Next: Validation Class
Up: Sequence Testing and Validation
Previous: Sequence Testing and Validation
The test driver in this framework is somewhat different from a
conventional test driver in that it not only
performs the tests, but it also validates tests either
as success or failure.
This module has a handle to a
validation object of the validation class type.
It takes a sequence of messages as input and iterates over the
sequence sending messages to the validation object (see below) for
invocation and validation of the message using the implementation.
The top level loop of the test driver works as follows :
- Create a validation object with the required parameters to the
- Send the messages one by one to the validation objects. If there
is any inconsistent behavior, the validation throws
an error indicating message behavior not satisfying the
specification. Stop testing this
sequence any further, indicating test failure.
- If all the messages in the sequence get executed without throwing
any error, then the sequence test succeeds otherwise, it fails.
Sreenivas Viswanadha