USENIX '08 Call for Papers
We welcome proposals for workshops to be co-located with the 2008 USENIX Annual Technical Conference.
Proposal submissions due: February 1, 2008.
USENIX workshops foster discussion and presentation of new work and developments in any area of interest to the community of engineers, system administrators, scientists, and technicians working on the cutting edge of the computing world.
Workshop attendance may be:
- Open to all registrants
- Contingent on acceptance of a paper or a position statement
- By invitation only
Your workshop proposal should include the following information:
- Workshop topic and goals
- Workshop format: Formal presentations? Panels? Informal discussions? Invited talks?
- Workshop organizers and at least tentative program committee
- Expected number of submissions and participants
- Suggested submissions and notifications deadlines, if any, and program due date (USENIX may propose changes to your suggested dates)
- Proceedings requirements, if any
- Proposed workshop length: Half-day? Full day? Full day plus evening? 1.5 days?
- Probable supporters, if any
Please send your proposal to
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