USENIX Technical Program - Paper - Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce, 1998   
[Technical Program]
Towards A Framework for Handling Disputes in Payment SystemsN. Asokan, Els Van Herreweghen, Michael Steiner
AbstractThe ability to support disputes is an important, but often neglected aspect of payment systems. In this paper, we present a language for expressing dispute claims in a unified manner, independent of any specific payment system. We illustrate how to support claims made in this language with evidence tokens from an example payment system. We also describe an architecture for dispute handling. Our approach may be generalised to other services where accountability is a requirement.1 Introduction1.1 Importance of Dispute Handling in Electronic CommerceServices in an electronic commerce system involve more than one player. An effective system guarantees that if all players behave correctly (``honestly'') according to some pre-defined protocol, each player obtains the services it expects. A system with integrity [12] guarantees that, in addition, honest players are also protected against the incorrect behaviour of other players they do not trust. For example, in a payment system, an integrity requirement of an honest payer is that the payee receives at most the amount of value authorised by the payer. Sometimes practical considerations may render it desirable to settle for a weaker form of integrity -- the integrity requirement is modified as follows: even if the system is not able to prevent a dishonest player from causing ``harmful'' effects to the honest player(s), it must allow the honest player(s) to later prove the behaviour of the dishonest player. ``Standing order'' payments is an example. The payer instructs his bank to allow periodic value transfers requested by the payee (e.g., for paying utility bills). While the payer cannot prevent the payee from requesting more money than necessary (e.g., more than the amount of the monthly bill), he can prove the amount transferred by obtaining a statement from the bank. Furthermore, electronic commerce transactions typically have legal significance in the real world. This means that even if a transaction is concluded successfully, there may be subsequent disputes about what happened during the transaction (or whether in fact an alleged transaction took place). Thus, the ability of an honest player to win any dispute about a past or current transaction is often an important requirement. 1.2 Handling DisputesEven those systems which have accountability as one of their major goals (signature systems such as RSA [13], payment systems such as SET [10], or integrated electronic purchase systems such as NetBill [6]), usually limit themselves to the generation and collection of evidence. Analysis of these systems may include proofs which demonstrate that the collected evidence is enough to win any disputes. It is assumed that such evidence can be used in some dispute resolution procedure external to the system. Obviously, this is not practical: it excludes the possibility of the system making its own decisions based on the outcome of disputes, or internally trying to recover from errors or failures (e.g., caused by loss of a network connection). Moreover, evidence tokens are essentially part of the internal structure of the system; their structure and raw contents are not relevant outside the system. For instance, a payment receipt in the form of a digital signature is outwardly just a string of bits. Even if the receipt is in a format which allows anyone to securely verify who signed it, and when it was sent or received, the semantics to the evidence have to be added by the system itself. Outside the system (that is, from the point of view of the user of a system), what is necessary is to know what the evidence means, and how it can be used in disputes. Thus, a system providing a primary service (e.g., a payment service) should also support a dispute service. The dispute service specifies how to initiate and resolve disputes for the given primary service. In a dispute, there is a set of (one or more) players called initiators who start the dispute and another set of players called responders who participate in it. A special player called the verifier or arbiter makes, or helps in the making of, the final decision regarding disputes, according to some well-defined procedures which can be verified by anyone. The initiator(s) try to convince the verifier of a claim. Initiators may support their claims by producing evidence or engaging in some sort of a proof protocol. Responders may attempt to disprove the claims. The verifier analyses the claims made and the evidence presented. This analysis may lead to a judgment as to whether a dispute claim is valid or not. Completely automated dispute resolution may not always be feasible or even desirable. Our dispute handling service should instead be used as a tool in human-driven dispute resolution. For example, it can be used by an expert witness in court in order to support his testimony. Or, it can be used by an entity like the Online Ombuds Service [8] which is not a legally competent authority but helps players resolve their disputes. In these cases, the verifier does not make a final decision. Instead, it presents an analysis of the evidence to a human judge. The verifier may even be one of the players themselves, trying to settle a dispute in a friendly way without going to court, or trying to convince itself of which disputes it can win. The first step in developing a coherent approach to dispute handling is to figure out how to define a dispute handling service given the description of some primary service. To keep the problem tractable, we focus on handling disputes in payment systems - we will however attempt to stay general as far as possible so that the approach outlined here has the potential of being applicable to other types of generic service definitions as well. Our goal is to stay independent of any specific payment system. This approach is consistent with existing efforts to define generic payment services [1,14] which enable users (human users or applications acting on their behalf) to invoke payment services in a system-independent fashion. In trying to preserve the same generality in the definition of the dispute service, we aim at developing a unified framework integrating both payment and dispute services.
In Section 2, the problem of how to
express dispute claims is studied. In
Section 3, the problem of how to map
evidence tokens to dispute claims is investigated. This mapping is
payment system-specific and needs to be done internally in every
payment system. As an example, we will use a simplified version of the
iKP [3] payment protocol.1 An overall architecture for dispute handling, including a
general dispute resolution protocol, is also described. 2 Expressing Dispute Claims2.1 What to Dispute?Consider a payment system which implements the services defined by a generic payment service (e.g., the one described in [1]). The primary purpose of the generic payment service is the transfer of value from payer to payee.To make a value transfer, the payer tells the system who the payee is, what amount is to be transferred, and certain other parameters.
In a generic payment service, and using the ISO-OSI approach of modelling a distributed system [9], this may be represented by a service primitive pay which could take the following pieces of information as parameters: payee, amount and ref (an external reference string enabling the payment transaction to be linked to an external context). In order to complete the value transfer, the payee invokes a receive primitive with input parameter ref (optionally also payer and amount) and output parameters payer, amount. Figure 1 illustrates the interface events during a payment.
Before formally defining a language to express dispute claims, let us attempt to get an idea of the kinds of claims that need to be expressed. What sorts of disputes, related to the above value transfer, does the payer (Alice) expect to be able to initiate and win? For example, Alice may want to claim that
In addition to the payer and payee, a financial institution may be involved in creating a digital representation of money or converting it back to real value. Thus the value transfer may involve two or more sub-protocols involving different pairs of players. For example, in a cheque-like [1] model, the payer sends a ``form'' (e.g., a cheque or a credit card slip) to the payee using a payment protocol and the payee may use a deposit or capture protocol to claim the real money. This leads to two other types of dispute claims.
2.2 Value Transfers as Primitive TransactionsUsers expect a system to provide a certain service. Therefore, disputes in the system are about an instance of the service that was or could be provided. The primary service provided by the generic payment service is value transfer from one player to another. The model in [1] assumes four types of players involved in value transfer: the payer, the payee, the issuer, and the acquirer. Value transfers between the issuer and acquirer are carried out over traditional banking systems; this transfer is outside the scope of the generic payment service. Thus, for the purpose of our disputes, we will consider the issuer and acquirer as a single entity, called the bank.As shown above, we also need to express and conduct disputes about transfers between payer or payee and bank. This requirement leads us to follow the approach taken in [11] of defining three different types of value transfer as shown in Figure 2.
We now define a primitive transaction as an instance of one of these value transfers. A primitive transaction represents a partial view of a subset of the players on the overall transaction. In some cases, a primitive transaction actually corresponds to a protocol run of the underlying payment system. For example, a withdrawal protocol run in a cash-like system is a value subtraction primitive transaction. Thus, value subtraction completes independently of and before the actual payment. The payment and value claim complete after the actual cash payment protocol is run and the payee has deposited the coins with the bank. In other cases, the primitive transaction is a purely virtual one and represents only the view of a subset of the players. For instance, a payment protocol run in a cheque-like payment system is seen by the set {payer, bank} as a value subtraction primitive transaction while it is seen by the set {payer, payee} as a payment primitive transaction. Given the definition of a generic payment service, one can make a mapping between its service primitives on the one hand, and the primitive transactions (payment, value subtraction, value claim) effectuated by those primitives on the other hand. We refer to [2] for a description of such a mapping for the generic payment service described in [1].
Rather than referring to specific protocols or service primitives, we
will state dispute claims in terms of whether or not the service
defined by a primitive transaction did (or could) take place. If a
value transfer is reversed (e.g., the payee refunded the payer), it is
equivalent to the value transfer not having taken place at all.
However, it must still be possible to express a claim like ``Alice did
pay $200 to BobAir in the past'' which must be true, even if the
payment was later refunded by BobAir. 2.3 Statements of Dispute Claims2.3.1 SyntaxWe express a statement of dispute claim as a formula in a first-order logic with certain modal extensions. The language of the logic consists of the following symbols: logical connectives, typed variables, typed constants, and relational connectives (which are functions of variables/constants of the appropriate type).
There are three types of variables: primitive transaction
(pt), roles, and attributes. The pt variable can
take its value from a well-defined enumerated set. In the case of the
payment service, this set consists of PAYMENT, VALUE_SUBTRACTION, and
VALUE_CLAIM. Each primitive transaction has a set of well-defined
role variables associated with it. For example, PAYMENT has
payer and payee as associated role variables. The role variables
belong to a type called id_val, which represents
distinguished names according to some well-defined naming scheme
(e.g., account numbers or certified e-mail addresses). Each primitive
transaction also has a well-defined set of attribute
variables associated with it. For simplicity, we assume that all
value transfer primitive transactions have the same set of attribute
variables: amount, time,2 and ref. The attribute variables are typed -- they
take their values from the appropriate domains. In the case of the
payment service, we assume that amount, time, and ref take
values from domains named amount_val, time_val, and
ref_val respectively. Each attribute, depending on its type, has
a finite set of relational operators associated with it.
Table 1 lists the variables
in the generic payment service, their domains, and applicable
relational operators. We also allow two logical connectives:
The rules to construct valid dispute claim statements are described
in the grammar specifications shown in
Table 2. Note that this grammar is
only payment specific in its concretisation of possible values for
pts, roles, attributes and
relops, and as such represents one instantiation of a
family of grammars, each instantiation of which defines a grammar
for dispute statements related to a specific service (payment,
non-repudiation, etc.). From now on, we will simply write
PRIMITIVE_TRANSACTION_NAME to denote the predicate
conjunction (
2.3.2 SemanticsFirst, let us try to capture the intuitive semantics of our dispute claim language. During the execution of a protocol, the system as a whole goes through a series of well-defined global states. The global state consists of the initial secrets (e.g., private keys) of all the players involved, all message exchanges up to that point, and all sources of randomness. Therefore it has enough information to assign values to all the variables that can possibly appear in a dispute claim phrased in our claim language. Given a dispute claim phrased in our claim language, a verifier who knows the entire global state can decide with certainty if the claim is true or not. However, it is extremely unlikely that any verifier can know the entire global state (e.g., private keys of other players). The goal of dispute resolution is for the verifier to attempt to partially reconstruct the sequence of global states (along with as much of their contents as possible or necessary) the system has gone through, arriving at the current state. A verifier can do this using the evidence presented to it. Based on interpretation of the evidence (which is a payment system-specific function), the verifier can assign values to some of the variables. Such a partial assignment may be contingent on the trustworthiness of the entities involved in the creation of the evidence. The claim is evaluated with respect to the current state, and/or the sequence of states traversed so far.
Once a sufficiently complete interpretation of a state is available,
the verifier can determine if a given basic_stmt s is true in
that state. The meanings of the modal operators are intuitive. The
statement ``always s '' is true at a state S if s is true in
S as well as in every state reachable from S . The meaning of
``never s '' is analogous. The statement ``P can_without
Q s '' is true in S if there is a state S' where s
is true, and it is possible for P to cause the
transition from S to S' without any action from Q.
Given a path
Now, let us try to define the semantics more formally. Our model
consists of a set of states S, a set of roles
R, a set of transitions
A role uniquely identifies a service access point (e.g., payer).
We assume that there is an infrastructure that enables a verifier to
unambiguously identify and authenticate the identity of a player
(which is some value from the domain id_val) playing any
given role. We assume that a multi-party protocol can be described
by a directed acyclic graph (DAG), the edges of which correspond to
message transmissions between the players, and the nodes correspond
to internal global states3. We can capture this property
by defining that each state has a cardinality, defined by the
The sender of a message is the agent associated with
the edge that represents the message in the DAG. A function
The verifier has a payment system-specific evaluation function which can be used to associate a partial assignment with a given state. The relational operators have the usual semantics. Thus, given a sufficiently complete partial assignment, and a proposition involving an attribute, a relational operator, and a value, it is possible to evaluate if the proposition is true. Given a global state S with a partial assignment, and a basic_stmt s of the form ``role_part attr_part'' (where role_part and attr_part are conjunctions of propositions as described in the previous section), s is true in S, if role_part and attr_part evaluate to true after the partial assignment is made. Since the assignment is partial, the verifier may not always be able to decide whether a claim is true or not, for example, if the evidence supplied is incomplete.
Figure 3 illustrates the semantics of the modal operators. The figure shows the DAG description of a protocol, including the states where a certain basic_stmt s is true.
We now define the semantics of modal operators more formally. We first define a valid path as: For a pathIn the following definitions, paths are implicitly assumed to be valid paths. The semantics of the can_without operator are now defined as follows: SThat is, given a state S, if there is a valid path p leading to a state Sn, such that s is true in Sn, and the first transition in p can be made by a member of PSET and no one from QSET is required to make any transition in p, then the statement `PSET can_without QSET s ' is true in S. The can_without operator is used to make a statement about the possible future states of the system. In contrast, the could_without operator is more general. It is defined with respect to a path (more precisely, with respect to a state and a specific path leading to that state). It can be used to make a statement about the system at the end of the path about where it can go in the future, as well as where it could have gone in the past. The semantics of the could_without operator can be defined in terms of the can_without operator: For a pathThe set ALL represents the set of all roles for the primitive transaction referred to in s. The rule identifies three disjunctive conditions to evaluate the truth of the statement `scould =PSET could_without QSET s ' with respect to a path p. The first disjunction says scould is true if `scan = PSET can_without QSET s ' is true in the last state of p. The second disjunction says that if s was true at some state in p, but not at the state immediately following it, and the transition was caused by someone in PSET, then scould is true with respect to p. The third disjunction is a little more complicated. The intent is to capture the following case. Sometime in the past, it was possible to reach a state where s is true (i.e., there was a path, say p' from some state Si in p, making scan true at Si ). The agents of p' consist of some members of PSET but none from QSET. It may also consist of other entities, not in either of the above sets. The statement `(PSET ![]() ![]() pThe notation `` ![]() The claim language described above constitutes the set of symbols and grammar rules necessary for specifying dispute claims in the generic payment service. The language constructs allow multiple time-lines. Therefore, it belongs to the family of branching temporal logics [7]. It does not include all possible temporal logic constructs: for example, the until operator. We have only included the constructs that seemed necessary to express the claims described earlier. However, we have included constructs like can_without and could_without, which are not standard branching temporal logic constructs. The language can be extended as needed. In Section 3.2 below, we describe how the claim language can be extended to derive the language describing the messages in a generic dispute protocol between the verifier and the player. The inference mechanisms used by the verifier constitute a logic over the claim language described. Proving soundness and completeness of this logic with respect to a given payment system actually means proving the payment system correct. Our approach has rather been to add dispute handling to existing payment systems, most of which do not fulfill these correctness requirements. Therefore, we consider the main contribution of this work to be in the problem definition and the development of the claim language; not in the development of the logic. 2.3.3 ExamplesThe five dispute claims mentioned in Section 2.1 correspond to the following statements in our language:
3 Supporting Claims with Evidence3.1 Architecture for Dispute Handling3.1.1 OverviewRecall that there are three types of players in a dispute: the initiator who starts the dispute by making a claim, the verifier who co-ordinates the dispute handling and possibly makes, or helps make, the final decision about the validity of the claim, and a set of responders who may be asked by the verifier to participate in the process.
At the access point of each player, there is a ``user'' part (which
may be the human user, or an application program acting on his behalf)
and a ``system'' part (which is an implementation of the dispute
service: e.g., an iKP implementation of the generic payment dispute
service). The verifier's system has two parts: the inference
engine receives a claim, and associated non-repudiation tokens,
analyses them, and determines the conditions under which the claim is
true, and the conditions under which it is false; the policy
engine uses the result of the first part to make a final decision.
The policy engine may be a human arbiter, external to the dispute
handling service. It needs to use trust assumptions. In the simplest
case, this may be in the form of a blacklist of untrusted principals.
It is possible that the trust assumptions require a more elaborate
representation (for example, as in PolicyMaker [4]).
Each player's system then engages in a proof protocol with the verifier's system. Recall that during the dispute protocol, the verifier's goal is to determine both the current state of the payment system, and the sequence of states through which it has progressed, and that the validity of the claim should be evaluated with respect to this state and sequence. At the end of the protocol, the verifier's system returns an analysis of the claim. The analysis consists of a likely decision (yes or no) as well as the set of players who were witnesses to the decision and the set who were against it. If there is insufficient evidence, the verifier's system may throw an exception. The policy engine makes the final decision by combining this analysis with his trust assumptions. This leads to the following requirements on the design:
A concrete design of a dispute service for the generic payment service of [1] is described in [2]. 3.1.2 Lost and withheld evidenceIn some scenarios, a claimant may need to rely on another party to help prove a certain claim. This may be because the claimant lost parts of the necessary evidence; it may also be an inherent property of the payment system; e.g., in a payment system where the payer never gets signed receipts from the payee, the payer may not be able to win a payment dispute without cooperation from his bank. In either case, the other party could decide to withhold the necessary evidence. This problem cannot be dealt with except in the case where it can be shown that the other party should indeed possess or have possessed the evidence. It is up to the specific payment system to define the actions to be taken in such a case.3.1.3 EnhancementsWe have limited ourselves to disputes in a generic payment service where there is only one service boundary. The system is ``below'' the boundary and the user or his application is ``above'' the boundary. Comprehensive electronic commerce frameworks such as SEMPER [17] are structured into multiple layers. A payment usually takes place in the context of a higher layer transaction (e.g., a fair exchange) which in turn may take place in the context of a transaction in the layer above (e.g., an instance of an on-line purchase application). A dispute claim made in a higher layer needs to be suitably mapped to corresponding claims in the lower layers. The running of the dispute protocol needs to be co-ordinated among the different levels. This is left as an open problem.3.2 Evidence and TrustDuring a dispute, players have to support dispute claims by proving certain statements to the verifier. The ability to prove statements comes from pieces of evidence (evidence tokens) accumulated during a transaction of the primary service. The simplest form of evidence is a non-repudiation token that can be verified by anyone who has the necessary public keys, certificates, certificate revocation lists etc. The proof protocol in this case simply consists of presenting the token to the verifier. There can be more involved proof protocols, such as in ``undeniable signature schemes'' [5]. In the following, we will assume only simple proof protocols consisting of the presentation of non-repudiation tokens.Often, non-repudiation tokens cannot substantiate an absolute statement. In general, an evidence token corresponds to a non-repudiable assertion by one or more players that they believed the protocol reached a certain state (with an associated partial assignment). Such an assertion is a witnessed statement. During the dispute protocol, the verifier asks various players to prove witnessed statements (in the proof request messages in the dispute protocol of Figure 4). We define the language for these witnessed statements by building on our claim language in Section 2.3 and extending it with the following rule.
![]() The witnessed operator takes two parameters: an asserted_stmt s, and a role P. The statement ``P witnessed s '' is true if P has non-repudiably asserted that the transaction reached a certain state, with an associated partial assignment in which s evaluates to true. The ability to prove and verify such a non-repudiable assertion itself assumes a lower layer dispute service for non-repudiation. The verifier's analyse method, after having collected the non-repudiation tokens proving the witnessed statements, returns a result of the form:
Each component of the disjunction contains either the original statement in the claim or its negation, and two optional sets of players: the set of players whose statements are in agreement with the conclusion and the set of players whose statements are contrary to the conclusion. The verifier will pick one of these disjunctions, depending on the set of players he trusts. If the evidence presented is insufficient to decide one way or the other, the system may raise an exception. Further, it may also be able to detect if some player has cheated (for example, if the same player has witnessed a certain statement and its exact opposite, it may imply that the player had cheated). Note that a carefully designed, secure, payment system can be rendered insecure if the inference engine used by the verifier is wrong. It is important to make sure that the inference engine used not degrade the security of the protocol. Consider as an example a dispute claim discussed earlier: Alice claims to have made a payment of $200 to BobAir. There is no way to say with absolute certainty whether the transaction actually took place. A receipt from BobAir proves the statement
BobAir witnessed PAYMENT payer =Alice payee =BobAir
amount =$200
Whether a verifier can infer
PAYMENT payer =Alice payee =BobAir amount =$200
depends on the context, the trust assumptions of the verifier, and even on the actual payment system allegedly used for the value transfer. For example, in a dispute against BobAir, the verifier could accept a signed receipt from BobAir as sufficient evidence to conclude that the latter claim is true. However, if BobAir and Alice are in collusion and want to convince a third party (say the tax authorities) that a certain payment happened, BobAir's signed receipt alone is not sufficient. In this case, if the verifier trusts the bank, it can accept a signed statement from the bank as sufficient evidence. Thus an analyse result of the form:
PAYMENT ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() may allow the verifier to reach a final positive decision, whereas a result of the form:
PAYMENT ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() cannot exclude collusion of payer and payee in trying to prove a payment. Now, in Section 3.3, we will look at a simplified version of the iKP protocol to see (a) how statements can be supported with evidence and (b) how to derive system specific inference rules. 3.3 An Example: Evidence Tokens in iKPiKP was designed as a solution for securing credit card payments over open networks. The original protocol was described in [3]. A more detailed definition with some improvements is available in [15]. In this section, we present a simplified version of the 3-party iKP (3KP) where all three players are assumed to have signature and encryption key pairs. We will see how the receipts gathered during an iKP protocol run can be mapped to dispute statements defined in Section 2.3 for the generic payment service.3.3.1 Protocol Description
In our simplified version of iKP, there are three players: Customer (Payer), Merchant (Payee), and Acquirer (Bank). Before the transaction begins, the customer and merchant agree about the amount of payment (``price'') and the description (``desc'') of what the payment is for. The first half of Table 3 depicts the initial information of each player. To begin the transaction, the payee:
The payer then sends an order message. This is the
authorisation by the customer to make the payment. The order is a signature
The payee forwards the order along with the offer to
the acquirer requesting authorisation. The acquirer replies indicating
whether the authorisation succeeded or not. For simplicity, let us
assume that the acquirer immediately transfers the money from payer to
payee if the authorisation is successful. The authorisation response
Once the payee receives the authorisation response, he will send a
confirmation to the payer. The confirmation contains the acquirer's
authorisation response and the authenticator v. The pair
( The second half of Table 3 lists the pieces of information that are collected by the players at the end of a successful protocol run. Again, items within square parentheses are available only under certain circumstances. Note that instead of using v and vc, the confirm and cancel flows from the payee to payer can be signed by the payee. The use of v and vc avoids the payee having to make two or more signatures by allowing the original signature to be ``extended.''
3.3.2 Mapping iKP receipts to Dispute Statements
Table 3 lists the pieces of information known to each player at the end of a successful transaction. We can now try to extract evidence tokens from these pieces and identify the dispute claims they can support. In the actual iKP protocol, the acquirer transfers the money from the customer to merchant during a ``capture'' transaction. The merchant can also capture a different (lower) amount than was previously authorised. The refund transaction is essentially a negative capture. Depending on the policies of the players, some of the receipts may be omitted. All these variations are not relevant to our discussion. Therefore they are left out from our simplified version. With the information in Table 4 and Figure 5, we can represent the global states in a run of the iKP payment protocol in the form of a DAG as in Figure 6.
In iKP, all three primitive transactions are completed at the same time. The states where the primitive transactions are succesfully completed are marked with a circle. The states where `never s ' is true (s is any basic_stmt with any of the primitive transactions e.g. `PAYMENT payer, payee') are marked with a thick broken circle. Notice how the verifier can use this graph to implement the analyse method (Section 3.1): while `PAYMENT rest_of_the_claim' is false in S300, S400, and S7, the statement `payee could_without payer PAYMENT rest_of_the_claim' is true in S300 and S7 (but not in S400 ). 4 Summary and ConclusionWe have shown why a generic dispute service is needed for payment systems. We developed a language to express dispute claims and applied it to an example payment system. Finally, we described a generic dispute handling protocol in the context of an architecture for dispute handling. A crucial part of the dispute handling framework is the verifier's inference engine. When a new payment system is adapted to the framework, the critical step is to identify the inference rules applicable to that system. In general, the process of deriving the inference rules is equivalent to proving the payment system correct. Ideally, derivation of inference rules should be an integral part of the design process of the payment system. On the other hand, the aim is not complete automation of dispute resolution. Thus, even with an incomplete set of inference rules, a payment system can be incorporated into the framework. The most trivial inference rule is ``ask the human user!''5 AcknowledgementsThe authors wish to thank Michael Waidner, Birgit Pfitzmann and Mehdi Nassehi for useful comments and discussions, and the anonymous referees for their helpful suggestions.6 AvailabilityMore information on this project can be found at
This paper was originally published in the 3rd USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce, 1998
Last changed: 3 Jan 2003 aw |