16th USENIX Security Symposium
Pp. 257274 of the Proceedings
Memory Performance Attacks:
Denial of Memory Service in Multi-Core Systems
Thomas Moscibroda | Onur Mutlu |
Microsoft Research
We are entering the multi-core era in computer science. All major
high-performance processor manufacturers have integrated at least two
cores (processors) on the same chip — and it is predicted that chips
with many more cores will become widespread in the near future. As
cores on the same chip share the DRAM memory system, multiple programs
executing on different cores can interfere with each others' memory
access requests, thereby adversely affecting one another's
In this paper, we demonstrate that current multi-core processors are
vulnerable to a new class of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks because
the memory system is “unfairly” shared among multiple cores. An
application can maliciously destroy the memory-related performance of
another application running on the same chip. We call such an
application a memory performance hog (MPH). With the widespread
deployment of multi-core systems in commodity desktop and laptop
computers, we expect MPHs to become a prevalent security issue that
could affect almost all computer users.
We show that an MPH can reduce the performance of another application
by 2.9 times in an existing dual-core system, without being
significantly slowed down itself; and this problem will become more
severe as more cores are integrated on the same chip. Our analysis
identifies the root causes of unfairness in the design of the memory
system that make multi-core processors vulnerable to MPHs. As a
solution to mitigate the performance impact of MPHs, we propose a new
memory system architecture that provides fairness to different
applications running on the same chip. Our evaluations show that this
memory system architecture is able to effectively contain the negative
performance impact of MPHs in not only dual-core but also 4-core and
8-core systems.
1 Introduction
For many decades, the performance of processors has increased by
hardware enhancements (increases in clock frequency and smarter
structures) that improved single-thread (sequential) performance. In
recent years, however, the immense complexity of processors as well
as limits on power-consumption has made it increasingly difficult to
further enhance single-thread performance [18].
For this reason, there has been a paradigm shift away from
implementing such additional enhancements. Instead, processor
manufacturers have moved on to integrating multiple processors on
the same chip in a tiled fashion to increase system performance
power-efficiently. In a multi-core chip, different
applications can be executed on different processing cores
concurrently, thereby improving overall system throughput (with the
hope that the execution of an application on one core does not
interfere with an application on another core). Current
high-performance general-purpose computers have at least two
processors on the same chip (e.g. Intel Pentium D and Core Duo (2
processors), Intel Core-2 Quad (4), Intel Montecito (2), AMD Opteron
(2), Sun Niagara (8), IBM Power 4/5 (2)). And, the industry trend is
toward integrating many more cores on the same chip. In fact, Intel
has announced experimental designs with up to 80 cores on
chip [16].
The arrival of multi-core architectures creates significant challenges
in the fields of computer architecture, software engineering for
parallelizing applications, and operating systems. In this paper, we
show that there are important challenges beyond these areas. In
particular, we expose a new security problem that arises due to the
design of multi-core architectures – a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack
that was not possible in a traditional single-threaded
processor.1 We identify the
“security holes” in the hardware design of multi-core systems that
make such attacks possible and propose a solution that mitigates the
In a multi-core chip, the DRAM memory system is shared among the
threads concurrently executing on different processing cores. The
way current DRAM memory systems work, it is possible that a thread
with a particular memory access pattern can occupy shared resources
in the memory system, preventing other threads from using those
resources efficiently. In effect, the memory requests of some
threads can be denied service by the memory system for long periods
of time. Thus, an aggressive memory-intensive application can
severely degrade the performance of other threads with which it is
co-scheduled (often without even being significantly slowed down
itself). We call such an aggressive application a Memory
Performance Hog (MPH). For example, we found that on an existing
dual-core Intel Pentium D system one aggressive application can slow
down another co-scheduled application by 2.9X while it suffers a
slowdown of only 18% itself. In a simulated 16-core system, the
effect is significantly worse: the same application can slow down
other co-scheduled applications by 14.6X while it slows down by only
4.4X. This shows that, although already severe today, the problem
caused by MPHs will become much more severe as processor
manufacturers integrate more cores on the same chip in the future.
There are three discomforting aspects of this novel security threat:
- First, an MPH can maliciously destroy the memory-related
performance of other programs that run on different processors on the
same chip. Such Denial of Service in a multi-core memory system can
ultimately cause significant discomfort and productivity loss to the
end user, and it can have unforeseen consequences. For instance, an
MPH (perhaps written by a competitor organization) could be used to
fool computer users into believing that some other applications are
inherently slow, even without causing easily observable effects on
system performance measures such as CPU usage. Or, an MPH can result
in very unfair billing procedures on grid-like computing systems where
users are charged based on CPU
hours [9].2 With the widespread deployment of
multi-core systems in commodity desktop, laptop, and server computers,
we expect MPHs to become a much more prevalent security issue that
could affect almost all computer users.
- •
- Second, the problem of memory performance attacks is radically
different from other, known attacks on shared resources in systems,
because it cannot be prevented in software. The operating system or
the compiler (or any other application) has no direct control over the
way memory requests are scheduled in the DRAM memory system. For this
reason, even carefully designed and otherwise highly secured systems
are vulnerable to memory performance attacks, unless a solution is
implemented in memory system hardware itself. For example,
numerous sophisticated software-based solutions are known to prevent
DoS and other attacks involving mobile or untrusted code
(e.g. [10, 25, 27, 5, 7]), but
these are unsuited to prevent our memory performance attacks.
- •
- Third, while an MPH can be designed intentionally, a regular
application can unintentionally behave like an MPH and damage the
memory-related performance of co-scheduled applications, too. This
is discomforting because an existing application that runs without
significantly affecting the performance of other applications in a
single-threaded system may deny memory system service to
co-scheduled applications in a multi-core system. Consequently,
critical applications can experience severe performance degradations
if they are co-scheduled with a non-critical but memory-intensive
The fundamental reason why an MPH can deny memory system
service to other applications lies in the “unfairness” in the design
of the multi-core memory system. State-of-the-art DRAM memory systems
service memory requests on a First-Ready First-Come-First-Serve
(FR-FCFS) basis to maximize memory bandwidth
utilization [30, 29, 23]. This scheduling approach
is suitable when a single thread is accessing the memory system
because it maximizes the utilization of memory bandwidth and is
therefore likely to ensure fast progress in the single-threaded
processing core. However, when multiple threads are accessing the
memory system, servicing the requests in an order that ignores which
thread generated the request can unfairly delay some thread's memory
requests while giving unfair preference to others. As a consequence,
the progress of an application running on one core can be
significantly hindered by an application executed on another.
In this paper, we identify the causes of unfairness in the DRAM memory
system that can result in DoS attacks by MPHs. We show how MPHs can be
implemented and quantify the performance loss of applications due to
unfairness in the memory system. Finally, we propose a new memory
system design that is based on a novel definition of DRAM
fairness. This design provides memory access fairness across
different threads in multi-core systems and thereby mitigates the
impact caused by a memory performance hog.
The major contributions we make in this paper are:
- We expose a new Denial of Service attack that can
significantly degrade application performance on multi-core systems
and we introduce the concept of Memory Performance Hogs (MPHs). An
MPH is an application that can destroy the memory-related
performance of another application running on a different processing
core on the same chip.
- •
- We demonstrate that MPHs are a real problem by evaluating the
performance impact of DoS attacks on both real and simulated
multi-core systems.
- •
- We identify the major causes in the design of the DRAM memory
system that result in DoS attacks: hardware algorithms that are unfair
across different threads accessing the memory system.
- •
- We describe and evaluate a new memory system design that
provides fairness across different threads and mitigates the large
negative performance impact of MPHs.
2 Background
We begin by providing a brief background on multi-core architectures
and modern DRAM memory systems. Throughout the section, we abstract
away many details in order to give just enough information necessary
to understand how the design of existing memory systems could lend
itself to denial of service attacks by explicitly-malicious programs
or real applications. Interested readers can find more details in
[30, 8, 41].
2.1 Multi-Core Architectures
Figure 1 shows the high-level architecture of a
processing system with one core (single-core), two cores (dual-core)
and N cores (N-core). In our terminology, a “core” includes the
instruction processing pipelines (integer and floating-point),
instruction execution units, and the L1 instruction and data
caches. Many general-purpose computers manufactured today look like
the dual-core system in that they have two separate but identical
cores. In some systems (AMD Athlon/Turion/Opteron, Intel Pentium-D),
each core has its own private L2 cache, while in others (Intel Core
Duo, IBM Power 4/5) the L2 cache is shared between different
cores. The choice of a shared vs. non-shared L2 cache affects the
performance of the system [19, 14] and a shared cache
can be a possible source of vulnerability to DoS attacks. However,
this is not the focus of our paper because DoS attacks at the L2 cache
level can be easily prevented by providing a private L2 cache to each
core (as already employed by some current systems) or by providing
“quotas” for each core in a shared L2 cache [28].
Regardless of whether or not the L2 cache is shared, the DRAM Memory
System of current multi-core systems is shared among all cores. In
contrast to the L2 cache, assigning a private DRAM memory system to
each core would significantly change the programming model of
shared-memory multiprocessing, which is commonly used in commercial
applications. Furthermore,
in a multi-core system, partitioning the DRAM memory system across
cores (while maintaining a shared-memory programming model) is
also undesirable because:
- DRAM memory is still a very expensive resource in modern
systems. Partitioning it requires more DRAM chips along with a
separate memory controller for each core, which significantly
increases the cost of a commodity general-purpose system, especially
in future systems that will incorporate tens of cores on chip.
- 2.
- In a partitioned DRAM system, a processor accessing a memory
location needs to issue a request to the DRAM partition that
contains the data for that location. This incurs additional latency
and a communication network to access another processor's DRAM if
the accessed address happens to reside in that partition.
For these reasons, we assume in this paper that each core
has a private L2 cache but all cores share the DRAM memory system. We
now describe the design of the DRAM memory system in state-of-the-art
2.2 DRAM Memory Systems
A DRAM memory system consists of three major components: (1) the DRAM
banks that store the actual data, (2) the DRAM controller (scheduler)
that schedules commands to read/write data from/to the DRAM banks, and
(3) DRAM address/data/command buses that connect the DRAM banks and
the DRAM controller.
2.2.1 DRAM Banks
A DRAM memory system is organized into multiple banks such that
memory requests to different banks can be serviced in parallel. As
shown in Figure 2 (left), each DRAM bank has a
two-dimensional structure, consisting of multiple rows and columns.
Consecutive addresses in memory are located in consecutive columns
in the same row.3 The size of a row varies, but it is
usually between 1-8Kbytes in commodity DRAMs. In other words, in a
system with 32-byte L2 cache blocks, a row contains 32-256 L2 cache
Figure 2: Left: Organization of a DRAM bank, Right: Organization of the DRAM controller |
Each bank has one row-buffer and data can only be
read from this buffer. The row-buffer contains at most a single row
at any given time. Due to the existence of the row-buffer, modern
DRAMs are not truly random access (equal access time to all
locations in the memory array). Instead, depending on the access
pattern to a bank, a DRAM access can fall into one of the three
following categories:
- Row hit: The access is to the row that is already in the
row-buffer. The requested column can simply be read
from or written into the row-buffer (called a column
access). This case results in the lowest latency (typically 30-50ns
round trip in commodity DRAM, including data transfer time, which
translates into 90-150 processor cycles for a core running at 3GHz
clock frequency). Note that sequential/streaming memory access
patterns (e.g. accesses to cache blocks A, A+1, A+2, ...) result in
row hits since the accessed cache blocks are in consecutive columns in
a row. Such requests can therefore be handled relatively quickly.
- 2.
- Row conflict: The access is to a row different from
the one that is currently in the row-buffer. In this case, the row
in the row-buffer first needs to be written back into the memory
array (called a row-close) because the row access had
destroyed the row's data in the memory array. Then, a row
access is performed to load the requested row into the row-buffer.
Finally, a column access is performed. Note that this case has much
higher latency than a row hit (typically 60-100ns or 180-300
processor cycles at 3GHz).
- 3.
- Row closed: There is no row in the row-buffer. Due to
various reasons (e.g. to save energy), DRAM memory controllers
sometimes close an open row in the row-buffer, leaving the
row-buffer empty. In this case, the required row needs to be first
loaded into the row-buffer (called a row access). Then, a
column access is performed. We mention this third case for the sake
of completeness because in the paper, we focus primarily on row hits
and row conflicts, which have the largest impact on our results.
Due to the nature of DRAM bank organization, sequential
accesses to the same row in the bank have low latency and can be
serviced at a faster rate. However, sequential accesses to different
rows in the same bank result in high latency. Therefore, to maximize
bandwidth, current DRAM controllers schedule accesses to the same
row in a bank before scheduling the accesses to a different row even
if those were generated earlier in time. We will later show how this
policy causes unfairness in the DRAM system and makes the system
vulnerable to DoS attacks.
2.2.2 DRAM Controller
The DRAM controller is the mediator between the on-chip caches and the
off-chip DRAM memory. It receives read/write requests from L2
caches. The addresses of these requests are at the granularity of the
L2 cache block. Figure 2 (right) shows the
architecture of the DRAM controller. The main components of the
controller are the memory request buffer and the memory
access scheduler.
The memory request buffer buffers the requests received for each
bank. It consists of separate bank request buffers. Each entry
in a bank request buffer contains the address (row and column), the
type (read or write), the timestamp, and the state of the request
along with storage for the data associated with the request.
The memory access scheduler is the brain of the memory controller.
Its main function is to select a memory request from the memory
request buffer to be sent to DRAM memory. It has a two-level
hierarchical organization as shown in
Figure 2. The first level consists of separate
per-bank schedulers. Each bank scheduler keeps track of the state of
the bank and selects the highest-priority request from its bank
request buffer. The second level consists of an across-bank scheduler
that selects the highest-priority request among all the requests
selected by the bank schedulers. When a request is scheduled by the
memory access scheduler, its state is updated in the bank request
buffer, and it is removed from the buffer when the request is served
by the bank (For simplicity, these control paths are not shown in
Figure 2).
2.2.3 Memory Access Scheduling Algorithm
Current memory access schedulers are designed to maximize the
bandwidth obtained from the DRAM memory. As shown in [30],
a simple request scheduling algorithm that serves requests based on a
first-come-first-serve policy is prohibitive, because it incurs a
large number of row conflicts. Instead, current memory access
schedulers usually employ what is called a First-Ready
First-Come-First-Serve (FR-FCFS) algorithm to select which request
should be scheduled next [30, 23]. This algorithm
prioritizes requests in the following order in a bank:
- Row-hit-first: A bank scheduler gives higher priority to
the requests that would be serviced faster. In other words, a request
that would result in a row hit is prioritized over one that would
cause a row conflict.
- 2.
- Oldest-within-bank-first: A bank scheduler gives higher priority to
the request that arrived earliest.
Selection from the requests chosen by the bank schedulers
is done as follows:
Oldest-across-banks-first: The across-bank DRAM bus scheduler
selects the request with the earliest arrival time among all the
requests selected by individual bank schedulers.
In summary, this algorithm strives to maximize DRAM
bandwidth by scheduling accesses that cause row hits first
(regardless of when these requests have arrived) within a bank.
Hence, streaming memory access patterns are prioritized within the
memory system. The oldest row-hit request has the highest priority
in the memory access scheduler. In contrast, the youngest
row-conflict request has the lowest priority.
2.3 Vulnerability of the Multi-Core DRAM Memory System to DoS Attacks
As described above, current DRAM memory systems do not distinguish
between the requests of different threads (i.e. cores)4. Therefore, multi-core systems are vulnerable to DoS attacks
that exploit unfairness in the memory system. Requests from a thread
with a particular access pattern can get prioritized by the memory
access scheduler over requests from other threads, thereby causing the
other threads to experience very long delays. We find that there are
two major reasons why one thread can deny service to another in
current DRAM memory systems:
- Unfairness of row-hit-first scheduling: A thread whose
accesses result in row hits gets higher priority compared to a thread
whose accesses result in row conflicts. We call an access pattern that
mainly results in row hits as a pattern with high row-buffer
locality. Thus, an application that has a high row-buffer locality
(e.g. one that is streaming through memory) can significantly delay
another application with low row-buffer locality if they happen to be
accessing the same DRAM banks.
- 2.
- Unfairness of oldest-first scheduling: Oldest-first
scheduling implicitly gives higher priority to those threads that can
generate memory requests at a faster rate than others. Such aggressive
threads can flood the memory system with requests at a faster rate
than the memory system can service. As such, aggressive threads can
fill the memory system's buffers with their requests, while less
memory-intensive threads are blocked from the memory system until all
the earlier-arriving requests from the aggressive threads are
Based on this understanding, it is possible to develop a
memory performance hog that effectively denies service to other
threads. In the next section, we describe an example MPH and show its
impact on another application.
3 Motivation: Examples of Denial of Memory Service in Existing Multi-Cores
In this section, we present measurements from real systems to
demonstrate that Denial of Memory Service attacks are possible in
existing multi-core systems.
3.1 Applications
Figure 3: Major loops of the stream (a) and rdarray (b)
programs |
We consider two applications to motivate the problem. One is a
modified version of the popular stream
benchmark [21], an application that streams through
memory and performs operations on two one-dimensional arrays. The
arrays in stream are sized such that they are much larger than
the L2 cache on a core. Each array consists of 2.5M 128-byte
Stream (Figure 3(a)) has very high row-buffer locality
since consecutive cache misses almost always access the same row
(limited only by the size of the row-buffer). Even though we cannot
directly measure the row-buffer hit rate in our real experimental
system (because hardware does not directly provide this information),
our simulations show that 96% of all memory requests in stream
result in row-hits.
The other application, called rdarray, is almost the
exact opposite of stream in terms of its row-buffer locality.
Its pseudo-code is shown in Figure 3(b). Although it
performs the same operations on two very large arrays (each
consisting of 2.5M 128-byte elements), rdarray accesses the
arrays in a pseudo-random fashion. The array indices accessed in
each iteration of the benchmark's main loop are determined using a
pseudo-random number generator. Consequently, this benchmark has
very low row-buffer locality; the likelihood that any two
outstanding L2 cache misses in the memory request buffer are to the
same row in a bank is low due to the pseudo-random generation of
array indices. Our simulations show that 97% of all requests in
rdarray result in row-conflicts.
3.2 Measurements
We ran the two applications alone and together on two existing
multi-core systems and one simulated future multi-core system.
3.2.1 A Dual-core System
The first system we examine is an Intel Pentium D 930 [17]
based dual-core system with 2GB SDRAM. In this system each core has
an L2 cache size of 2MB. Only the DRAM memory system is shared
between the two cores. The operating system is Windows XP
Professional.6 All the experiments were performed when the systems were
unloaded as much as possible. To account for possible variability
due to system state, each run was repeated 10 times and the
execution time results were averaged (error bars show the variance
across the repeated runs). Each application's main loop consists of
N=2.5· 106 iterations and was repeated 1000 times in the
Figure 4(a) shows the normalized execution time of
stream when run (1) alone, (2) concurrently with another copy of
stream, and (3) concurrently with
rdarray. Figure 4(b) shows the normalized
execution time of rdarray when run (1) alone, (2) concurrently with
another copy of rdarray, and (3) concurrently with stream.
When stream and rdarray execute concurrently on the two
different cores, stream is slowed down by only 18%. In
contrast, rdarray experiences a dramatic slowdown: its execution
time increases by up to 190%. Hence, stream effectively denies
memory service to rdarray without being significantly slowed
down itself.
We hypothesize that this behavior is due to the row-hit-first
scheduling policy in the DRAM memory controller. As most of
stream's memory requests hit in the row-buffer, they are prioritized
over rdarray's requests, most of which result in row
conflicts. Consequently, rdarray is denied access to the DRAM
banks that are being accessed by stream until the stream
program's access pattern moves on to another bank. With a row size of
8KB and a cache line size of 64B, 128 (=8KB/64B) of stream's
memory requests can be serviced by a DRAM bank before rdarray is
allowed to access that bank!7 Thus, due to the
thread-unfair implementation of the DRAM memory system, stream
can act as an MPH against rdarray.
Figure 4: Normalized execution time of (a) stream and (b)
rdarray when run alone/together on a dual-core system |
Note that the slowdown rdarray experiences when run with
stream (2.90X) is much greater than the slowdown it experiences
when run with another copy of rdarray (1.71X). Because neither
copy of rdarray has good row-buffer locality, another copy of
rdarray cannot deny service to rdarray by holding on to
a row-buffer for a long time. In this case, the performance loss
comes from increased bank conflicts and contention in the DRAM bus.
On the other hand, the slowdown stream experiences when run with
rdarray is significantly smaller than the slowdown it experiences when
run with another copy of stream. When two copies of stream run
together they are both able to deny access to each other because they
both have very high row-buffer locality. Because the rates at which
both streams generate memory requests are the same, the slowdown is
not as high as rdarray's slowdown with stream: copies of stream take
turns in denying access to each other (in different DRAM banks)
whereas stream always denies access to rdarray (in all DRAM
3.2.2 A Dual Dual-core System
The second system we examine is a dual dual-core AMD Opteron
275 [1] system with 4GB SDRAM. In this system, only the
DRAM memory system is shared between a total of four cores. Each
core has an L2 cache size of 1 MB. The operating system used was
RedHat Fedora Core 5. Figure 5(a) shows the
normalized execution time of stream when run (1) alone, (2)
with one copy of rdarray, (3) with 2 copies of rdarray,
(4) with 3 copies of rdarray, and (5) with 3 other copies of
stream. Figure 5(b) shows the normalized
execution time of rdarray in similar but “dual” setups.
Figure 5: Slowdown of (a) stream and (b) rdarray when run
alone/together on a dual dual-core system |
Similar to the results shown for the dual-core Intel system, the
performance of rdarray degrades much more significantly than the
performance of stream when the two applications are executed
together on the 4-core AMD system. In fact, stream slows down by
only 48% when it is executed concurrently with 3 copies of
rdarray. In contrast, rdarray slows down by 408% when running
concurrently with 3 copies of stream. Again, we hypothesize that
this difference in slowdowns is due to the row-hit-first policy
employed in the DRAM controller.
3.2.3 A Simulated 16-core System
While the problem of MPHs is severe even in current dual- or
dual-dual-core systems, it will be significantly aggravated in
future multi-core systems consisting of many more cores. To
demonstrate the severity of the problem, Figure 6
shows the normalized execution time of stream and
rdarray when run concurrently with 15 copies of stream or 15
copies of rdarray, along with their normalized execution times
when 8 copies of each application are run together. Note that our
simulation methodology and simulator parameters are described in
Section 6.1. In a 16-core system, our memory
performance hog, stream, slows down rdarray by 14.6X
while rdarray slows down stream by only 4.4X. Hence,
stream is an even more effective performance hog in a 16-core
system, indicating that the problem of “memory performance
attacks” will become more severe in the future if the memory system
is not adjusted to prevent them.
Figure 6: Slowdown of (a) stream and (b) rdarray when
run alone and together on a simulated 16-core system |
4 Towards a Solution: Fairness in DRAM Memory Systems
The fundamental unifying cause of the attacks demonstrated in the
previous section is unfairness in the shared DRAM memory
system. The problem is that the memory system cannot distinguish
whether a harmful memory access pattern issued by a thread is due to
a malicious attack, due to erroneous programming, or simply a
necessary memory behavior of a specific application. Therefore, the
best the DRAM memory scheduler can do is to contain and limit
memory attacks by providing fairness among different threads.
Difficulty of Defining DRAM Fairness: But what exactly
constitutes fairness in DRAM memory systems? As it turns out,
answering this question is non-trivial and coming up with a reasonable
definition is somewhat problematic. For instance, simple algorithms
that schedule requests in such a way that memory latencies are equally
distributed among different threads disregard the fact that different
threads have different amounts of row-buffer locality. As a
consequence, such
equal-latency scheduling algorithms will unduly slow down
threads that have high row-buffer locality and prioritize threads that
have poor row-buffer locality. Whereas the standard FR-FCFS scheduling
algorithm can starve threads with poor row-buffer locality
(Section 2.3), any algorithm seeking egalitarian
memory fairness would unfairly punish “well-behaving” threads with
good row-buffer locality. Neither of the two options therefore rules
out unfairness and the possibility of memory attacks.
Another challenge is that DRAM memory systems have a notion of
state (consisting of the currently buffered rows in each
bank). For this reason, well-studied notions of fairness that deal
with stateless systems cannot be applied in our setting. In
network fair
queuing [24, 40, 3], for example,
the idea is that if N processes share a common channel with
bandwidth B, every process should achieve exactly the same
performance as if it had a single channel of bandwidth B/N. When
mapping the same notion of fairness onto a DRAM memory system (as
done in [23]), however, the memory scheduler would need
to schedule requests in such a way as to guarantee the following:
In a multi-core system with N threads, no thread should run
slower than the same thread on a single-core system with a DRAM memory
system that runs at 1/Nth of the speed. Unfortunately, because
memory banks have state and row conflicts incur a higher latency than
row hit accesses, this notion of fairness is ill-defined. Consider for
instance two threads in a dual-core system that constantly access the
same bank but different rows. While each of these threads by itself
has perfect row-buffer locality, running them together will inevitably
result in row-buffer conflicts. Hence, it is impossible to schedule
these threads in such a way that each thread runs at the same speed as
if it ran by itself on a system at half the speed. On the other hand,
requests from two threads that consistently access different banks
could (almost) entirely be scheduled in parallel and there is no
reason why the memory scheduler should be allowed to slow these
threads down by a factor of 2.
In summary, in the context of memory systems, notions of
fairness–such as network fair queuing–that attempt to equalize the
latencies experienced by different threads are unsuitable. In a DRAM
memory system, it is neither possible to achieve such a fairness nor
would achieving it significantly reduce the risk of memory
performance attacks. In Section 4.1, we will
present a novel definition of DRAM fairness that takes into account
the inherent row-buffer locality of threads and attempts to balance
the “relative slowdowns”.
The Idleness Problem: In addition to the above
observations, it is important to observe that any scheme that tries to
balance latencies between threads runs into the risk of what we call
the idleness problem. Threads that are temporarily idle (not
issuing many memory requests, for instance due to a
computation-intensive program phase) will be slowed down when
returning to a more memory intensive access pattern. On the other
hand, in certain solutions based on network fair
queuing [23], a memory hog could intentionally issue no or
few memory requests for a period of time. During that time, other
threads could “move ahead” at a proportionally lower latency, such
that, when the malicious thread returns to an intensive access
pattern, it is temporarily prioritized and normal threads are
blocked. The idleness problem therefore poses a severe security risk:
By exploiting it, an attacking memory hog could temporarily slow down
or even block time-critical applications with high performance
stability requirements from memory.
4.1 Fair Memory Scheduling: A Model
As discussed, standard notions of fairness fail in providing fair
execution and hence, security, when mapping them onto shared memory
systems. The crucial insight that leads to a better notion of
fairness is that we need to dissect the memory latency
experienced by a thread into two parts: First, the latency that is
inherent to the thread itself (depending on its row-buffer locality)
and second, the latency that is caused by contention with other
threads in the shared DRAM memory system. A fair memory system
should—unlike the approaches so far—schedule requests in such a
way that the second latency component is fairly distributed,
while the first component remains untouched. With this, it is clear
why our novel notion of DRAM shared memory fairness is based
on the following intuition: In a multi-core system with N
threads, no thread should suffer more relative performance
slowdown—compared to the performance it gets if it used the same
memory system by itself—than any other thread. Because each
thread's slowdown is thus measured against its own baseline
performance (single execution on the same system), this notion of
fairness successfully dissects the two components of latency and
takes into account the inherent characteristics of each thread.
In more technical terms, we consider a measure χi for each
currently executed thread i.8 This
measure captures the price (in terms of relative additional latency)
a thread i pays because the shared memory system is used by
multiple threads in parallel in a multi-core architecture. In order
to provide fairness and contain the risk of denial of memory service
attacks, the memory controller should schedule outstanding requests
in the buffer in such a way that the χi values are as balanced
as possible. Such a scheduling will ensure that each thread only
suffers a fair amount of additional latency that is caused by the
parallel usage of the shared memory system.
Formal Definition: Our definition of the measure χi
is based on the notion of cumulated bank-latency Li,b
that we define as follows.
Definition 1
For each thread i and bank b, the cumulated bank-latency
Li,b is the number of memory cycles during which there exists an
outstanding memory request by thread i for bank b in the memory
request buffer. The cumulated latency of a thread
Li=∑bLi,b is the sum of all cumulated bank-latencies of
thread i.
The motivation for this formulation of Li,b is best seen when
considering latencies on the level of individual memory requests.
Consider a thread i and let Ri,bk denote the kth memory
request of thread i that accesses bank b. Each such request
Ri,bk is associated with three specific times: Its arrival
time ai,bk when it is entered into the request buffer; its
finish time fi,bk, when it is completely serviced by the bank
and sent to processor i's cache; and finally, the request's
activation time
si,bk := max{fi,bk−1,ai,bk}.
This is the earliest time when request Ri,bk could be
scheduled by the bank scheduler. It is the larger of its arrival
time and the finish time of the previous request Ri,bk−1
that was issued by the same thread to the same bank. A request's
activation time marks the point in time from which on Ri,bk is
responsible for the ensuing latency of thread i; before
si,bk, the request was either not sent to the memory system or
an earlier request to the same bank by the same thread was
generating the latency. With these definitions, the amortized
latency ℓi,bk of request Ri,bk is the difference
between its finish time and its activation time, i.e., ℓi,bk
= fi,bk − si,bk. By the definition of the activation time
si,bk, it is clear that at any point in time, the amortized
latency of exactly one outstanding request is increasing (if there
is at least one in the request buffer). Hence, when describing
time in terms of executed memory cycles, our definition of cumulated
bank-latency Li,b corresponds exactly to the sum over all
amortized latencies to this bank, i.e., Li,b =
In order to compute the experienced slowdown of each thread, we
compare the actual experienced cumulated latency Li of each
thread i to an imaginary, ideal single-core cumulated
latency Li that serves as a baseline. This latency
Li is the minimal cumulated latency that thread i
would have accrued if it had run as the only thread in the system
using the same DRAM memory; it captures the latency component of
Li that is inherent to the thread itself and not caused by
contention with other threads. Hence, threads with good and bad
row-buffer locality have small and large Li,
respectively. The measure χi that captures the relative
slowdown of thread i caused by multi-core parallelism can now be
defined as follows.
Definition 2
For a thread i, the DRAM memory slowdown index χi is
the ratio between its cumulated latency Li and its ideal
single-core cumulated latency Li:9
Finally, we define the DRAM unfairness Ψ of a DRAM
memory system as the ratio between the maximum and minimum slowdown
index over all currently executed threads in the
The “ideal” DRAM unfairness index Ψ=1 is achieved if all
threads experience exactly the same slowdown; the higher Ψ, the
more unbalanced is the experienced slowdown of different threads.
The goal of a fair memory access scheduling algorithm is therefore
to achieve a Ψ that is as close to 1 as possible. This
ensures that no thread is over-proportionally slowed down due to the
shared nature of DRAM memory in multi-core systems.
Notice that by taking into account the different row-buffer localities
of different threads, our definition of DRAM unfairness prevents
punishing threads for having either good or bad memory access
behavior. Hence, a scheduling algorithm that achieves low DRAM
unfairness mitigates the risk that any thread in the system,
regardless of its bank and row access pattern, is unduly bogged down
by other threads. Notice further that DRAM unfairness is virtually
unaffected by the idleness problem, because both cumulated latencies
Li and ideal single-core cumulated latencies Li are
only accrued when there are requests in the memory request buffer.
Short-Term vs. Long-Term Fairness: So far, the aspect of
time-scale has remained unspecified in our definition of
DRAM-unfairness. Both Li and Li continue to
increase throughout the lifetime of a thread. Consequently, a
short-term unfair treatment of a thread would have increasingly
little impact on its slowdown index χi. While still providing
long-term fairness, threads that have been running for a long time
could become vulnerable to short-term DoS attacks even if the
scheduling algorithm enforced an upper bound on DRAM unfairness
Ψ. In this way, delay-sensitive applications could be blocked
from DRAM memory for limited periods of time.
We therefore generalize all our definitions to include an additional
parameter T that denotes the time-scale for which the definitions
apply. In particular, Li(T) and Li(T) are the
maximum (ideal single-core) cumulated latencies over all
time-intervals of duration T during which thread i is active.
Similarly, χi(T) and Ψ(T) are defined as the maximum
values over all time-intervals of length T. The parameter T in
these definitions determines how short- or long-term the considered
fairness is. In particular, a memory scheduling algorithm with good
long term fairness will have small Ψ(T) for large T, but
possibly large Ψ(T') for smaller T'. In view of the security
issues raised in this paper, it is clear that a memory scheduling
algorithm should aim at achieving small Ψ(T) for both small and
large T.
5 Our Solution
In this section, we propose FairMem, a new fair memory scheduling
algorithm that achieves good fairness according to the definition in
Section 4 and hence, reduces the risk of
memory-related DoS attacks.
5.1 Basic Idea
The reason why MPHs can exist in multi-core systems is the
unfairness in current memory access schedulers. Therefore, the idea
of our new scheduling algorithm is to enforce fairness by balancing
the relative memory-related slowdowns experienced by different
threads. The algorithm schedules requests in such a way that each
thread experiences a similar degree of memory-related slowdown
relative to its performance when run alone.
In order to achieve this goal, the algorithm maintains a value
(χi in our model of Section 4.1) that
characterizes the relative slowdown of each thread. As long as all
threads have roughly the same slowdown, the algorithm schedules
requests using the regular FR-FCFS mechanism. When the slowdowns of
different threads start diverging and the difference exceeds a certain
threshold (i.e., when Ψ becomes too large), however, the
algorithm switches to an alternative scheduling mechanism and starts
prioritizing requests issued by threads experiencing large slowdowns.
5.2 Fair Memory Scheduling Algorithm (FairMem)
The memory scheduling algorithm we propose for use in DRAM
controllers for multi-core systems is defined by means of two input
parameters, α and β. These parameters can be used to
fine-tune the involved trade-offs between fairness and throughput on
the one hand (α) and short-term versus long-term fairness on
the other (β). More concretely, α is a parameter
that expresses to what extent the scheduler is allowed to optimize
for DRAM throughput at the cost of fairness, i.e., how much DRAM
unfairness is tolerable. The parameter β corresponds to the
time-interval T that denotes the time-scale of the above fairness
condition. In particular, the memory controller divides time into
windows of duration β and, for each thread maintains an
accurate account of its accumulated latencies Li(β) and
Li(β) in the current time window.10
Instead of using the (FR-FCFS) algorithm described in
Section 2.2.3, our algorithm first determines
two candidate requests from each bank b, one according
to each of the following rules:
- Highest FR-FCFS priority: Let RFR-FCFS be the request to bank b that has the highest priority according
to the FR-FCFS scheduling policy of
Section 2.2.3. That is, row hits have higher
priority than row conflicts, and—given this partial ordering—the
oldest request is served first.
- •
- Highest fairness-index: Let i' be the thread with highest current DRAM
memory slowdown index χi'(β) that has at least one
outstanding request in the memory request buffer to bank b. Among
all requests to b issued by i', let RFair be the
one with highest FR-FCFS priority.
Between these two candidates, the algorithm chooses the
request to be scheduled based on the following rule:
- Fairness-oriented Selection: Let χℓ(β) and χs(β) denote largest and
smallest DRAM memory slowdown index of any request in the memory
request buffer for a current time window of duration β. If it
holds that
then RFair is selected by bank b's scheduler and
RFR-FCFS otherwise.
Instead of using the oldest-across-banks-first strategy as
used in current DRAM memory schedulers, selection from requests chosen
by the bank schedulers is handled as follows:
Highest-DRAM-fairness-index-first across banks: The request
with highest slowdown index χi(β) among all selected
bank-requests is sent on the shared DRAM bus.
In principle, the algorithm is built to ensure that at no time DRAM
unfairness Ψ(β) exceeds the parameter α. Whenever
there is the risk of exceeding this threshold, the memory controller
will switch to a mode in which it starts prioritizing threads with
higher χi values, which decreases χi. It also increases
the χj values of threads that have had little slowdown so far.
Consequently, this strategy balances large and small slowdowns, which
decreases DRAM unfairness and—as shown in
Section 6—keeps potential memory-related DoS
attacks in check.
Notice that this algorithm does not–in fact, cannot–guarantee that
the DRAM unfairness Ψ does stay below the predetermined threshold
α at all times. The impossibility of this can be seen when
considering the corner-case α=1. In this case, a violation
occurs after the first request regardless of which request is
scheduled by the algorithm. On the other hand, the algorithm always
attempts to keep the necessary violations to a minimum.
Another advantage of our scheme is that an approximate version of it
lends itself to efficient implementation in hardware. Finally,
notice that our algorithm is robust with regard to the
idleness problem mentioned in
Section 4. In particular, neither Li nor
Li is increased or decreased if a thread has no
outstanding memory requests in the request buffer. Hence, not issuing
any requests for some period of time (either intentionally or
unintentionally) does not affect this or any other thread's priority
in the buffer.
5.3 Hardware Implementations
The algorithm as described so far is abstract in the sense that it
assumes a memory controller that always has full knowledge of every
active (currently-executed) thread's Li and Li. In this
section, we show how this exact scheme could be implemented, and we
also briefly discuss a more efficient practical hardware
Exact Implementation: Theoretically, it is possible to
ensure that the memory controller always keeps accurate information
of Li(β) and Li(β). Keeping track of
Li(β) for each thread is simple. For each active thread, a
counter maintains the number of memory cycles during which at least
one request of this thread is buffered for each bank. After
completion of the window β (or when a new thread is scheduled
on a core), counters are reset. The more difficult part of
maintaining an accurate account of Li(β) can be
done as follows: At all times, maintain for each active thread i
and for each bank the row that would currently be in the row-buffer
if i had been the only thread using the DRAM memory system. This
can be done by simulating an FR-FCFS priority scheme for each thread
and bank that ignores all requests issued by threads other than i.
The ℓi,bk latency of each request Ri,bk
then corresponds to the latency this request would have caused if
DRAM memory was not shared. Whenever a request is served, the memory
controller can add this “ideal latency” to the corresponding
Li,b(β) of that thread and–if
necessary–update the simulated state of the row-buffer accordingly.
For instance, assume that a request Ri,bk is served, but
results in a row conflict. Assume further that the same request
would have been a row hit, if thread i had run by itself, i.e.,
Ri,bk−1 accesses the same row as Ri,bk. In this case,
Li,b(β) is increased by row-hit latency
Thit, whereas Li,b(β) is increased by the
bank-conflict latency Tconf. By thus “simulating” its own
execution for each thread, the memory controller obtains accurate
information for all Li,b(β).
The obvious problem with the above implementation is that it is
expensive in terms of hardware overhead. It requires maintaining at
least one counter for each core×bank pair. Similarly severe,
it requires one divider per core in order to compute the value
χi(β)=Li(β)/Li(β) for the thread
that is currently running on that core in every memory cycle.
Fortunately, much less expensive hardware implementations are possible
because the memory controller does not need to know the exact values
of Li,b and Li,b at any given moment. Instead,
using reasonably accurate approximate values suffices to maintain an
excellent level of fairness and security.
Reduce counters by sampling: Using sampling techniques, the
number of counters that need to be maintained can be reduced from
O(#Banks× #Cores) to
O(#Cores) with only little loss in accuracy. Briefly,
the idea is the following. For each core and its active thread, we
keep two counters Si and Hi denoting the number of samples and
sampled hits, respectively. Instead of keeping track of the exact
row that would be open in the row-buffer if a thread i was running
alone, we randomly sample a subset of requests Ri,bk issued by
thread i and check whether the next request by i to the same
bank, Ri,bk+1, is for the same row. If so, the memory
controller increases both Si and Hi, otherwise, only Si is
increased. Requests Ri,b'q to different banks b'≠ b
served between Ri,bk and Ri,bk+1 are ignored. Finally,
if none of the Q requests of thread i following Ri,bk go
to bank b, the sample is discarded, neither Si nor Hi is
increased, and a new sample request is taken. With this technique,
the probability Hi/Si that a request results in a row hit gives
the memory controller a reasonably accurate picture of each thread's
row-buffer locality. An approximation of Li can thus
be maintained by adding the expected amortized latency to it
whenever a request is served, i.e.,
Linew := Liold + | ⎛
⎝ | Hi/Si·
Thit + (1−Hi/Si)· Tconf | ⎞
⎠ | .
Reuse dividers: The ideal scheme employs
O(#Cores) hardware dividers, which significantly increases
the memory controller's energy consumption. Instead, a single divider
can be used for all cores by assigning individual threads to it in a
round robin fashion. That is, while the slowdowns Li(β) and
Li(β) can be updated in every memory cycle, their
quotient χi(β) is recomputed in intervals.
6 Evaluation
6.1 Experimental Methodology
We evaluate our solution using a detailed processor and memory system
simulator based on the Pin dynamic binary instrumentation
tool [20]. Our in-house instruction-level performance
simulator can simulate applications compiled for the x86 instruction
set architecture. We simulate the memory system in detail using a
model loosely based on DRAMsim [36]. Both our processor
model and the memory model mimic the design of a modern
high-performance dual-core processor loosely based on the Intel
Pentium M [11]. The size/bandwidth/latency/capacity of
different processor structures along with the number of cores and
other structures are parameters to the simulator. The simulator
faithfully models the bandwidth, latency, and capacity of each buffer,
bus, and structure in the memory subsystem (including the caches,
memory controller, DRAM buses, and DRAM banks). The relevant
parameters of the modeled baseline processor are shown in
Table 1. Unless otherwise stated, all evaluations
in this section are performed on a simulated dual-core system using
these parameters. For our measurements with the FairMem system
presented in Section 5, the parameters are set to
α=1.025 and β=105.
Processor pipeline | 4 GHz processor, 128-entry instruction window, 12-stage pipeline |
Fetch/Execute width per core | 3 instructions can be fetched/executed every cycle; only 1 can be a memory operation |
L1 Caches | 32 K-byte per-core, 4-way set associative, 32-byte block size, 2-cycle latency |
L2 Caches | 512 K-byte per core, 8-way set associative, 32-byte block size, 12-cycle latency |
Memory controller | 128 request buffer entries, FR-FCFS baseline scheduling policy, runs at 2 GHz |
DRAM parameters | 8 banks, 2K-byte row-buffer |
DRAM latency (round-trip L2 miss latency) | row-buffer hit: 50ns (200 cycles), closed: 75ns (300 cycles), conflict: 100ns (400 cycles) |
Table 1: Baseline processor configuration |
We simulate each application for 100 million x86 instructions. The
portions of applications that are simulated are determined using the
SimPoint tool [32], which selects simulation points in the
application that are representative of the application's behavior as a
whole. Our applications include stream and rdarray
(described in Section 3), several large benchmarks
from the SPEC CPU2000 benchmark suite [34], and one
memory-intensive benchmark from the Olden suite [31]. These
applications are described in Table 2.
Benchmark | Suite | Brief description | Base performance | L2-misses per 1K inst. | row-buffer hit rate |
stream | Microbenchmark | Streaming on 32-byte-element arrays | 46.30 cycles/inst. | 629.65 | 96% |
rdarray | Microbenchmark | Random access on arrays | 56.29 cycles/inst. | 629.18 | 3% |
small-stream | Microbenchmark | Streaming on 4-byte-element arrays | 13.86 cycles/inst. | 71.43 | 97% |
art | SPEC 2000 FP | Object recognition in thermal image | 7.85 cycles/inst. | 70.82 | 88% |
crafty | SPEC 2000 INT | Chess game | 0.64 cycles/inst. | 0.35 | 15% |
health | Olden | Columbian health care system simulator | 7.24 cycles/inst. | 83.45 | 27% |
mcf | SPEC 2000 INT | Single-depot vehicle scheduling | 4.73 cycles/inst. | 45.95 | 51% |
vpr | SPEC 2000 INT | FPGA circuit placement and routing | 1.71 cycles/inst. | 5.08 | 14% |
Table 2: Evaluated applications and their performance
characteristics on the baseline processor |
6.2 Evaluation Results
6.2.1 Dual-core Systems
Two microbenchmark applications - stream and rdarray:
Figure 7 shows the normalized execution
time of stream and rdarray applications when run alone
or together using either the baseline FR-FCFS or our FairMem memory
scheduling algorithms. Execution time of each application is
normalized to the execution time they experience when they are run
alone using the FR-FCFS scheduling algorithm (This is true for all
normalized results in this paper). When stream and
rdarray are run together on the baseline system,
stream—which acts as an MPH—experiences a slowdown of only
1.22X whereas rdarray slows down by 2.45X. In contrast, a
memory controller that uses our FairMem algorithm prevents
stream from behaving like an MPH against rdarray – both
applications experience similar slowdowns when run together.
FairMem does not significantly affect performance when the
applications are run alone or when run with identical copies of
themselves (i.e. when memory performance is not unfairly
impacted). These experiments show that our simulated system closely
matches the behavior we observe in an existing dual-core system
(Figure 4), and that FairMem successfully
provides fairness among threads. Next, we show that with real
applications, the effect of an MPH can be drastic.
Figure 7: Slowdown of (a) stream and (b) rdarray
benchmarks using FR-FCFS and our FairMem algorithm |
Effect on real applications:
Figure 8 shows the normalized execution
time of 8 different pairs of applications when run alone or together
using either the baseline FR-FCFS or FairMem. The results show that 1)
an MPH can severely damage the performance of another application, and
2) our FairMem algorithm is effective at preventing it. For example,
when stream and health are run together in the baseline
system, stream acts as an MPH slowing down health by 8.6X
while itself being slowed down by only 1.05X. This is because it has 7
times higher L2 miss rate and much higher row-buffer locality (96%
vs. 27%) — therefore, it exploits unfairness in both row-buffer-hit
first and oldest-first scheduling policies by flooding the memory
system with its requests. When the two applications are run on our
FairMem system,
health's slowdown is reduced from 8.63X to 2.28X. The figure
also shows that even regular applications with high row-buffer
locality can act as MPHs. For instance when art and vpr
are run together in the baseline system, art acts as an MPH
slowing down vpr by 2.35X while itself being slowed down by
only 1.05X. When the two are run on our FairMem system, each slows
down by only 1.35X; thus, art is no longer a performance hog.
Figure 8: Slowdown of different application combinations using
FR-FCFS and our FairMem algorithm |
Effect on Throughput and Unfairness:
Table 3 shows the overall throughput (in terms
of executed instructions per 1000 cycles) and DRAM unfairness
(relative difference between the maximum and minimum memory-related
slowdowns, defined as Ψ in Section 4) when
different application combinations are executed together. In all
cases, FairMem reduces the unfairness to below 1.20 (Remember that
1.00 is the best possible Ψ value). Interestingly, in most cases,
FairMem also improves overall throughput significantly. This is
especially true when a very memory-intensive application (e.g.
stream) is run with a much less memory-intensive application
| Baseline (FR-FCFS) | FairMem | Throughput | Fairness |
1.5ex[0pt]Combination | Throughput | Unfairness | Throughput | Unfairness | improvement | improvement |
stream-rdarray | 24.8 | 2.00 | 22.5 | 1.06 | 0.91X | 1.89X |
art-vpr | 401.4 | 2.23 | 513.0 | 1.00 | 1.28X | 2.23X |
health-vpr | 463.8 | 1.56 | 508.4 | 1.09 | 1.10X | 1.43X |
art-health | 179.3 | 1.62 | 178.5 | 1.15 | 0.99X | 1.41X |
rdarray-art | 65.9 | 2.24 | 97.1 | 1.06 | 1.47X | 2.11X |
stream-health | 38.0 | 8.14 | 72.5 | 1.18 | 1.91X | 6.90X |
stream-vpr | 87.2 | 8.73 | 390.6 | 1.11 | 4.48X | 7.86X |
stream-mcf | 63.1 | 5.17 | 117.1 | 1.08 | 1.86X | 4.79X |
stream-art | 51.2 | 4.06 | 98.6 | 1.06 | 1.93X | 3.83X |
Table 3: Effect of FairMem on overall throughput (in terms of
instructions per 1000 cycles) and unfairness |
Providing fairness leads to higher overall system throughput because
it enables better utilization of the cores (i.e. better utilization of
the multi-core system). The baseline FR-FCFS algorithm significantly
hinders the progress of a less memory-intensive application, whereas
FairMem allows this application to stall less due to the memory
system, thereby enabling it to make fast progress through its
instruction stream. Hence, rather than wasting execution cycles due to
unfairly-induced memory stalls, some cores are better utilized with
FairMem.11 On the other hand, FairMem reduces the overall throughput
by 9% when two extremely memory-intensive applications,stream
and rdarray, are run concurrently. In this case, enforcing
fairness reduces stream's data throughput without significantly
increasing rdarray's throughput because rdarray encounters
L2 cache misses as frequently as stream (see
Table 2).
6.2.2 Effect of Row-buffer Size
From the above discussions, it is clear that the exploitation of
row-buffer locality by the DRAM memory controller makes the
multi-core memory system vulnerable to DoS attacks. The extent to which
this vulnerability can be exploited is determined by the size of the
row-buffer. In this section, we examine the impact of row-buffer
size on the effectiveness of our algorithm. For these sensitivity
experiments we use two real applications, art and vpr, where art
behaves as an MPH against vpr.
Figure 9 shows the mutual impact of art and
vpr on machines with different row-buffer sizes. Additional
statistics are presented in Table 4. As
row-buffer size increases, the extent to which art becomes a
memory performance hog for vpr increases when FR-FCFS scheduling
algorithm is used. In a system with very small, 512-byte row-buffers,
vpr experiences a slowdown of 1.65X (versus art's
1.05X). In a system with very large, 64 KB row-buffers, vpr
experiences a slowdown of 5.50X (versus art's 1.03X). Because
art has very high row-buffer locality, a large buffer size
allows its accesses to occupy a bank much longer than a small buffer
size does. Hence, art's ability to deny bank service to
vpr increases with row-buffer size. FairMem effectively contains this
denial of service and results in similar slowdowns for both art
and vpr (1.32X to 1.41X). It is commonly assumed that row-buffer
sizes will increase in the future to allow better throughput for
streaming applications [41]. As our results show, this
implies that memory-related DoS attacks will become a larger problem
and algorithms to prevent them will become more
Figure 9: Normalized execution time of art and vpr when run
together on processors with different row-buffer sizes.
Execution time is independently normalized to each machine with
different row-buffer size. |
| 512 B | 1 KB | 2 KB | 4 KB | 8 KB | 16 KB | 32 KB | 64 KB |
art's row-buffer hit rate | 56% | 67% | 87% | 91% | 92% | 93% | 95% | 98% |
vpr's row-buffer hit rate | 13% | 15% | 17% | 19% | 23% | 28% | 38% | 41% |
FairMem throughput improvement | 1.08X | 1.16X | 1.28X | 1.44X | 1.62X | 1.88X | 2.23X | 2.64X |
FairMem fairness improvement | 1.55X | 1.75X | 2.23X | 2.42X | 2.62X | 3.14X | 3.88X | 5.13X |
Table 4: Statistics for art and vpr with different
row-buffer sizes |
Figure 10: Slowdown of art and vpr when run
together on processors with various number of DRAM
banks. Execution time is independently normalized to
each machine with different number of banks. |
| 1 bank | 2 banks | 4 banks | 8 banks | 16 banks | 32 banks | 64 banks |
art-vpr base throughput (IPTC) | 122 | 210 | 304 | 401 | 507 | 617 | 707 |
art-vpr FairMem throughput (IPTC) | 190 | 287 | 402 | 513 | 606 | 690 | 751 |
FairMem throughput improvement | 1.56X | 1.37X | 1.32X | 1.28X | 1.20X | 1.12X | 1.06X |
FairMem fairness improvement | 2.67X | 2.57X | 2.35X | 2.23X | 1.70X | 1.50X | 1.18X |
Table 5: Statistics for art-vpr with different number of
DRAM banks (IPTC: Instructions/1000-cycles) |
6.2.3 Effect of Number of Banks
The number of DRAM banks is another important parameter that affects
how much two threads can interfere with each others' memory
accesses. Figure 10 shows the impact of art and
vpr on each other on machines with different number of DRAM
banks. As the number of banks increases, the available parallelism in
the memory system increases, and thus art becomes less of a
performance hog; its memory requests conflict less with vpr's
requests. Regardless of the number of banks, our mechanism
significantly mitigates the performance impact of art on
vpr while at the same time improving overall throughput as shown in
Table 5. Current DRAMs usually employ 4-16
banks because a larger number of banks increases the cost of the DRAM
system. In a system with 4 banks, art slows down vpr by
2.64X (while itself being slowed down by only 1.10X). FairMem is able
to reduce vpr's slowdown to only 1.62X and improve overall
throughput by 32%. In fact, Table 5 shows
that FairMem achieves the same throughput on only 4 banks as the
baseline scheduling algorithm on 8 banks.
6.2.4 Effect of Memory Latency
Clearly, memory latency also has an impact on the vulnerability in the
DRAM system. Figure 11 shows how different DRAM
latencies influence the mutual performance impact of art and
vpr. We vary the round-trip latency of a request that hits in
the row-buffer from 50 to 1000 processor clock cycles, and scale
closed/conflict latencies proportionally. As memory latency increases, the impact of
art on vpr also increases. Vpr's slowdown is 1.89X
with a 50-cycle latency versus 2.57X with a 1000-cycle latency. Again,
FairMem reduces art's impact on vpr for all examined
memory latencies while also improving overall system throughput (Table 6). As
main DRAM latencies are expected to increase in modern processors (in
terms of processor clock cycles) [39], scheduling
algorithms that mitigate the impact of MPHs will become more important
and effective in the future.
Figure 11: Slowdown of art and vpr when run
together on processors with different DRAM access latencies.
Execution time is independently normalized to each machine with
different number of banks. Row-buffer hit latency is denoted. |
| 50 cycles | 100 cycles | 200 cycles | 300 cycles | 400 cycles | 500 cycles | 1000 cycles |
art-vpr base throughput (IPTC) | 1229 | 728 | 401 | 278 | 212 | 172 | 88 |
art-vpr FairMem throughput (IPTC) | 1459 | 905 | 513 | 359 | 276 | 224 | 114 |
FairMem throughput improvement | 1.19X | 1.24X | 1.28X | 1.29X | 1.30X | 1.30X | 1.30X |
FairMem fairness improvement | 1.69X | 1.82X | 2.23X | 2.21X | 2.25X | 2.23X | 2.22X |
: Statistics for art-vpr with different DRAM
latencies (IPTC: Instructions/1000-cycles) |
Figure 12: Effect of FR-FCFS and FairMem scheduling on different
application mixes in a 4-core system |
6.2.5 Effect of Number of Cores
Finally, this section analyzes FairMem within the context of 4-core
and 8-core systems. Our results show that FairMem effectively
mitigates the impact of MPHs while improving overall system throughput
in both 4-core and 8-core systems running different application mixes
with varying memory-intensiveness.
Figure 12 shows the effect of FairMem on three different
application mixes run on a 4-core system. In all the mixes,
stream and small-stream act as severe MPHs when run on the
baseline FR-FCFS system, slowing down other applications by up to
10.4X (and at least 3.5X) while themselves being slowed down by no
more than 1.10X. FairMem reduces the maximum slowdown caused by these
two hogs to at most 2.98X while also improving the overall throughput
of the system (Table 7).
Figure 13 shows the effect of FairMem on three different
application mixes run on an 8-core system. Again, in the baseline
system, stream and small-stream act as MPHs, sometimes
degrading the performance of another application by as much as
17.6X. FairMem effectively contains the negative performance impact
caused by the MPHs for all three application mixes. Furthermore, it is
important to observe that FairMem is also effective at isolating
non-memory-intensive applications (such as crafty in MIX2 and
MIX3) from the performance degradation caused by the MPHs. Even though
crafty rarely generates a memory request (0.35 times per 1000
instructions), it is slowed down by 7.85X by the baseline system when
run within MIX2! With FairMem crafty's rare memory requests are
not unfairly delayed due to a memory performance hog — and its
slowdown is reduced to only 2.28X. The same effect is also observed
for crafty in MIX3.13 We conclude that FairMem provides
fairness in the memory system, which improves the performance of both
memory-intensive and non-memory-intensive applications that are
unfairly delayed by an MPH.
Figure 13: Effect of FR-FCFS and FairMem scheduling on different
application mixes in an 8-core system |
| 4p-MIX1 | 4p-MIX2 | 4p-MIX3 | 8p-MIX1 | 8p-MIX2 | 8p-MIX3 |
base throughput (IPTC) | 107 | 156 | 163 | 131 | 625 | 1793 |
FairMem throughput (IPTC) | 179 | 338 | 234 | 189 | 1233 | 2809 |
base unfairness (Ψ) | 8.05 | 8.71 | 10.98 | 7.89 | 13.56 | 10.11 |
FairMem unfairness (Ψ) | 1.09 | 1.32 | 1.21 | 1.18 | 1.34 | 1.32 |
FairMem throughput improvement | 1.67X | 2.17X | 1.44X | 1.44X | 1.97X | 1.57X |
FairMem fairness improvement | 7.39X | 6.60X | 9.07X | 6.69X | 10.11X | 7.66X |
Table 7: Throughput and fairness statistics for 4-core and 8-core
systems |
7 Related Work
The possibility of exploiting vulnerabilities in the software
system to deny memory allocation to other applications has been
considered in a number of works. For example, [37]
describes an attack in which one process continuously allocates
virtual memory and causes other processes on the same machine to run
out of memory space because swap space on disk is exhausted. The
“memory performance attack” we present in this paper is conceptually
very different from such “memory allocation attacks” because (1) it
exploits vulnerabilities in the hardware system, (2) it is not
amenable to software solutions — the hardware algorithms must be
modified to mitigate the impact of attacks, and (3) it can be caused
even unintentionally by well-written, non-malicious but
memory-intensive applications.
There are only few research papers that consider hardware
security issues in computer architecture. Woo and Lee [38]
describe similar shared-resource attacks that were developed
concurrently with this work, but they do not show that the attacks are
effective in real multi-core systems. In their work, a malicious
thread tries to displace the data of another thread from the shared
caches or to saturate the on-chip or off-chip bandwidth. In contrast,
our attack exploits the unfairness in the DRAM memory scheduling
algorithms; hence their attacks and ours are complementary.
Grunwald and Ghiasi [12] investigate the possibility of
microarchitectural denial of service attacks in SMT (simultaneous
multithreading) processors. They show that SMT processors exhibit a
number of vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious
threads. More specifically, they study a number of DoS attacks that
affect caching behavior, including one that uses self-modifying code
to cause the trace cache to be flushed. The authors then propose
counter-measures that ensure fair pipeline utilization. The work of
Hasan et al. [13] studies in a simulator the possibility
of so-called heat stroke attacks that repeatedly access a
shared resource to create a hot spot at the resource, thus slowing
down the SMT pipeline. The authors propose a solution that selectively
slows down malicious threads. These two papers present involved ways
of “hacking” existing systems using sophisticated techniques such as
self-modifying code or identifying on-chip hardware resources that can
heat up. In contrast, our paper describes a more prevalent problem: a
trivial type of attack that could be easily developed by anyone who
writes a program. In fact, even existing simple applications may
behave like memory performance hogs and future multi-core systems are
bound to become even more vulnerable to MPHs. In addition, neither of
the above works consider vulnerabilities in shared DRAM memory in
multi-core architectures.
The FR-FCFS scheduling algorithm implemented in many current
single-core and multi-core systems was studied
in [30, 29, 15, 23], and its best
implementation—the one we presented in
Section 2—is due to Rixner et
al [30]. This algorithm was initially developed for
single-threaded applications and shows good throughput performance in
such scenarios. As shown in [23], however, it can have
negative effects on fairness in chip-multiprocessor systems. The
performance impact of different memory scheduling techniques in SMT
processors and multiprocessors has been considered
in [42, 22].
Fairness issues in managing access to shared resources have been
studied in a variety of contexts. Network fair queuing has been
studied in order to offer guaranteed service to simultaneous flows
over a shared network link, e.g., [24, 40, 3],
and techniques from network fair queuing have since been applied in
numerous fields, e.g., CPU scheduling [6]. The best
currently known algorithm for network fair scheduling that also
effectively solves the idleness problem was proposed
in [2]. In [23], Nesbit et al. propose a fair
memory scheduler that uses the definition of fairness in network
queuing and is based on techniques from [3, 40]. As
we pointed out in Section 4, directly mapping
the definitions and techniques from network fair queuing to DRAM
memory scheduling is problematic. Also, the scheduling algorithm
in [23] can significantly suffer from the idleness
problem. Fairness in disk scheduling has been studied
in [4, 26]. The techniques used to achieve fairness
in disk access are highly influenced by the physical association of
data on the disk (cylinders, tracks, sectors, etc.) and can therefore
not directly be applied in DRAM scheduling.
Shared hardware caches in multi-core systems have been studied
extensively in recent years,
e.g. in [35, 19, 14, 28, 9]. Suh
et al. [35] and Kim et al. [19] develop
hardware techniques to provide thread-fairness in shared
caches. Fedorova et al. [9] and Suh et
al. [35] propose modifications to the operating system
scheduler to allow each thread its fair share of the cache. These
solutions do not directly apply to DRAM memory controllers. However,
the solution we examine in this paper has interactions with both the
operating system scheduler and the fairness mechanisms used in shared
caches, which we intend to examine in future work.
8 Conclusion
The advent of multi-core architectures has spurred a lot of excitement
in recent years. It is widely regarded as the most promising direction
towards increasing computer performance in the current era of
power-consumption-limited processor design. In this paper, we show
that this development—besides posing numerous challenges in fields
like computer architecture, software engineering, or operating
systems—bears important security risks.
In particular, we have shown that due to unfairness in the memory
system of multi-core architectures, some applications can act as
memory performance hogs and destroy the memory-related
performance of other applications that run on different processors
in the chip; without even being significantly slowed down
themselves. In order to contain the potential of such attacks, we
have proposed a memory request scheduling algorithm whose design is
based on our novel definition of DRAM fairness. As the number of
processors integrated on a single chip increases, and as multi-chip
architectures become ubiquitous, the danger of memory performance
hogs is bound to aggravate in the future and more sophisticated
solutions may be required. We hope that this paper helps in raising
awareness of the security issues involved in the rapid shift towards
ever-larger multi-core architectures.
We especially thank Burton Smith for continued inspiring discussions
on this work. We also thank Hyesoon Kim, Chris Brumme, Mark Oskin,
Rich Draves, Trishul Chilimbi, Dan Simon, John Dunagan, Yi-Min Wang,
and the anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions on
earlier drafts of this paper.
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