enrollment is accomplished by a combination
of on-line and out-of-band steps. It comprises steps such as
providing DDA/credit card information, validation of this information,
and issuance of initial amount. Being enrolled allows a user to play
an ``active'' role in the system, in the sense of generating money
conversions from regular to electronic, and viceversa. We leave the
details of these two important processes for the full version of
the paper, and will assume in the following description that
they have already taken place.
Next: Coin Purchase
Up: VarietyCash: a Multi-purpose Electronic
Previous: General requirements and principles
Juan A. Garay