9th USENIX Security Symposium Paper 2000   
[Technical Index]
![]() Shibboleth: Private Mailing
List Manager
June 15, 2000
We describe Shibboleth, a program to manage private
Internet mailing lists. Differing from other mailing list managers,
Shibboleth manages lists or groups of lists that are closed,
or have membership by invitation only. So instead of focusing on
automating the processes of subscribing and unsubscribing readers, we
include features like SMTP forgery detection, prevention of
outsiders' ability to harvest usable email addresses from mailing
list archives, and support for cryptographic strength user
authentication and nonrepudiation.
1 Introduction
Judges 12:4-6, KJ Shibboleth was conceived in early 1995 as a system that
would allow a group of people to communicate freely with one another
without concern about outsiders being able to infiltrate the group or
to address the group by impersonating one of its members. At the
time, widely available mailing list software had no means of
effectively addressing these security and privacy requirements.
Since that time, the Internet has seen explosive growth, which has unfortunately increased significantly the number of unscrupulous and greedy marketeers among us online. These have devised many avenues of finding people, arguably invading their privacy "to market to them more effectively", and engaging in abusive practices like spamming [16]. On today's Internet, it is difficult to participate in a forum of any type--even "private" ones--without being exposed to the risk of making oneself known to the outside world and having one's address published for all to see and to abuse. Shibboleth has managed to avoid falling victim to the abusive behavior that is sadly becoming increasingly popular on the Internet today. More information about the system, including its source code, is available on the Web at https://www.interhack.net/projects/shibboleth/ . 1.1 Terminology It will be easy to get lost in these interactions unless we explicitly state exactly what we mean by the these terms. Family List Moderator Administrator Hosts Outsider Insider Subscriber Nym 1.2 Differentiating Ourselves
It is important to note that Shibboleth is vastly different from most mailing list managers because most are designed to take care of routine issues of subscriptions; our software makes no attempt to automate this process to the same degree. Subscriptions are by invitation only. That is, the hosts initiate the subscription process by sending an invitation. If the user accepts, a profile is created, and he is welcomed to the family of lists. 2 High-Level Design
Before construction began, we wrote about the system's design goals and requirements. 2.1 List Structure
Shibboleth thinks of lists in groups, which we call families. If a group of security folks wants to work together, it can do so by defining a "family", which might be called "White Hats". When we refer to a White Hats member, we mean only that Shibboleth has a profile for that user in its member database. That name is typically the basis of deciding what prefix to use to reference the family of lists as a whole. In this example, we'll use "WH". Within each family are any number of lists that belong to that family. The only lists that Shibboleth expects to find by default are
There is nothing inherently special about either of these lists.
Any insider may submit a message to the "-all" list; whether these
require moderator approval or are allowed at all is purely a matter
of configuration, as is true with any other list.
Any number of other lists can be created. Their names consist of the prefix ("WH" in our example) and its separator ("-" in our example) followed by a keyword to identify the list. A WH list to discuss projects might be "wh-projects", and another to handle otherwise off-topic traffic might be "wh-chat". Each list has its own privacy level. That is, some lists can be available for anyone associated with that list's family. Others can require approval from a moderator. Thus, if there's a topic that would not be open for all WH members, it can be discussed on a list marked "private". Members may only retrieve archival postings from non-private lists, or private lists to which they are currently subscribed. In no case is mailing to a combination of insiders and outsiders supported. Shibboleth will trigger an error for such messages, requiring administrator approval. 2.2 Design Goals
High-level goals for the system include Members-Only Access Resistant to Forgery Configurable Access Timeliness Minimal Overhead
2.3 System Requirements
Specific system requirements. Features of this section indicate the feature must be part of the original implementation. Features that can be added in a subsequent version of the software are listed in the next section. 2.3.1 Moderation
A list of moderators is assigned for each list managed by the
software. Every time a message requiring moderator intervention is
processed, one copy of the message is sent to each address in the
list of moderators.
This design is suboptimal. We have found that it can work in cases where there are few moderators and they have some agreement whereby they can decide who will process which messages. Nevertheless, this is relatively cumbersome, and would best be replaced by a mechanism to allow a moderator to fetch a number of messages in the queue, or to inquire as to the number of messages in the queue. Each list can be configured for one of several moderation modes. Unmoderated Moderate new threads Taboos Unproven Fully Moderated "Taboos" is actually a special case: one can, for example,
employ both "moderate new threads" and "taboos". If any taboo
patterns are specified, they'll be used. Any Subjects
matching one of the taboo patterns will trigger the moderation rule,
irrespective of any other moderation configurations for that
2.3.2 Sender verification
Each member of the list has a list of patterns used to identify
his known addresses. When a message arrives, the From header
is compared to patterns in the profiles in the database so that the
user who sent the message can be identified.
If a message comes from an unknown address, it can be spooled for a moderator to approve or to reject the message. Additionally, in order to prevent an outsider who mailed an insider from getting the idea that the address he used is valid, a "user unknown" bounce message is sent. As part of the verification process, the Received and Message-Id SMTP headers [6] are examined to decrease the possibility of forging a message that appears to come from a known (legitimate) user. If a forgery is suspected, the system spools the message for an administrator to peruse. In practice, this rule is most often triggered by administrative changes in the user's Internet Service Provider (ISP), such as the addition of previously unknown mail relays, or changes in the user's behavior, such as the use of a new ISP for IP connectivity without changes in the user's email address. (As an example, someone might have an "address for life" from a university and always use that. As far as anyone who sees only From and Reply-To headers is concerned, there is no change when such a person switches ISPs. However, someone looking at Received headers will be able to identify that mail is definitely coming from a different source when such a person changes ISPs.) The administrator simply replies to mail Shibboleth sent, updating the profile to include the new relay, or a new pattern that will cover the relay. The optional X-Password field is used as an additional means of convincing the system of the message's authenticity. Thus, if the X-Password's value matches the user's password in his profile, SMTP header errors are ignored. Note that remote MTAs, like any other users, are outsiders. That means that if Alice, an insider, sends mail to Bob, another insider, via Shibboleth and Bob's MTA sends any kind of a message to Alice (perhaps to report a delay in delivery, a bounce, or some other error condition), Alice will never see the bounce. Such a message would have a From header like postmaster or mailer-daemon at Bob's site, which will not be in the members database. The bounce message that Bob's MTA tried to send will therefore generate a "user unknown" error condition for the administrator's attention and generate a "user unknown" bounce. This prevents attacks against the system where someone would be able to send a message to a Shibboleth user by generating a false bounce. 2.3.3 Address Standardization or
Each user should have a standardized address, in the form of
"prefix-nym". Some might want their nyms to be their first and last
name. Others might like their nyms to be some sort of unique token.
The prefix should make it clear that the intended target is a
Shibboleth user. A private installation called "white hats"
might have a prefix of "wh", thus if Alice is a member of "white
hats", her address to other "white hats" members would be
This serves two purposes.
It should be noted that mail from an insider to the system can
still be snooped. The effects of gathering addresses this way is far
smaller than from the system to the list members, simply because the
number of users affected is much smaller. The only effective way to
gather all of the addresses of the system's users is to snoop all of
the incoming traffic, which can only be effectively done on a point
in the network that the system will exclusively use for its network
2.3.4 Header Canonicalization
All mail from the system has a consistent From header
format, which easily identifies the kind of mail that's been sent to
the user by Shibboleth. For example:
._. Alice .^. Alice .#. Alice .!. List Managers This format makes it possible to score articles easily in
software in addition to identify visually why the article was
received. ("Scoring" is a method of having the user agent mark
messages, either as likely to be of interest to the user or likely
not to be of interest. Scoring is described in various FAQs on Usenet
and Usenet client software [1,
2.3.5 Archives
Insider-only retrieval of messages posted to a given list.
Further, although "public" lists--those available to any
insider--will be retrievable by all insiders, only subscribers of a
private list can retrieve messages from that list's archive.
2.3.6 Portability
Should run unmodified on any Unix machine where Perl 5.004 can
be found. In theory, it would take very little work for the system to
run under alien systems like Windows NT and MacOS, provided that
the local Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) has some means of running a
process as a given user.
2.3.7 Logging
The complete and unmodified headers of each message are logged.
This was implemented to aid in determining precisely which headers
triggered particular rules and whatnot after the fact. At runtime, if
an error is reported, the headers causing the error are included, but
we thought there might be some value in being able to examine the
headers after the fact, or to be able to examine the data for
patterns over a period of time. This is also consistent with the
belief that where security is a concern, it is better not to need
what one has than not to have what one needs.
2.3.8 White Pages
This feature allows each user to have a bit of text that would
be intended as a biographical sketch available to other insiders.
Even among insiders, individual users have control over who sees
their white pages entries, by providing their preferred means of
handling requests to see their white pages entries. Available options
Deny Ask Allow 2.3.9 Remote Administration
While the software should be able to be administered directly
from the machine where it's running, a set of commands should be
available to the administrators, to allow them to administer the list
without having to login to the machine running the software.
Additionally, if there are changes that need to be made on more than
one machine, the software should accept the command, and then sync
the other systems to ensure that all systems are configured to agree
with each other.
Because of the nature of Internet email and the potential effects of accepting commands from attackers, the software does not execute commands unless it can be proven that they originated from an administrator. For this purpose, a valid PGP digital signature is required. Recently, we have added the ability for administrators and moderators to authenticate themselves via the use of the X-Password header mechanism. We don't recommend use of this mechanism; if it's at all possible, use PGP. 2.3.10 File serving
Having files (such as system documentation, or other files of
interest) available for insiders can be useful. Making them available
via HTTP [7,3] or FTP [
15] could be problematic, as these
are not subject to the same sorts of authentication mechanisms that
exist in Shibboleth. Making Shibboleth do this itself
has been most useful; requests are sent to Shibboleth as are
any other requests, and responses are sent via email, with the
requested files sent as MIME [8] attachments.
2.3.11 PGP Signature
Each list has the option of having all of its traffic PGP
signed [2]. That is, before
Shibboleth sends a message, it PGP signs the message with its
own key. This is an important option: all of the header checking in
the world won't do us any good if a user can be fooled by a simple
forgery that never went through the Shibboleth server. By
enabling the option to have all messages PGP signed, such forgeries
wouldn't be possible to perpetrate in a way that would fool most of
the users. They'd want to know where the signature is, or why the
signature doesn't verify properly.
2.3.12 Additional Sender
In addition to SMTP header checks and the use of the
X-Password header, Shibboleth supports PGP. A message
signed with PGP will be verified on the basis of the signature's
correctness. SMTP header checks will not be performed.
2.4 Additional Features
These are features that we should have, but have not yet implemented. 2.4.1 Peer support
Because of the processing requirements of the system, it is
desirable to have the ability to share the load among several
machines. Perhaps one machine receives incoming mail and handles
verification, while another machine receives the mail from the first
machine and handles subsequent processing. Once a more final version
of the features are available, we'll describe each of the parts'
interfaces, which will show where load can be split among
2.4.2 Configurable Load
The software should be configurable to be a system pig (i.e.,
handle redundant tasks with parallel processes or threads) or to be
nice (i.e., process everything sequentially; do not take up extra
2.4.3 Digest Generation
Shibboleth's digest is different from most systems'
digests. A digest can be requested by any user and an index of all of
the articles which have been posted to the specified list will be
returned. The user then chooses which articles he wants by quoting
the lines containing the articles he wants to read and sending that
mail back to the digester. The digester then sends those articles to
the requester, separately.
Something we're considering is the ability for users to receive mail in batches, perhaps through some sort of digest capability as described in RFC 1153 [21]. 3 Implementation
We'll limit our focus on implementation details that we believe to be the most relevant to our goals of privacy and security, particularly where we do things that aren't known to be done by other mailing list managers. 3.1 Language
Perl was chosen as the implementation language because it satisfied some important criteria for our application. Portability Safety Rich Library Pattern Matching 3.2 Sender Verification
Erring on the side of paranoia, we begin with the assumption that a message is from an outsider. We'll consider the verification process first and then consider the noteworthy parts in more detail. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3.3 Getting Mail to
Mailing lists typically require a few aliases to ensure that mail directed to the list's address will be delivered properly, as well as such variations as listname-owner. Because we need Shibboleth to process not only things directed specifically to it or to any of its lists, but also to any other insider, we would require a larger number of aliases. Shibboleth has the support necessary to generate and to maintain a separate MTA alias file. We actually favor a newfangled option ![]() By having mail go to a user account, we can also place the burden of managing the ID of the user running the process on the MTA. Rather than having to write our own setuid front-end for Shibboleth, the MTA will perform the setuid for us. This saves us some headaches in permissions related to aliases and other files we need to access. It's also much more easy for us to run from a single unprivileged account this way, making all of our database files, archives, and other data unreadable to all other system users. 3.3.1 Identifying the User
Each user's profile, as is shown in Figure 1 contains a list of Perl patterns;
an address that matches the pattern is associated with the user. This
allows users to send mail from any of their accounts, without
revealing how many such accounts they have, or even giving anyone any
idea that they have more than one. This is a convenience issue, as
mailing lists that accept mail only from subscribers are typically
less intelligent and require that one send mail from the exact
address that one uses to subscribe to the list. For those who do a
lot of contract work (thus changing daytime address often), those who
send mail from both home and work, or those who use more than one
machine, our solution is much more workable.
Headers that we examine for this case are the SMTP envelope's From (sometimes called From_ because MTAs have historically stored the value in a From header without a separating colon, but instead followed by a space and a timestamp) and the message's From header. 3.3.2 SMTP Header Checking In an effort to prevent outsiders from being able to send mail
by impersonating an insider and to prevent insiders from
impersonating each other by means of trivial SMTP forgery, we examine
each of the headers put in place by mail relays used to deliver the
message as well as the "domain part" (right side: that which
follows @) of the Message-ID.
wh-matt_curtin is Matt Curtin
Destination Email: cmcurtin@interhack.net Figure 1: Typical User Profile Again, each insider's profile contains a list of Perl patterns used to identify known SMTP relays. If any relay does not match one of the patterns in the profile, an error is signaled. For convenience, administrators can specify "clusters", a token that will be associated with a list of patterns. So, for example, if an installation has some number of insiders who are all AOL subscribers, each can have the *aol* cluster in his profile, and then the *aol* cluster can be made to recognize hosts that fit the pattern \S+\.(mx|mail)\.aol\.com and mrin[0-9]+. 3.3.3 X-Password
We recognize that PGP--our preference for authentication--is not
available to all. Nontechnical members on less capable platforms
might especially have difficulty using PGP correctly and finding
tools that allow them to use it conveniently. Lastly and ironically,
there are companies whose security organizations have banned the use
of PGP.
To provide an option for additional authentication for those who have no capability to PGP, Shibboleth supports a user-defined header that contains a password. This isn't considered a "high-security" option, as it's susceptible to replay attacks [9], just as is any reusable-password authentication scheme whose credentials are sent in cleartext. It is also important to note that use of PGP also provides the feature of nonrepudiation. If the X-Password feature is used instead of PGP, there is no nonrepudiation feature in the system. 3.4 Address Standardization
Several benefits are realized by the address standardization feature. A common problem with mailing lists is that responses to messages sent to mailing lists will have both the mailing list itself and the author of the message that prompted a response included on the copy-to list, resulting in some subscribers receiving several copies of messages in response to theirs or of messages even further down the thread. Implementation of the address standardization mechanism requires that all messages--both insider-to-insider and insider-to-list--be processed by Shibboleth. As such, we can prevent subscribers from receiving multiple copies of the same message, even if the author specifies a specific user's address and a list to which he subscribes. Sometimes, a Shibboleth user's shadowed address will fall into the hands of outsiders, either by way of oversight, perhaps a careless person forwarding the mail to outsiders without removing such headers, or intentionally. Perhaps a subscriber has been ejected for some reason and has saved addresses of other insiders. An outsider sending a message to an insider or addressing one of the Shibboleth lists will receive a "user unknown" bounce. A copy of the message will also be sent to the list administrators. This has proven to be an effective means of preventing unwanted traffic from finding its way to insiders. Never has unsolicited bulk email ("spam") ever made it to a subscriber, though some of our addresses appear to have been sold as part of at least one spam software package; the administrators got copies of the spam, as they would any message from an apparent outsider, but the insiders had no idea that the spam was ever directed their way. Individuals who unscrupulously add others to their lists without confirmation occasionally add an insider's shadowed address. After receiving the bounce, the list operator who added the shadowed address will typically remove the address. (If not, he will just keep getting bounces!) If an insider sends mail that includes outsiders, the message goes to an administrator for handling. If the administrator approves the message, Shibboleth will remove the outsiders' addresses, thus preventing any replies from insiders also being directed to outsiders. Replies from outsiders that include insider addresses will, of course, bounce. 3.5 Cryptographic Strength
A potential weakness for any moderation scheme is the authentication mechanism used for the moderators to identify themselves and the messages that they approve. As Shibboleth is fully integrated with PGP (albeit "classic" IDEA/RSA/MD5 PGP 2.6.x), we can easily require cryptographic strength moderation. Thus, defeating the moderation scheme would require a crack of a moderator's key, or the ability to forge an MD5 hashed signature, both of which are currently computationally infeasible. Messages to be moderated appear to be bounces to most mail user agents (MUA). MUAs that support a feature like "retry bounce", such as Kyle Jones's excellent VM for XEmacs and GNU Emacs, will work best, as the submissions can be read from the moderation queue, brought into a composition buffer, PGP signed, and then sent on their way. Shibboleth, upon seeing that the message has a valid PGP signature belonging to a moderator, will send the message on its way. It is noteworthy that only the part of the message that was signed will be passed. Anything outside of the delimiters for the signed message will not be included; neither will the PGP signature itself. Because we use a version of PGP that is not MIME-aware, PGP does not interfere with any of the MIMEisms that are in the original message. Its Content-type header is left unchanged, and the signature engulfs the entire message body, including all attachment data. Thus, when Shibboleth verifies the signature, it is verifying not only the content of the message, but also of all of the attachments. Any changes to the attachments in transit (such as, for example, the addition of a virus-infected file) would cause the signature to fail, causing the attempted approval message to go to the administrator for review. 3.6 Load Sharing
Instead of requiring that all processing and all outbound messages be sent via the same host, Shibboleth provides the ability to direct its outbound mail to another host. This allows the system running Shibboleth to share the burden of running the list: one machine can receive all of the incoming messages and handle that processing; another can be used to send all of the outbound messages. Other features that would enable a more granular level of load sharing have been planned. 3.7 Outgoing Messages
To prevent the leakage of header data that could provide information about a poster's address, Shibboleth does not simply forward the message to the appropriate users. Shibboleth actually creates a new message altogether. Shibboleth's configuration contains a list of Perl patterns whose headers should be preserved. This allows us to include things like Subject, without having to worry about what data might bleed in other headers. Outgoing messages have their own Message-ID headers generated, thus preventing the poster's MTA's domain name from being present in outgoing messages. Thus, all Message-IDs have the site name of the MTA that Shibboleth uses. As such, it is safe to configure Shibboleth to pass headers like In-Reply-To and References, which can be used for building threads. These headers should contain only Message-IDs that were generated by Shibboleth. In practice, we also allow such personal touches that are contained in headers like X-Face and X-Attribution. MIME works by passing such headers as MIME-Version and Content-type. This is all completely under the control of the list family administrator. For the sake of safety, Shibboleth adds an X-Loop header and will recognize its own token as a means of preventing mail loops. If the header and token are present in an incoming message, Shibboleth will not deliver the message; it will exit, logging the detection of a mail loop. 4 Administration
Administration of a Shibboleth installation tends to be somewhat intensive at first, while the system learns different addresses the insiders will use and what mail relays will deliver their mail. Once the system has been running for a while, the regular posters will have their profiles set properly, and the system will not report problems for them except in the cases of real errors or in major system configuration changes (such as an ISP buying another and changing an insider's address). The additional administration comes from the need to train the system to recognize the legitimate mail relays that are used by various insiders. Because we use Perl patterns, one need not list every possible relay host for each user: to allow any host with an alphanumeric name inside of the zone example.com, we can specify the pattern \w+\.example\.com. Beyond this, there is little difference in the administrative operation of a Shibboleth list, as compared to another list manager, such as Majordomo [5]. Because of our authentication system's requirement for strong authentication, it isn't practical for us to implement a web-based interface like that of Mailman [20]. 5 Future Work
We have identified some areas where Shibboleth could be improved. 5.1 Other Secure Mail
Support for emerging standards, such as OpenPGP [4] (which supports newer, sometimes more desirable options for ciphers and hashing algorithms) and perhaps S/MIME [17], would be useful. There are some tricky matters to be resolved here, especially in allowing a moderator to sign a signed message and sanely preserving MIME Content-type data, but it seems well within reach. An additional benefit to support of these standards would be that one could reasonably sign all outgoing messages without the need to be concerned whether such signing would create problems for MIME-formatted messages. (Our RFC 1991-compliant PGP, though convenient for approving MIME-formatted messages, isn't practical for signing things that will be reviewed by most MUAs. Our option to have Shibboleth sign all outgoing messages would prevent most MUAs from being able to decode MIME-formatted data properly. If we could perform the signing in a way that's friendly with MIME, the sign-outgoing-mail feature would be much more useful.) 5.2 Better Peer Support
Especially in an installation where many users digitally sign their submissions to the mailing list and where the system is signing each message it relays, CPU overhead could be significant. It would be nice if there were a more intelligent way to spread the load among some set of hosts, rather than placing all of the processing burden on one host and only providing the option of giving the delivery burden to another. 5.3 Better Moderation Scheme
Currently, there is a race condition for lists where there are multiple moderators: all moderators for a particular list get all copies of messages for that list to be moderated. As a result, multiple approval (and thus, multiple posts) are possible. We have managed this problem by convention, but a more intelligent system for moderation would include the ability for a moderator to get some number of messages from the moderation queue and then work on them himself, without leaving the possibility of duplicating another moderator's work. 5.4 Tolerance of SMTP
Our current implementation treats any irregularity as an error that could indicate forgery, thus requiring administrative attention. We have been thinking about ways of lightening this load somewhat without losing the benefits of SMTP header verification. The most interesting solution to this problem we've considered so far is the addition of a runtime parameter that will specify the number of irregularities that can be tolerated per message. Another runtime parameter could be used to indicate whether Shibboleth should automatically add the previously unknown relays to the user's profile if they are fewer than the specified number. Messages that have come through more unknown relays than that number could continue to be handled in the manner that today's errors are: administrative attention. Indeed, if they are not, messages will either mysteriously "disappear", or we'll override any benefits derived from checking the headers at all. 5.5 Local User Dilemma
People with local access via normal user accounts to systems that provide network services can often create problems for those network services. Shibboleth is no exception. Specifically, users who can inject a message locally can fool our SMTP header verification. Today, we do a simple enumeration of relays and compare those hosts to patterns in a user's profile. If any pattern in a user's profile does not match, no error is signaled. This is a mildly difficult problem, since the primary use for these lists of patterns is the allowance of posters to send either from home or from work. Were we to trigger an error if a pattern does not match, a message from such a user would need to be sent from home and work at the same time. The best solution to this problem is to improve the intelligence of the SMTP header parsing. Rather than being a simple enumeration of hosts to be checked against a pattern, the headers should be parsed, thus telling us which host injected the message into the network and which hosts merely relayed the message. Even in such a scenario, we're at the mercy of MTAs that are out of our control. Perhaps in practice, this will be good enough to provide us much more security than we have now. Whether this is true will probably depend on each installation, where its users originate their mail, and which MTAs those systems run. Depending on the MTA and its configuration, local users also have the ability to determine if a "user unknown" bounce is legitimately generated by the MTA or if it has been tricked into returning such an error. For the time being, we have to consider local users "trusted", and reducing such trust is an area for further study. 5.6 Reducing Necessary Trust in
As implemented, Shibboleth users must trust the administrators. Though insiders are protected from outsiders and from each other, they are not protected from administrators. Also, all administrators have full administrative access to the system. We're particularly intrigued by the possibility of future releases of Shibboleth actually distrusting administrators and hiding sensitive information--such as the members database--from them. Rather than having any single administrator being able to query the database for full user profiles, for example, what if we were to require that multiple administrators' signatures would be necessary to have Shibboleth reveal such information or perform especially "risky" operations? Another interesting possibility is where hosts would be used for initially introducing new insiders to the system, after which users would be individually responsible for maintaining their own profiles. (It seems obvious that this would work only for rather experienced or technical users, but could the system be made to be smart enough that this is no longer true?) 6 Conclusions
We have shown that it is possible for a group of people who wishes to keep to itself can do so, even in today's Internet. Despite the lack of strong authentication mechanisms for email at any level other than application, it is possible to identify mail from insiders, letting it flow normally, without requiring that mail from outsiders flow just as freely. Even less-than-perfect schemes, like SMTP's simple headers, can be employed to determine reasonably the authenticity of a message. Forcing all mail to insiders, public and private, to run through Shibboleth solves the problem of posters receiving multiple copies of posts later in the threads to which they contribute. Because only Shibboleth nyms are known, someone cannot infiltrate the group, collect messages, and then use those addresses for his own nefarious purposes later. Once someone is no longer an insider, those addresses immediately become useless to him. A simple checklist of features and requirements will show that we have satisfied our requirements. Our experience with running mailing lists with Shibboleth and enduring attacks against it gives us evidence that these safeguards have in fact worked. On a daily basis, we hear about the difficulty of privacy and security on the Internet. Though not a substitute for the needed support for security in our infrastructure through efforts like IPsec [12], making better use of what we have available can move us in the right direction and bring us much closer to the sort of well-behaved system that does our bidding, and only our bidding. 7 Acknowledgments
Much of the first implementation of the original design owes its existence to Eugene Sandulenko. Thanks to Ed Sheppard for suggesting the name and to Carolyne J. Butler for careful proofreading. References
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Footnotes
...option ...authentication. Matt Curtin
6/15/2000 |
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the 9th USENIX Security Symposium,
August 14-17, 2000, Denver, Colorado, USA
Last changed: 29 Jan. 2002 ml |