Accepted Work-in-Progress Reports
Friday, November 16, 2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m., Reunion AB

Short, pithy, and fun, Work-in-Progress reports introduce interesting new or ongoing work. Work-in-Progress reports are five-minute presentations; the time limit will be strictly enforced. The accepted WiPs are below, along with available presentation slides.
Excellent Performance with Aging Hw (PDF)
Alberto D'Ambrosio, National
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Turin, Italy
Fettle, a Program for Populating and Dressing Racks
Andrew Hume, AT&T
What's New in Amanda: The Open Source Backup Platform
Dustin J. Mitchell,
Storage Software Engineer, Zmanda, Inc.
Analysis and Verification of XACML Policies
Saurabh Arora, Pablo
Giambiagi, and Olav Bandmann, Security, Policy and Trust Laboratory,
Swedish Institute Of Computer Sciences, Sweden
Migrating to Internet Protocol Version 6 (PDF)
Dennis Underwood and Jon
Lavender, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Inferring Relative Popularity of SMTP Servers
Michael Still and Eric
McCreath, Department of Computer Science, The Australian National
Frequency Domain Analysis and Visualization of Web Server Performance (PDF)
Marc Chiarini and Alva Couch, Tufts University
User Satisfaction and Technology Acceptance Among System Administrators
Nicole F. Velasquez, PhD Candidate, University of Arizona
Nathan Hubbard
Grid Services at Yahoo! Comes to LISA (PDF)
Marco Nocosia, Grid Services Operations, Yahoo!
How Do You Protect the Data of 1500 Very Non-technical
Ski Kacoroski
mfork (PDF)
Maarten Thibaut