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The Reduction Class

The Reduction tree class description is parameterized so that it will work for any tree which is unary to (N-1)-ary gif, and also so that the fan-in and the fan-out trees are of different ranks (i.e., one can have a binary fan-in tree and a quaternary fan-out tree.). Past research has shown that the ranks of the fan-in and fan-out tree have a significant effect on parallel synchronization performance, and should be determined based on the architecture, number of processors, and memory hierarchy of the parallel system [13].

 template <class SizeType>

struct FanInNode


typedef SizeType fanin_size_type;

enum { fanin_size = sizeof(fanin_size_type) };

bool ith_fanin_child_exists(const int i);


template <class SizeType>

struct FanOutNode


typedef SizeType fanout_size_type;

enum { fanout_size = sizeof(fanout_size_type) };

bool ith_fanout_child_exists(const int i);


struct Reduction


struct MyNode : public FanInNode<short>,

public FanOutNode<int>



typedef MyNode node_type;

Reduction(const int size); // constructor

virtual Reduction(); // destructor

// number of threads participating

int Size() const;

// get the node corresp. to the ith thread

node_type& get_node(const int i);

// get this thread's node

node_type& get_my_node();

// index of the fanin parent of the ith thread

static int fanin_parent(const int i);

// index of the fanout parent of the ith thread

static int fanout_parent(const int i);

// index of the kth fanin child of the ith thread

static int fanout_child(const int i, const int k);

// index of the kth fanout child of the ith thread

static int fanin_child(const int i, const int k);


Sundaresan Neelakantan
Thu May 15 16:11:49 PDT 1997