The RANDOM list contains essentially only demand-paged, non-sequential data. For demand paged data, LRU is a stack algorithm. In other words, increasing (respectively, decreasing) the length of the list leads to smaller (respectively, larger) number of misses.
Let denote the rate of cache misses in RANDOM. To
compute the marginal utility of RANDOM, we examine
changes, namely,
, changes in response to a small change
. By the stack property, as
(respectively, decreases)
decreases (respectively, increases).
is always negative. The marginal
utility is measured by the magnitude of this quantity. Unlike SEQ list where an analytical model was necessary, for the RANDOM list the quantity
can be estimated
directly from real-time cache introspection.
We will monitor cache space at the bottom of RANDOM list (see Figure 2), and observe rate of hits
in this region. A bottom hit is an indication that a
miss has been saved due to the cache space at the bottom of RANDOM. In other words, if cache space
at the bottom
was not allocated to RANDOM, then the rate of misses
would increase by
. We assume that
is a constant in a small region (generally much smaller than
) at the bottom of the list where our locally
adaptive algorithm is active. Hence, as a corollary, if a small
amount of cache space were added to RANDOM, then the misses
would decrease in proportion to
However, allocating more cache space to RANDOM will take away equal amount from SEQ, and, hence, needs to be carefully weighed. The optimum is attained when marginal utilities of both the lists are equalized.