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Our wrapper frameworks allow multiple ID wrappers to cooperate to
enhance their performance. The Common Intrusion Detection Framework
[6] discusses several ways ID components cooperate with each other.
We performed an experiment in which two ID wrappers
cooperates to reinforce each others findings. Figure 4 depicts the
configuration. A sequence-based wrapper and a specification-based wrapper
are used to wrap the imapd programs. Every system call performed
by imapd will be intercepted by both wrappers (The order will be
determined by the loading sequence). Each wrapper will analyze the operations
of imapd individually and generate an abstract warning event to the
abstract wrapper (Com_id) when they find an attack. The abstract wrapper
judges the output from both Seq_id and Imapd_id and accepts
it when both ID wrappers think the program is under an attack. In this case
it will kill the process.
We tested the composite ID wrappers using the imapd attack described
in the last subsection. An interesting observation is that the two wrappers detect
the attack at different system call. The Imapd_id detected the
attack when the program executes a Bourne shell (at the execve system
call). The Seq_id detected the attack several system calls after
the execve system call. The abstract ID wrapper Com_id killed
the process after it receives warning from both wrappers.
Potentially, such configuration could reduce the false positive rate as
the whole IDS will detect a false attack when both techniques produce a
false positive. However, it could also cause some attacks to escape the
detection if only one technique detects the attack.
Thus, further research is needed to determine how to best combine
different techniques.
Next: Performance
Up: Experiments and Performance Measurement
Previous: Experiments and Performance Measurement
Calvin Ko