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- 1
P. Danzig and S. Jamin,
``tcplib: A Library of TCP Internetwork Traffic Characteristics,'',
- 2
``The Internet Traffic Archive,''
- 3
A. Kato, J. Murai, and S. Katsuno,
``An Internet Traffic Data Repository: The Architecture and the
Design Policy,''
in INET'99 Proceedings.
- 4
V. Paxson and S. Floyd,
``Wide-Area Traffic: The Failure of Poisson Modeling,''
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 3, no. 3, pp.
226-244, June 1995.
- 5
- 6
``CoralReef Software Suite,''
- 7
A.J. McGregor, H-W Braun, and J.A. Brown,
``The NLANR Network Analysis Infrastructure,''
IEEE Communications, May 2000.
- 8
W. Feng and P. Tinnakornsrisuphap,
``The Failure of TCP in High-Performance Computational Grids,''
in Proc. of SC 2000: High-Performance Networking and Computing
Conf., November 2000.
- 9
J. Semke,
``PSC TCP Kernel Monitor,''
Tech. Rep. CMU-PSC-TR-2000-0001, PSC/CMU, May 2000.
- 10
J. Bolliger and R. Gross,
``Bandwidth Monitoring for Network-Aware Applications,''
Proc. of the 10th Annual Int'l Symposium on High Performance
Distributed Computing, August 2001.
- 11
W. Feng, J. R. Hay, and M. K. Gardner,
``MAGNeT: Monitor for Application-Generated Network Traffic,''
To appear in Proc. of the 10th Annual Int'l Computer
Communication and Networking Conf., October 2001.
- 12
Jeffrey R. Hay