Consider a node N within spanning tree S(A,K) that is at distance
from A. We define the cost per query for K at N as the number
of hops in the peer-to-peer network that must be traversed to return
an answer to N. When a query for K is posted at N for the first time,
it travels toward A. If none of the nodes between N and A have a
fresh response cached, the cost of the query at N is
hops up and
hops for the response to travel down. If a node on
the query path has a fresh answer cached, the cost is less than
. Subsequent queries for K at N that occur within the lifetime of
the entries now cached at N have a cost of zero. As a result, caching
at intermediate nodes can significantly lower average query latency.
We can gauge the performance of CUP by calculating the percentage of updates CUP propagates that are ``justified'', i.e., those whose cost is recovered by a subsequent query. Updates for popular keys are likely to be justified more often than updates for less popular keys.
A refresh update is justified if a query arrives sometime between the previous expiration of the cached entry and the new expiration time supplied by the refresh update. An append update is justified if at least one query arrives between the time the append is performed and the time of its expiration. Finally, a deletion update is justified if at least one query arrives between the time the deletion is performed and the expiration time of the entry to be deleted.
For each update, let be the critical time interval described
above during which a query must arrive in order for the update to be
justified. Consider a node N at distance D from A in R(A,K). An
update propagated down to N is justified if at least one query is
posted within
time units at any of the nodes of the spanning
subtree S(N,K). For example, if we assume a Poisson query arrival
of one query per second at nodes in S(N,K) and
then the probability that an update arriving at N is justified is
The benefit of a justified CUP update goes beyond just recovery of its
cost. For each hop a justified update is pushed down to the
root N of subtree S(N,K), exactly one hop is saved since without
's propagation, entries in all nodes of S(N,K) will expire and
the first subsequent query landing at a node
in S(N,K) within
time units will cause two hops, from N to its parent and back.
This halves the number of hops traveled between N and its parent which
in turn reduces query latency. In fact all subsequent queries posted
somewhere in S(N,K) within
time units will benefit from N
. The cumulative benefit an update
brings to
subtree S(N,K) increases when N is closer to the authority node since
there is a higher probability that queries will be posted within
S(N,K). We define ``investment return'' as the cumulative savings in
hops achieved by pushing a justified update to node N. The
experiments show that the return is large even when CUP's reduction in
latency is modest and is substantially large when the latency
reduction is high.
Policy | 1 q/s Total Cost | 10 q/s Total Cost | 100 q/s Total Cost | 1000 q/s Total Cost |
PCX | 61568 (1.00) | 154502 (1.00) | 476420 (1.00) | 2296869 (1.00) |
![]() |
55475 (0.90) | 72022 (0.47) | 49341 (0.10) | 196650 (0.09) |
![]() |
41281 (0.67) | 34311 (0.22) | 47132 (0.10) | 196650 (0.09) |
![]() |
31658 (0.51) | 27311 (0.18) | 47785 (0.10) | 196797 (0.09) |
![]() |
30683 (0.50) | 24695 (0.16) | 48330 (0.10) | 196797 (0.09) |
Second-chance | 16958 (0.28) | 23702 (0.15) | 48330 (0.10) | 196797 (0.09) |
Optimal push level | 15746 (0.26) | 23696 (0.15) | 45325 (0.095) | 153309 (0.07) |