4th USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems (COOTS)
April 27-30, 1998, Eldorado Hotel, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Sponsored by USENIX
COOTS '97 and '98 Papers to Appear in Concurrency
Murthy V. Devarakonda of the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center is the guest editor of a year-long theme on object-oriented concurrent systems for Concurrency. A member of the COOTS 1997 Program Committee, Mr. Devarakonda will republish a selection of papers from COOTS '97 and COOTS '98, following a re-review process.
Conference Organizers
Program Chair
Joe Sventek, Hewlett-Packard Company
Tutorial Program Chair
Douglas C. Schmidt, Washington University
Program Committee
Ken Arnold, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Gerald Baumgartner, Ohio State University
David Chappell, Chappell & Associates
Murthy Devarakonda, IBM
Daniel Edelson, Ascend Communications
Jennifer Hamilton, Microsoft Corporation
Doug Lea, SUNY Oswego
Gary Leavens, Iowa State University
Dmitry Lenkov, Hewlett-Packard Company
Jeff Magee, Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine
Scott Meyers, Software Development Consultant
Louise Moser, UC Santa Barbara
Ira Pohl, UC Santa Cruz
Rajendra Raj, Morgan Stanley & Company
Doug Schmidt, Washington University
Steve Vinoski, IONA Technologies, Inc.