USENIX, the Advanced Computing Systems Association
The USENIX Association is a not-for-profit society of scientists, engineers,
and system administrators from around the world. Since 1975, USENIX conferences
and workshops have been bridging research and the practical on the cutting-edge
of software and systems.
USENIX supports the community and its members' professional and technical
development through a variety of on-going activities, including:
- Annual technical, security, and system administration conferences, plus
specific-topic symposia such as Windows NT administration, electronic
commerce, network management, Tcl/Tk, object-oriented technologies,
operating systems, and programming.
- ;login: membership magazine featuring technical articles, system
administration techniques, practical columns, book and software reviews,
reports from various standards efforts, and summaries of USENIX
- Proceedings--on-line, on CD-ROM, and in print--from USENIX conferences and
- Participation in various IEEE and Open Group standards efforts.
- "Good Works" program generously supporting open source software
development, minority, women, and pre-college participation in computer
science, the Software Patents Institute, Incident Cost Analysis and
Modeling Project, and many other community-building projects.
- Member discounts on a variety of books, software, and periodicals.
- Student programs that include scholarships, stipends to attend conferences,
low student member fees, best paper awards, and research grants.
SAGE, The System Administrators Guild
Dedicated to the advancement of the profession, its practitioners, and the
state of the art in the practice of system administration, SAGE is the premiere
international society of system administrators. It brings together system and
network managers supporting platforms of all kinds and from sites of all sizes.
It answers the widely felt need for an organization to serve as the focal point
of this rapidly growing profession and to promote awareness of the
irreplaceable contribution of system administrators to the success of the
System professionals have greeted the Guild with enthusiasm, and currently SAGE
has thousands of members. There are active SAGE- affiliated local groups in all
regions of the USA and sister groups internationally. SAGE has rapidly gained
recognition by users, management, and vendors as providing responsible
leadership on system administration issues.
SAGE is a Special Technical Group within the USENIX Association. USENIX
membership is a prerequisite of SAGE membership, and SAGE members receive all
USENIX member benefits plus technical and professional resources exclusive to
SAGE membership. Beyond direct benefits, however, joining SAGE allows system
administrators to contribute to the system administration community as a whole.