Sponsored by USENIX, The Advanced Computing Systems Association

Progress in the field of computer security is driven by a symbiotic relationship between our understanding of attack and of defense. The USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies aimed to bring together researchers and practitioners in system security to present research advancing the understanding of attacks on operating systems, networks, and applications.
Attendance was by invitation only, with preference given to the authors of accepted position papers/presentations. A limited number of grants were available to assist presenters who might otherwise be unable to attend the workshop.
Find out more about WOOT '07 in a recent Network World article featuring an interview with Tal Garfinkel, one of the program chairs, and join the Slashdot discussion about the workshop.
WOOT '07 was co-located with the 16th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '07), August 610, 2007.
Workshop Organizers
Program Chairs
- Dan Boneh, Stanford University
- Tal Garfinkel, Stanford University
- Dug Song, Arbor Networks
Program Committee
- Martin Casado, Stanford University
- Chris Eagle, Naval Postgraduate School
- Halvar Flake, SABRE Security
- Greg Hoglund, HBGary
- Nate Lawson, Root Labs
- David Litchfield, NGSSoftware
- Patrick McDaniel, Pennsylvania State University
- Tim Newsham, Information Security Partners,
- Vern Paxson, International Computer Science Institute and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Niels Provos, Google
- Thomas Ptacek, Matasano Security
- Peter Szor, Symantec
- Giovanni Vigna, University of California, Santa Barbara