Once we were confident that sending deltas could often reduce bandwidth requirements and/or client-observed latency of Web access, we had to consider two issues. One was what the architecture of a delta-based system would be. We rejected any scheme that would require changes to HTTP or to existing content providers, though we later learned that HTTP/1.1 will support a PATCH directive to allow efficient uploading of changes to shared documents. Instead, we settled on a proxy-based architecture in which the browser connects to a proxy on the same machine (the client proxy), and that proxy in turn connects to a server proxy on a well-connected host. We have control over both of these proxies; in fact we use a common source code base for them, though that is not necessary. The design of the proxies is covered in greater detail in Section 4.2.
The second open issue was how the deltas would help when the user's machine does not store an old version of the page. If the well-connected proxy has many clients, or can talk to a nearby proxy that does, it may have fast access to a cached copy of the requested page. When that page is current, nothing need be done other than sending the cached copy over the phone line. If it is stale, however, there might be an opportunity to use deltas after sending the stale data.
In fact, one might expect the server proxy to handle a number of clients
and to keep multiple versions of each document in its
cache. Sometimes a client's request will specify a version which the caching
proxy has, and then only a delta needs to go back over the slow link.
Other times, the server proxy will not have the same version cached as
advertised by the client in which case it will try to utilize the
time by sending in the stale copy it has and subsequently sending the delta.
Since in the latter scenario the benefit is potentially lower, especially when
is not very large, we may bias the system so that it hits
the first scenario more often than the second. This may be brought about
by auxiliary mechanisms like prefetching during idle times to keep the
client and server proxies' caches in sync.
In total, there are numerous ways in which the optimistic delta mechanism can improve the efficiency of WWW access:
The same latency reduction applies if the client has no cached copy but requests the most current version of a page, since the server proxy can send a Stale copy and then confirm that the copy is current after its own If-modified-since request.