High-Performance Local Area Communication With Fast Sockets
Steven H. Rodrigues, Thomas E. Anderson, and David E. Culler
University of California at Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA 94720
Modern switched networks such as ATM and Myrinet enable low-latency,
high-bandwidth communication. This performance has not been realized by
current applications, because of the high processing overheads imposed
by existing communications software. These overheads are usually not hidden
with large packets; most network traffic is small. We have developed Fast
Sockets, a local-area communication layer that utilizes a high-performance
protocol and exports the Berkeley Sockets programming interface. Fast Sockets
realizes round-trip transfer times of 60 microseconds and maximum transfer
bandwidth of 33 MB/second between two UltraSPARC 1s connected by a Myrinet
network. Fast Sockets obtains performance by collapsing protocol layers,
using simple buffer management strategies, and utilizing knowledge of packet
destinations for direct transfer into user buffers. Using receive posting,
we make the Sockets API a single-copy communications layer and enable regular
Sockets programs to exploit the performance of modern networks. Fast Sockets
transparently reverts to standard TCP/IP protocols for wide-area communication.