COOTS 2001 Abstract
Bean Markup Language: A Composition Language for JavaBeans Components
Sanjiva Weerawarana, Francisco Curbera, Matthew J. Duftler, David A. Epstein, and Joseph Kesselman, IBM TJ Watson Research Center
Although the benefits of software component composition are today widely accepted, component oriented software development is not yet as widespread as its multiple advantages may suggest. This is so in spite of the maturity reached by several component models (Microsoft's COM, JavaBeans, OMG's
CORBA), and their general acceptance by large
communities of developers. Thus, while components are being 'used' in software development, the
development process itself is not fully component
oriented. One major roadblock limiting the adoption of a component oriented development process
is the lack of viable component composition languages. This paper introduces a component composition language specically designed for the composition of JavaBeans components.