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Writing a Driver

What remains is the technical problem of developing drivers and extensions for XFree86. This still is a very dificult task, but that as well has become easier. After unpacking the XFree86 sources a detailed design document can be found at xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/DESIGN This document covers the important details of the new server design and provides step by step analysis of the flow of control in the server, the mandatory interfaces that a driver needs to provide and the optional driver functions. Furthermore the data structures used in the drivers are defined and explained, handling of bus resources and the helper functions that the server provides for commonly needed tasks in a driver.

While all the details are in this design document, a quick overview of the necessary parts shall be given here.

Once these functons are implemented and hooked together, a non-accelerated driver for the device is available and can be tested. Adding accelleration to this driver (using the XFree86 Acceleration Architecture XAA) is relatively straight forward and again well documented in the XAA documentation which can be found at xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/xaa/XAA.HOWTO

Summary and Conclusion

In summary, on the one hand, the documentation of the new ddx (devive dependent X) design in XFree86 has significantly improved over the previously available material. On the other hand, the structure and layering of the server itself has become much more straight forward. Many of the previously existing SVGA-isms have been removed, many other implicit assumptions about the design of the bus and the existence of one single graphics card are gone as well.

Following the design document it is fairly straight forward to implement a multi head capable driver for almost any type of graphics device.


The next major step forward will be the advent of a real DDK, a real driver development kit. As of this writing, this is not finished, since we need to release 4.0 before we can focus on the DDK. But the design of XFree86 4.0 is finished, the initial release will happen before this paper is going to print, and in summer 2000 a release of a full DDK is planned.

So while this paper will have to skip the description of the DDK, I should be able to talk about this during my presentation at the conference.

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Dirk Hohndel