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11th USENIX Security Symposium, August 5-9, 2002, San Francisco Marriott, San Francisco, California, USA
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Hotel Update - Lower Room Rate!
As a benefit to you, the SF Marriott is now offering a significantly reduced rate of $159.00 (+tax) per night at the conference hotel to all Symposium attendees.

If you have not already made your room reservation, or if you have reserved a room at another hotel, we would like to encourage you to stay in the headquarter hotel and when making your reservation, be sure to state that you are attending the USENIX conference.

Why should you stay in the headquarter hotel?

We would like to encourage you to stay in the headquarter hotel(s) and when making your reservation remember to state that you are attending the USENIX conference.

USENIX conferences use a lot of meeting space and rental fees can be quite costly. As a result, USENIX always negotiates contracts that contain guarantees that a certain number of sleeping rooms will be used during our conferences. And, when those guarantees are not met, USENIX is assessed penalties which sometimes are quite high.

As a benefit to you, USENIX is able to leverage these guarantees to negotiate discounted rates for your stay. Widespread defection from the headquarters hotel will inevitably lead to higher registration fees for everyone. It will also lead to hotels declining to book USENIX conferences.

Although we try to negotiate the best possible rates, we recognize that not everyone can afford to stay in the headquarters hotel. We always try to choose sites that have less expensive options in the immediate area. We also recommend roomsharing ( is good for this purpose).

Thank you for your understanding.

USENIX has negotiated special rates for conference attendees at the San Francisco Marriott Hotel. Contact the hotel directly to make your reservation as soon as possible. You must mention USENIX to get the special rate. A one-night room deposit must be guaranteed to a major credit card.

San Francisco Marriott Hotel
55 Fourth St
San Francisco, CA 94103
Toll-free: 1.800.228.9290
Telephone: +1.415.896.1600
Fax: +1.415.777.2799
Room Rates (single/double occupancy): $215.00 $159.00
(plus local and state taxes, currently 14.5%)

Click here for online Hotel Reservations.

Need a Roommate?
Usenet facilitates room-sharing. If you wish to share a room, post to and check

Special discounted airfares have been negotiated with United Airlines:

  • 5% off any published fare on United Airlines, United Express, or Shuttle by United.
  • 10% off coach fares (BUA) when reservations are made in "M" class and utilize the MTGUA Unique Fare Basis Code.

Make reservations through your travel agent or directly with United Airlines at 1.800.521.4041. Refer to Meeting ID Number 510CH.

San Francisco: SFO is approximately 25 minutes (13 miles) from the San Francisco Marriott. Please visit for more information about taxi and shuttle service to and from SFO.

Oakland: The Oakland airport (OAK) is approximately 35 minutes (19 miles) from the San Francisco Marriott. Please visit for more information about taxi and shuttle service to and from the Oakland airport.

BART: The nearest BART station is at Powell street, one block north of the Marriott. Look at the BART schedule and maps.

Caltrain: Muni buses 15, 30, 45 and 81X run frequently from the Caltrain station to 3th & Market (and from 4th & Market back to the station), and cost $1.00. Total travel time from Palo Alto ranges from 75 to 90 minutes, depending on the train.

Valet parking is offered at the San Francisco Marriott for $35, which includes in-and-out privileges. Self-parking is available across the street from the Marriott at the Fifth and Mission Parking Garage, at $18.00 per day, without in-and-out privileges.

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