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Dynamic Content Generation

The Flash Web server handles the serving of dynamic data using mechanisms similar to those used in other Web servers. When a request arrives for a dynamic document, the server forwards the request to the corresponding auxiliary (CGI-bin) application process that generates the content via a pipe. If a process does not currently exist, the server creates (e.g., forks) it.

The resulting data is transmitted by the server just like static content, except that the data is read from a descriptor associated with the CGI process' pipe, rather than a file. The server process allows the CGI application process to be persistent, amortizing the cost of creating the application over multiple requests. This is similar to the FastCGI [27] interface and it provides similar benefits. Since the CGI applications run in separate processes from the server, they can block for disk activity or other reasons and perform arbitrarily long computations without affecting the server.

Peter Druschel