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USENIX 2006 Annual Technical Conference Refereed Paper

[USENIX 2006 Annual Technical Conference Technical Program]

Replay Debugging for Distributed Applications

Dennis Geels   Gautam Altekar   Scott Shenker   Ion Stoica   University of California, Berkeley
{geels, galtekar, shenker, istoica}

Abstract: We have developed a new replay debugging tool, liblog, for distributed C/C++ applications. It logs the execution of deployed application processes and replays them deterministically, faithfully reproducing race conditions and non-deterministic failures, enabling careful offline analysis.

To our knowledge, liblog is the first replay tool to address the requirements of large distributed systems: lightweight support for long-running programs, consistent replay of arbitrary subsets of application nodes, and operation in a mixed environment of logging and non-logging processes. In addition, it requires no special hardware or kernel patches, supports unmodified application executables, and integrates GDB into the replay mechanism for simultaneous source-level debugging of multiple processes.

This paper presents liblog's design, an evaluation of its runtime overhead, and a discussion of our experience with the tool to date.

1  Introduction

Over the past few years, research has produced new algorithms for routing overlays, query processing engines, byzantine fault-tolerant replication, and distributed hash tables. Popular software like peer-to-peer file sharing applications suggests that interest in distributed applications is not restricted to academic circles.

But debugging is hard. Debugging distributed applications is harder still, and debugging distributed applications deployed across the Internet is downright daunting. We believe that the development of new services has been held back by this difficulty and that more powerful debugging tools are needed.

A distributed application is a collection of processes running on machines spread across a network (for our purposes, the Internet). The individual processes may be analyzed independently, and debugging existing tools can catch common ``local'' errors such as unsafe memory accesses and thread synchronization errors. Unfortunately, these tools do not address the new problems that arise when the processes are composed across an unpredictable and lossy network. Races between network messages produce non-deterministic behaviour. Message delay and failure ensure that the aggregate application state is only rarely globally consistent.

Simulation and small-scale test deployments help developers evaluate aggregate system behaviour in a relatively easy environment. With a simulator, the developer has full power to repeat the same execution across multiple experiments, and the state of each application process is available locally for examination. Test deployments complement simulation by adding more realistic network and host machine behaviour. Using local clusters and small, or even emulated, networks, developers may carefully control the degree of realism exposed to their applications.

However, once deployed, distributed applications will reach states that were not tested, and the underlying network will fail in ways that the developer did not anticipate. Long-running services are particularly prone to the slow-developing and non-deterministic, low-probability faults that resist detection during the testing phase.

And once the application is deployed, race conditions and internal state are difficult to observe. Developers rely on application-level logging and printf statements, but these techniques only help if the developer chooses to expose the affected internal state before the fault manifests. These types of bugs are generally impossible to reproduce locally, where analysis would be simpler. This limited visibility is the core problem for debugging distributed applications. We have developed a new debugging tool, liblog, to address it.

1.1  Requirements

We designed this tool to help fix non-deterministic failures in deployed, distributed applications. This goal imposed several requirements on our design.

Deterministic Replay:
First and foremost, deployed applications need logging and replay. Normal debuggers monitor an application's execution synchronously, so that the process can be paused immediately when a failure, signal, or breakpoint occurs. This approach is infeasible for real, deployed systems for three reasons. First, the latency of a synchronous connection to a remote debugger would significantly slow down the application. Second, pausing the process (or processes, if the developer wished to look at global state) at breakpoints would be unacceptable for real, deployed services, which interact continuously with peer services and clients. Third, real networks are not stable enough to maintain a persistent connection to each process.

Thus debugging must be asynchronous. Each process records its execution to a local log, with sufficient detail such that the same execution can be replayed later. We should follow the same code paths during replay, see the file and network I/O, and even reproduce signals and other IPC. The replay could run in parallel with the original execution, after the original process dies, or even on a completely different machine.

Continuous Logging:
In order to record the manifestation of slow-developing and non-deterministic, low-probability faults, the logging infrastructure must remain active at all times. We must operate under the assumption that more bugs are always waiting. Also, any slight perturbations in application behaviour imposed by the debugger becomes the ``normal'' behaviour. Removing it then would be a perturbation that might activate so-called ``heisenbugs''.

If the debugging system required significant resources, the cost in performance (or faster hardware) might be prohibitive. Fortunately, many types of distributed applications consume relatively few local resources themselves. Whereas network bandwidth and latency might be precious, we often have extra CPU cycles and disk space to accommodate our logging tools. In particular, if we confine ourselves to a small processing budget, the network will remain the performance bottleneck, and the application will exhibit little slowdown.

Consistent Group Replay:
We are particularly interested in finding distributed bugs, such as race conditions and incorrect state propagation. This kind of error may be difficult or impossible to detect from the state of any one process. For example, transient routing loops are only visible when the aggregate state of multiple routers is considered.

So we must be able to see snapshots of the state across multiple processes and to trace message propagation from machine to machine. Naturally, true snapshots are impossible without synchronized clocks (cf. [Lam78]), but we can require that each machine is replayed to a consistent point, where no message is received before it has been sent.

Mixed environment:
Most applications will not run our software, particularly client software and supporting services like DNS. This fact becomes a problem if we require coordination from communication peers during logging or replay, as we generally must in order to satisfy the previous requirement (consistent replay). Since we do not operate in a closed system, our tools must understand the difference between cooperating and non-cooperating peers and treat each appropriately.

1.2  Contributions

The primary contribution of our work is the design and evaluation of a debugging tool, liblog, that satisfies each of these requirements. Previous projects have developed logging and replay tools that focus on either low overhead or providing consistent replay, but we have addressed both. Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge, liblog is the first tool that (1) provides consistent replay in a mixed environment, or (2) allows consistent replay for arbitrary subsets of application processes.

In addition, liblog requires neither special hardware support nor patches to privileged system software. Also, it operates on unmodified C/C++ application binaries at runtime, without source code annotations or special compilation tools. Multithreading, shared memory, signals, and file and network I/O all work transparently.

Finally, we designed liblog to be simple to use. Logging only requires running our start-up script on each machine. Our replay tools make debugging as easy as using GDB for local applications: they automate log collection, export the traditional GDB interface to the programmer, and even extend that interface to support consistent replay of multiple processes and tracking messages across machines.

We built liblog by combining existing technology in new ways and extending the state of the art as necessary. In the following sections, we will present an overview of the resulting design (Section 2) and then explain in more detail the new technical challenges that arose, along with our solutions (Section 3).

1.3  Is liblog Right For You?

We designed liblog with lightweight distributed applications like routing overlays in mind. We assume that the host machines have spare resources--specifically CPU, memory, network, and disk--that we can apply to our debugging efforts.

Although it can correctly log and replay general C/C++ applications, the runtime overhead imposed could outweigh the benefits for resource-intensive systems like streaming video servers or heavily multithreaded databases. We quantify this overhead in Section 4.

2  Design

In this section we present an overview of liblog's design, highlighting the decisions that we made in order to satisfy the requirements listed above.

2.1  Shared Library Implementation

The core of our debugging tool is a shared library (the eponym liblog), which intercepts calls to libc (e.g., select, gettimeofday) and logs their results. Our start-up scripts use the LD_PRELOAD linker variable to interpose liblog between libc and the application and its other libraries (see Figure 1). liblog runs on Linux/x86 computers and supports POSIX C/C++ applications.

Figure 1: Logging: liblog intercepts calls to libc and sends results to logger process. The latter asynchronously compresses and writes the logs to local storage.

We chose to build a library-based tool because operating in the application's address space is efficient. Neither extra context switches nor virtualization layers are required. Alternative methods like special logging hardware [NM92, XBH03, NPC05] or kernel modifications [TH00, SKAZ04] can be even faster, but we found these solutions too restrictive for a tool that we hope to be widely adopted and deployed.

Another promising alternative is to run applications on a virtual machine and then to log the entire VM [KDC05, SH, HH05]. We rejected it because we believe that VM technology is still too difficult to deploy and too slow for most deployed services.

On the other hand, there are serious drawbacks of a library implementation. First, several aspects of observing and controlling applications are more difficult from within the address space, most notably supporting multiple threads and shared memory. We will discuss these challenges in Section 3.

Fundamentally, however, operating in the application's address space is neither complete (we cannot replay all non-determinism) nor sound (internal state may become corrupted, causing mistakes). We will discuss such limitations in Section 4.

Nevertheless we believe that the combined efficiency and ease of use of a library-based logging tool makes this solution the most useful.

2.2  Message Tagging and Capture

The second defining aspect of our logging tool is our approach to replaying network communication. We log the contents of all incoming messages so that the receiving process can be replayed independently of the sender.

This flexibility comes at the cost of significant log space (cf. Section 5) but is well justified. Previous projects have tried the alternative, replaying all processes and regenerating message contents on the sender. We cannot do so because we operate in a mixed environment with non-logging processes. Even cooperating application logs may be unavailable for replay due to intervening disk or network failure.

So far we satisfy one requirement, but we must be able to coordinate these individual replays in order to provide another, Consistent Group Replay. For this purpose, we embed 8-byte Lamport clocks [Lam78] in all outgoing messages during execution and then use these virtual clocks to schedule replay. The clock update algorithm ensures that the timestamps in each log entry respect the ``happens-before'' relationship. They also provide a convenient way to correlate message transmission and reception events, so we can trace communication from machine to machine.

To make the virtual clocks more intuitive, we advance them at the rate of the local machine clock. If the machine clocks happen to be synchronized to within one network RTT, the virtual clocks will match exactly.

2.3  Central Replay

Our third major design decision was to enable off-site replay. Rather than restart each process in situ, a central console automatically downloads the necessary logs and checkpoints and instantiates each replay process locally. Local replay removes the network delay from the control loop, making it feasible to operate on distributed state and to step across processes to follow messages.

The costs are several: first, the network bandwidth consumed by transferring logs may exceed that required to control a remote debugger. Second, the hardware and system software on the replay machine must match the original host; currently we support only GNU/Linux/x86 hosts. Third, we must log data read from the local file system (as with network messages) because the files may not be available on the replay machine. This technique also obviates maintaining a versioned file system or undoing file modifications. Finally, building a migratable checkpoint system is challenging. We consider the first two costs to be acceptable and will discuss our solution to the last challenge in Section 3.6.

3  Challenges

In this section we will discuss the technical challenges we faced when building our logging and replay system. Most are new problems caused by our user-level implementation and/or message annotations; previous projects did not address them because their focus allowed for different design choices.

3.1  Signals and Thread Replay in Userland

As we noted earlier, logging and replaying applications at the libc level assumes that they only interact with their environment through that interface and that, outside of libc calls, the application execution is deterministic. This assumption fails when multiple threads execute concurrently on the same address space. The value read from a shared variable depends on the order in which competing threads modify it; every write could be a race condition. The same problem arises when multiple processes share memory segments or when signal handlers (effectively another thread) access global variables.

To make replay deterministic in these cases, we must either intercept and replay the value of each read from shared memory, or we must replay each read and write in the same order, so races resolve identically. The former option is too invasive and requires log bandwidth proportional to the memory access stream. The latter is still expensive, but the cost can be reduced significantly by logging only the order and timing of thread context switches. If we assume a single processor, or artificially serialize thread operation, then identical thread schedules produce identical memory access patterns.

The challenge in our case was to record and replay thread schedules using only our user-level shared library. The task is relatively simple for kernel- or VM-based tools, but user-level libraries generally have no ability even to observe context switches among kernel threads, much less control them. We believe that liblog is the first to address the problem.

Our solution effectively imposes a user-level cooperative scheduler on top of the OS scheduler. We use a pthread mutex to block all but one thread at a time, ignoring conflicting context switches by the kernel. The active thread only surrenders the lock at libc call points, as part of our logging wrapper, and the next active thread logs the context switch before continuing. Processes that share memory are handled identically. Similarly, signals are queued and delivered at the next libc call.

Restricting context switches to our wrapper functions provides a convenient point to repeat the switches during replay, but the change to thread semantics is not fully transparent. In particular, we cannot support applications that intentionally use tight infinite loops, perhaps as part of a home-grown spin lock, because other threads will not have any opportunity to acquire our scheduling lock. Delaying signals may affect applications more, although we note that the kernel already tries to perform context switches and to deliver signals at syscall boundaries, so the impact of our solution may not be pronounced. We have not yet quantified the degree to which the schedule we impose differs from a normal one.

3.2  Unsafe Memory Access

Another potential source of non-determinism arises when an application reads from uninitialized (but allocated) heap memory or beyond the end of the stack. The contents of these memory regions are not well defined for C applications, and in practice they change between execution and replay. One could argue that accessing these regions could be considered incorrect behaviour, but it is legal, reasonably safe, and present even in robust software like OpenSSL [SSL].

Much of the change in memory between logging and replay is due to the logging tool itself, which calls different functions during replay, leaving different stack frames and allocating different memory on the heap. One can significantly minimize the tool's memory footprint, as stressed in Jockey [Sai05], but it can never be completely eliminated by a library-based debugging tool. Internal memory use by libc will always differ because its calls are elided during replay, so malloc may return different memory to the application.

Our solution is simpler: we merely zero-fill all memory returned by malloc (effectively replacing it with calloc) as well as stack frames used by our libc wrappers. Thus, uninitialized reads replay deterministically, even if malloc returns a different region. This solution still fails if the application depends on the actual address, for example, as a key for a hash table.

Also, it is very difficult to protect a library-based tool from corruption by stray memory writes into the tool's heap. A virtual machine-based alternative would avoid this problem. Also, one could imagine disabling write access to the liblog's memory each time control returns to the application. Instead, we rely on dedicated memory-profiling tools like Purify [Pur] and Valgind [nVa] to catch these various memory errors, so that we can focus on efficient logging.

3.3  Consistent Replay for TCP

As described in Section 2.2, we annotate all network messages between application processes with Lamport clocks so that we can replay communicating peers consistently. For datagram protocols like UDP, we use simple encapsulation: we prepend a few bytes to each packet, and remove them on reception. We pass a scatter/gather array to sendmsg to avoid extra copies.

Annotating byte streams like TCP is more complicated, because timestamps must be added throughout the stream, at the boundary of each sent data chunk. But the receiver need not consume bytes in the same batches; it often will read all available data, be it more or less than the contents of a single send payload.

Our solution is a small (3-state) state machine for each incoming TCP connections (see Figure 2). Once the stream has been verified as containing annotations, the state machine alternates reading annotations and reading application data until the calling function has enough data or the socket is drained. Each state transition requires a separate call to read the underlying stream; we cannot simply read extra bytes and extract the annotations, because we cannot anticipate how far to read. We do not know the frequency of future annotations, and attempting to read more data than necessary may cause the application to block needlessly. It is always possible that more bytes will not arrive.

Figure 2: Receiving Annotated TCP: Detecting and extracting Lamport clocks from incoming byte streams requires additional bookkeeping.

If multiple annotations are consumed by a single read call, we log the most recent timestamp, as it supersedes the others. Naturally, we remember the stream state between calls so that we may continue even if the last read attempt ended in the middle of an annotation.

3.4  Finding Peers in a Mixed Environment

Embedding annotations in messages also complicates interaction with non-logging processes such as third-party clients, DNS and database servers, or, if liblog is only partially deployed, even fellow application processes. These non-loggers do not expect the annotations and would reject or (worse yet) misinterpret the message. We believe that this problem is the reason that no previous logging tool has supported consistent replay in a mixed environment.

We must either send annotations that will be safely ignored by non-logging processes or discover whether a remote peer expects annotations and omit them when appropriate. The former option could be implemented using either IP options1 or the out-of-band (OOB) channel for TCP connections, but either method would conflict with networks that already used these paths. Also, we have seen evidence that adding IP options has a negative impact on application traffic, and OOB does not help UDP traffic (nor incompatible TCP implementations).

We opted for a safer, but slower, solution. The logger on each machine tracks the local ports opened by logging processes and listens on a globally well-known port (currently 5485). This approach fails to fully support applications hidden behind NAT-enabled firewalls, but it could easily replaced by a more sophisticated discovery mechanism. Each liblog-enabled process then queries the remote logger (via TCP) before sending the first datagram or opening a TCP connection. The query contains the destination port and protocol of interest and asks whether that port is currently assigned to a logging process.

If the application receives a negative reply, or none at all, that packet flow will not be annotated. Replies are cached for the duration of a stream, or 30 seconds for datagram sockets, to amortize the query latency overhead. Currently, we wait a maximum of 2 seconds for a query, but that maximum is only reached if the remote machine has no logger and does not reset our TCP request. But this case does happen frequently for firewall-protected machines, so we cache information on dropped queries for up to 5 minutes.

3.5  Replaying Multiple Processes

The real power of replay debugging depends on the ability to set breakpoints, to pause execution, and to observe internal application state, just as one can in normal debuggers. Rather than develop new technology with its own interface, we decided to adapt the GNU debugger [GDB]. GDB provides a powerful and familiar interface for controlling application execution and accessing internal state by symbolic names.

Unfortunately, GDB, like many debuggers, can only control a single process. Replaying multiple processes, or even children created with fork, requires multiple instances of the debugger. Our challenge was to coordinate them, multiplexing their input and output to the programmer and scheduling the application execution so that replay is consistent.

We use a two-tiered approach to controlling the replay processes. Threads within a process group are multiplexed by the same scheduling locks used during logging (cf. Section 3.1), always choosing the next thread based on the schedule stored in the log. These locks also block a newly fork-ed process until we attach a new GDB instance to it.

Across process groups, consistent replay is enforced by our replay console, a small Python [Py] application. For each application process, the console uses GDB to set breakpoints in key libreplay functions. These pause execution at each libc call, allowing us to schedule the next process or to download the next set of logs.

The replay console provides a single interface to the programmer, passing commands through to GDB and adding syntax for broadcasting commands to multiple processes. It also allows advanced programmability by interacting directly with the underlying Python interpreter.

3.6  Migratable Checkpoints

Replaying application processes centrally, offline, makes the debugger more responsive and makes it feasible to operate on distributed application state. But restarting processes on a new machine is tricky. The two main challenges are first, to copy the state of the original application into a live process on the new machine, and second, to reconcile this new process with the debugger (GDB).

Our checkpoint mechanism is based on the ckpt [Ckp] library from the University of Wisconsin. This library reads the /proc/ filesystem to build a list of allocated memory regions for the application and then writes all such memory to a checkpoint file. For replay, a small bootstrap application reads that file and overwrites its own memory contents, adjusting memory allocations as necessary.

First we extended ckpt to handle the kernel-level thread state for multi-threaded applications, which was simplified by our user-level scheduler. A thread saves its state before relinquishing the CPU, so at any time we have the state of all inactive threads stored in our tables.

Next we added support for shared memory regions: each process in a group checkpoints its private memory, and one ``master'' process writes and restores the shared memory for everyone.

Integrating checkpoint support to GDB required additional work. Starting the process within GDB is problematic because the symbol tables of the bootstrap program and the restored application do not generally agree, or even necessarily overlap, and GDB does not support symbol tables moving during runtime. Even if we use the original application to bootstrap the process, GDB becomes confused when shared libraries are restored at new locations.

To solve this problem, we added a new method for finding the in-memory symbol table of a running application (by reading the r_debug.r_brk field), ignoring the conflicting information from the local executable file. It is then sufficient to attach to the restored application and to invoke this new symbol discovery method.

Our modifications required adding approximately 50 lines of code, including comments, to one source file in GDB. Most of those lines comprise the new function for locating the symbol table.

4  Limitations

There are several limitations to our debugging tool, both fundamental and mundane.

Log storage
The biggest reason for a developer to not use liblog with an application is the large amount of log data that must be written to local disk. Log storage is a fundamental problem for any deterministic replay system, but our approach to handling I/O (cf. Section 2) renders liblog infeasible for high-throughput applications. Every Megabyte read from the network or disk must be logged (compressed) to the local disk, consuming space and disk bandwidth. This approach is acceptable for relatively lightweight applications like routing overlays, consuming only a few megabytes per hour, but is probably unrealistic for streaming video or database applications. We will quantify the problem in Section 5.

Host requirements
Our basic logging strategy only addresses POSIX applications and operating systems that support run-time library interposition. In practice, our OS options are restricted even further, to recent Linux/x86 kernels (2.6.10+) and GNU system software (only libc 2.3.5 has been tested). These limitations are imposed by our borrowed checkpointing code and compatibility issues with our modified version of GDB.

Scheduling semantics
As explained in Section 3.1, liblog's user-level scheduler only permits signal delivery and context switches at libc function calls. The OS generally tries to do the same, so most applications will not notice a significant difference.

However, we are assuming that applications make these calls fairly regularly. If one thread enters a long computation period, or a home-grown spin lock implemented with an infinite loop, liblog will never force that thread to surrender the lock, and signals will never be delivered. We are exploring solutions to this problem.

Network overhead
Our network annotations consume approximately 16 bytes per message, which may be significant for some applications. The first 4 bytes constitute a ``magic number'' that helps us detect incoming annotations, but this technique is not perfect. Thus another limitation is that streams or datagrams that randomly begin with the same sequence of 4 bytes may be incorrectly classified by liblog and have several bytes removed. This probability is low (1 in 232 for random messages), and is further mitigated by additional validity checks and information remembered from previous messages in a flow, but false positives are still possible.

Limited consistency
Fundamentally, consistent replay in a mixed environment is not guaranteed to be perfectly consistent. A message flow between two application processes loses its timing information if the flow is relayed by a non-logging third party. Then, if the virtual clocks for the two processes are sufficiently skewed, it is possible to replay message transmission after its reception. The probability of this scenario decreases rapidly as the application's internal traffic patterns increase in density, which keeps the virtual clocks loosely synchronized.

Finally, as mentioned earlier, library-based tools are neither complete nor sound, in the logical sense of the words. They are incomplete because they cannot reproduce every possible source of non-determinism. liblog addresses non-determinism from system calls, from thread interaction, and, to a lesser extent, from unsafe memory accesses. Jockey [Sai05] focuses on a different set of sources, reducing changes to the heap and adding binary instrumentation for intercepting non-deterministic x86 instructions like rdtsc and, potentially, int.

Unfortunately, logging libraries will never succeed in making the replay environment exactly identical to the original environment because they operate inside the application's address space. The libraries run different code during logging and during replay, so their stack and heap differ. Theoretically, an unlucky or determined application could detect the difference and alter its behaviour.

We say logging libraries are unsound because, as part of the application, they may be corrupted. We hope that applications have been checked for memory bugs that could cause stray writes to liblog's internal memory, but C is inherently unsafe and mistakes may happen. We do assume the application is imperfect, after all.

Furthermore, libraries are susceptible to mistakes or crashes by the operating system, unlike hardware solutions or virtual machines (although even virtual machines generally rely on the correctness of a host OS).

Fortunately, these theoretical limitations have little practical impact. Most applications are simple enough for liblog to capture all sources of non-determinism, and simple precautions to segregate internal state from the application's heap are usually sufficiently safe. Indeed, most debuggers (including GDB) are neither sound nor complete, but they are still considered useful.

5  Evaluation

We designed liblog to be sufficiently lightweight so that developers would leave it permanently enabled on their applications. In this section, we attempt to quantify the overhead imposed by liblog, both to see whether we reached this goal and to help potential users estimate the impact they might see on their own applications.

We start by measuring the runtime latency added by our libc wrappers and its effect on network performance. TCP throughput and RTT are not noticeably affected. A second set of experiments measures the storage overhead consumed by checkpoints and logs.

All experiments were performed on a Dual 3.06GHz Pentium 4 Xeon (533Mhz FSB) with 512K L2 cache, 2GB of RAM, 80GB 7500 rpm ATA/100 disk, and Broadcom 1000TX gigabit Ethernet.

5.1  Wrapper Latency

To measure the processing overhead of liblog, we first analyzed the latency added to each libc call. Figure 3 shows the latency for a few representative wrappers.

Figure 3: Wrapper Overhead: time required to intercept and log libc functions. The copy region measures the time taken to write the bytes to a shared memory region monitored by the logger, and other includes the overhead of intercepting the calls an our internal bookkeeping. The libc region measures the time taken for the underlying library call to complete.

The wrappers add approximately 1 microsecond to the function random, which shows the minimum amount of work each wrapper must do to intercept the call and to write a log entry. The sendto wrapper is slightly slower as it includes the amortized cost of querying the destination to determine whether to send annotations (cf. Section 3.4). The ``copy'' phase is also longer, because we store the outgoing message address and port to facilitate message tracing. The recvfrom overhead is higher still because it must extract the Lamport clock annotation from the payload and copy the message data to the logs.

5.2  Network Performance

Next we measured the impact of liblog on network performance. First we wrote a small test application that sends UDP datagrams as fast as possible. Figures 4 and 5 show the maximum packet rate and throughput for increasing datagram sizes. With liblog enabled, each rate was reduced by approximately 18%.

Figure 4: Packet rate reduction: Maximum UDP send rate for various datagram sizes. The maximum standard deviation over all points is 1.3 percent of the mean.

Figure 5: UDP bandwidth: Maximum UDP send throughput for various datagram sizes. The maximum standard deviation over all points is 1.3 percent of the mean.

For TCP throughput, we measured the time required for wget to download a 484 MB binary executable from various web servers. Figure 6 shows that liblog hinders wget when downloading the file over a gigabit ethernet link, but the reduction in throughput is negligible when the maximum available throughput is lowered. Even the relatively fast 100 MBps link to our departmental web server can be filled using liblog.

Figure 6: TCP throughput for wget downloading a 484MB file. Each pair of bars represents a different web server location.

Finally, Figure 7 shows the round-trip time (RTT) measured by lmbench to the local host and to a machine on a nearby network. The gigabit ethernet test shows that liblog adds a few wrappers worth of latency to each RTT, as expected. On a LAN, the RTT overhead is so small that the difference is hard to discern from the graph.

Figure 7: RTT overhead: measured by lmbench. The error bars cannot be seen in these graphs because the standard deviation is negligible.

5.3  Log Bandwidth

The amount of log space required depends greatly on the frequency of libc calls made by an application, as well as on the throughput and content of its network traffic, because incoming message contents are saved.

To give an idea of the storage rates one might expect, we first measured the average log growth rate of the applications we use ourselves: I3/Chord and the OCALA proxy. For this experiment, we started a small I3 network on PlanetLab and attached a single local proxy. No additional workload was applied, so the processes were only sending their basic background traffic. We also show the logging rates for wget downloading an executable file when we artificially limit its download rate to simulate applications with various network throughput. Figure 8 shows the (compressed) log space required per hour for each application. This rate varies widely across applications and correlates directly with network throughput. We have found the 3-6 MB/hour produced by our own applications to be quite manageable.

Figure 8: Log bandwidth: Log size written per hour for various applications. The bottom three columns correspond to wget with the specified cap on its download rate.

Figure 9 illustrates the degree to which message contents affect the total log size. We limited wget to a 1 KB/s download rate and downloaded files of various entropy. The first file was zero-filled to maximize compressibility. Then we chose two real files: File A is a binary executable and File B is a liblog checkpoint. Finally, we try a file filled with random numbers, which, presumably, is incompressible. The difference between zero and full entropy is over an order of magnitude, although most payloads are presumably somewhere in the middle.

Figure 9: Log entropy: Log size written by wget depends on compressibility of incoming data.

5.4  Checkpoint Overhead

Finally, we measured the checkpoint latency (Figure 10) and size (Figure 11) for a few of our test applications. The checkpoint size depends on the amount of the application's address space that is in use. The checkpoint latency is dominated by the time required to copy the address space to file system buffers, which is directly proportionally to the (uncompressed) checkpoint size. These costs can be amortized over time by tuning the checkpoint frequency. The trade-off for checkpoint efficiency is slower replay, because more execution must be replayed on average before reaching the point of interest.

Figure 10: Checkpoint Latency: time taken to dump memory to checkpoint file for various applications.

Figure 11: Checkpoint Size: total and compressed size of checkpoints for various applications.

5.5  Evaluation Summary

These experiments suggest that the CPU overhead imposed by liblog is sufficiently small for many environments and has little affect on network performance. Logging could consume considerable disk space (and disk bandwidth), but the distributed applications we are familiar with (I3/Chord and OCALA) could store logs for a week or two, given 1GB of storage. Checkpoints also consume a noticeable amount of space, but writing one once an hour is probably sufficient for most cases.

6  Experience

We have been working on liblog for over a year, but we completed the prototype described in this paper only a few weeks ago. In the intervening time, we have used the tool on distributed applications with which we are familiar, namely I3/Chord [SAZ+02] and the OCALA proxy [JKK+06]. We have already discovered several errors in these applications. In this section, we will describe how liblog helped in these cases, along with a few stories from earlier prototypes and work debugging liblog itself.

6.1  Programming Errors

To start, we found a few simple mistakes that had escaped detection for months. The first, inserted accidentally by one of this paper's authors over a year ago, involved checking Chord timeouts by calling gettimeofday within a ``MAX'' macro that evaluated its arguments twice. The time changed between calls, so the value returned was not always still the maximum.

We also found an off-by-one error in code that assumed 1-based arrays and timer initialization code that did not add struct timeval microseconds properly, both in OCALA's I3 library.

The off-by-one error normally had no visible effect but occasionally caused the proxy to choose a distant, high-latency gateway. The two timer-related errors only manifested occasionally but would cause internal events to trigger too late, or too early, respectively.

These bugs had escaped earlier testing because they were non-deterministic and relatively infrequent. But once we noticed the problems, liblog was able to deterministically replay the exact execution paths so that we could step through the offending code in GDB and watch the problem unfold.

6.2  Broken Environmental Assumptions

Perhaps more interesting are bugs caused not by programmer mistakes but rather by correct implementation based on faulty assumptions. To illustrate, here are two problems in Chord we had found with an earlier liblog prototype.

The first problem is common in peer-to-peer systems, and was discussed along with solutions in a later paper [FLRS05]. Basically, many network overlays like Chord assume that the underlying IP network is fully connected, modulo transient link failures. In practice, some machine pairs remain permanently disconnected due to routing policy restrictions and some links experience unexpected partial failure modes, such as transient asymmetry. Both problems cause routing inconsistencies in Chord, and both were witnessed by liblog in a network deployed across PlanetLab [PL].

Rather than finding a coding error in the application, replay showed us code that worked as designed. Our project is focused on application debugging, and we do not attempt to debug the underlying network; nevertheless, our logs clearly showed the unexpected message-loss patterns. Of course the problem had not been detected using simulation, because the simulator made the same assumptions about the network as the application.

A second assumption we had made was that our application processes would respond to keep-alive messages promptly. Chord includes RTT estimation and timeout code based on TCP, which expects a reasonable amount variance. On PlanetLab, however, high CPU load occasionally causes processes to freeze for several seconds, long enough for several successive pings to time out. Chord then incorrectly declared peers offline and potentially misrouted messages.

Upon inspection, liblog showed us that the timeout code was operating correctly, and the message tracing facilities detected the keep-alive responses arriving at the correct machines, although long after they had been considered lost. The virtual clock timestamps let us correlate otherwise-identical messages, as well as detect the long delay in between system calls on the pinged machine.

6.3  Broken Usage Assumptions

We found two problems with the OCALA proxy's overlay client initialization code, both caused by sensitivity to the bootstrap gateway list. Like those of the previous section, these ``bugs'' were not programming errors per se, but rather user errors (providing an imperfect configuration list) or design flaws (not tolerating user error).

One phase of startup involves pinging these gateways and triangulating the local machine's latitude and longitude based on the response times. We noticed that the proxy occasionally made a very poor estimate of local coordinates, which then caused a poor (high latency) choice of primary gateways.

We investigated the phenomenon by setting breakpoints in the relevant methods and stepping through the replay. We noticed first that very few points were used for triangulation. We then moved backwards in the execution to find that only a small number of pings were sent and that the proxy did not wait long enough for most the replies. If care is taken to nominate only lightly loaded gateways, triangulation works fine. If not, as in our case, performance suffers until periodic maintenance routines manage to choose a better gateway, which could take hours.

We also discovered that the proxy client is very trusting of liveness information contained in the initial gateway list. Normally this list is continually updated by an independent process so that only active gateways are included. If the list becomes stale, as we unintentionally allowed, the proxy could waste minutes trying to contact dead I3 servers before finally connecting.

We diagnosed the problem by replaying and comparing the paths taken by two executions: one which exhibited the interminable timeouts and one which lucked upon a good subset of gateways immediately. This problem could easily be dismissed as invalid usage. Nevertheless, solving it relied on our ability to deterministically replay the random choices made during the gateway selection process.

6.4  Self-Debugging

The program we have spent the most time debugging recently is liblog itself. Because the tools run as shared libraries in the application address space, we are able to use GDB to set breakpoints and to step through our own code during replay, just like the supposed target application. We used this ability to fix programming errors in our message annotation layer and our remote discovery service. Deterministic replay also made it easy to find faults in our replay console because each log provided a repeatable test case.

Some bugs in liblog, such as incomplete libc wrappers, manifest as non-determinism during replay. Ironically, this non-determinism made them easy to detect because we could step through the execution at the point where the original execution and replay diverged in order to isolate the failure. This approach also led us to realize the problem of applications accessing undefined heap and stack memory.

6.5  Injected Bugs

Our tool is interactive, aiding a human programmer but requiring their domain knowledge and expertise. We find it difficult to quantify the benefit liblog provides because the user injects a large amount of variability into the process. Ideally, we will be able to compile a large library of ``real'' bugs that exist in tested and used applications for some time before being fixed with liblog. But this process is slow and unpredictable.

Projects that develop automated analytic techniques often pull known errors from bug databases and CVS histories in order to quantify how many of the problems can be re-fixed with their tools. This path is also available to use, but the results would be somewhat suspect as the human tester may have some prior knowledge of old bugs. Similar doubts may arise if one set of programmers manually introduces errors into a current application code base for testing by an independent second group. This trick has the benefit of testing our tools on bugs that are arbitrarily complex or slow to develop.

While we wait for our library of real bugs to grow, we have decided to try both of these somewhat-artificial testing methods. So far we have only started on the latter, with one author injecting an error into the I3/Chord code base while the other uses liblog to isolate and fix it. Preliminary results suggest that the task is equivalent to debugging Chord in a local simulator. We plan to have more results in this vein soon.

7  Related Work

Deterministic replay has been a reasonably active research subject for over two decades. Most of this work centered on efficient logging for multiprocessors and distributed shared memory computers; for an overview of the field we recommend an early survey by Dionne et al [DFD96] and later ones by Huselius [Hus02] and Cornelis et al [CGC+03].

None of these previous projects focused on deployed, distributed applications or addressed the technical challenges raised by that set of requirements. In particular, our support of consistent group replay in a mixed environment is unique, and we are the first to address the challenges described in Section 3, such as supporting multithreaded applications without kernel support.

On the other hand, the core techniques of logging and replay have been explored thoroughly, and we borrowed or reinvented much from earlier projects. Specifically, Lamport clocks [Lam78] have been used for consistent replay of MPI [RBdK99] and distributed shared memory [RZ97]. Replaying context switches to enforce deterministic replay in multithreaded apps was based on DejaVu [KSC00], which built the technique into a Java Virtual Machine. Finally, some projects have integrated GDB and extended its interface to include replay commands [SKAZ04, KDC05], but only liblog seamlessly provides consistent replay across multiple processes.

Our library-based implementation most closely resembles Jockey [Sai05]; they also have simple binary-rewriting functionality to detect use of non-deterministic applications. Flashback [SKAZ04] also has many similarities, but they chose to modify the host OS. Their modifications enable very efficient checkpoints and (potentially) simplified thread support. We chose instead to implement all of liblog at user level in order to maximize its portability and to lower barriers to use on shared infrastructure. Also, our support for multiple threads, migratable checkpoints, and consistent replay across machines makes liblog more appropriate for distributed applications.

The DejaVu project [KSC00] shared our goal of replaying distributed applications. Like liblog, they support multithreaded applications and consistently replay socket-based network communication. Unlike liblog, they targeted Java applications and built a modified Java Virtual Machine. Thus they addressed a very different set of implementation challenges. Also, they do not support consistent replay in a mixed environment, although they do sketch out a potential solution.

8  Conclusion

We have designed and built liblog, a new logging and replay tool for deployed, distributed applications. We have already found it to be useful and would like to share the tool with others in the distributed systems community. A software distribution package and more information is available at

We have plans for a few additional improvements to liblog, both to reduce its runtime overhead and to remove some of the limitations listed in Section 4. Meanwhile, we hope to receive feedback from the community that will help us improve its usability.

Our ongoing research plan views liblog as a platform for building further analysis and failure detection tools. Specifically, replaying multiple processes together provides a convenient arena for analyzing distributed state. We see great potential for consistency checking and distributed predicate evaluation tools.


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See RFC 791

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