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Futures for Control Parallelism

  Futures [9] are place-holders or 'IOUs' for values or computations. Future abstractions are useful in parallel programming because they allow asynchronous computation by enabling delaying the computation of the value of an object until the value is required. Good abstractions for futures are useful in writing parallel programs that look similar to their sequential counterparts. Coir<Futures> supports two kinds of futures - data futures and computation futures. Data futures are simple place-holders for values. The futures are resolved by some arbitrary computation entering a value into the future. Computation futures are those that represent a delayed computation (execution of a function). The value of a computation future is the value returned by the function that represents the computation. Data futures are templatized on the base types of the values they represent. Computation futures are templatized on the signature of the computations (functors) they represent. Since the return type of a function is a part of its signature, the base type of the value that the future represents is hidden in the template parameter. Future classes also support a cast operator to their base types. The cast operator is a blocking operator and waits for the future resolution i.e., for the future to have a valid value.

Sundaresan Neelakantan
Thu May 15 16:11:49 PDT 1997