In this subsection, we describe the network model that we use to analyze the performance of AP-based WLANs. In these infrastructure-based WLANs, each wireless node only communicates directly with an AP in order to exchange data with another node inside or outside of the WLAN.
As in much of the existing literature [8,27], we base our analysis on the fluid traffic model, and thus are concerned with AggrThruput. However, the results in this section clearly indicate that when the task traffic model is used, the network efficiency in terms of AvgTaskTime is better under time-based fairness than under throughput-based fairness (see Section 2.1).
Let I be the set of competing nodes and n its cardinality. We define di and si as the data rate used and data packet size used by node i. For simplicity of analysis, we assume that di and si apply to data packets in both uplink and downlink directions of node i.
We define the channel occupancy time T(i),
, of node i as the fraction of time a wireless node i is able to
access the channel to either transmit or receive packets to and from
the AP.
The channel occupancy
time necessary to transfer a data packet includes i) the transmission
time of the data packet, ii) the transmission time of a synchronous
ack, iii) the propagation delays, iv) the
inter-frame idle periods necessary for a node to be idle
before accessing the channel, and v) the amount of time required to
perform retransmissions when necessary. Since we assume that the
channel is busy all the time:
Let R(I) and R(i) be the total throughput achieved by all nodes in I and the achieved throughput of node i respectively. We can express R(i) in terms of T(i) as:
Baseline throughput increases with the increase in data transmission
rate as well as packet size. The latter is due to reduced per-packet
overhead as a result of the larger number of payload bits per
packet. By expressing R(i) in terms of
, we avoid
dealing directly with other factors that affect the throughput such as
the back-off periods and physical layer overhead, that are independent
of the work covered in this paper.
can be obtained
both theoretically and experimentally. In Section 2.7,
we report measured values of
for various values of
Furthermore, we do not deal with
varying loss characteristics since our goal is in understanding how
diverse data rates and packet sizes affect the network performance.