Sunday, December 5
9:00 a.m.10:15 a.m.
Session Chair: Steve Gribble
Global-scale Service Deployment in the XenoServer Platform
Evangelos Kotsovinos, Tim Moreton, Ian Pratt, Russ Ross,
Keir Fraser, and Steven Hand, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory; Tim Harris, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK
Safely Harnessing Wide Area Surrogate Computing or How to Avoid Building the Perfect Platform for Network Attacks
Sachin Goyal and John Carter, School of Computing, University of Utah
Implementing the Emulab-PlanetLab Portal:
Experience and Lessons Learned
Kirk Webb, Mike Hibler, Robert Ricci, Austin Clements, and Jay Lepreau, School of Computing, University of Utah
10:15 a.m.10:45 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m.12:00 noon
Session Chair: Steve Hand
Design Considerations for Information Planes
Brent Chun, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Ryan Huebsch, Petros Maniatis, and Timothy Roscoe, Intel Research, Berkeley
A Shared Global Event Propagation System to Enable Next Generation Distributed Services
Paul Brett, Rob Knauerhase, Mic Bowman, Robert Adams, Aroon Nataraj, Jeff Sedayao, and Michael Spindel, Intel Labs, Intel Corporation
Distributed Resource Discovery on PlanetLab with SWORD
David Oppenheimer, EECS Computer Science Division, University of California Berkeley; Jeannie Albrecht, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California San Diego; David Patterson, EECS Computer Science Division, University of California Berkeley; Amin Vahdat, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California San Diego
12:00 noon1:00 p.m. Workshop Luncheon
1:00 p.m.2:15 p.m.
IT Happens
Session Chair: Vivek Pai
The Seven Deadly Sins of Distributed Systems
Steve Muir, Department of Computer Science, Princeton University
Beyond Availability: Towards a Deeper Understanding of Machine
Failure Characteristics in Large Distributed Systems
Praveen Yalagandula, The University of Texas at Austin; Suman Nath, Carnegie Mellon University; Haifeng Yu, Intel Research Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University; Phillip B. Gibbons, Intel Research Pittsburgh; Srinivasan Sesha, Carnegie Mellon University
Lessons from E-speak
Alan H. Karp, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
2:15 p.m.3:00 p.m.
Panel: Important, But Unpublishable
Session Chairs: Timothy Roscoe and Brad Karp
Panelists: David Mazières, New York University; Robert Morris, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Sean Rhea, UC Berkeley; Ben Zhao, UC Santa Barbara
Deployment of a Large-scale Peer-to-Peer Social Network
Mao Yang and Hua Chen, Peking University, Beijing, China; Ben Y. Zhao, U. C. Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA; Yafei Dai, Peking University, Beijing, China; Zheng Zhang, Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China
3:00 p.m.3:30 p.m. Break
3:30 p.m.4:45 p.m.
Distributed Information
Session Chair: Lucy Cherkasova
Deploying Large File Transfer on an HTTP Content Distribution
KyoungSoo Park and Vivek S. Pai, Department of Computer Science, Princeton University
Towards a Deployable IP Anycast Service
Hitesh Ballani and Paul Francis, Cornell University
DISC: A System for Distributed Data Intensive Scientific
George Kola, Tevfik Kosar, Jaime Frey, and Miron Livny, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Robert Brunner, Department of Astronomy and NCSA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Michael Remijan, NCSA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
4:45 p.m.5:30 p.m.
Panel: Perspectives on the
Future Internet: Grid vs. Networked Systems
Session Chairs: David Culler and Ian Foster
Panelists: Carl Kesselman, Greg Papadopoulos, and Larry Peterson
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