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Variants of leases are widely used when a client holds a resource on a server. The common purpose of a lease abstraction is to specify a mutually agreed time at which the client's right to hold the resource expires. If the client fails or disconnects, the server can reclaim the resource when the lease expires. The client renews the lease periodically to retain its hold on the resource.

Lifetime management. Leases are useful for distributed garbage collection. The technique of robust distributed reference counting with expiration times appeared in Network Objects [5], and subsequent systems--including Java RMI [29], Jini [27], and Microsoft .NET--have adopted it with the ``lease'' vocabulary. Most recently, Web Services WSRF [10] has defined a lease protocol as a basis for lifetime management of hosted services.

Mutual exclusion. Leases are also useful as a basis for distributed mutual exclusion, most notably in cache consistency protocols [14,21]. To modify a block or file, a client first obtains a lease for it in an exclusive mode. The lease confers the right to access the data without risk of a conflict with another client as long as the lease is valid. The key benefit of the lease mechanism itself is availability: the server can reclaim the resource from a failed or disconnected client after the lease expires. If the server fails, it can avoid issuing conflicting leases by waiting for one lease interval before granting new leases after recovery.

Resource management. As in SHARP [13], the use of leases in Shirako combines elements of both lifetime management and mutual exclusion. While providers may choose to overbook their physical resources locally, each offered logical resource unit is held by at most one lease at any given time. If the lease holder fails or disconnects, the resource can be allocated to another guest. This use of leases has three distinguishing characteristics:.

Leases in Shirako are also similar to soft-state advance reservations [8,30], which have long been a topic of study for real-time network applications. A similar model is proposed for distributed storage in L-bone [3]. Several works have proposed resource reservations with bounded duration for the purpose of controlling service quality in a grid. GARA includes support for advance reservations, brokered co-reservations, and adaptation [11,12].

Virtual execution environments. New virtual machine technology expands the opportunities for resource sharing that is flexible, reliable, and secure. Several projects have explored how to link virtual machines in virtual networks [9] and/or use networked virtual machines to host network applications, including SoftUDC [18], In Vigo [20], Collective [25], SODA [17], and Virtual Playgrounds [19]. Shared network testbeds (e.g., Emulab/Netbed [28] and PlanetLab [4]) are another use for dynamic sharing of networked resources. Many of these systems can benefit from foundation services for distributed lease management.

PlanetLab was the first system to demonstrate dynamic instantiation of virtual machines in a wide-area testbed deployment with a sizable user base. PlanetLab's current implementation and Shirako differ in their architectural choices. PlanetLab consolidates control in one central authority (PlanetLab Central or PLC), which is trusted by all sites. Contributing sites are expected to relinquish permanent control over their resources to the PLC. PlanetLab emphasizes best-effort open access over admission control; there is no basis to negotiate resources for predictable service quality or isolation. PlanetLab uses leases to manage the lifetime of its guests, rather than for resource control or adaptation.

The PlanetLab architecture permits third-party brokerage services with the endorsement of PLC. PlanetLab brokers manage resources at the granularity of individual nodes; currently, the PlanetLab Node Manager cannot control resources across a site or cluster. PLC may delegate control over a limited share of each node's resources to a local broker server running on the node. PLC controls the instantiation of guest virtual machines, but each local broker is empowered to invoke the local Node Manager interface to bind its resources to guests instantiated on its node. In principle, PLC could delegate sufficient resources to brokers to permit them to support resource control and dynamic adaptation coordinated by a central broker server, as described in this paper.

One goal of our work is to advance the foundations for networked resource sharing systems that can grow and evolve to support a range of resources, management policies, service models, and relationships among resource providers and consumers. Shirako defines one model for how the PlanetLab experience can extend to a wider range of resource types, federated resource providers, clusters, and more powerful approaches to resource virtualization and isolation.

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