ALS 2001 Paper    [ALS 2001 Technical Program] |
Arnd C. Heursch and Helmut Rzehak
Department of Computer Science
University of Federal Armed Forces, Munich,
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, 85577 Neubiberg, Germany
{heursch, rz}@informatik.unibw-muenchen.de,
Rapid Reaction Linux combines the LOW LATENCY Patch [Molnar00], provided by Ingo Molnar, which has been found to reduce long latencies in the Linux kernel, with the UTIME Patch [Kansas97] of Kansas University that improves the precision of standard Linux timing services. Rapid Reaction Linux is not related to the well known KURT Linux [KURT98], except for the UTIME patch, both systems are relying on.
In the past year, 2000, we have seen two main approaches to lower the latencies of the Linux kernel in order to make Linux more responsive and suitable for time-critical applications:
As the project, that started first, the introduction of Preemption Points into the Linux kernel, f.ex. by the ``Low Latency Patch'' [Molnar00], has already shown good results to lower many long latencies [Wilshire00,Wang00].
Since time-critical tasks also need a precise time base, it would make sense to improve the accuracy of the Linux timing base combined with low latencies. Instead of simply decreasing the period of the timer interrupt, which would add the overhead of the timing routines, we chose the UTIME Patch [Kansas97] which reprograms the timer chip to the next foreseeable event, ported it to Linux 2.4 and combined it with one of the low latency patches. After adding some ideas and lines of code, we called the result ``Rapid Reaction Linux''.
In the following sections we present the measurements we made with Linux and Linux realtime enhancements to show which advantages ``Rapid Reaction Linux'' can provide. Then we speak about the code changes, we made in the ``Rapid Reaction patch'' and we close examining possible performance changes of our kernel patch.
The test program we use has been presented by Phil Wilshire at the second Real Time Linux Workshop [Wilshire00]. A task executes f.ex. 1000 times a nanosleep(50 ms) to sleep every time for a period of 50 ms, Pseudo code:
for(int i = 0; i< 1000; i++) { get_time_stamp_from_TSC(t1); nanosleep(50 ms) get_time_stamp_from_TSC(t2); time_slept = t2-t1; delay = time_slept - 50 ms; /* results, see Tables 1 and 2 */ }
The time t2-t1 is determined using the 64 bit Time Stamp Register (TSC) of the x86 processor. This test reveals 3 problems of Standard Linux:
In Table 1 and 2, a periodical task with a period of 50 ms shall be executed. Instead of the desired period of 50 ms, all standard Linux kernels execute this task normally with an delay of 10 ms, i.e. all 60 ms. Only the original UTIME Patch [Kansas97] for Linux 2.2.13 and ``Rapid Reaction Linux'' normally execute the periodical task with the desired period, i.e a mean delay of nearly 0 milliseconds, see Table 2. The 31 microseconds mean delay we see in line E of Table 2 might be partly due to the Linux scheduler, that selects the SCHED_FIFO process among all other process. Except for Rapid Reaction Linux the first period after starting the measurement normally produces the minimum value, that can differ up to 10 ms from the mean value, because the start of the measurements and the first nanosleep(50 ms) is not synchronized to the timer interrupt. The ``ping'' load in Table 2 isn't a heavy load for the system, so the difference in between the 'maximum delay' and the 'mean delay' in Table 2 is only in between 100 and 300 microseconds. But when - as shown in Table 1 - a heavy disk load is executed on the system as background load, for the most Linux versions, the maximum delay measured differs from the mean delay about 100 ms. This is due to latencies caused by non-interruptible system calls invoked by the disk load program, probably to write the buffers to disk (sync). Only the ``Low Latency Patch'', Line D, and Rapid Reaction Linux, Line E, that incorporates it, can reduce these latencies to the order of 5 ms on our hardware. As ``Rapid Reaction Linux'' combines the UTIME Patch, ported to 2.4, with the ``Low Latency Patch'' and because it applies some changes described in section 8.2 and 8.3, ``Rapid Reaction Linux'' can provide the lowest (maximum - minimum) delay values with a very good mean delay near 0 ms in both Tables 1 and 2.
In standard Linux the period of a periodical task has to be a multiple of 10 milliseconds. In Table 2 we see, that standard Linux adds 10 ms by default to the period and in Table 4 we see - if the period is not a multiple of 10 ms - Linux rounds it up to the next 10 ms boundary. So a periodical task is scheduled with a real period:
In Rapid Reaction Linux the period hasn't to be a multiple of 10 ms, although the period of the Linux timer interrupt remained unchanged at 10 milliseconds. Table 3 shows that in Rapid Reaction Linux it is possible to choose other periods. It is possible to schedule tasks with a period of 3.250 ms, 4 ms, 13.350 ms, ... and the standard delay is only in between 20 to 30 microseconds. The maximum delay measured was about 400 microseconds, while there was no heavy load on the system. On our AMD K6, 400 MHz, only a X as graphical user interface with some terminals was running.
Table 5 shows once more the difference between Standard Linux and Rapid Reaction Linux, but this time with a heavy disk load, produced by the program īddī and sync operations, that write the buffers to
the IDE hard disk [Wilshire00].
Standard Linux again shows its standard delay of 10 ms as a period of 50 ms is a multiple of 10 ms. The heavy disk load produces some
very long latencies up to 110 ms in Standard Linux.
Rapid Reaction Linux can provide a mean delay of only 300 microseconds to
the periodical task. The maximum delay measured here was about 3.3 milliseconds
The minimum delay is again at 20 microseconds, as in the case without load
for Rapid Reaction Linux (see Table 3)
The mean delay increases slightly for Standard Linux from about 10 to 10.9 ms and for Rapid Reaction Linux from near 0 to 0.3 ms,
because the increase of the maximum delays increases the mean, too.
Linux system calls as well as Linux kernel daemons both execute in kernel mode
and cannot be preempted. So another process ready to run has to wait until the system call has been finished. This causes worst case latencies on the order of hundreds of milliseconds or even more on current Intel PC's (see lines A,B,C of Table 1).
We regard an interrupt that awakens a soft realtime process out of its interrupt service routine (ISR). In the ISR the variable currentneed_resched is set to 1. If the interrupt occured while the processor was in user mode, the scheduler will be started immediately after the ISR has been finished.
If the processor was in kernel mode, the system call is finished first, causing possibly a long latency.
Ingo Molnar [Molnar00] identified six sources of long latencies on the order of tens up to hundreds of milliseconds on current hardware in the Linux kernel:
A possibility to reduce such kernel latencies is to introduces Preemption Points into the system calls of the kernel:
if (current->need_resched) { current->state = TASK_RUNNING; schedule(); }
The standard Linux kernel 2.4.3, f.ex. contains already 34 conditional preemption points for the Intel x86 architecture and 53 Preemption Points for all other architectures together.
The 'Low Latency' kernel Patch created by Ingo Molnar [Molnar00] introduces about 50 additional Preemption Points into the standard Linux kernel code at positions where long latencies, f.ex. caused by long non-interruptible system calls, occur in standard Linux as shown above.
These Points are called ´Conditional Preemption Points´ since the kernel is preempted there only if the variable
currentneed_resched is set to 1.
Then in the system call at the Preemption Point the scheduler is invoked and f.ex. a time-critical process can get the processor.
As stated in literature [Wang00]
Ingo Molnar managed to place his Preemption Points without affecting the stability of the Linux kernel. He successfully reduced many special long latencies to the order of 5 to 10 ms [LinAudio01]. The value of (max delay - mean delay) in line D of Table 1 confirms this testimony.
The standard Linux Kernel programs the timer chip of the PC to generate a timer interrupt all 10 ms. The timer Interrupt Service Routine increments the global kernel variable unsigned long volatile jiffies by 1 every 10 ms. All timing services of the standard linux kernel are calculated on the basis of jiffies. So no timing service has a resolution higher than 10 ms. An exception to that rule are a few busy waits for soft realtime processes.
Let´s assume a user process wants to sleep for a period of 50 ms, therefore it invokes the system call nanosleep() with the right parameter. As always when a system function requests a timing service in Linux, the struct of a linux kernel timer is filled with the appropriate values and put into a list of kernel timers, i.e. a list of all events in the system to be scheduled at a fixed time in future.
This is the kernel timer structure of the Linux 2.4.4 kernel:
struct timer_list { struct list_head list; unsigned long expires; unsigned long data; void (*function)(unsigned long); };
The field ´expires´ gets a jiffie value in the future when the timer shall expire. All 10 ms, when a timer interrupt occurs in standard Linux, the timer ISR activates the timer bottom half, which is executed by the scheduler. In the bottom half the kernel timers in the kernel timer list are checked whether the value of its expire-field is less than the actual jiffies value. If so, a certain timer has expired and the bottom half now executes the function the pointer of the function field points to. The data field serves as parameter given to this function. That way, the process that called nanosleep(..) before, is awakened after sleeping for the predefined time and some delay.
The standard lag on nanosleep() in the standard Linux kernel, even for a soft realtime process, is 10 ms. Furthermore a worst case latency on the order of hundreds of milliseconds on current hardware can occur, as show also our measurements in lines A,B,C of Table 1.
Now we look at a mechanism to improve the timing resolution of the standard Linux kernel:
By changing the value of the global kernel variable HZ it would be possible to generate timer interrupts at a higher rate, f.ex. all 1 ms. But this would lead to a very high timing overhead, executing timing service routines much more often.
The UTIME Patch [Kansas97], developed at the University of Kansas, takes advantage of the fact that soft realtime tasks may have stringent timing requirements on the order of 100 microseconds (usec), but it is very unusual that there is such an requirement every 100 usec. The solution provided by UTIME is to reprogram the timer chip after every timer interrupt to the next foreseeable event. If there is any task, f.ex. requiring scheduling in 7 milliseconds (ms), the timer chip is reprogrammed to generate an interrupt at exactly that time. If there is not such a timing event the timer chip is reprogrammed to generate the next timer interrupt just in 10 ms. So it´s guaranteed that the interval in between two timer interrupts is never longer than 10 ms, the period of the timer interrupt in standard linux.
UTIME extends the global kernel variable unsigned long volatile jiffies by a variable called jiffies_u, that is adjusted at every timer interrupt to the appropriate value in between 0 and 9999 microseconds (usec) to indicate how much time there is until the variable jiffies has to be increased again. The linux time base does not suffer from the jitter of the 8054 timer chip on the order of microseconds, because jiffies_u is set according to the actual value of the Time Stamp Clock Register (TSC), which is a 64 bit processor register in the Intel Pentium and all its descendants, also those x86 processors made by AMD, f.ex. This register is updated every clock cycle by the processor.
Since there is only a version of UTIME for Linux 2.2.13 available to download [Kansas97] we ported the patch to the Linux 2.4.0-test6 kernel on our own.
We had to adapt the UTIME patch to the Linux 2.4 kernel, some of the changes we mention here:
Rapid Reaction Linux combines the 'Low Latency Patch' with the 'UTIME Patch' to be able to serve time-critical soft realtime tasks in a better way.
Why did we decide to combine just these 2 patches ?
There are two further changes we made to the kernel code, worth mentioning, presented in the two following sections. These changes also lead to the better results of Rapid Reaction Linux in line E of Table 1 and 2, compared to a combination of the best values of line B, the UTIME Patch, and line D, the Low Latency Patch.
Since Rapid Reaction Linux incorporates the UTIME Patch, nanosleep() has no standard lag of 10 ms, i.e. problem 1) of section 2 is solved. But we had still to solve problem 2), that the first nanosleep(50 ms) often ends up to 10 ms too soon, because of the outdated system time. To solve this problem it is necessary to have the linux time base actually updated before adding the period, the process wants to sleep, to the actual time. Regarding nanosleep() we called the UTIME function update_jiffies_u() to update the system time before starting the sleeping period. update_jiffies_u() uses the TSC register of the processor. That way we could avoid also the first jitter of nanosleep(), see the ´0.019 ms´ as minimum delay of Rapid Reaction Linux in line E of Table 1, f.ex. compared to '-9.8 ms' of the UTIME Patch in line B.
The following code shows the changes made to the code of the UTIME function schedule_timeout_utime(..) , called by nanosleep():
/* Rapid Reaction Linux begin: */ /* update jiffies_u and jiffies to the actual time */ update_jiffies_u(); /* Rapid Reaction Linux end */ expire = *timeout + jiffies; expire_u = *timeout_u + jiffies_u; /* UTIME: */ expire += expire_u/USEC_PER_JIFFIES; expire_u = expire_u%USEC_PER_JIFFIES; init_timer(&timer); timer.expires = expire; timer.usec = expire_u; // UTIME timer.data = (unsigned long) current; timer.function = process_timeout; add_timer(&timer); schedule(); del_timer(&timer);
process_timeout is a function, that is started in the timer bottom-half, that has been triggered by a timer interrupt. process_timeout serves to awake the process, put to sleep before by calling nanosleep(), after the timer interrupt has come at the predefined time. The data of the process to awake has been stored in the field timer.data, see code above.
Being able to program timer interrupts more precise than 10 ms to trigger a time-critical event, f.ex. to awake a soft realtime process, it is reasonable that the scheduler is started as soon as possible after the Interrupt service routine (ISR) is done. To achieve this goal we added the field ' timer.need_resched' to the kernel timer structure. In Rapid Reaction Linux this field will be set to 1, every time a Soft-Realtime process wants to sleep for a precise time interval. When the affiliated timer interrupt occurs, the variable currentneed_resched is set to 1 in the ISR to reschedule as soon as possible making possibly use of a Conditional Preemption Point.
In the Linux kernel function add_timer() we added support for the
Soft Realtime processes and threads. If add_timer() is not called out of an interrupt service routine or out of a bottom half - in these two cases in_interrupt() would be 1 -, then it is checked whether the calling process
is running with Soft-Realtime priority. If so, we set the field timerneed_resched to 1. We added this field to the timer structure to be able to express that a special timer interrupt is
generated to schedule a time-critical process.
void add_timer(struct timer_list * timer) { unsigned long flags; struct timer_list *p; /* Rapid Reaction Linux begin */ /* initialize */ timer->need_resched = 0; if(!in_interrupt()) { if(current->policy & (SCHED_RR | SCHED_FIFO)) { timer->need_resched = 1; } } /* Rapid Reaction Linux end */ p = &timer_head; spin_lock_irqsave(&timerlist_lock, flags); do { p = p->next; } while ((timer->expires > p->expires) || ((timer->expires==p->expires) && (timer->usec>p->usec))); timer->next = p; timer->prev = p->prev; p->prev = timer; timer->prev->next = timer; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&timerlist_lock, flags); if (timer->prev==&timer_head) { reload_timer(timer->expires, timer->usec); } }
The UTIME Patch uses directly after a timer interrupt
the following function to find out,
how many microseconds later from now on - maximal 10000 usecs later of course -
the next timer interrupt shall come.
Here we introduced a global kernel variable named need_resched_next_timer_isr, that is set to 1, if the next timer interrupt serves to schedule a soft realtime process or thread, i.e if timerneed_resched equals 1. The reason why this global variable is needed is
that we don´t know at the interrupt service routine the timer structure that triggered this timer interrupt. But it is important to know in the ISR,
that the actual timer interrupt has been triggered to f.ex. awake a soft realtime process.
extern inline unsigned long time2next_event(void) { unsigned long timer_jiffies; unsigned long timer_jiffies_u; struct timer_list *next_timer; /* skip all the expired timers... */ /* if get_unexpired_timer returns null * then the next timer boundary * is a jiffies interrupt */ need_resched_next_timer_isr = 0; next_timer = get_unexpired_timer(); if (!next_timer) { timer_jiffies = jiffies + 1; timer_jiffies_u = 0; } else { timer_jiffies = next_timer->expires; timer_jiffies_u = next_timer->usec; /* Rapid Reaction Linux begin need_resched_next_timer_isr: global kernel variable */ need_resched_next_timer_isr = next_timer->need_resched; /* Rapid Reaction Linux end */ } if (timer_jiffies == jiffies) { return (timer_jiffies_u - jiffies_u); } else { /* aim for the HZ boundary */ /* Rapid Reaction Linux begin */ need_resched_next_timer_isr = 0; /* Rapid Reaction Linux end */ return (USEC_PER_JIFFIES - jiffies_u); } }
During the Interrupt Service Routine of the timer interrupt we
find out - in cases the timer interrupt serves a soft real time task -
that the variable need_resched_next_timer_isr equals 1. We set it back to 0 and
we set currentneed_resched = 1 to invoke the scheduler as soon as possible.
That´s what all our changes aimed at, because having set current
need_resched = 1 in the timer ISR we
are able to use all the conditional preemption points, the 'Low Latency Patch' introduced into Linux, to reduce kernel latency times, caused by long term system calls
that normally cannot be preempted.
void utime_do_timer_oneshot (struct pt_regs *regs) { update_jiffies_u(); /* Rapid Reaction Linux begin */ if(need_resched_next_timer_isr) { need_resched_next_timer_isr = 0; current->need_resched = 1; } /* Rapid Reaction Linux end */ load_timer(); mark_bh(TIMER_BH); if (jiffies_intr) { orig_do_timer(regs); } }
The Rhealstone Benchmark is a well known benchmark for Real-Time operating systems. It has been developed in 1989 [Kar89,Kar90]. It belongs to the class of ´fine grained´ benchmarks that measure the average duration of often used basic operations of an operating system with respect to responsiveness, interrupt capability and data throughput. Using some programs of the Rhealstone Benchmark we try to examine, whether the Rapid Reaction Patch or its components affect the performance of the standard Linux kernel.
To set up the Rhealstone Benchmark we looked at [Kar89,Kar90] to implement the programs in Linux. Later on we compared our programs and results to [DEC98]. All benchmark programs use the scheduling policy SCHED_FIFO and the processes are locked into memory. In some newer Linux kernels like the kernel 2.4.5, sched_yield() does not work sufficiently for SCHED_FIFO, i.e. for soft-realtime processes. We replaced the intended call of sched_yield() in some benchmark programs by calling sched_setscheduler() with a different priority, but always with the policy SCHED_FIFO. For the same reason it did not make sense to measure the ´Task or Context Switch Time´ We did not measure the ´Deadlock Breaking Time´ either, because Standard Linux does not possess an implementation of semaphors with ´priority inheritance´ [Yod01], which is inevitable for this benchmark program to make sense. So we must admit that our benchmark programs are only similar to the benchmark programs of the original Rhealstone Benchmark [Kar90], not identical. We didn´t apply the formula of the Rhealstone Benchmark to unify all the results up to one single value, because we measured only a part of the benchmark. Every measurement has been repeated for 7 million times, thereafter the average values of the measured times have been calculated. Since the underlying hardware influences the measurement results, all measurements in Table 6 have been performed on the same system, on an AMD K6 with a processor frequency of 400 MHz, at the runlevel ´init 1´.
The original benchmark measures the ILT - the interrupt latency time -, the time in between the CPU gets an interrupt and the first execution of the first line of the interrupt handler.
Our measurement uses the parallel port to generate an interrupt. The measurement program writes a 1 to the highest bit of the output port of the parallel port. A wire leads the electrical signal out of that bit into the interrupt entrance of the parallel port. Generating an interrupt this way, the interrupt is synchronized to the kernel-thread performing the outb() call to trigger the interrupt. Nevertheless the values of the IRT shown in Table 6 are reasonable and similar to those of other measurements we made.
Table 6: Results of some of the RHEALSTONE Benchmark programs, measured on an AMD K6, 400 MHz processor on different versions of the Linux kernel, measured in the modus ´init 1´, linked with the compiler option -O2 to optimize. Every measurement has been repeated for 7 million times. |
We obtained the results shown in Table 6 from the measurements of our Rhealstone benchmark programs measured at the runlevel 'init 1' (all times in microseconds)
Of course, these benchmark programs only measure a few often used execution paths in the kernel.
The fine grained benchmark programs don´t show significant different results on the different versions of the Linux 2.4 kernel. The Preemption Time shows smaller values for all Linux 2.4 kernels compared to the 2.2 kernels. This may be due to the fact, that the Linux scheduler efficiency for SCHED_FIFO processes has been improved in Linux 2.4. In Table 6 we can see, that ``Rapid Reaction Linux'' has an overhead of about 0.05 to 0.1 microseconds at the Preemption Time, but the value is still smaller than the values of the Linux 2.2 kernels. For the Intertask Message Passing Time it shows up to 0.2 microseconds of overhead. The semaphor shuffle time for Rapid Reaction Linux is nearly the same as for Linux 2.2.13, and better than Linux 2.4.0-test6. As Rapid Reaction Linux in line F is based on Linux 2.4.0-test6, we can say it decreases the Semaphor Shuffle Time, although its value is higher than the one of Linux 2.4.9. When we port ``Rapid Reaction Linux'' to Linux 2.4.9 in future, we will see whether it will decrease the value of 2.4.9, too. In our opinion - although the values of Rapid Reaction Linux tend to be a little bit higher than in Linux 2.4, - they can be compared to those of Linux 2.2 and they are no reason to fear a major performance loss in ``Rapid Reaction Linux''.
We will continue to develop Rapid Reaction Linux to perform time-critical operations more promptly and efficiently.
The kernel patch for Rapid Reaction Linux shall be licensed under the terms of GPL. For the standard Linux kernel
2.4.0-test6 the patch is available
for download on our homepage:
Our measurements and the measurements of many others show that the ``Low Latency Patch'' [Molnar00] can reduce many long latencies from the order of 100 ms to the order of 5 to 10 ms. Having a Linux kernel with reduced latencies it is even more interesting to have also an accurate time basis.
Therefore we ported the UTIME Patch [Kansas97] from Linux 2.2 to Linux 2.4 and combined it with the ``Low Latency Patch''. We improved the accuracy of the UTIME timers and introduced ``soft realtime timers''. The resulting Linux kernel patch we called Rapid Reaction Linux. In our measurements it shows a very good timing accuracy when executing periodical tasks.
Standard Linux shows a standard lag of 10 ms for periodical tasks, Rapid Reaction Linux does not. In standard Linux the first period of the task is often shorter than the following periods, in Rapid Reaction Linux the first period has the correct length like all the following periods. Standard Linux can't schedule periods in between 2 and 20 ms, Rapid Reaction Linux can.
Standard Linux schedules tasks with periods which are not a multiple of 10 ms, - the period of the timer interrupt -, with a delay in between 10 and 20 ms - not including possible latencies - to round up their period to a 10 ms boundary. Rapid Reaction Linux can schedule these periods - without rounding their period - , with a mean delay on the order of tens of microseconds. So Rapid Reaction Linux is best suited for periodical tasks and/or for waiting only once an desired amount of time.
A guarantee about the value of the longest latency in the Linux kernel - with or without the kernel patch of Rapid Reaction Linux - can't be given at the present stage of development - in our opinion -, because nobody can test all paths of the Linux kernel code and their mutual interferences.
Concerning the latencies the ``Low Latency Patch'' incorporated in Rapid Reaction Linux reduces many long latencies from the order of 100 ms to the order of 5 ms to 10 ms on current hardware. So the higher timing accuracy is disturbed much less by latencies induced by Linux system calls or kernel threads. This is an important reason for the higher timing accuracy to make sense.
We will continue to develop Rapid Reaction Linux to better the services it can provide for time-critical tasks.
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the 5th Annual Linux Showcase & Conference,
November 510, 2001,
Oakland, CA, USA
Last changed: 22 Aug. 2003 ch |