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Up: COBEA: A CORBA-Based Event
Previous: Acknowledgements
- 1
J. Bacon, J. Bates, and D. Halls.
Location-oriented multimedia.
IEEE Personal Communications, 4(5):48-57, October 1997.
- 2
J. M. Bacon, J. Bates, R. J. Hayton, and K. Moody.
Using events to build distributed applications.
In Proc. of the Second International Workshop on Services in
Distributed Networked Environments, pages 148-155. IEEE Computer Society
Press, June 1995.
- 3
John Bates and Jean Bacon.
Supporting interactive presentation for distributed multimedia
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1(1):47-78, March 1995.
- 4
A. P. Buchmann et al.
Building an integrated active OODBMS: requirements, architecture,
and design decisions.
In Proc. of the 11th Intl. Conf. on Data Engineering, Taipei,
March 1995.
- 5
S. Gatziu and K. R. Dittrich.
Events in an active object-oriented database system.
In Proc. of the First Intl. Workshop on Rules in Database
Systems (RIDS), Edinburgh, August/September 1993.
- 6
W. Gaver et al.
Europarc's RAVE System.
In Proc. of the ACM CHI'92 Conference on Human Factors in
Computing Systems, Monterey, Calif., 1992.
- 7
T. H. Harrison, D. L. Levine, and D. C. Schmidt.
The design and performance of a real-time CORBA event service.
In Proc. of the OOPSLA'97 conference, pages 184-200, October
- 8
Richard Hayton.
OASIS - An Open Architecture for Secure Interworking Services.
PhD thesis, Computer Laboratory, Cambridge University, June 1996.
- 9
A. Hopper, A. Harter, and T. Blackie.
The Active Badge System.
In Proc. of ACM INTECHI'93, 1993.
- 10
OrbixTalk - The White Paper.
Technical report, IONA Technology, April 1996.
- 11
Version 1.00-A, December 1996.
- 12
G. B. Kendon and N. F. Ross.
Alarm correlator prototype: Demonstration script.
Nortel Technology Internal Report, February 1996.
- 13
Chaoying Ma.
An Alarm Correlator Based on the Cambridge Event Technology.
Active Systems Project (Cambridge University and Nortel Technology)
Internal Report, April 1997.
- 14
Common Object Services Specification, Volume I.
OMG Document No. 94-1-1, March 1994.
- 15
The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification.
Revision 2.0, July 1995.
- 16
CORBA Security.
OMG Document No. 96-08-03 through 96-08-06, July 1996.
- 17
Messaging Service: RFP.
OMG Document No. ORBOS/96-03-16, March 1996.
- 18
Notification Service: RFP.
OMG Document No. Telecom/96-11-03, Nov. 1996.
- 19
Ragunathan Rajkumar, Mike Gagliardi, and Lui Sha.
The Real-Time Publisher/Subscriber Inter-Process Communication Model
for Distributed Real-Time Systems: Design and Implementation.
In First IEEE Real-Time Technology and Applications Sympo sium,
May 1995.
- 20
N. Ross and K. Burn-Thornton.
Design for Saffron Alarm Correlator.
Nortel Technology Internal Report, February 1996.
- 21
Douglas C. Schmidt and Steve Vinoski.
The OMG Event Service.
C++ Report, 9, Feb 1997.
- 22
Scarlet Schwiderski.
Monitoring the behaviour of distributed systems.
PhD thesis, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory, April 1996.
- 23
Tib/Rendezvous: White Paper.
Technical report, TIBCO Software Inc., 1994.
- 24
Engineering modelling concepts (DPE architecture).
Technical Report TB_NS.005_2.0_94, TINA-C, December 1994.
- 25
J. Warne.
Event management for large-scale distributed systems.
Technical Report APM.1633.01, APM Ltd., November 1995.
Chaoying Ma
Fri Mar 20 11:01:25 GMT 1998