Our Shark was equipped with: GB cache (per cluster),
NVS (per cluster), four
MHz PowerPC/RS64IV CPUs (per
cluster), and
+ parity + spare) arrays with
K rpm drives. We use only one cluster since
enhancements provided by dual cluster are not necessary to study
effectiveness of cache algorithms. In a single cluster mode, the
behavior of our experimental software on Shark does not change
other than the fact that writes now go to both the NVS memory as
well as the SMP RAM in the same cluster. The essence of our
results does not change with a larger or a smaller cache size.
As a client, we use a powerful AIX host with the following configuration: 16 GB RAM, 2-way SMP with 1GHz PowerPC/Power4 CPUs. The host is connected to the Shark through two fiber channel cards which can support more than sufficient bandwidth for our all experiments.