Dandelion: Cooperative Content
Distribution with Robust Incentives
Sirivianos Jong
Park Xiaowei
Yang Stanislaw
Department of Computer
University of California, Irvine
Content distribution via the Internet is becoming increasingly
popular. To be cost-effective, commercial content providers are
considering the use of peer-to-peer (P2P) protocols such as BitTorrent
to save on bandwidth costs and to handle peak demands. However, when an
online content provider uses a P2P protocol, it faces a crucial issue:
how to incentivize its clients to upload to their peers.
This paper presents Dandelion, a system designed to address
issue in the case of paid content distribution. Unlike previous
solutions, most notably BitTorrent,
Dandelion provides robust (provably non-manipulable) incentives for
clients to upload to others. In addition, unlike systems with
tit-for-tat-based incentives, a client is motivated to upload to its
peers even if the peers do not have content that interests the client.
A client that honestly uploads to its peers is rewarded with credit,
which can be redeemed for various types of rewards, such as discounts
on paid content.
In designing Dandelion, we trade scalability for the ability to
provide robust incentives. The evaluation of our prototype system on
PlanetLab demonstrates the viability of our approach. A Dandelion
server that runs on commodity hardware with a moderate access link is
capable of supporting up to a few thousand clients. These clients can
download content at rates comparable to those of BitTorrent clients.
2 Introduction
Content distribution via the Internet is becoming increasingly popular
among the entertainment industry and the consumers alike. A survey
showed that
Apple's iTunes music store sold more music than Tower Records and
Borders in the US in the summer of 2005 [10]. A number
of key content producers, such as Universal, are now
launching download to own services [15].
However, the increasing demand for digital content is overwhelming the
infrastructure of online content providers [13].
An attractive approach for commercial online content distribution is
the use
of peer-to-peer (P2P) protocols. This approach does not
require a content provider to overprovision its bandwidth to handle
peak demands, nor does it require the provider to purchase service
from a third-party such as Akamai. Instead, a P2P protocol such as
BitTorrent [26]
harnesses its
clients' bandwidth for file distribution, and saves the bandwidth and
computing resources of a content provider. Leading content providers
such as Warner Bros [16]
and 20th Century Fox [11]
have now partnered with BitTorrent, Inc. EMI [12] has announced
a plan to launch a P2P music distribution service.
This recent trend indicates that P2P protocols enable a site to
cost-effectively distribute content.
When an online content provider uses a peer-to-peer protocol, it
faces a crucial issue: how to motivate clients that possess content to
upload to others. This issue is of paramount importance because the
performance of a P2P network is highly dependent on the users'
willingness to contribute their uplink
bandwidth. However, selfish (rational) users tend not to share their
bandwidth without external incentives [36].
Although the popular BitTorrent protocol has incorporated the
rate-based tit-for-tat
incentive mechanism for users to upload static content, this mechanism
bears two
weaknesses. First, it does not encourage clients to seed, i.e. to
upload to other peers after completing the file download. Second, it is
vulnerable to
manipulation [49,37,44,50,45],
allowing modified clients to free-ride and still achieve a better
downloading rate than compliant clients (Section 2.2).
The purpose of this work is to explore the design space of a
P2P content distribution protocol that addresses this issue. We present
the design and implementation of Dandelion, a cooperative
paid content distribution protocol that uses non-manipulable
virtual-currency-based incentives to encourage uploading and to address
Our protocol guarantees strict fair exchange of content uploads for
virtual currency (credit). A client cannot download content from selfish
peers (i.e. peers that do not upload unless they expect to be rewarded)
without paying credit, neither it can obtain credit for uploads it did
not perform. This protocol property provides robust incentives for
selfish peers to contribute
their bandwidth in the following two ways. First, credit can be
redeemed at a content provider for a discount on the content, or for
other types of monetary awards. Given appropriate pricing schemes, a
selfish client is motivated to serve content to its peers regardless of
whether its peers possess content that interests it. Second, the
prevents free-riding, because, provably, the only way a client can
obtain valid content from selfish peers or can earn credit is by paying
credit or uploading valid content, respectively.
Hence, we believe that our protocol can increase the aggregate upload
bandwidth of a P2P content distribution system and improve downloading
The use of virtual currency for incentives has been proposed in several
P2P content distribution systems [7,3,52,29,8,53,17],
but a key challenge, how to make the virtual-currency-based system
and practical while robust to manipulation, is left unaddressed
(Sections 2.1
and 2.4).
We address this challenge based on the insight that in the problem
domain of online content distribution, the content provider itself is a
trusted third party and can mediate the content exchange between its
clients. Based on this observation, we design a protocol in which
clients exchange data for credit and the server mediates
this exchange. The server uses only efficient symmetric cryptography on
critical data paths and sends only short
messages to its clients.
Our work makes the following contributions:
1) An efficient cryptographic fair exchange scheme for trading data
uploads for virtual currency, which is suitable for P2P content
distribution. Our scheme is based on symmetric key cryptography, and is
provably robust to client cheating. A client that does not upload or
uploads garbage to its peers cannot claim credit. A client cannot
download correct
content from selfish peers without the client being charged and the
2) The design and implementation of Dandelion. To the best of our
Dandelion is the first implemented P2P static content distribution
protocol that uses symmetric cryptography in order to provide robust
incentives for clients to upload paid
content to their peers. Our system's evaluation on PlanetLab [24]
identifies the scalability limits of our incentive mechanism and
demonstrates the plausibility of our approach.
In this paper, we use a BitTorrent-like terminology. A seeder
refers to a client that uploads to its peers despite not being
interested in the content being distributed (e.g. a client that
uploads although it has completed its file download). A leecher
refers to a client that is interested in the content
being distributed (e.g. a client that has not completed its file
download). A free-rider refers to a client that
only downloads from others but does not upload. A
swarm refers to all
clients that actively participate in the
protocol for a given content item.
The rest of this paper is organized as
follows. Section 2
describes existing incentive
mechanisms in P2P protocols, and cryptographic fair exchange schemes.
Section 3
describes the design of Dandelion. Section
4 analyzes the
security of our
design. Sections 5
and 6 present
our system's implementation and experimental evaluation, respectively.
We conclude in Section 7.
Figure 1:
Mean download completion times of
~200 CTorrent 1.3.4
leechers as a function of file size, for 1 initial seeder and
10 initial seeders. The mean file download completion times are
over 10 runs. Error bars correspond to 95% confidence intervals.
![\includegraphics[scale=0.70]{figures/filecompletiontime.vs.numseeders.vs.filesize/filecompletiontime.BitTorrent.vs.initialnumseeders.vs.filesize.eps}](img2.png) |
3 Background and Related
In this section we motivate the design of Dandelion by
describing existing P2P content distribution incentive mechanisms and
their weaknesses. In addition, we discuss previous work on
cryptographic fair exchange.
Impact of Seeding
The popular BitTorrent protocol employs the rate-based tit-for-tat
incentive mechanism [26]. A
client unchokes (i.e. uploads to) at most four to ten clients for a
given file,
in parallel. Most of the unchoked peers are the peers that upload
useful parts of the file to the client at the fastest rates and are
interested in the client's content. The client also optimistically
unchokes one or two peers that are not among the fastest uploaders, in
expectation of future reciprocation.
The list of unchoked peers is typically revised every 10 seconds.
This mechanism mitigates free-riding but does not provide explicit
incentives for
seeding. Although several BitTorrent deployments rely on clients to
honestly report their uploading history [17], and
use this history
to decide which clients can join a swarm, practice has shown that
clients can fake their upload history reports [4].
In contrast, Dandelion's non-manipulable and centrally maintained
virtual currency enables a content distributor to reliably keep
record of the amount of content a selfish client has uploaded to its
The distributor can use this record to provide robust incentives for a
selfish client to upload to its peers regardless of whether the peers
have content that interests the client.
Seeders can substantially improve download completion times,
because they increase the file availability and the aggregate upload
bandwidth. Figure 1
shows the impact of seeders. We run two BitTorrent experiments on
PlanetLab, with one and ten initial seeders, respectively. Initial
are clients that have the complete file prior to the start of the
In each experiment, we run
200 CTorrent 1.3.4 [2]
leechers on distinct PlanetLab nodes to simultaneously download a file.
Upon completion of their download, leechers remain online seeding the
file. As can be seen, the mean file download completion time decreases
considerably when there are ten initial seeders, especially for small
files of a few MB.
Free-riding in BitTorrent
A general observation is that since BitTorrent's tit-for-tat incentives
reward cooperative clients with improved download times, clients are
always incented to upload. Therefore, free-riding should not
be an issue in BitTorrent networks. This observation relies
on the assumption that users aim only at maximizing their
download rates. However, in practice, several BitTorrent users
can be reluctant to upload even if uploading improves their download
For example, users with access providers that impose quotas on outgoing
traffic or users with limited uplink bandwidth (e.g. 1.5Mbps/128Kbps
may wish to save their uplink for other critical tasks.
Considering the tradeoff between performance and susceptibility to
BitTorrent purposely does not implement a strict tit-for-tat (TFT)
strategy. In particular, it employs rate-based instead of chunk-level
TFT, and BitTorrent clients optimistically unchoke peers for relatively
long periods of time (10 to 30 seconds). Furthemore, BitTorrent seeders
select peers to upload to regardless of whether those peers upload to
Based on the above observations and previous work on BitTorrent
[37,44,49], in [50],
we modify a CTorrent-1.3.4 client to employ the "large view'' exploit
free-ride. The client obtains a larger than normal view of the swarm,
by repeatedly requesting partial views from the BitTorrent tracker or
by exchanging
views with its peers [6,9].
Subsequently, it connects to all peers in its view, while it does not
upload any content. Using this exploit in a sufficiently large swarm, a
modified client can substantially increase the frequency with which it
becomes optimistically unchoked, comparing to a compliant client, which
typically connects to 50-100 peers. It can also find more seeders,
which do not employ tit-for-tat.
In particular, we show that our modified free-rider client
is able to download faster than its tit-for-tat compliant counterpart
in 12 out of 15 randomly selected public torrents, for file sizes
between 500MB to 2 GB and swarm sizes of 50 to 1000 peers.
We also experiment with PlanetLab residing swarms that comprise of
300 leechers that are rate-limited at 30KB/sec and one initial seeder
that is rate-limited at 120KB/sec. When compliant clients comprise
90% of the PlanetLab-residing swarm, free-riders download faster than
compliant clients in their swarm and slightly worse than compliant
clients in a swarm with no free-riders.
The same weakness of BitTorrent's incentives is experimentally
demonstrated in a recent work by Locher et al. [45],
which was almost concurrent with ours.
Drawing from the above observations, we believe that
the "large view'' exploit has the potential to be widely adopted and
could lead to system-wide performance degradation in BitTorrent swarms.
Dandelion explicitly addresses this issue, because
its provably non-manipulable incentives enable a content distributor to
reliably track the amount of content a client has downloaded from
selfish peers, and charge the client accordingly.
In P2P content distribution protocols that employ pairwise virtual
currency (credit) for incentives, clients maintain
distinct credit balances for each of their peers. In this context,
credit refers to any metric of a peer's cooperativeness.
An eMule [7]
client rewards cooperative peers by reducing the time the peers have to
wait until they are served by
the client. Swift [52]
introduces a pairwise
credit-based trading mechanism for peer-to-peer file sharing
networks and examines the available peer strategies.
In [37],
the authors suggest tackling free-riding
in BitTorrent by employing chunk-level tit-for-tat, which is similar to
pairwise credit incentives. These pairwise credit-based incentive
mechanisms bear
weaknesses that are similar to the ones of rate-based tit-for-tat: a)
they provide no explicit incentives for seeding; and b) they can be
manipulated by free-riders that obtain a ``large view'' of the network,
and initiate short-lived sessions with numerous peers to exploit the
initial offers in pairwise transactions.
Scrivener [29]
combines pairwise credit
balances with a transitive trading mechanism, which is based
on a flavor of distributed reputation. MNet [8] uses a combination
of pairwise balances and tokens
that can be cashed in a central broker. When the debt during pairwise
transactions exceeds a specified threshold, the side with the negative
balance transfers a credit token to the other by contacting a broker.
Since both Scrivener and MNet do not provide
strong fair exchange guarantees of content uploads for credit, they can
be manipulated in a way similar to the ``large view'' exploit.
Keidar et al. [38]
present the design of a P2P multicast protocol, which is formally
proven to enforce cooperation among selfish leechers. To prove
cooperation, the authors assumed that selfish leechers abide by a
predetermined strategy, which specifies how many peers a leecher can
have. However, the recent work on BitTorrent exploitation [50,45],
which has partly motivated our system's design, has demonstrated that
this assumption may be too restrictive.
BAR Gossip [42]
suitable for P2P streaming of live content.
Owing to its cryptographic fair exchange mechanism and its verifiable
peer selection, the system is robust to clients that attempt to
free-ride by obtaining a "large view." However, its verifiable peer
selection technique assumes that no client can join the network
after the streaming session starts. Since BAR Gossip is designed for
P2P streaming, it does not
need to provide incentives for seeding. Therefore, it ensures the fair
exchange of content uploads between clients that are interested in the
same live broadcast. On the other hand, Dandelion, which needs to
incent seeding for static content distribution or video on demand,
guarantees fair exchange of content uploads for virtual currency.
Global Currency as Incentives
It has been widely proposed to use global virtual
currency to provide incentives in P2P content distribution
systems. This is the basis of the incentive mechanism employed by
Dandelion: for each client, the system maintains a credit
balance, which is used to track the bandwidth that the client has
contributed to
the network.
Karma [53]
employs a global credit bank and certified-mail-based [48] fair
exchange of content for reception proofs. It distributes credit
management among multiple nodes. Karma's distributed credit management
improves scalability. However, it does not guarantee the integrity of
the global currency when the majority of the nodes that comprise the
distributed credit bank are malicious or in a highly dynamic network.
In contrast, Dandelion's centrally maintained global currency is
non-manipulable by clients. Thus, it enables a server to offer monetary
rewards based on client
credit balances, providing strong incentives for clients to cooperate.
Horne et al. [35]
proposed an encryption- and erasure-code-based fair exchange scheme for
exchange of content
for proofs of service, but did not provide an experimental evaluation.
Their scheme detects cheating with probabilistic guarantees, whereas
Dandelion deterministically detects and punishes cheaters.
Li et al. [43]
proposed a scheme for incentives in P2P environments that uses fair
exchange of proof of service with chunks of content. The selfish client
encrypts a chunk and sends it to its peer, the peer
responds with a public-key cryptographic proof of service, and the
client completes the transaction
by sending the decryption key. A trusted third party (TTP) is involved
only in
the following cases: a) the selfish client presents the proofs of
service to obtain credit; b) the peer complains for receiving an
invalid chunk; and c) the peer complains
for not receiving the decryption key from the selfish client. However,
unless the server incurs the high cost of frequently renewing the
public key certificates of each client, the credit system is vulnerable
to clients that obtain content from selfish peers, despite those
clients not having sufficient credit. In contrast,
in Dandelion, the TTP mediates every chunk exchange, effectively
preventing a client from obtaining any chunks from selfish peers
without having sufficient credit.
PPay [55]
and WhoPay [54]
are recent micropayments proposals that employ
public key cryptography and are
designed for the P2P content distribution case. These systems
do not guarantee fair exchange of content for payment.
Free-riders may establish short-lived sessions to many peers, download
portions of content from them or obtain payments, and thereby obtain a
substantial amount of content or credit
without paying or uploading.
There are two main classes of solutions for the classic
cryptographic fair exchange problem. One uses simultaneous exchange by
interleaving the sending of the message with the sending of the
receipt [22,25,27,47,30]. These
protocols rely on the assumption of equal computational and bandwidth
capacity, which does not suit
the heterogeneous P2P setting.
The other class relies on the use of a trusted
[18,57,19,56] or
semi-trusted [32,33]
third party
(TTP). The main differences of our scheme are as follows: 1) In
[18,57,19] the TTP cannot
whether a party has misbehaved, but can only complete the transaction
itself if presented with proof that the parties initially intended to
perform the transaction. They assume that the cost of sending the data
is small and can be repeated by the TTP. However in Dandelion,
transmission of data is the most expensive resource and our scheme aims
at the fair exchange of this resource; 2) Unlike [32]
and [33],
our scheme does not rely on untrusted
clients to become semi-TTP; 3) Unlike [56], our scheme
does not use public key cryptography for encryption and for committing
to messages, and only requires one client rather than two to contact
the TTP for each transaction. The technique they use to determine
whether a message originates from a party is similar to the one used
by our complaint mechanism, but our work also addresses the specifics
of determining the validity of the message.
4 Design
In this section we describe the system model and the design
of Dandelion.
Our design is based on the premise that a low cost server does not have
sufficient network I/O resources to directly serve content to its
clients under a flash crowd event [14].
It may however, have sufficient CPU,
memory, and memory/disk/network I/O resources to execute many symmetric
cryptography operations, to maintain TCP connection and protocol state
for many clients, to access its client's protocol state,
and to receive and send short messages [34].
However, CPU, memory and I/O are still limited resources. Therefore we
aim at making the design as efficient as
Under normal workload, A Dandelion server behaves similar to a web/ftp,
or video on demand server, i.e. it directly serves content to its
clients. When a server is overloaded, it enters a peer-serving mode. Upon
receiving a
request, the server redirects the client to other clients that are
able to serve the requests for content. In the peer-serving mode, a
Dandelion system is reminiscent of BitTorrent, in the sense that a
server splits content into verifiable chunks, and
clients exchange carefully selected chunks. As is the case with
BitTorrent, the content is split into multiple chunks in order to
enable clients to upload as soon as they receive and verify a small
portion of the content. It is also split in order to increase the
entropy of content in the network, facilitating chunk exchanges among
peers. We discuss the tradeoffs in selecting a chunk size in the case
of static content distribution in Section 6.3.1.
However, our protocol uses a different incentive mechanism. The server
maintains a virtual economy and associates each client with its credit
balance. It entices selfish clients to upload to others by explicitly
rewarding them with
virtual credit, while it charges clients that download content from
selfish peers.
System Model
We describe the system model under which Dandelion is designed to
operate. We assume three types of clients, which we define as follows:
Malicious clients
aim at harming the system.
They misbehave as follows: a) they may attempt to cause other clients
to be blacklisted or charged for chunks they did not obtain; b) they
may attempt to perform a Denial of
Service (DoS) attack against the server or selected clients
(this attack would involve only protocol messages, as we consider
bandwidth or connection flooding attacks outside the scope of this
and c) they may upload invalid chunks aiming at disrupting the
of content.
Selfish (rational)
clients share a utility function. This function describes the cost they
incur when they upload a chunk to their peers and when they pay virtual
currency to download a chunk. It also describes the benefit they gain
when they are rewarded in virtual
currency for correct chunks they upload and when they obtain chunks
they wish to download. A selfish client aims at maximizing its utility.
We assume that the content provider prices a peer's accumulated virtual
currency appropriately: the benefit that a selfish client gains from
acquiring virtual currency for content it uploads exceeds the cost of
utilizing its uplink to upload it.
A selfish client may consider manipulating the credit system in order
to maximize its utility by misbehaving as follows: a) it may not upload
chunks to a peer, and
yet claim credit for them; b) it may upload garbage either on purpose
or due to communication failure, and yet claim credit; c) it may obtain
chunks from selfish clients, and
yet attempt to avoid being charged; d) it may attempt
to download content from selfish peers without having sufficient
credit; and e) it may attempt to boost its credit by colluding with
other clients or by opening multiple Dandelion accounts.
Altruistic clients
upload correct content to their peers regardless of the cost they incur
and they do not expect to be rewarded.
We assume weak security of the IP network, meaning that a malicious or
a selfish client cannot interfere with the routing and forwarding
function, and cannot corrupt messages, but it can eavesdrop messages.
In addition, we assume that communication errors may occur during
message transmissions.
In the rest of this section we describe the design of Dandelion, which
explicitly addresses the challenges posed by selfish and malicious
clients, as well as the challenges posed by the communication channel.
Credit Management
Dandelion's incentive mechanism creates a virtual economy, which
enables a variety of application scenarios. A client spends
units for each chunk it downloads from a selfish client and a
selfish client earns
credit units for
each chunk it uploads to a client. A client can acquire a chunk only if
its credit is greater than
. We set
, so that two colluding clients cannot increase the sum of their
credit, by falsely claiming that they upload to each other.
Our protocol is intended for the case in which users maintain paid
accounts with the content provider, such as in iTunes. A client is
awarded sufficient initial credit to download the complete paid content
from the server. The content provider may redeem a client's credit for
monetary rewards, such as discounts on content prices or service
membership fees, similar to the mileage programs of airline companies.
This incents a client to upload to others and earn credit. A user
cannot boost its credit by presenting multiple IDs (Sybil attack [28]) and
claiming to have uploaded to some of its registered IDs. This is
because each user maintains an authenticated paid account with the
provider. The user essentially purchases its initial credit, and the
net sum in an upload-download transaction between any two IDs is zero.
Figure 2:
Robust Incentives
This section describes Dandelion's cryptographic fair-exchange-based
4.4.1 Setting
we denote the description of an entity or object,
denotes a client
's Dandelion ID.
's master
secret key,
is a cryptographic hash function
such as SHA-1,
a Message Authentication Code such as HMAC [20], and
refers to a time
period. By
we denote
at client or server
Due to host mobility and NATs, we do not use Internet address (IP or
IP/source-port) to associate credit and other persistent
protocol information with clients. Instead, each user applies for a
Dandelion account and is associated with a persistent ID. The server
associates each client with its authentication information (client ID
and password), the content (e.g. a file)
it currently
downloads or seeds, its credit balance, and the content it can access.
The clients and the server maintain loosely synchronized clocks.
Every client
that wishes to join the network
must establish a
transport layer secure session with the server
, e.g. using TLS
[1]. A client sends
its ID and password over the secure channel. The server
generates a secret key and symmetric
encryption initialization vector pair, denoted
, which is
shared with
is efficiently
computed as
is also sent
over the secure channel.
This key is used both for symmetric encryption and for computing a
MAC. For MAC computation, we use only the secret key portion of
The rest of the messages that are exchanged between the server and the
clients are sent over an insecure communication channel (e.g. plain
TCP), which must originate from the same IP as the secure session.
Similarly, all messages between clients are sent over an insecure
Each client
exchanges only short messages with
the server. To prevent forgery of the message source and replay
attacks, and to ensure the integrity of the message, each message
includes a sequence number and a digital signature. The signature is
computed as the MAC of the message, keyed with the secret key
shares with the server. Each time a
client or the server receive a message from each other, they check
whether the sequence number succeeds the sequence number of the
previously received message and whether the MAC-generated signature
verifies. If either of the two conditions is not satisfied, the message
is discarded. The sequence number is reset when time period
The server initiates re-establishment of shared keys
with the clients upon
change in order to: a) prevent attackers from inferring
by examining the encrypted content and the MACs used by the protocol;
and b) allow the reuse of message sequence numbers once the numbers
reach a high threshold, while preventing attackers from replaying
previously signed and sent messages.
tolerates some lag in the
assumed by a client.
4.4.2 Protocol Description
To provide robust incentives for cooperation under the model described
in Section 3.2,
Dandelion employs a cryptographic fair-exchange mechanism. Our
fair-exchange protocol involves only efficient
symmetric cryptographic operations. The server acts as the trusted
third party (TTP) mediating the exchanges of content for credit among
its clients. When a client
uploads to a client
, it sends encrypted content
to client
. To decrypt,
must request the decryption key
from the server. The requests for keys serve as the proof that
has uploaded some content to
. Thus, when the server receives a key request, it credits
for uploading content to
, and charges
for downloading
When a client
sends invalid content to
can determine that the content is invalid only after receiving
the decryption key and being charged. To address this problem, our
design includes a non-repudiable complaint mechanism. If
intentionally sends garbage to
cannot deny that it did. In
is prevented from falsely claiming
has sent it
The following description omits the sequence number and the signature
in the messages between clients and the server. Figure 2 depicts the message
flow in our protocol.
Step 1:
The protocol starts with the client
sending a request for the content item
![$ {[\rm content~request]}~\descr {F}$](img24.png)
Step 2: If
has access to
chooses a short list of clients
which are currently in the swarm for
. The policy
with which the server selects the list
on the specifics of the content distribution system. Each list entry,
besides the ID of the client, also contains the client's inbound
Internet address. For every client in
sends a ticket
is a timestamp,
is a client in
. The tickets
are only valid
for a certain amount of time
(considering clock skew between
) and allow
to request
chunks of the content
from client
. When
expires and
still wishes to download from
, it requests a new
To ensure integrity in the case of static content or video on demand,
also sends to
the SHA-1 hash
for all chunks
. For the case of live streaming content, the content provider augments
chunks it generates with his public key signature on their hash and ID,
. Clients append this signature to all the chunks they upload.
![$ {[\rm content~response]}~T_{SA},\descr {A}_{\rm list},H(c)_{\rm list},\descr {F},\ts ,\epoch _S$](img35.png)
Step 3: The
forwards this request to each
![$ {[\rm content~request]}~T_{SA},\descr {F},\ts ,\epoch _S$](img38.png)
Step 4: If current-time
is not in
's cache,
verifies if
The purpose of this check is to mitigate DoS attacks against
; it allows
to filter out requests from clients
that are not authorized to retrieve the content or from clients that
became blacklisted. As long as
remains connected to
, it periodically renews its
tickets by requesting them from
. If the verification fails,
drops this request. Also, if
is greater than
's current epoch
learns that it should renew its key
soon. Otherwise,
and periodically
sends the chunk announcement message described below,
for as long as the timestamp
is fresh. This message contains a list of chunks that
also does so in separate chunk
announcement messages. The specifics
of which chunks are announced and how frequently depend on the type of
distribution. For example, in the case of static content distribution,
the initial chunk announcement would contain the IDs of all the chunks
owns, while the periodically sent announcement would contain the IDs of
newly acquired chunks.
![$ {[\rm chunk~announcement]}~\descr {c}_{\rm list}$](img44.png)
Step 5:
determine which chunks to download
from each
other according to a chunk selection policy; BitTorrent's
locally-rarest-first is suitable for static content dissemination,
while for streaming content or video on demand
other policies are appropriate [42,23].
can request chunks from
, after it requests and
sends a request for the missing
![$ {[\rm chunk~request]}~T_{SA},\descr {F},\descr {c},\ts ,\epoch _S$](img46.png)
Step 6:
's chunk requests are served by
as long as the timestamp
is fresh, and
is cached or
verifies. If
is altruistic, it sends the chunk
in plaintext and the per-chunk
transaction ends here. Otherwise,
using a symmetric encryption
, as
a random secret key and random symmetric encryption initialization
vector pair. This pair is distinct for each chunk.
encrypts the random key with
, as
hashes the ciphertext
. Subsequently, it computes
its commitment to the encrypted chunk and the encrypted key as
sends the following to
![$ {[\rm chunk~response]}T_{AS},\descr {F},\descr {c},e,C,\ts ,\epoch _A$](img55.png)
Step 7: To
needs to request it from the
server. As soon as
receives the encrypted chunk,
computes its own hash over the received ciphertext
and forwards the following to
![$ {[\rm decryption~key~request]}~\descr {A},\descr {F},\descr {c},e,H(C^\prime), \\
\ts , T_{AS}, \epoch _A$](img57.png)
Step 8: If
is fresh enough,
is not too much
checks if
The time-stamp
to expedite paying for decrypting
the encrypted chunks. This fact allows
to promply acquire credit for its service.
The ticket
verification may
fail either because
due to
transmission error in step
or because
misbehaving. Since
is unable to determine which is the case, it
punishes neither
and does not update their credit.
It does not send the decryption key to
but it still notifies
of the discrepancy. In this case,
is expected to disconnect from
and blacklist it in case
sends invalid chunk response messages. If
keeps sending invalid decryption key
penalizes him. If the verification
checks whether
has sufficient credit to purchase the chunk
It also checks again whether
has access to the content
. If
approved, it charges
and rewards
credit units.
and sends it to
![$ {[\rm decryption~key~response]}~\descr {A},\descr {F},
\descr {c},k_{\descr {c}}^\prime$](img64.png)
to decrypt the
chunk as
Next, we explain the complaint mechanism.
Step 9: If the
decryption fails or if
complains to
by sending the following message.
![$ {[\rm complaint]}~\descr {A},\descr {F},
\descr {c},T_{AS},e,H(C^\prime),\ts ,\epoch _A$](img69.png)
ignores this message if current-time
should be greater than the time needed for
to receive a decryption key response, decrypt the chunk and send a
complaint to the server. With this condition, a misbehaving client
cannot avoid having complaints ruled against it, even if
ensures that the time elapsed between the moment
to the encrypted chunk and the moment the encrypted chunk is received
is slightly less than
also ignores the complaint message
if a complaint for the same
is in a cache of recent complaints
maintains for each client
Complaints are evicted from this cache once current-time
. This is because
has already notified
in step
is invalid. If
caches this complaint, recomputes
as before,
again, retrieves
from its storage, and encrypts
himself using
If the hash of the ciphertext
is equal to the
sent to
decides that
has acted
correctly and
's complaint is unjustified. Subsequently,
drops the
complaint request and blacklists
. It also notifies
, which disconnects from
and blacklists it. Otherwise, if
decides that
was cheated by
, removes
from its set of active clients,
, and revokes the corresponding credit charge on
. Similarly,
disconnects from
and blacklists it.
The server disconnects from a blacklisted client
, marks it as blacklisted in the credit file and denies access to
if it attempts to login. Future complaints concerning a blacklisted
and for which
verifies, are ruled against
without further processing.
Since a verdict on a complaint can adversely affect a client, each
client needs to ensure that the commitments it generates are correct
even in the rare case of a disk read error. Therefore, a client always
verifies the read chunk against its hash before it encrypts the chunk
and generates its commitment.
Other Protocol Issues
A content provider may be more concerned with scalability than it is
with the free-riding problem presented in Section 2. In such case, it can
deploy clients that use tit-for-tat incentives if their peers have
content that
interests them, i.e. the clients would upload plaintext content
to peers that reciprocate with plaintext content. These clients would
fall back to Dandelion's cryptographic fair-exchange mechanism when
their peers do not have content that interests them. For example,
selfish seeders would always upload encrypted content to their peers.
In case a client is unable to timely retrieve a missing chunk
its peers, it resorts to requesting the chunk from the server. If the
server is not busy, it replies with the plaintext chunk. If it is
moderately busy, it charges an appropriately large amount of credit
sends the chunk and indicates that it is preferable for the client
not to download chunks from the server. If the server is overloaded, it
replies with an error message. Clients always download the content from
the server in chunks, so that the system can seamlessly switch to the
peer-serving mode when
the server becomes busy.
Typically, a content distributor would deploy, in addition to the
server, at least one client that possesses the complete content
(initial seeder). In this
way, the distributor ensures that the complete content is made
available, even if the server is too busy to serve chunks.
5 Security Analysis
This section briefly lists the security properties of
our design. For simplicity of presentation, we omit proofs on why
these properties hold. They can be found
in the Appendix of [51].
Lemma 4.1 If
the server
charges a client
credit units for
a chunk
received from a selfish client
must have received the correct
, regardless of the actions taken by
Lemma 4.2 If
a selfish client
always encrypts chunk
anew when servicing a request and if
gets correct
, then
is awarded
credit units
, and
is charged
credit units
Lemma 4.3 A
selfish or a malicious client cannot assume another authorized client's
identity and issue messages under
, aiming at obtaining service at the expense of
, charging
for service it did not obtain or
to be blacklisted. In addition, it
cannot issue a valid
an invalid chunk that it sends to a client
and cause
to produce a complaint message that
would result in a verdict against
Lemma 4.4 A
malicious client cannot replay previously sent valid requests to the
server or generate decryption key requests or complaints under
's ID, aiming at
being charged for service it did not obtain or being blacklisted
because of invalid or duplicate complaints.
Observation 4.5 A
client cannot download chunks
from a selfish peer if it does not have sufficient credit.
Our design choice to involve the server in every transaction, instead
of using the fair exchange technique proposed in [43],
enables the
server to check a client's credit balance before the client retrieves
the decryption
key of a chunk.
Observation 4.6 To
maintain an efficient content distribution pipeline, a client needs to
relay a received chunk to its peers as soon as it receives it. However,
the chunk may be invalid due to communication error or due to peer
misbehavior. The performance of the system would be severely degraded
peers wasted bandwidth to relay invalid content. To address this issue,
clients send a decryption key request to the server immediately upon
receiving the encrypted chunk. This design choice enables clients to
promptly retrieve the chunk in its non-encrypted form. Thus, they can
verify the chunk's integrity prior to uploading the chunk to their
Observation 4.7 A
malicious client cannot DoS attack the server by
sending invalid content to other clients or repeatedly sending invalid
complaints aiming at causing the server to perform the relatively
complaint validation. This is because it becomes blacklisted
by both the server and its peers the moment the invalid complaint is
ruled against it.
In addition, a malicious client cannot attack the server by sending
valid signed
messages with redundant valid complaints. Our protocol detects
duplicate complaints through
the use of time-stamps and caching of recent complaints.
Observation 4.8 A
malicious client
can always abandon any instance of the protocol.
In such case,
does not receive any credit, as
argued in Lemmas 4.1 to 4.3, even though
may have consumed
's resources.
This is a denial of service attack against
. Note that this attack would require that the malicious client
expends resources proportional to the resources of the victim
, therefore it is not particularly practical. Nevertheless, we prevent
blacklisted clients or clients that do not maintain paid accounts with
the content provider from launching such attack by having
issue a short-lived ticket
to authorized clients only.
is checked for validity by
(steps 4 and 6 in Section 3.4.2). In
may charge an authorized
for the issuance of tickets
effectively deterring
from maliciously expending both
's and the server's resources.
Owing to properties 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5, and given that the content
provider employs appropriate pricing schemes, Dandelion ensures that
selfish (rational) clients increase their utility when they upload
correct chunks and obtain virtual currency, while misbehaving clients
cannot increase their utility. Consequently, Dandelion entices selfish
clients to upload to their peers, resulting in a Nash equilibrium of
6 Implementation
This section describes a prototype C implementation of Dandelion that
is suitable for cooperative content distribution of static content.
It uses the openssl [5] library for
cryptographic operations and standard file I/O system calls to
efficiently manage credit information, which is stored in a simple
Server Implementation
The server and the credit base are logical modules and could be
distributed over a cluster to improve scalability. For simplicity, our
current implementation combines the content provider and the credit
at a single server.
The server implementation is single-threaded and
event-driven. The network operations are asynchronous, and data are
transmitted over TCP.
Each client is assigned an entry in a credit file, which stores
the credit as well as authentication and file access control
Each entry has the same size and the client ID determines the offset of
the entry of each client in the file, thus each entry can be
efficiently accessed for both queries and updates.
The server queries and updates a client's
credit from and to the credit file upon every transaction, Yet, it does
not force commitment of the update to persistent storage.
Instead, it relies on the OS to perform the commitment. If the server
application crashes, the update will still be copied
from the kernel buffer to persistent storage. Still, the OS may crash
or the server may lose power before the updated data have been
committed. However, in practice, a typical Dandelion deployment would
run a stable operating system and use backup power supply.
In addition, the server could mirror the credit base on multiple
machines using high speed IP/Ethernet I/O. In addition, transactions
would not involve very large amounts of money per user. Hence, we
believe it is preferable not to incur the high cost of committing the
credit updates to non-volatile memory after every transaction or after
a few transactions (operations 12 and 13 in Table 1).
Client Implementation
The client side is also single-threaded and event-driven. A client may
leech or seed multiple files at a time. A client can be decomposed
into two logical modules: a) the connection management
and b) the peer-serving module.
The connection management module performs peering
and uploader discovery. With peering, each client
obtains a random partial
swarm view from the server and strives to connect to
is the number of nodes in the
Dandelion swarm, as
communicated to the node by the server. As a result, the swarm
approximates a random graph with logarithmic out-degree, which
has been shown to have high connectivity[21]. With
uploader discovery, a client attempts to remain connected to a minimum
number of uploading peers. If the number of recent uploaders drops
below a threshold, a client requests from the server a new swarm view
and connects to the peers in the new view.
The peer-serving module performs content reconciliation
and downloader selection. Content reconciliation
refers to the client functionality for announcing recently received
chunks, requesting missing chunks, requesting decryption keys for
received encrypted chunks, and replying to chunk requests. Our
implementation employs locally-rarest-random [39]
scheduling in requesting missing chunks from clients. To efficiently
utilize their downlink bandwidth using TCP, clients strive to at all
times keep a specified number of outstanding chunk requests [26,40],
which have been sent to a peer and have not been responded to.
With downloader selection, the system aims at making chunks available
the network as soon as possible. In the following description,
denotes the number of parallel downloaders. Dandelion's downloader
selection algorithm is similar to the seeder
choking algorithm used in the ``vanilla'' BitTorrent 4.0.2, as
documented in [41].
The algorithm is executed
by each client every 10 seconds. It is also executed when a when a peer
that is selected to be downloader disconnects. The algorithm proceeds
as follows: a) peers that are interested in the client's content are
ranked based on the time they were last selected to be downloaders
(most recent first); b) the client selects as downloaders the
top ranked peers; c) in case of a tie, the peer with the highest
download rate from the client is ranked higher; and d) the client
randomly selects an additional downloader from the non-selected nodes
that are interested in the client's content. Step (d) is performed in
expectation of discovering a fast downloader and to jumpstart peers
that recently joined the swarm.
This downloader selection algorithm aims at reducing the amount of
duplicate data a client needs to upload, before it has uploaded a full
copy of its content to the swarm. Downloader selection improves the
system's performance in the following additional ways. First, it limits
the number of peers a client concurrently uploads to, such that
complete chunks are made available to other peers and relayed by them
at faster rates. Second, given that all clients are connected to
roughly the same number of peers, it also limits the number of peers a
client concurrently downloads from to approximately
. As a result, the rate with which
the client downloads complete chunks increases. Last, by limiting the
number of connections over which clients upload, it avoids the
inefficiency and unfairness that is observed when many TCP flows share
a bottleneck link [46].
The number of peers that download from a client in parallel depends on
the client's upload bandwidth. We have empirically determined that a
good value for this parameter in the PlanetLab environment is 10.
7 Evaluation
The goal of our experimental evaluation is to demonstrate the viability
and to identify the
scalability limits of Dandelion's centralized and non-manipulable
virtual-currency-based incentives.
Dandelion Profiling
We profile the cost of operations performed by the server aiming at
identifying the performance bottlenecks of our design.
The measurements are performed on a dual
Pentium D 2.8GHZ/1MB CPU with 1GB RAM and 250GB/7200RPM HDD
running Linux 2.6.5-1.358smp.
Table 1:
Timings of per chunk transaction Dandelion operations.
Timings for operations 1-6 are obtained using
getrusage(RUSAGE SELF) over 10000 executions to obtain 1
usec precision. Timings for operations 7-9 are approximated
according to our application layer rate-limiting for
1Mb/s uplink and 1Mb/s downlink. They are provided as reference
for comparison with CPU-centric and credit management
operations. Timings for operations 10-13 are approximated using
gettimeofday() over 10000 executions. Operations 3 and 5 use
8-byte-block Blowfish-CBC with 128-bit key and 128-bit initialization
vector.1, 2 and 4 use HMAC-SHA1 with 128-bit key. Operation 6
uses SHA-1. Operations 10-12 are performed on a credit file with
10000 44-byte entries. For committing to disk in operations 12 and
13, we use fsync() and we disable HDD caching.
1: Timings
of per chunk transaction Dandelion operations. Timings for operations
1-6 are obtained using getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF) over
10000 executions to obtain 1 usec precision.
Timings for operations 7-9 are approximated according to our
application layer rate-limiting for 1Mb/s uplink and 1Mb/s downlink.
They are provided as reference for comparison with CPU-centric and
credit management operations.
Timings for operations 10-13 are approximated using gettimeofday() over
10000 executions. Operations 3 and 5 use 8-byte-block
Blowfish-CBC with 128-bit key and 128-bit initialization vector.1, 2
and 4 use HMAC-SHA1 with 128-bit key. Operation 6 uses
SHA-1. Operations 10-12 are performed on a credit file with
10000 44-byte entries. For committing
to disk in operations 12 and 13, we use fsync() and we disable HDD
Table 1
lists the cost of per chunk
Dandelion operations. In a flash crowd event, the main task of a
Dandelion server is to: a) receive the decryption key request
(operation 7);
b) authenticate the request by computing an HMAC (operation 1); c)
verify the ticket by computing an HMAC (operation 2); d) decrypt the
encrypted decryption key (operation 3); e) query and update the credit
of the two clients involved (operations 10 and 11);
f) sign the decryption key response (operation 4); and g) send the
decryption key response (operation 8).
As can be seen in the table, the per chunk cryptographic
operations of the server (operations 1-4) are highly efficient
(total 109 usec), as only symmetric cryptography is employed. The
credit management operations (10 and 11) are also efficient (total 24
usec). On the other hand, the communication costs clearly dominate the
processing costs, indicating that for 1Mb/s uplink and downlink, the
downlink is the bottleneck.
The cost of a complaint is higher because in addition to verifying a
ticket, it involves reading a chunk, encrypting it with the sender
client's key (operation 5), and hashing
the encrypted chunk (operation 6).
Note that the profiling of the server repeats the same operation
multiple times.
It does not consider the parallel processing of I/O and CPU operations.
In addition, it does not include the cost of system calls and the cost
of TCP/IP stack processing. Therefore, we refrain from deriving
conclusions on the throughput of the server. Such conclusions are
derived in the subsequent evaluation.
Server Performance
A Dandelion server mediates the chunk exchanges between its
The download throughput of clients in our system is bound by
how fast a server can process their decryption key requests.
Both the server's computational resources and bandwidth may become the
We deploy a Dandelion server that runs on the same machine
as the one used for Dandelion profiling. We also deploy
200 clients that run on distinct
PlanetLab hosts. The server machine shares a 100Mb/s Ethernet II link.
To mitigate bandwidth variability in the shared link and to emulate a
low cost server with an uplink and downlink that ranges from 1Mb/s to
5Mb/s, we rate-limit the server at the application layer.
In each experiment, the clients send requests for decryption
keys to the server and we measure the aggregate rate with which all
clients receive key responses. The server always queries and updates
the credit base from and to the credit file without forcing commitment
to disk. The specified per client request rate varies from 1 to 14
requests per second. For each request rate, the experiment duration was
10 minutes and the results were averaged over 10 runs. As the request
rate increases and the server's receiver buffers become full, clients
do not send new requests at the specified rate, due to TCP's flow
control. When the request rate increases to the point that the server's
resources become saturated, the
key response rate from the server decreases.
Figure 3(a)
depicts the server's decryption
key throughput for various server bandwidth capacities. As the
increases from 1Mb/s to 3Mb/s, the server's decryption key response
throughput increases. This indicates that for 1Mb/s to 3Mb/s access
links, the bottleneck is the bandwidth. When the bandwidth limit is
4Mb/s and 5Mb/s, the server exhibits similar performance, which
suggests that the access link is
not saturated at 4Mb/s. The results show that a server running on our
commodity PC with 4Mb/s or 5Mb/s access link can process up to
1200 decryption key requests per second. This indicates that with a
128KB chunk size, this server may simultaneously support almost 1200
clients that download from each other
at 128KB/s. With a larger chunk size, each such client sends decryption
key requests at a slower rate, and the number of supported clients
Figures 3(b)
and 3(c)
show the average CPU and memory utilization at the server over the
duration of the above experiments. We observe that for 4Mb/s and 5Mb/s,
the server's CPU utilization reaches
100%, indicating that the bottleneck is the CPU. In Figure 3(c),
we see that the server consumes a very small portion of the available
System Performance
The following experiments evaluate the performance of the Dandelion
system on PlanetLab. We examine the impact of chunk size
and the impact of seeding on the performance of the system. We also
compare our system's performance to BitTorrent's. In all experiments we
ran a Dandelion server within a PlanetLab
VServer spawned on a highly available Xeon 3GHZ/2MB CPU and 2GB RAM
machine. We rate-limit the server at 2Mb/s.
Leechers are given sufficient initial credit to completely download a
Clients always respond to chunk requests from their selected
downloaders and they never request chunks from the server. We do not
rate-limit the Dandelion and BitTorrent clients, as a means for testing
our system in heterogeneous Internet environments. To cover the
bandwidth-delay product in PlanetLab, the TCP sender and receiver
buffer size is set equal to 120KB.
For each configuration we repeat the experiment 10 times and we
extract mean values and 95% confidence intervals over the swarm-wide
mean file download completion times
of each run. The file download completion time is the time that elapses
between the moment the client contacts the
server to start a download and the moment its download is
7.3.1 Selecting Chunk Size
This experiment aims at examining the tradeoffs involved in
the size of the chunk, the verifiable transaction unit in Dandelion.
Intuitively, since clients are able to serve a chunk only
as soon as they complete its download, a smaller chunk size yields a
more efficient distribution pipeline. In addition, when the file is
divided into many pieces, chunk scheduling techniques such as
rarest-first can be more effective, as there is sufficient content
entropy in
the network. Consequently, clients can promptly discover and download
content of interest. However, a smaller chunk size increases the rate
with which key requests are sent to the server, reducing the
scalability of the system. In addition, due to TCP's slow start, a
small chunk size cannot ensure high bandwidth utilization during the
TCP transfer
of any chunk.
In each configuration, we deploy around 40 Dandelion leechers and one
initial seeder, i.e. a client that has the complete file before the
starts. Leechers start downloading files almost simultaneously. We
deploy only 40 leechers to ensure that the server is not saturated,
even if we use 64KB chunk size.
Figure 4:
![\includegraphics[scale=0.70]{figures/filecompletiontime.vs.chunksize.vs.filesize/filecompletiontime.vs.chunksize.vs.filesize.eps}](img88.png) |
Figure 4
shows the
leecher mean download completion time as a function of the chunk size.
For smaller files, e.g., the 10MB file, the system has the best
performance for chunk size equal to 64KB. The system's
performance degrades with the chunk size. As the file size increases,
the beneficial impact of small chunks, becomes less
significant. For example, for 250MB file, a 128KB chunk
size yields notably better performance than a 64KB chunk size.
Based on the above results and further fine-tuning, in the rest of this
evaluation, we use 128KB chunks.
7.3.2 Impact of Dandelion Seeders
One of Dandelion's main advantages is that it provides robust
incentives for clients to seed. We quantify the performance gains from
the existence of seeders in our system. In each experiment, we
200 leechers. Leechers start downloading the file almost
simultaneously, creating a flash crowd.
We show the impact of seeders by varying the probability that a
leecher remains online to seed a file after it completes its download.
In each experiment, a swarm has one initial seeder. Upon completion
of its download, each leecher stays in the swarm and seeds with
. Probability
varies in 25% and 100%.
Figure 5:
![\includegraphics[scale=0.70]{figures/filecompletiontime.vs.numseeders.vs.filesize/filecompletiontime.vs.numseeders.vs.filesize.eps}](img90.png) |
Figure 5
depicts the mean download completion time over all
200 leechers as a function of the file size, for varying
. The results show the beneficial impact of seeders and the importance
of a mechanism to robustly incent seeding. For example, for a 250MB
file, we observe a swarm-wide mean download completion time of 674 sec
and 837 sec when leechers become seeders with 100% and 25% probability,
respectively. If we express the impact of seeders as the ratio of the
mean download
time for
over the mean
download time for
, we observe that the impact is reduced as the file size increases. The
larger the file is, the longer clients remain online to download it,
resulting in clients contributing their upload bandwidth for longer
periods. For smaller files however, leechers rely heavily on the
initial seeder and the leechers that become seeders to download their
content from. Therefore for small files, a reduction in probability
results in substantially longer download completion times.
7.3.3 Comparison with BitTorrent
Figure 5
also shows the
download completion times of
200 tit-for-tat compliant CTorrent 1.3.4 leechers. All BitTorrent
leechers remain online after their download completion (
The purpose of this illustration is to show that Dandelion can attain
performance comparable to the one achieved by BitTorrent,
although it employs a different downloader selection algorithm and
involves the server in each chunk exchange.
Although Dandelion appears to outperform BitTorrent for certain file
sizes, we do not claim that it is in general a better-performing
protocol. The performance of both protocols is highly dependent on
numerous parameters, which we have not exhaustively analyzed.
7.3.4 Credit Distribution
We examine the distribution of credit during a Dandelion file
distribution. The purpose of this measurement is to identify which
type of clients tend to accumulate the most credit
in swarms of similar configuration to ours.
Figure 6
shows the scatter plot of the
client's credit after a single 250MB file download by
200 leechers together
with the mean download rate of each client. In the experiment, there
is only one initial seeder. All nodes are given 100% of the credit
needed to download the file and they all become seeders upon download
completion. We observe that the seeder obtained the most credit during
the file distribution. This is expected, as a seeder is always in
position to upload useful content to its peers and our seeder had a
fast access link. Since fast downloaders obtain useful content
earlier in the distribution and are likely to have uplinks
proportional to their downlink, they should be able to deliver more
content and earn more credit. Our results confirm this intuition and
show that there is strong correlation between
average download rate and credit ratio, i.e. the product-moment
correlation coefficient is equal to 0.72.
We also observe that many clients uploaded substantially less than they
downloaded. Indicatively, 25.8% of the clients had less than 70% of
their initial credit.
Figure 6:
![\includegraphics[scale=0.70]{figures/creditdistribution/creditdistribution.scatter.eps}](img93.png) |
8 Conclusion
This paper describes Dandelion: a cooperative (P2P) system
for the distribution of paid content. Dandelion's primary
function is to enable a content provider to provide
strong incentives for clients to contribute their uplink
Dandelion rewards selfish clients with virtual currency (credit) when
they upload valid content to their peers and charges clients when they
download content from selfish peers. Since Dandelion employs a
non-manipulable cryptographic scheme for the fair exchange of content
uploads for credit, the content provider is able to redeem a client's
credit for monetary rewards. Thus, it provides strong incentives for
clients to seed content and to not free-ride.
Our experimental results show that seeding substantially improves
swarm-wide performance. They also show that a Dandelion server running
on commodity hardware and with moderate bandwidth can scale to a few
thousand clients. Dandelion's deployment in medium size swarms
demonstrates that it can attain performance that is comparable to
BitTorrent. These facts demonstrate the plausibility of our design
choice: centralizing the incentive mechanism in order to increase
resource availability in P2P content distribution networks.
9 Acknowledgements
We are thankful to Nikitas Liogkas, Eddie Kohler and the
anonymous reviewers for their extensive and fruitful feedback. We also
thank Rex Chen, Dehn Sy and Lichun Bao with Calit2 for providing space
and equipment for our experiments. This work was supported in part by
NSF award CNS-0627166.
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