Recent years have seen explosive growth in ubiquitously available computing power and network bandwidth, and we have witnessed the advent of novel products like smart mobile phones, wireless PDAs, and tablet PCs. These advances have spurred a wide range of applications, including Internet radio stations, peer-to-peer networks, and cellphone-based photography. Common to all such ubiquitous devices and applications is the need to guarantee high quality of service despite unpredictable availability of platform resources and dynamically varying user needs. Two methods of addressing these issues have traditionally been resource reservation and system adaptation. Because of its ability to provide firm guarantees, the former has enjoyed strong popularity in real-time and mission-critical applications. Such firm guarantees, however, come at the cost of markedly lower resource utilization and that fact has made adaptation the method of choice for non-critical and consumer applications [2,20].
The need for adaptation has spurred an extensive body of research into dynamically extensible systems at all levels of the computing and networking infrastructure, from library-based middleware techniques [6,10], to extensible operating systems [4,12,15,22,27], to programmable network processors [13], and even active networks [24].
Techniques for implementing runtime extensions must balance performance with safety concerns. Efforts to achieve higher performance can degrade the safety and security of services, while efforts to bolster security may negatively impact performance by requiring time- and resource-consuming runtime checks. Consequently, a wide variety of solutions for extending kernel-level services have been proposed, ranging from approaches based on `little languages' [16], to entirely new operating system kernels [4,12]. One solution is to place extensions inside a virtual machine (VM) [25], completely isolating them from the rest of the system and thereby avoiding the need to trust them. The simplicity and safety of this approach is accompanied by some drawbacks, however, including: (1) the performance of virtual machines is inferior to that of native hardware [22], and (2) multiple OSes running in multiple VMs can complicate resource sharing and result in inefficient resource usage.
Our research seeks a middle ground between the complete isolation offered by virtual machines and the unsafe practice of system extension by adding new kernel modules. Our approach combines the use of virtualization techniques with dynamic binary code generation and dynamic linking, resulting in the kernel plugin framework for runtime kernel extension.
A kernel plugin is made up of one or more application-supplied program functions that extend some kernel-level service. It is installed upon a client application's request and runs on its behalf. Plugins are designed to cooperate with, rather than replace, kernel-level services. Their interactions are controlled, so that a plugin only has privileges explicitly granted to it by the kernel. A well-defined plugin/kernel interface governs all such interactions. The efficient plugin mechanism permits rapid creation, update, and removal of plugins, thereby encouraging applications to frequently avail themselves of the mechanism's advantages.
Plugins are realized for the standard Linux kernel and the popular x86 hardware platform, offering a safe, efficient service extension mechanism to a broad set of developers. Our implementation achieves both high performance and safety by integrating three key techniques: (1) hardware fault isolation, (2) dynamic code generation, and (3) dynamic linking. Hardware fault isolation protects kernel services from misbehaving plugins. Dynamic code generation enables rapid runtime creation of custom plugins. Dynamic linking governs the kernel/plugin interface.
A key result of our research is the high performance of plugins, made
possible by using isolation techniques borrowed from virtualization
research [8,9,25], and by promoting frequent
system adaptation through efficient plugin creation and deletion. For
instance, plugin invocation costs are 0.45-0.62 on an 866 MHz
Pentium III depending upon the number of plugin parameters. In
addition, plugin creation and setup costs are low, thereby encouraging
their use in ways that are not easily implemented with coarser-grain
mechanisms. Code generating a sample 66-line C code plugin on the same
platform takes 4
, while linking and unlinking take 3.1
and 1.6
, respectively.
In the remainder of this paper, we describe the design and implementation of kernel plugins on Intel x86 platforms running the GNU/Linux operating system. Kernel plugins are evaluated with micro- and macro-benchmarks, as well as with a realistic application - an accelerated web server augmented by a plugin specializing the data it delivers to clients. This example, evaluated in detail, is on-the-fly transcoding of image data, streamed from the server's disk to its communication link.