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User-Visible Portion

The programmer-visible interface of DeBox is intentionally simple, since it consists of some monitoring data structures and a new system call to enable and disable data gathering. Figure 3 shows DeBoxInfo, the data structure that handles the DeBox information. It serves as the ``performance information'' counterpart to other system call results like errno. Programs wishing to use DeBox need to perform two actions: declare one or more of these structures as global variables, and call DeBoxControl to specify how much per-call performance information it desires.

At first glance, the DeBoxInfo structure appears very large, which would normally be an issue since its size could affect system call performance. This structure size is not a significant concern, since the process specifies limits on how much of it is used. Most of the space is consumed by two arrays, PerSleepInfo and CallTrace. The PerSleepInfo array contains information about each of the times the system call blocks (sleeps) in the course of processing. The CallTrace array provides the history of what functions were called and how much time was spent in each. Both arrays are generously sized, and we do not expect many calls to fully utilize either one.

DeBoxControl can be called multiple times over the course of a process execution for a variety of reasons. Programmers may wish to have several DeBoxInfo structures and use different structures for different purposes. They can also vary the number of PerSleepInfo and CallTrace items recorded for each call, to vary the level of detail generated. Finally, they can specify a NULL value for resultBuf, which deactivates DeBox monitoring for the process.

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Yaoping Ruan