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Example of a Parallel Algorithm

STL provides a count algorithm for counting the number of elements in an iterator range first and last that have value = value, and adds the result to the argument n. The following piece of code shows a sequential implementation:

 template <class InputIterator, class T, class Size>

void count(InputIterator first,

InputIterator last,

const T& value,

Size& n)


while (first != last)


if(*first++ == value)




The following algorithm provides a parallel implementation of the same using strategy classes. This assumes that each thread participating in a data-parallel operation invokes this function and provides its own local copy of n. The implementation uses the sequential version of count where each thread computes the partial results.
 template <class Strategy, class InputIterator,

class T, class Size>

void count(Strategy& strategy,

InputIterator first,

InputIterator last,

const T& value,

Size& n)


//get the current data parallel object

Rope& self_rope = Rope::SelfRope();

//get the rope size

int rope_size = self_rope.Size();

//create a type-specific reduction object

ReductionT<Size, plus<Size> >


//create thread-specific iterators

Strategy::thread_iterator my_first(first);

Strategy::thread_iterator my_last(last);

// position the iterators based on strategy

strategy(rope_size, first, last, my_first, my_last);

Size my_n = 0;

// per-thread sequential algorithm

::count(my_first, my_last, value_pred, my_n);

// combine the partial results

Size total = red(plus<Size>(), my_n);

n += total;


Sundaresan Neelakantan
Thu May 15 16:11:49 PDT 1997