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The DirectoryInterface need only define the following method:
public SearchResult
lookUpService(Authobj authobj,
String name, String filter,
URL[] blacklist, int howmany,
String attrlist)
throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
The requestService() method of the VEMInterface calls this method to
access the LDAP directory.
The parameters passed to this method are:
- authobj: The authentication object from the workspace used
for access control in the LDAP directory.
- name: The name of the service being looked for.
- filter: A filter composed of attribute/value pairs.
- blacklist: A list of service locations that the client
specifically does not want returned even if matched.
- howmany: A count of matches to be returned.
- attrlist: A list of attributes that
are to be returned with every match.
The method returns an object containing service locations and
The implementation of the lookUpService()
method on the Metis Directory Server
is straightforward. The Metis Directory Server acts an LDAP client.
It constructs an LDAP query, and submits the query to
an LDAP server. If desired, a random subset is chosen from the services
returned by the LDAP server and are returned to the client.
At the present time, the Metis Directory Server uses an LDAP client API.
The use of the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) [2]
is being investigated.
The interface is simple but flexible enough to be used for various purposes.
In addition to looking for service names and services with specific attributes,
it can also return a list of all services (subject to access control) when
used as:
SearchResult s=lookUpService(authobj,
null, null, null,
where the null values indicate no filtering and subsetting is to
be performed; or, can return the count of all services with the name
``LotusNotes'' when used as:
int i=lookUpService(authobj,
"LotusNotes", null, null,
ALL_POSSIBLE, null).getCount();
A. Purakayastha
Mon May 5 15:03:42 EDT 1997