Conference on Domain-Specific Languages, 1997
[Technical Program]
Experience with a Domain Specific Language for Form-based Services
David Atkins,
Thomas Ball
A form-based service is one in which the flow of data between service
and user is described by a sequence of query/response interactions, or
forms. A form provides a user interface that presents service data to
the user, collects information from a user and returns it to the
Mawl is a domain-specific language for programming
form-based services in a device-independent manner. We describe our
experience with mawl's form abstraction, which is the means
for separating application logic and user interface description, and
show how this simple abstraction addresses six issues in service
creation, analysis, and maintenance: compile-time guarantees,
implementation flexibility, rapid prototyping, support for multiple
devices, composition of services, and usage analysis.
1 IntroductionA form-based service is one in which the flow of data between service and user is described by a sequence of query/response interactions, or forms. A form provides a user interface that presents service data to the user (such as the time of day), collects information from a user (such as her name), and returns it to the service. Both traditional interactive voice response (IVR) services and newer web services fit the form-based service paradigm. An IVR service typically presents a user with a menu of choices (``For Jazz Music, press 1; for Classical Music, press 2; ...''), collects a sequence of digits or performs automatic speech recognition, and then presents information or another menu. A web service sends an HTML page to a user's (graphical) browser, providing information and a set of input fields to request information such as account and password. Many services and devices fit the form-based interaction paradigm. For example, a banking service might be described by a set of forms, independent of a particular device, such as an automated teller machine, web browser, or telephone. Presentation and collection of information will differ radically, as suited to the device. A presentation of account information to a web browser might show a table of account information, including status, balance, and interest. The corresponding presentation to a telephone would provide this information, or perhaps a subset thereof, in a conversational manner by ``reading'' the account information to the user. Nonetheless, the basic interaction (present account information to the user) can be specified via a generic form. Mawl is a domain-specific language (DSL) for programming form-based services in a device-independent manner [LR95, Aea97]. Mawl separates the specification of application control flow and state management from the specification of a user interface. As a result, one can code an application that is accessible via a web browser and, with minor modifications to only the user interface specification, make the application accessible via interactive voice response (IVR) platforms.
This paper describes our experience with mawl's form
abstraction, which is the means for separating application logic and
user interface descriptions. The initial impetus for the form
abstraction was to simplify the creation and maintenance of dynamic
web services Our continued experience with mawl's form abstraction illuminates how a simple language abstraction can improve many parts of the software development life cycle. In addition to addressing the above two problems, the form abstraction has provided straightforward solutions to four other problems:
Section 2 present a brief history of mawl and describes the basics of the mawl service architecture and language. Section 3 shows how the mawl form abstraction has helped address six problems in service creation, analysis, and maintenance. Section 4 summarizes the paper and Section 5 tells how to obtain mawl.
2 Mawl: History, Service Architecture, and LanguageThis section describes the brief history of mawl, the mawl service architecture and its implementation in a domain-specific language, and, finally, some details of the language.
2.1 A Brief HistoryMawl was created in early 1995 because of two major difficulties experienced in programming form-based web services via Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts.
First, when programming such scripts in a general purpose language
such as C, perl or ksh, one sacrifices traditional compile-time
guarantees about the consistency of the service logic and user
interface code. For example, it is difficult to automatically
determine if a service will generate correct HTML, or if the service
is prepared to deal with whatever data may be submitted via a
FORM mark in the generated HTML. Such basic questions may be very
difficult, if not impossible, to answer in the context of a general
purpose language. Another contributing factor to this problem is that
many web services are programmed in an ad-hoc fashion, lacking even a
basic service architecture. As a result, service logic and user
interface description are often intermingled, as shown in
Figure 1(a). This makes it nearly impossible to make
any sort of compile-time guarantees. Second, adherence to the HTTP/CGI protocols places burdens of low-level implementation detail on the programmer. With the HTTP request/response paradigm, a CGI process is started to respond to an HTTP request. Once the CGI process has sent the requested data, it terminates. However, many services require sequencing between pages, and the maintenance of persistent state on the server. As a result, programmers code by hand what is generated automatically by compilers for traditional sequential languages. A CGI library may provide some assistance, but the resulting program is nonetheless intertwined with a specific implementation model. To address these problems, mawl presents an architecture for form-based service creation that is independent of the HTTP and CGI protocols. Programmers are given the illusion of a traditional imperative language in which they may code a centralized service, rather than a set of scripts coupled indirectly through HTML pages. The mawl compiler translates the program into a HTTP/CGI implementation, or into a stand-alone server implementation. As shown in Figure 1(b), mawl cleanly separates service logic and user interface (HTML layout). ![]() Figure 2: The mawl service architecture. Integer labels show flow of data.
2.2 The Mawl Service ArchitectureFigure 2 illustrates three main abstractions in the mawl service architecture: sessions, forms, and templates. A service contains one or more sessions. A session specifies the control flow of a service and the update of service state (persistent and per-session), which may involve concurrency control. Typically, each session controls a different aspect of the service (e.g., there may be a session for general users and another session for the administrators of a service). A session interacts with the user via the form abstraction. A form is an object that:
A template defines the static portion of a user interface as well as the dynamic portions that are parameterized by values passed to the form by a session. Figure 3 contains a simple mawl service that will be used to explain the three abstractions in more detail.
2.2.1 Sessions
A service has one or more sessions,/ each of which defines a
sequence of interactions with a user. In our example, there is one
session, Greet, that interacts twice with the user, first
prompting for the user's name and then greeting the user, displaying a
count of the number of visitors to the service, and the elapsed time
between the presentation of the first and second pages to the user.
The service logic, written in mawl, is shown in
Figure 3(a).
Mawl provides a persistence model that allows programmers to specify the type of storage required for mawl variables. Variables may exist on a per-session instance basis (as declared by the keyword auto) or persist over all session instances (as declared by the keyword static). In our example, the variables GetName, ShowInfo, time_now and i are per-session variables, while access_cnt is a persistent variable. The only way for a session to interact with the user is through a simple input/output abstraction called a form, as described next.
2.2.2 FormsThe main role of a form is to take data (service data) from a mawl session, present it to the user, collect information from the user (user data), and return it to the session. The first two lines of session Greet in Figure 3(a) declare two forms, GetName and ShowInfo. A form object is declared in a session with a type signature specifying the structure of the expected service data and user data records. The form GetName has type {} -> {string id}, meaning that it expects no data from the service (thus, the empty record {}) and returns a record containing a string. A form has a put method by which a service/user interaction takes place. The session provides the form's put method with a record containing the service data, and in return receives a record containing the user data. This is shown in Figure 3(a), where the service first provides GetName with its required (empty) input record and receives back a record containing the string field id. This string is extracted into the variable i. The service then supplies ShowInfo with a record containing three values: the user's name, the updated access count, and the elapsed time. The empty record returned by this form is ignored by the session. There is a close connection between a form and interface definition languages (IDLs). An IDL is a language for describing the interfaces of a software component. An IDL specification describes the input/output signature of an operation, where a set of operations comprises an interface. CORBA [Gro95] (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) and RPC [Sri95] (Remote Procedure Call) both have IDL specification languages. Just as with forms, IDL programs only express the signatures of operations, but do not describe their computation. We will return to this comparison later in Section 3. A form is associated with a template. The linkage in the example here is by common name.
2.2.3 Templates
The service data sent to a form is used to generate an interface by
parameterizing a template. Templates are specified separately, in the
user-interface languages appropriate to the various devices.
Figure 3(b) and (c) shows templates written in the
language MHTML. MHTML is an extension of HTML that is used for
creating templates. In MHTML, the values of a form's service data may
be accessed using the MVAR mark, among others. This mark
indicates substitution of the value of the service data into the
generated HTML. User data are represented by the standard
HTML user-input marks such as INPUT and
SELECT; the NAME attribute of these marks is the name
of the user data variable. A template represents one possible ``implementation'' of a form (more precisely, an implementation of a form's put method), for a particular browser which will ``execute'' it. A form may have no templates associated with it, which has interesting implications for prototyping services (Section 3.3). Furthermore, a form may have multiple templates associated with it, which is useful for supporting multiple devices or browsers (Section 3.4).
2.3 Mawl TypesMawl has four fundamental types: integers, floats, booleans, and strings; and three complex types: records, lists, and forms. Mawl records are similar to C structures. The syntax for defining a record type is to enclose a list of type specifiers and identifier pairs in braces. For example,
defines a record named customer with a field name that is a string and a field age that is an integer. Record values can be constructed ``on the fly'', as shown in Figure 3. Lists in mawl behave much like arrays in C, although there is no storage allocation required. A list type is denoted by enclosing another type in brackets. For example, a list of strings would be declared as:
The list elements are denoted using brackets and an integer index: names[i+1] = names[i]. Lists grow automatically to accommodate such references. List values may be formed by enclosing a comma separated list of values in brackets:
As illustrated earlier, the syntax of the form type specifier is the keyword form along with two type specifiers, the service type and the user type, where the types are separated by the suggestive token ->. The service and user type specifiers must be record types. For example,
might be used to display a list of temperature values, as shown below:
2.4 MHTMLAs explained previously, the MVAR mark in MHTML is used to insert scalar data into a template. The MITER mark is used to substitute mawl list values. A natural use of a list might be to display a table with a variable number of rows and/or columns. The construct <MITER>...</MITER> is used to iterate over mawl lists and generate HTML that is dependent on the list element values. The MITER mark uses the NAME attribute to specify the name of a list field in the form's service data. The additional attribute MCURSOR names a new cursor variable over the list. The MHTML enclosed between <MITER> and </MITER> is repeated for each element in the list, with the value of the cursor variable set to the index for that iteration. Other MHTML marks may then use mawl's list element notation to refer to list elements. The MHTML below shows how a list of temperatures might be displayed in a single column table: <HTML><BODY> <TABLE> <MITER NAME=temps MCURSOR=i> <TR><TD><MVAR NAME=temps[i]></TD>/TR> </MITER> </TABLE> <BODY><HTML> The <MITER> mark iterates over the temps list and i is the name chosen for the index used in the subsequent MVAR mark.
3 Experience with the Form AbstractionThis section discusses how the form abstraction helps to address six different problems in form-based services. In addition, we touch upon various languages issues that arose and discuss related work.3.1 Compile-time GuaranteesIn many web services and IVR services, service logic and user interface code are inextricably interleaved, as shown in the old version of the Lunchbot (Figure 1(a)). Consequently, reasoning about one inevitably requires reasoning about another. Often, the service logic and user interface are coded in the same general purpose language, which can provide compile-time checks about the consistent use of module interfaces. However, the interface through which the user interface is specified may be too low-level and dynamic to say anything meaningful about the flow of information between service and user at compile-time (witness the Tk widget set).Mawl's division of a service into service logic code and user interface code allows a great deal of consistency checking to be performed at compile time. First, the service logic and the MHTML may be independently analyzed to ensure that they are internally consistent. For the service code, this means standard type checking and semantics checking. For MHTML, this means verifying that a template is legal MHTML. Additionally, the service logic (i.e., Greet.mawl in Figure 3) and the MHTML templates may be checked against one another. The form abstraction makes this possible by providing a type signature expressing the structure of a service/user interaction. The MHTML represents the body of a form's put method and can be analyzed to ensure it is consistent with respect to the form's type signature. For example, Figure 3(b) shows the content of the file GetName.mhtml, which is the MHTML template associated with GetName form. This template contains no uses of the MVAR mark and contains one INPUT mark named id, which is consistent with the type signature of the associated GetName form. Similarly, the template in Figure 3(c) agrees with the ShowInfo form, since the template has MVAR marks referring to the service data id, cnt, and time and has no INPUT marks. Another example of a consistency check is to ensure that only values of list type are used in MITER marks. It is not required that the MHTML refer to all the service data passed to a form, which is useful for multi-device services, as discussed in Section 3.4. Our combination of a declarative languge (MHTML) with a sequential imperative language (mawl) can be thought of as a language embedding, such as SQL in C. The form uses a functional interface to moderate between the two languages. The HTML language was extended (to MHTML) so that values in the mawl type system can be substituted into MHTML and so that static checking can be performed on MHTML and between mawl and MHTML. This degree of compile-time checking is much greater than traditionally found in embedded languages. Of course, this comes at a price: construction of a parser and semantics checker for MHTML as well as for mawl. For a more complicated embedded language, this may be too great a luxury to afford.
3.2 Implementation FlexibilityA main advantage of the mawl architecture is implementation flexibility, which is realized by having service logic centrally specified in a session and via the form, which identifies the point at which a session relinquishes control to the user and at which control returns to the service.![]() Figure 4: The mawl compilation process. Figure 4 shows the mawl compilation process, to which there are three inputs: the logic of the service, written in mawl; document templates, written in MHTML or MPML (more on this markup language in Section 3.4); and support code written in a host language. The mawl compiler takes the first two inputs, which pass through the traditional compiler steps of lexing, parsing, semantic checking, and code generation. The mawl compiler back end generates code in the host language. Then this code is compiled by the host language compiler along with the input support code. Currently supported host languages are C++ [Str86] and Standard ML of New Jersey [MA91]. Support for Java [GA96] is planned. A compiled mawl service is linked with a run-time library to form a complete executable. A service can be compiled either into a CGI executable or into a stand-alone server. In the CGI implementation, when a session sends out HTML via a form put, execution of the session is suspended and the session-instance (auto) state is stored on disk or in a database. This is necessary since the CGI process terminates once the HTTP request that started the process has been fulfilled. When a response is received, execution of the session picks up from the point of suspension, with the session-instance state restored. Mawl encodes the session instance in a unique identifier that is stored in the ACTION field of the FORM mark inserted into the HTML by mawl. Execution of the session continues until another form is encountered, sending another document to the user. Once a session ends, the storage for session-instance state is released. In the server implementation, each session instance is a thread and the compiled put method simply suspends after sending the HTML. Again, the identity of the thread is embedded in the HTML so that the server can determine which thread to awaken upon receiving another HTTP request, or if it needs to start a new thread. Returning to our comparison between the mawl form and interface definition languages, we see that the mawl compiler acts very much like an IDL compiler. An IDL compiler takes an IDL program and produces the code to manage the transfer of data between the sender of a message (client) and the receiver (server). In the mawl programming model, the sender of a message is the web service, although this ``send'' operation compiles into a code whose function is to respond to an HTTP request. Thus, mawl reverses the roles of client (browser) and server (web service). As with many IDL compilers, the mawl compiler performs little transformation or optimization, assuming that the transport medium is slow. Mawl has a further advantage because a form is presented to a human to fill out, which lengthens the delay considerably. However, as we will see in Section 3.5, one advantage of the form abstraction is that it allows mawl services to interact with other web services. Thus, recent work on optimization for IDL compilers [EFF+97] might be applicable to mawl for such settings.
3.3 Prototyping ServicesSection 3.1 discussed the advantages of compile-time checking of a service against MHTML, which is possible because of the separation of service logic and user interface via the form abstraction. In our experience with mawl at Bell Labs, we have found that programmers sometimes balk at using a statically typed language for web service programming, complaining that type checking impedes rapid prototyping. The requirement that a service and its MHTML type check conflicts with the demands of ``Internet time'', which requires that services be prototyped and deployed quickly. Programmers often refer to the advantages of type-free languages such as perl, tcl, and ksh, which are traditionally used to program CGI scripts. These languages support prototyping by offering fast turnaround in the compile-edit-debug cycle, as they perform no semantic analysis and are interpreted.Compounding this problem was the fact that the initial implementation of mawl was overly restrictive, requiring an MHTML template for every form declared in the service logic. To address this, the mawl compiler was modified so that the service logic language could be compiled, executed and tested without any MHTML templates. This required no change to the mawl language. The mawl compiler now generates a default MHTML template when none exists for a form, using the form's type signature (more on this below). Thus, as a soon as a service compiles, a user can interact with it via a web browser. With the new implementation, we get the best of both worlds. Static type checking not only prevents a large class of run-time errors in mawl services, but also assists in prototyping since the programmer is not required to code MHTML. This points to an interesting measure for a domain-specific abstraction: does the abstraction capture some necessary part of the domain? In the domain of form-based services, a service programmer must decide, for each service/user interaction, what information will be exchanged between service and user. This decision is totally independent of the implementation language but is absolutely necessary in order to build a service. In general purpose languages such as perl, tcl, and ksh, the way in which this ``signature'' is encoded can vary widely and may be quite dynamic. With mawl, the form abstraction (via its static type signature) captures this information precisely in a localized, analyzable construct. Developer experience with this feature has been quite positive. Mawl's static type system allows the execution of ``incomplete'' programs that do not contain some or any MHTML. In languages such as perl, the lack of a type system means that incomplete programs are not possible, forcing the programmer to specify some behavior for the incomplete part. The form type signature enables the automatic generation of MHTML, in addition to providing compile-time guarantees when MHTML is present. Using static types to specify ``user interface types'' can be a boon to prototyping.
3.3.1 Deriving MHTML from Type SignaturesWe now discuss some of the issues in generating default MHTML from form types. The essence of a form is that it expresses the flow of information from service to user and back. However, it does not express any coupling between the outgoing and incoming data that is often expressed in user interfaces. For example, given a form type signature
what user interface should be generated? There are at least three possible interpretations:
This points to a possibility for a third sublanguage in mawl, which would express the constraints between the service data and user data of a form. An example constraint might state a user field is ``one-of'' a list field in the service record. Such constraints would be optional and could serve two purposes: to generate better default user interfaces; to ensure that MHTML, when provided by the programmer, is consistent with the constraints.
3.4 Multi-Device ServicesThis section shows how the form abstraction allows a service to interact with multiple browsers. In particular, we focus on supporting both the graphical web browser and the telephone. The issues arising in telephone access to services include many of those that will arise when making services available to a large and diverse collection of devices; indeed, it is hard to imagine two user interfaces more dissimilar than the telephone and the graphical web browser.![]() Figure 5: Supporting multiple devices with the same service logic. The mawl architecture supports multiple devices by allowing multiple templates to be associated with a form, as shown in Figure 5. Mawl uses the USER_AGENT of the requester to determine whether to use an HTML template (for the web browser) or a PML template (for the telephone browser). The Phone Markup Language (PML) is a superset of HTML, extended to describe content for interpretation over a telephone. The telephone browser is provided by a system called TelePortal, developed at Bell Labs. TelePortal fetches documents from the web, and ``reads'' them over the telephone via interactive voice response (IVR) systems. It can also collect data from a user (typically via touchtone or automatic speech recognition). It is clear that the graphical web browser has a much greater capacity than the telephone browser interface to present and collect data. It is an easy translation to take an IVR service and turn it into a (rather dull) web service. The other direction presents some interesting difficulties, as discussed below. In general, telephone access to a web service will typically offer a limited subset of the functionality available from a graphical web browser.
We have built a number of services that are accessible via both the
web and telephone. As a concrete example, consider the ``login'' form of the Any-Time Teller, which has type signature
On a web browser, an HTML page with three input fields corresponding to the three record fields above is presented: the user may enter either her name or account id, and a PIN to login. Entering alphabetic characters over the telephone touchpad is tedious and error-prone. Thus, the login form should prompt the user only for an account id and PIN, which are integers. This is accomplished by having two different templates. The MPML template uses the ``hidden'' attribute for the INPUT mark for name. As a result, TelePortal (the telephone browser) does not prompt the user for a name, but does return a null value for the field. The MHTML template does not use the hidden attribute, so that an input field appears for the name attribute. There are many other ways to support multiple devices when programming services. For example, a general purpose language such as Java, supported by the Java Virtual Machine, allows a multitude of devices to be programmed in a single language. The Inferno operating system [SMD97] represents a similar approach, but starts with the operating system as the common denominator rather than a language. While such work definitely improves the state of programming for heterogeneous collections of devices, the question of a software architecture for service creation is left open. Form-based services will continue to be prominent even as the ends of the network become smarter. We have started to explore mawl services in which a form (or set of forms) is represented by a Java applet, which would allow mawl program to interact with Java-enabled devices.
3.5 Composing Web ServicesA simple but powerful attribute of the web is that new web pages can be easily linked to existing web pages. It is similarly desirable to build new web services by combining, collating, or re-presenting information from other web services. An example of such a service is the MetaCrawler [SE95], which collates results from several search engines. Another example is a web service through which customers can order products. This web service might query a courier service (such as FedEx) to present the status of an order to the user.It is possible to compose web services like these using existing programming tools such as CGI scripts. However, the programming work is tedious, as it involves the sending of low-level HTTP messages and the parsing of HTML documents to obtain the information of interest. ![]()
Figure: Using the mawl architecture to interact with
remote web services. Integer labels show flow of data. Compare the
use of the template with Figure 2 The form abstraction (along with templates) allow mawl services to interact with other web services, as illustrated in Figure 6. We contrast the data flow and use of templates in this figure with that of Figure 2, where the service is interacting with a web browser. We will use the term ``local service'' to refer to the service the programmer is creating. As shown in Figure 2, a form interacts with a web browser by combining service data with a template to create HTML that is sent to the web browser (as a result of the current HTTP request), and receives user data in response (in the form of the next HTTP request). However, as shown in Figure 6, a form interacts with a remote web service by sending an HTTP request to the remote service, parameterized with local service data, and extracting remote service data from the HTML document returned by the remote service. A template is used to extract the remote service data from fields in the HTML document. That is, MHTML is used as a language for pattern matching against an HTML document. When MHTML is used to generate HTML to send to a web browser (Figure 2), the MVAR marks specified where to substitute service data into the template. Now, MHTML is used to parse the HTML sent back from the remote web service. In this case, the MVAR mark of MHTML is used to bind values in the HTML document to fields in the form's return record. Thus, the ShowInfo.mhtml template in Figure 3(c) can be used to extract the name, count and time information from an HTML document of this structure.
The implementation of this feature requires only that a new
query method for forms be added to mawl. To access the remote
3.6 Usage AnalysisWhile tools for the construction of web sites and services are numerous, most of these tools lack support for the later parts of the software life cycle: the analysis of a service, and the subsequent modification of the service. By analyzing usage, a service provider can restructure a service to meet the needs of users better, or improve its performance. For example, analysis of a service might show that users routinely follow paths through a service that are more complicated than necessary. By identifying the pattern and restructuring the service, providers can improve their services.Ideally, the analyses of service/user interactions should come for free as a side-effect of a service. Such logging may be difficult to achieve if services are programmed in an ad-hoc fashion, where the flow of information between service and user is not clear. Mawl's form abstraction provides a centralized point at which to monitor the interactions between service and user. A flag to the compiler or run-time system enables logging of each interaction.
3.6.1 LoggingWhen a session invokes a form, instrumentation records the service data sent to the form, the template used to create the user interface, other session-specific information (such as the session identifier and current source line), as well as timing information. When a user response to a form arrives, instrumentation records the user data returned to the session. With forms, we can record not only the amount of time between a request and a response, but the amount of time between the response to one form request and the next. This allows measurement of service performance.
The template abstraction allows the data passed to and from the form to be related to the user interface that the user views. This is due to the precise mapping between service logic variables and the dynamic portions of the templates (as specified via the MVAR marks). This is especially useful for restructuring the templates based on data profiles. For example, profiling the user data returned by a form might show that a particular item in a SELECT menu was very popular. Such profile information could be used to reorder the items in a SELECT accordingly.
3.6.2 Visualizing the LunchBotThe Mawl system includes a data visualization component called PathView, which is a Java applet that displays user interactions with a service as paths through a graph. PathView enables analysis of the user paths in conjunction with other service statistics, using multiple views to allow exploration of various facets of user behavior. An extensible relational data interface allows new sources of data to be incorporated easily into an analysis. As an example, we use PathView to analyze the usage of the LunchBot, a web service for ordering weekly group lunches. The LunchBot was implemented in mawl shortly after the language was developed. ![]() Figure 7: A bar chart view of LunchBot usage. When do users access the LunchBot? The bar chart in Figure 7 shows the amount of activity by hour and weekday. The Lunchbot gets most of its use on Thursday and Fridays (days 4 and 5) every week; this is as expected, since all lunch events in this period were on Fridays. Usage on Friday is highlighted. From the hour bar chart, we can see that the major use of the Lunchbot occurs Friday morning. Most people wait until the last two hours before lunch on Friday to order, after the final warning message is sent (usually around 9 AM) announcing the imminent close of the Lunchbot.
One goal of path analysis is to identify common sequences of user interactions and tune the services to create ``shortcuts'' for these scenarios. Figure 8(a) shows a common pattern in the LunchBot: the ``order lunch'' mountain peak. With further analysis, we find a large set of paths that contain both the ``order lunch'' peak and a ``list orders'' hill, as shown in Figure 8(b). It turns out that users often list orders before ordering lunch (blue/black path). Other users list orders after ordering lunch (yellow/grey path). The frequent occurrence of the (list orders, order lunch) sequence suggests that users like to see what items are popular (a complicating factor is that the list orders page also lists the user associated with each order; a pessimist might infer that people examine the orders to see if they want to attend lunch at all; we prefer the optimistic analysis). Annotating the favorite items on the menu would provide a simple shortcut replacing the more complicated sequence of interactions.
4 SummaryMawl was created to address two specific problems in the creation of dynamic web services: the lack of compile-time guarantees about of services, and the low-level of programming involved in coding to the CGI model. A language was necessary in order to provide these guarantees and give implementation flexibility. Neither libraries nor macros provide solutions to these two problems.The form is the basic abstraction that helped to solve these two problems, by enforcing a separation of concerns between service logic and user interface descriptions. The mawl service architecture and form abstraction have been quite stable since the language's inception and have been used to solve several new problems quite different in nature from the initial two: prototyping and composing services, accommodating multiple devices, and enabling usage analysis. The only solution that required a change to the language (and a minor change, at that) was the composition problem. All the other solutions only changed the compiler analysis or run-time infrastructure.
5 AvailabilityThe mawl language (version 2.0, with C++ as a host language) is available at
for SGI and Solaris platforms. Mawl is part of a larger project called Tardis, which includes TelePortal, the platform by which interactive voice response systems may be programmed using HTML. TelePortal is not currently available.
6 AcknowledgmentsChristopher Ramming and David Ladd are the originators of the mawl language. Thanks to Natasha Tatarchuk for her work on the visualization applets. Thanks also to Mooly Sagiv and Mike Siff for their perceptive comments and recommendations.
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the Conference on Domain-Specific Languages,
October 15-17, 1997,
Santa Barbara, California, USA
Last changed: 15 April 2002 aw |