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Step 1: monadic interpreter

Because expressions do not alter the stack, or produce any output, we could give an evaluation function for expressions which is not monadic, or which uses a simpler monad than the monad defined above. We choose to use the monad of state with output throughout our implementation for two reasons. One, for simplicity of presentation, and two because if the while language semantics should evolve, using the same monad everywhere makes it easy to reuse the monadic evaluation function with few changes.

The only non-standard morphism evident in the eval1 function is read, which describes how the value of a variable is obtained. The monadic interpreter for expressions takes an index mapping names to locations and returns a computation producing an integer.

(*  eval1: Exp -> index -> int M *)
fun eval1 exp index =
case exp of
  Constant n => Return mswo n
| Variable x => let val loc = position x index
                in read loc end
| Minus(x,y) =>
   Do mswo { a <- eval1 x index ;
             b <- eval1 y index;
             Return mswo (a - b) }
| Greater(x,y) =>
   Do mswo { a <- eval1 x index ;
             b <- eval1 y index;
             Return mswo (if a '>' b 
                             then 1 else 0) }
| Times(x,y) =>
   Do mswo { a <- eval1 x index ;
             b <- eval1 y index;
             Return mswo (a * b) };

The interpreter for Com uses the non-standard morphisms write, push, and pop to transform the stack and the morphism output to add to the output stream.

(* interpret1 : Com -> index -> unit M *)
fun interpret1 stmt index =
case stmt of
  Assign(name,e) =>
   let val loc = position name index
   in Do mswo { v <- eval1 e index ;  
                write loc v } end
| Seq(s1,s2) =>
   Do mswo { x <- interpret1 s1 index;
             y <- interpret1 s2 index;
             Return mswo () }
| Cond(e,s1,s2) =>
   Do mswo { x <- eval1 e index;
             if x=1
                then interpret1 s1 index
                else interpret1 s2 index }
| While(e,b) =>
   let fun loop () =
     Do mswo 
        { v <- eval1 e index ;
          if v=0 
             then Return mswo ()
             else Do mswo { interpret1 b index ;
                            loop () } }
   in loop () end
| Declare(nm,e,stmt) =>
   Do mswo { v <- eval1 e index ;
             push v ;
             interpret1 stmt (nm::index);
             pop }
| Print e =>
   Do mswo { v <- eval1 e index;
             output v };

Although interpret1 is fairly standard, we feel that two things are worth pointing out. First, the clause for the Declare constructor, which calls push and pop, implicitly changes the size of the stack and explicitly changes the size of the index (nm:index), keeping the two in synch. It evaluates the initial value for a new variable, extends the index with the variables name, and the stack with its value, and then executes the body of the Declare. Afterwards it removes the binding from the stack (using pop), all the while implicitly threading the accumulated output. The mapping is in scope only for the body of the declaration.

Second, the clause for the While constructor introduces a local tail recursive function loop. This function emulates the body of the while. It is tempting to control the recursion introduced by the While by using the recursion of the interpret1 function itself by using a clause something like:

| While(e,b) =>
   Do mswo 
   { v <- eval1 e index ;
     if v=0 
        then Return mswo ()
        else Do mswo 
             { interpret1 b index ;
               interpret1 (While(e,b)) index }

Here, if the test of the loop is true, we run the body once (to transform the stack and accumulate output) and then repeat the whole loop again. This strategy, while correct, will have disastrous results when we stage the interpreter, as it will cause the first stage to loop infinitely.

There are two recursions going on here. First the unfolding of the finite data structure which encodes the program being compiled, and second, the recursion in the program being compiled. In an unstaged interpreter a single loop suffices. In a staged interpreter, both loops are necessary. In the first stage we only unfold the program being compiled and this must always terminate. Thus we must plan ahead as we follow our three step process. Nevertheless, despite the concessions we have made to staging, this interpreter is still clear, concise and describes the semantics of the while-language in a straight-forward manner.

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Zine-El-abidine Benaissa
Wed Jul 21 11:46:59 PDT 1999