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The DBAs are highly experienced: 15 of them had between 2 and 5 years of experience, 16 had between 5 and 10 years of experience, and 20 had more than 10 years of experience. Figures 1 and 2 show the sizes of the administration teams to which the DBAs belong, and the sizes of the databases they manage, respectively. The figures show the breakdown of DBAs per experience level. From Figure 1, it is clear that most of the DBAs work alone or in small groups, regardless of experience level. This result suggests that the size of DBA teams is determined by factors other than DBA experience. Nevertheless, a substantial number of DBAs do work in larger teams, increasing the chance of conflicting actions by different team members. Finally, Figure 2 shows that DBAs of all experience levels manage small and large databases. However, one trend is clear: the least experienced DBAs (2-5 years of experience) tend to manage smaller databases; they represent 12% of the DBAs responsible for databases that are larger than 50 GB, but represent 55% of those DBAs in charge of databases that are smaller than 50 GB. The experience level of the DBAs who participated in our survey and the diversity in organizations, DBMSs, and team and database sizes suggest that the data we collected is representative of common DBA practices.
3.2 Common DBA TasksWe asked the DBAs to describe the three most common tasks they perform. Figure 3 shows the categories of tasks they reported, as well as the breakdown of how frequently each category was mentioned out of a total of 126 answers (several DBAs listed fewer than three tasks). The Recovery category corresponds to those tasks that prepare or test the DBMS with respect to recovery operations, such as making backups, testing backups, and performing recovery drills. Performance Tuning tasks involve performance optimizations, such as creating or modifying indexes to speed up certain queries, and optimizing the queries themselves. The Database Structure tasks involve changing the database schema by adding or removing table columns, or adding or removing entire tables, for example. The Space Monitoring/Management, System Monitoring, Performance Monitoring, and Integrity/Statistics Checks tasks all involve monitoring procedures, such as identifying the applications or queries that are performing poorly. The Data Modification category represents those tasks that import, export, or modify actual data in the database. Finally, the Coding task involves writing code to support applications, whereas the Software Upgrade tasks involve the upgrade of the operating system, the DBMS, or the supporting tools. The three most frequently mentioned categories were Recovery, Performance Tuning, and Database Structure, respectively amounting to 19%, 17%, and 14% of all tasks described by the DBAs. If we collapse the Space Monitoring/Management, System Monitoring, and Performance Monitoring categories, we can see that 27% of the reported tasks have to do with checking the system behavior. From a different perspective, 24% of all tasks are related to performance, in which case the DBAs are engaged in either identifying the reasons for poor performance (Performance Monitoring) or looking for opportunities to further improve the overall DBMS performance (Performance Tuning). If we consider that checking and updating database statistics are carried out to allow for more accurate optimizations, the fraction of performance-oriented tasks is actually 32%. Twenty one DBAs (41%) reported that they use third-party support tools for these different tasks. Several of these DBAs actually use multiple types of tools. In more detail, 14 DBAs use tools for Performance Monitoring tasks, 12 DBAs use tools for Recovery tasks, 12 DBAs use tools for Database Structure tasks, 7 DBAs use tools for Performance Tuning tasks, and 7 DBAs use tools for granting/revoking access privileges; the latter tools may be needed in Database Structure, Coding, and Software Upgrade tasks.
3.3 Testing Context
Another important set of questions in our survey concerned the context
in which the above tasks are performed. More specifically, we sought
to understand the testing methodology that DBAs rely upon to verify
the correctness of their actions. The next paragraphs describe our
findings with respect to the environment and approach used for
We can see that 84% of the DBAs test their actions in environments that are different from the online environment. Further, DBAs of different experience levels use these non-replica testing practices in roughly similar percentages. We conjecture that these practices are a result of the performance and cost implications of using exact replicas for testing. Regardless of the reason, it is possible for actions to appear correct in these environments, but cause problems when migrated to the online environment. Not to mention the fact that the migration itself is mistake-prone, since it is performed by the DBA manually or via deployment scripts. Another interesting observation is that 8 DBAs use other approaches to testing. Three of these DBAs replicate the online databases on the online machines themselves, and use the replicated databases as test instances. This approach is problematic when the DBA actions involve components shared by online and testing environments, e.g. the operating system or the I/O devices. Two of the most experienced DBAs also mentioned a well-structured testing environment comprising three sets of machines: (1) ``development machines'' used for application developers to ascertain that a particular application interacts with the necessary databases as expected; (2) ``integration machines'', which host all applications and are subjected to more aggressive tests, including the use of load generators; (3) ``quality-assurance machines'' used for ensuring that the system conforms with established standards before it can be deemed deployable.
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To meet the above goals, we actually host the validation environment on the online system itself. In particular, we divide the components into two logical slices: an online slice that hosts the online components and a validation slice where components can be validated before being integrated into the online slice. Figure 5 shows this validation architecture when a component of the DBMS tier is under validation. To protect the integrity of the online service without completely separating the two slices (which would reduce the validation slice to an offline testing system), we erect an isolation barrier between the slices but introduce a set of connecting shunts. The shunts duplicate requests and replies (i.e., inputs and outputs) passing through the interfaces of the components in the live service. Shunts either log these requests and replies or forward them to the validation slice.
We then build a validation harness consisting of proxy components that can be used to form a virtual service around the masked components; Figure 5 shows an application proxy being used to drive a masked DBMS. Together, the virtual service and the duplication of requests and replies via the shunts allow operators to validate masked components under realistic workloads. In particular, the virtual service either replays previously recorded logs or accepts forwarded duplicates of live requests and responses from the shunts, feeds appropriate requests to the masked components, and verifies that the outputs of the masked components meet certain validation criteria. Proxies can be implemented by modifying open source components or wrapping code around proprietary software with well-defined interfaces.
Finally, the harness uses a set of comparator functions, which compute whether some set of observations of the validation service match a set of criteria. For example, in Figure 5, a comparator function might determine if the streams of requests and replies going across the pair of connections labeled (A) and (B) are similar enough to declare the masked database as working correctly. If any comparison fails, an error is signaled and the validation fails. If after a threshold period of time all comparisons match, the component is considered validated.
Given the above infrastructure, validation becomes conceptually simple. First, a script places the set of components to be worked on in the validation environment, effectively masking them from the live service. The operator then acts on the masked components just as he/she would in the live service. Next, another script instructs the validation harness to surround the masked components with a virtual service, load the components, and check their correctness. If the masked components pass this validation, the script calls a migration function that fully integrates the component into the live service.
In [16], we proposed two validation approaches: trace-based and replica-based validation. In trace-based validation, for each masked component to be validated, requests and replies passing through the shunts of an equivalent live component are logged and later replayed. During the replay, the logged replies can be compared to the replies produced by the masked component. In replica-based validation, the current offered load on the live service is used, where requests passing through the shunts of an equivalent live component are duplicated and forwarded in real-time to the validation harness to drive the masked component. The shunts also capture the replies generated by the live component and forward them to the harness, which compares them against the replies coming from the masked component.
Unfortunately, trace-based and replica-based validation are only applicable when the output of a masked component can be compared against that of a known correct instance. Many operator actions can correctly lead to a masked component behaving differently than all current/known instances, posing a bootstrapping problem. An example in the context of databases is a change to the database schema (a task that is cited as one of the most common DBA tasks in our survey). After the DBA changes the schema (e.g., by deleting a column) in the validation environment, the masked database no longer mirrors the online database and so may correctly produce different answers to the same query. The same applies to a previously collected trace.
We propose model-based validation to deal with this bootstrapping problem. The key idea behind model-based validation is that a service, particularly one with components that have just been acted on by an operator, should conform to an explicit model. Thus, in model-based validation, we require an explicit representation of the intended consequences of a set of operator actions in a model of the system, and then validate that the dynamic behavior of the masked component matches that predicted by the model.
For example, a simple model for a service composed of a front-end load balancer and a set of back-end servers could specify an assertion to the effect that the resource utilization at the different back-end nodes should always be within a small percentage of each other. This simple model would allow us to validate changes to the front-end device even in the context of heterogeneous servers.
If we can conveniently express these models and check them during validation, we can validate several classes of operator actions that cannot be tackled by trace or replica-based validation. We envision a simple language that can express models for multiple components, including load balancers, firewalls, and servers.
We now describe our prototype validation environment for a service with replicated databases. A replicated database framework allows DBAs to operate on the masked DBMS and validate it while the online DBMS is still servicing live requests, an important property for systems that must provide 24x7 availability.
Our implementation leverages the C-JDBC database clustering middleware [7]. Briefly, C-JDBC clusters a collection of possibly heterogeneous DBMSs into a single virtual DBMS that exposes a single database view with improved scalability and dependability. C-JDBC implements a software controller between a JDBC application and the back-end DBMSs. The controller comprises a request scheduler, a load balancer, and a recovery log. C-JDBC supports a few data distribution schemes. Our prototype uses only one: full data replication across the DBMSs comprising a virtual DBMS. Under full replication, each read request is sent to one replica while writes are broadcast to all replicas.
As shall be seen, critical to our implementation is C-JDBC's capability to disable and disconnect a back-end DBMS, ensuring that its content is a consistent checkpoint with respect to the recovery log, and later reintegrate this DBMS by replaying the log to update its content to the current content of the virtual database.
As shown in Figure 5, our prototype relies on the C-JDBC controller only in the online slice; the application proxy contacts the database under validation directly. We implement the isolation barrier between the online and validation slices at the granularity of an entire node by running nodes over a virtual network created using Mendosus [14], a fault-injection and network-emulation tool for clustered systems. The general idea is to use Mendosus to partition the virtual network into two parts so that online nodes can see each other but not those in the validation slice and vice-versa. Critically, however, Mendosus can migrate a node between the two parts of the virtual network without requiring any change to the node's networking parameters.
The shunting of requests and responses takes place inside the C-JDBC controller, as can be seen in Figure 5. A critical aspect to be observed when implementing a database shunt is that of ordering. Suppose that the controller has three requests to dispatch within a single transaction: two read requests, R1 and R2, and one write request, W. If the order in which the online database executes the requests is R1, W, and R2, whereas the database under validation executes R1, R2, and then W, the database replicas will report different responses for R2 if the write request modifies the data read by R2. If a following request depends on R2, the situation becomes even worse. This undesirable ordering mismatch can not only trigger false positives during validation, but also, and more seriously, corrupt the database state.
A logical conclusion from this scenario is the paramount need to enforce a partial order of request execution that both the online database replicas and the database under validation must abide by. A number of consecutive read requests can be executed in any order, but blocks of reads separated by writes (or commits) must be executed in the same order with respect to the write (or commit) requests.
Although the C-JDBC controller guarantees that the mirrored databases connected to it are kept consistent with respect to each transaction independently, it does not guarantee ordering across transactions. In other words, in the face of concurrent transactions, the controller cannot determine whether the back-end databases will execute a read request from one transaction before or after a write request from another transaction. The identification numbers that the controller assigns to requests have nothing to do with actual order of execution. For this reason, we had to modify the controller code by introducing a multiple-reader-single-writer lock used only while requests are being shunted. This lock is used to ensure that each write is executed by itself on the back-end DBMSs, providing a complete ordering between all pairs of read-write and write-write operations. By using this extra lock and capturing requests right before the controller issues them to the back-ends, our shunting code forwards/collects requests in an order that the application proxy can rely on. During validation, requests can be replayed in this order irrespective of the transactions to which they belong.
We have implemented all three validation strategies and two comparator functions, a reply exact-match and a latency-match comparator. We describe the important details of these implementations next.
Trace-based validation. Trace-based validation requires
collecting traces from the online system. Given the above
infrastructure, collecting a trace is simple: we ask the C-JDBC
controller to create a copy of the database on a ``trace disk'' and to
start logging requests and replies to it serialized to after the copy.
At a later point, suppose that the DBA wants to operate on one of two back-end DBMSs within a C-JDBC virtual DBMS, say to create an index to improve performance, and then use trace-based validation to validate his/her actions. He/she would run two scripts, one before operating on each DBMS and the other after doing so:
Script 1 - take the DBMS to be worked on offline. (1) Instruct the
C-JDBC controller to checkpoint and disable the appropriate DBMS
node. This means that the disabled database is consistent with a
particular point in the controller's replay log. (2) Instruct
Mendosus to move the masked DBMS into the validation slice. (3) Save
the masked DBMS's current state to a persistent backup.
Script 2 - validate the modified DBMS and move it to the online
slice. (1) Initialize the DBMS with the database on the trace
disk. (2) Start the application proxy.
(3) Once validation completes successfully, reinitialize the DBMS
with the backup saved in script 1. (4) Instruct Mendosus to move the
masked DBMS back to the online slice. (5) Attach the newly modified
and validated DBMS to the C-JDBC controller and instruct the
controller to integrate it. If validation fails in step (3), the
DBA needs to fix any mistakes, and re-start the script.
Replica-based validation.
Replica-based validation is quite similar to trace-based validation
and can also be run using two scripts. Script 1 is the same as that
used for trace-based validation. Script 2 performs the actions
enumerated next. (1) Instruct Mendosus to move the masked DBMS back
into the online slice, and instruct the controller to bring the masked
DBMS up-to-date using its replay log, while keeping the masked DBMS in
a disabled state. (We actually had to modify the controller to
implement this functionality, since the controller would automatically
enable a DBMS node after replaying the log.) (2) Now that the masked
DBMS is again an exact replica of the online DBMS, start buffering
writes (and commits) to the online virtual DBMS, migrate the masked
DBMS back to the validation slice, and start the application
proxy. (3) Enable the shunting of requests and replies to the
application proxy, and restart write (and commit) processing on the
C-JDBC controller.
(4) Once validation completes successfully, instruct the controller to
halt and buffer all incoming requests; migrate the masked DBMS to the
online slice and let it connect to the C-JDBC controller. Note that
the two DBMSs have exactly the same content at this point, which makes
this reintegration quite fast. (5) Finally, instruct the C-JDBC
controller to start processing requests again. If validation fails in
step 4, the masked DBMS will remain in the validation slice and will
be initialized with the state saved in script 1, so that it can be
validated again after the DBA fixes any mistakes.
Note that script 2 forces the controller to buffer write (and commit) requests to the virtual DBMS for a very short period in replica-based validation; just enough time to migrate the masked DBMS to the validation slice and start the application proxy. Because these operations can be performed in only a few milliseconds, the amount of buffering that takes place is typically very small.
Model-based validation. Our vision is to allow the DBA to
specify his/her actions in a simple canonical form and associate a
small set of assertions with each action. The system can then
validate the actions that are actually performed on the masked DBMS by
checking that the assertions hold. The specification of actions in
the canonical form should be much simpler than the actual
execution of these actions (say, as SQL queries and commands). They
should also be independent of specific implementations of DBMS, which
is important because each implementation uses a different variant of
SQL. This simplicity and portability are the main advantages of
model-based validation. For example, automatically executing the
needed actions from the canonical descriptions would require extensive
implementations for all possible DBMSs C-JDBC can use.
We have prototyped a simple model-based validation strategy as a proof-of-concept. Our implementation currently focuses on database structure changes, since these tasks were identified as very frequent by the DBAs we surveyed. It includes four canonical actions: add a table, remove a table, add a column, and remove a column. It also defines a set of assertions that must be true about the database schema after an action has been performed compared to the schema before the action. For example, one of the assertions states that, if the DBA will add a table, the schema after the action should contain all the tables in the previous schema plus the table just created.
While this prototype implementation is quite simple, it is also powerful. The reason is that each canonical action, such as adding a column, can correspond to a lengthy set of real actions. For example, adding a column to the middle of a table might be quite complicated depending on the DBMS being used [15]. This operation might involve, among many other things, unloading the data from the table and dropping it (which would in turn drop all indexes and views associated with the table); recreating the table with the new column; repopulating the table; recreating all necessary indexes and views; and checking if the application programs work correctly with the modified table. In model-based validation, we are only concerned with the model of the database schema. Thus, the operator might specify his/her action as ``I will add a column to Table T between two existing columns, A and B.'' This allows model-based validation to check that, indeed, in the new schema, table T has one more column that is between A and B.
To address another common set of mistakes described by the DBAs, namely mismatches between applications and the database structure, we combine model-based validation of the DBMSs with trace-based validation of the applications to check that the applications have been updated to correctly deal with the new schema.
In detail, the whole validation process for actions that change the database structure proceeds as follows. First, a script moves the DBMS to the validation slice, asks the DBA to describe his/her intended actions in canonical form, extracts the current schema from the DBMS, and then allows the DBA to act on the masked DBMS. Once the DBA completes the necessary actions, a second script uses model-based validation to check that the corresponding assertions hold. Finally, the DBA brings any application that depends on the database into the validation slice and validates that it works correctly with the new schema using a trace. In the context of the 3-tier Internet service shown in Figure 5, this means that the DBA would move each of the application nodes into the validation slice for validation.
There are three subtle issues that must be addressed when the database schema changes. To make the description of the issues concrete, suppose that we have a service as in Figure 5. First, if a database schema change requires changes to the application servers, then once updated, these servers cannot be returned to the online slice until the new DBMS has been deployed. Second, it may not be possible to properly validate replies from the application servers against replies that were previously logged using a strict comparator, such as exact content matching, when the application servers need to change. Replica-based validation can be used but only after the changes to at least one application server have been validated. Third, during DBMS reintegration into the online system, it may not be possible to replay writes that have been executed on the online system while the masked DBMS was being changed and validated (e.g., writes that depend on the data in a column that has been removed).
To deal with the first issue, the validation of the application servers and DBMSs needs to occur in two phases as follows. During a period of low load, the DBA can move one DBMS into the validation slice, change the schema, use model-based validation to check the correctness of his/her changes, then move 1/2 of the application servers over to the validation slice, update them as necessary, and use trace-based validation to check that they work correctly with the modified DBMS. After validation is completed, he/she can temporarily halt and buffer requests from the first tier, move all validated components back online, and move the remaining unmodified application servers and DBMS into the validation slice. In essence, this is the point where the live service is changed from operating on the old database schema to the new schema.
To deal with the second issue, we observe that it is possible to validate the application servers using traces collected previously in situations where we know that the changes in schema should not cause SQL fatal errors in the application servers. In this case, a previous trace can be used together with a comparator function that disregards the content of the application server replies but checks for fatal SQL exceptions. (In fact, replica-based validation could also be applied using this weaker comparator function.) In case an exception is found, the validation process fails. When schema changes should cause these exceptions in application servers, a synthetic application server trace needs to be generated that should not cause exceptions with the new schema. Again, an exception found during the validation process would mean a potential DBA mistake.
Finally, to deal with the third issue, our implementation denies writes to the online virtual DBMS when the database structure needs to be changed. This behavior is acceptable for the system we study (an online auction service). To avoid denying writes, an alternative would be to optimistically assume that writes that cannot be replayed because of a change in schema will not occur. In this approach, the C-JDBC controller could be modified to flag an error during reintegration, if a write cannot be replayed. If such an error occurred, it would be up to the DBA to determine the proper course of action.
In summary, we find that our three validation strategies are complementary. Trace-based validation can be used for checking the correctness of actions for corner cases that do not occur frequently. Replica-based validation can be used to place the most realistic workload possible on a masked component -- the current workload of the live system. Trace-based and replica-based validation allow the checking of performance tuning actions, such as the creation or modification of indexes. Finally, structural changes can be validated using a combination of model-based and trace-based validation.
With respect to the mistakes reported by DBAs, validation in an extension of the online system allows us to eliminate deployment mistakes, whereas trace, replica, and model-based validation deal with performance tuning and structural mistakes. These three categories of mistakes are the most frequent according to our survey.
In this section, we first evaluate our validation approach using a set of mistake-injection benchmarks. We then assess the performance impact of our validation infrastructure on a live service using a micro-benchmark.
Our evaluation is performed in the context of an online auction service modeled after EBay. The service is organized into 3 tiers of servers: Web, application, and database tiers. We use one Web server machine running Apache and three application servers running Tomcat. The database tier comprises one machine running the C-JDBC controller and two machines running back-end MySQL servers (that are replicas of each other within a single C-JDBC virtual DBMS). All nodes are equipped with a 1.2 GHz Intel Celeron processor and 512 MB of RAM, running Linux with kernel 2.4.18-14. The nodes are interconnected by a Fast Ethernet switch.
A client emulator is used to exercise the service. The workload consists of a ``bidding mix'' of requests (94% of the database requests are reads) issued by a number of concurrent clients that repeatedly open sessions with the service. Each client issues a request, receives and parses the reply, ``thinks'' for a while, and follows a link contained in the reply. A user-defined Markov model determines which link to follow. During our mistake-injection experiments, the overall load imposed on the system is 60 requests/second, which is approximately 70% of the maximum achievable throughput. The code for the service, the workload, and the client emulator are from the DynaServer project [19].
We injected DBA mistakes into the auction service. Specifically, we have developed a number of scripts, each of which emulates a DBA performing an administration task on the database tier and contains one mistake that may occur during the task. The scripts are motivated by our survey results and span the most commonly reported tasks and mistake types. The detailed actions and mistakes within the tasks were derived from several database administration manuals and books, e.g. [15]. Table 2 lists the mistakes we injected in our experiments categorized by DBA task and problem (see Section 3). Note that we only designed mistakes for problem categories where at least some problems were reported as originating from DBA mistakes (those marked with some, most, or all for ``Caused by DBA mistakes'' in Table 1).
Table 3 lists the total number of scripts (mistakes) for each problem category reported in our survey and the number of mistakes caught by validation. Overall, validation detected 19 out of 23 injected mistakes.
It is worth mentioning how validation caught the performance mistake ``insufficient number of indexes'' and the deployment mistake ``indexes not reapplied''. In both cases, a performance degradation was detected by the performance comparator function. The comparator function uses two configurable thresholds to decide on the result of validation: the maximum acceptable execution time difference for each request (set to 60 seconds in our experiments), and the maximum tolerable execution time difference accumulated during the whole validation (set to 30 seconds times the number of requests used in the validation). In our experiments, which were configured to execute 10,000 requests for validation, the absence of an index caused the execution time difference for 13 requests to be greater than 70 seconds. The average time difference among these 13 requests was 32 minutes, and the total time difference over all 10,000 requests was 7.5 hours. Note that validation could have stopped long before the 10,000 requests were executed. However, to see the complete impact of the mistakes, we turned off a timeout parameter that controls the maximum time that each request is allowed to consume during validation.
Our implementation of model-based validation caught 4 out of 5 mistakes from the General structure category for which model-based validation is applicable. We did not catch the ``insufficient column size assumed by database schema'' mistake because it currently does not include the notion of size. However, this can easily be added to a more complete implementation. The 6th structural mistake, ``deadlocks caused by erroneous application programming,'' could not have been caught by model-based validation because the mistake occurs at the application servers. This mistake was caught by multi-component trace-based validation, however.
We considered the performance mistake ``buffer pool size too small'' not caught. In our experiment, we changed the MySQL buffer pool size from 256 MB to 40 MB. Regarding its performance impact, the execution time difference for 7 out of 10,000 requests was greater than 1.5 seconds. Had the threshold been set to at most 1.5 seconds, validation would have caught this mistake. This highlights how important it is to specify reasonable thresholds for the performance comparator function.
The second mistake that validation could not catch was ``excess privileges granted'', a latent mistake that makes the system vulnerable to unauthorized data access. Validation is not able to deal with this kind of situation because the live (or logged) requests used to exercise the masked components cannot be identified as illegitimate once their authentication has succeeded.
The last mistake that validation overlooked was ``log files mistakenly deleted''. The reason is that the DBMS did not behave abnormally in the face of this mistake.
Having shown that validation is effective at masking database administration mistakes, we now consider the performance impact of validation on our auction service.
Shunting. We start by considering the overhead of
shunting C-JDBC requests and replies. To expose this overhead, we ran
the two back-end database servers on more powerful machines (2.8-GHz
Xeon-based machines, each with at least 1 GByte of memory and a
15K-rpm disk) in these experiments.
Figure 6 depicts the average service throughputs (left axis) and average request latencies (right axis) for a system performing replica-based validation and a base system that does not shunt any requests or replies, as a function of the offered load. The throughputs and latencies are measured at the client emulator. Note that we do not present results for trace-based validation, since the overhead of logging requests and replies is smaller than that of forwarding them across the isolation barrier.
These results show that the overhead of replica-based validation is negligible in terms of request latency, across the entire range of offered loads. With respect to throughput, the overhead is also negligible until the C-JDBC controller approaches saturation at 120 requests/second; even at that point, the throughput loss is only around 5%. The loss is due to the additional CPU utilization caused by forwarding. In more detail, we find that forwarding imposes an additional 6-10% to the CPU utilization at the controller, across the range of offered loads (logging imposes 3-5% only). In contrast, shunting imposes a load of less than 1 MB/second on network and disk bandwidth, which is negligible for Gigabit networks and storage systems.
Database state handling. We also measured the overhead
of preparing a masked DBMS to undergo validation and the overhead of
bringing the masked DBMS back online after validation completes
successfully. As discussed below, these overheads do not always
affect the performance of the online processing of requests.
When using replicas, the time it takes for the operator to act on the masked DBMS affects the overhead of preparing the DBMS for validation, which is essentially the overhead of resynchronizing the online and masked DBMSs. For example, assuming the same infrastructure as the experiments above, 60 requests/second, and 10 minutes to complete the operator's task, we find that preparing a masked DBMS to undergo replica-based validation takes 51 seconds. For a task taking 20 minutes, preparing the masked DBMS takes 98 seconds. These overheads are directly related to the percentage of requests that induce database writes in our workload (6%). During resynchronization, neither the average throughput nor the average latency of online requests is noticeably affected. However, resynchronization does incur an additional 24-31% of average CPU utilization on the controller. After a successful replica-based validation, reintegration of the masked DBMS takes only milliseconds, since the two DBMSs are already synchronized.
When using traces, the overhead of preparing a masked DBMS for validation is not affected by the length of the operator task. Rather, this overhead is dominated by the time it takes to initialize the masked DBMS with the database state stored in the trace. For our 4GB auction database, this process takes 122 seconds. This overhead has no effect on the online requests, since it is only incurred by the masked DBMS. After a successful trace-based validation, the overhead of reintegration is dominated by the resynchronization with the online DBMS. Resynchronization time essentially depends on how long trace replay lasts, leading to similar overheads to preparing a masked DBMS for replica-based validation. For example, if replay lasts 10 minutes, reintegration takes around 51 seconds. The impact of resynchronization on the processing of online requests is also the same as in replica-based validation.
Summary. Overall, these results are quite encouraging
since the overheads we observed only impact the C-JDBC controller and
only while validation is taking place. Furthermore, services
typically run at mid-range resource utilizations (e.g., 50%-60%) to
be able to deal with load spikes, meaning that the CPU overhead of
validation should not affect throughputs in practice. Operating on
the database during periods of low load reduces the potential impact
of validation even further.
In this section, we draw several interesting observations from our experience with DBA mistakes and database validation, as well as relate our findings to our previous validation work [16] on Web and application servers.
First, our survey clearly shows that most DBA mistakes are due to the separation and differences between online and testing environments. We believe that keeping these environments similar (ideally equal) is more difficult for database systems than for Web and application servers. The reason is that the amount of state that would need to be replicated across the environments can be orders of magnitude larger and more complex in the case of databases. This observation leads us to believe that deployment and performance mistakes will always be more common in database systems; structure mistakes have no clear equivalent in the context of Web and application servers. In contrast, configuration mistakes that are dominant in the latter systems are not so frequent in databases.
Second, it is clear also that DBA support tools can help database administration. However, these tools are very specific to DBMS and to the tasks that they support. We believe that validation (or a validation tool) is more generally applicable and thus potentially more useful. The negative side is that a validation tool on its own would not substantially reduce the amount of work required of the DBA; instead, it would simplify deployment and hide any mistakes that the DBA might make.
Third, we found that implementing validation for database systems is substantially more complex than doing so for Web and application servers. There are 3 reasons for the extra complexity: the amount of state involved, the type of replication across DBMSs, and the consistency requirements of the state. The amount of state has implications on performance and request buffering, since requests need to be blocked during certain state management operations. Further, since database systems deal essentially with hard state, replication and state management have to maintain exact database replicas online. Related to the hard state, the strong consistency requirements of ACID force requests to be replayed in exactly the same order at the replicated databases. Strong consistency imposes extra constraints on how requests can be forwarded to (or replayed in) the validation slice. In contrast, Web and application servers involve relatively small amounts of soft state, do not require exact replication (functionality replication is enough), and only require the replicated ordering of the requests within each user session (rather than full strong consistency).
Fourth, we observe that making database structure changes and performing model-based validation without blocking any online requests is a challenge (one that C-JDBC does not address at all). The problem is that, during validation, the SQL commands that arrive in the online slice might actually explicitly refer to the old structure. When it is time to reintegrate the masked DBMS, any write commands that conflict with the new structure become incorrect. We did not face this problem in our previous work, as operations that would correctly change the behavior of the servers were not considered.
Finally, despite the above complexities, we believe that validation is conceptually simple to apply across different classes of systems. The key requirements are: (1) a component to be validated must have one or more replicas that are at least functionally equivalent to the component; (2) the system must be able to correctly adapt to component additions and removals; and (3) the system must support a means for creating a consistent snapshot of its state. For a system with these requirements, validation involves isolating slices, shunting requests and replies, implementing meaningful comparator functions, and managing state.
In this paper, we collected a large amount of data on the behavior of DBAs in the field through a survey of 51 experienced DBAs maintaining real databases. Based on the results of our survey, we proposed that a validation infrastructure that allows DBAs to check the correctness of their actions in an isolated slice of the online system itself would significantly reduce the impact of mistakes on database performance and availability. We designed and implemented a prototype of such a validation infrastructure for replicated databases. One novel aspect of this infrastructure is that it allows components of a replicated database to be acted upon and validated while the database itself remains operational. We also proposed a novel validation strategy called model-based validation for checking the correctness of a component in the absence of any known correct instances whose behaviors can be used as a basis for validation. We showed how even a simple implementation of this strategy can be quite powerful in detecting DBA mistakes. We also showed that validation is quite effective at masking and detecting DBA mistakes; our validation infrastructure was able to mask 19 out of 23 injected mistakes, where the mistakes were designed to represent actual problems reported in our survey.
We now plan to explore model-based validation further, not only in the context of database systems but also for other systems, such as load balancers and firewalls.
We would like to thank Yuanyuan Zhou and the anonymous reviewers for comments that helped improve the paper. The work was partially supported by NSF grants #EIA-0103722, #EIA-9986046, #CCR-0100798, and #CSR-0509007.
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