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- 1
A. Ballardie.
Core Based Trees (CBT version 2) Multicast Routing - Protocol
RFC 2189, 1997.
- 2
E. Bommaiah, L Mingyan, A. Mcauley, and R. Talpade.
Amroute: Adhoc multicast routing protocol.
Internet Draft, August 1998.
- 3
Y. Chawathe, S. McCanne, and E. Brewer.
RMX: Reliable Multicast in Heterogeneous Networks.
In Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2000, Tel Aviv, Israel, March 2000.
- 4
Y. Chu, S. Rao, and H. Zhang.
A Case For EndSystem Multicast.
In Proceedings of ACM Sigmetrics, Santa Clara, CA, June 2000.
- 5
J. Crowcroft, Z. Wang, A. Gosh, and C. Diot.
RMFP: A Reliable Multicast Framing Protocol.
Internet Draft, March 1997.
- 6
Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol - DVMRP.
RFC 1812.
- 7
D. Estrin, V. Jacobson, D. Farinacci, L. Wei, S. Deering, M. Handley,
D. Thaler, C. Liu, Sharma P., and A. Helmy.
Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode (PIM-SM): Motivation and
Internet Engineering Task Force, August 1998.
- 8
P. Francis.
Yallcast: Extending the Internet Multicast Architecture., September 1999.
- 9
P. Francis, S. Jamin, V. Paxson, L. Zhang, D. Gryniewicz, and Y. Jin.
An Architecture for a Global Internet Host Distance Estimation
In Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 1999.
- 10
H. Holbrook and B. Cain.
Source Specific Multicast.
IETF draft, draft-holbrook-ssm-00.txt, March 2000.
- 11
H. Holbrook and D. Cheriton.
IP Multicast Channels: EXPRESS Support for Large-scale Single Source
In Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, Boston, MA, September 1999.
- 12
Katia Obraczka.
Multicast Transport Mechanisms: A Survey and Taxonomy.
In IEEE Communications Magazine, January 1998.
- 13
V. Paxson, J. Mahdavi, A. Adams, and M. Mathis.
An Architecture for Large-Scale Internet Measurement.
IEEE Communications, pages 48-54, August 1998.
- 14
R. Perlman, C. Lee, A. Ballardie, J. Crowcroft, Z. Wang, T. Maufer, C. Diot,
J. Thoo, and M. Green.
Simple Multicast: A Design for Simple, Low-Overhead Multicast.
IETF draft, draft-perlman-simple-multicast-03.txt, October 1999.
- 15
S. Raman and S. McCanne.
Scalable Data Naming for Application Level Framing in Reliable
In Proc. ACM Multimedia '98, Bristol, UK, September 1998.
- 16
S. Seshan, M. Stemm, and R. Katz.
SPAND: Shared Passive Network Performance Discovery.
In Proc 1st Usenix Symposium on Internet Technologies and
Systems (USITS '97), Monterey, CA, December 1997.
- 17
2 Platform.
- 18
L. Wei and D. Estrin.
The Trade-offs of Multicast Trees and Algorithms.
In Proc. of IC3N, 1994.
- 19
E. W. Zegura, K. Calvert, and S. Bhattacharjee.
How to Model an Internetwork.
In Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, San Francisco, CA, 1996.