Security '05 - Submit a paper
This form allows you to submit a paper for the
Security '05, August 1-8, 2005 to be held in Baltimore, MD.
The form asks for the following information:
- The full contact details of one author who will act as the primary contact
for this paper.
- The email addresses of all of the authors.
- Which, if any, of the authors are full-time students.
- You will be asked to enter (not upload) a short abstract for
the paper. Please use plain text, not HTML.
- You will be asked to upload a full paper using
the Web file upload mechanism.
- Your uploaded file should contain a full paper in PDF Format.
- PDF appears to be the safest and most portable way of moving text page
images from one place to another. You should format your original page
for US Letter size. We prefer submission in PDF. PDF files are detected
by examining the first PDF characters of the file, if they are '%PDF'
then file is assumed to be in PDF format.
If you have all this information available, the press Submit to start the
registration process. Submission is not complete until you
see a page titled `Thank You'. If you do not see this page, then you have not
completed the submission process. Some browsers do not support file upload, and occasionally
caches get in the way of the proper functioning of the form.