In this section, we discuss why we have chosen to tolerate exploits of vulnerabilities on a single attribute at a time. We do so based on information about past worms to support our choices and assumptions.
Worms such as the ones in Table 1 used services that have vulnerabilities as vectors for propagation. Code Red, for example, used a vulnerability in the IIS Web server to infect hosts. In this example, a vulnerability on a single attribute (Web server listening on port 80) was exploited. In other instances, such as with the Nimda worm, more than one vulnerability was exploited during propagation, such as via e-mail messages and Web browsing. Although these cases could be modeled as exploits to vulnerabilities on multiple attributes, we observe that previous worms did not propagate across operating system platforms: in fact, the worms targeted services on various versions of Windows.
By covering classes of operating systems in our cores, we guarantee that pathogens that exploit vulnerabilities on a single platform are not able to compromise all the members of a core of a particular host , assuming that covers all attributes of . Even if Core leaves some attributes uncovered, is still protected against attacks targeting covered attributes. Referring back to Figure 6, the majority of the cores have maximum coverage. We also observed in the previous section that, for cores that do not have maximum coverage, usually it is only a single uncovered attribute.
Under our assumptions, informed replication mitigates the effects of a worm that exploits vulnerabilities on a service that exists across multiple operating systems, and of a worm that exploits vulnerabilities on services in a single operating system. Figure 6 presents a conservative estimate on the percentage of the population that is unprotected in the case of an outbreak of such a pathogen. Assuming conservatively that every host that is not fully covered has the same uncovered attribute, the numbers in the graph give the fraction of the population that can be affected in the case of an outbreak. As can be seen, this fraction is very small.
With our current use of attributes to represent software heterogeneity, a worm can be effective only if it can exploit vulnerabilities in services that run across operating systems, or if it exploits vulnerabilities in multiple operating systems. To the best of our knowledge, there has been no large-scale outbreak of such a worm. Of course, such a worm could be written. In the next section, we discuss how to modify our heuristics to cope with exploits of vulnerabilities on multiple attributes.